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122 lines (101 loc) · 5.71 KB


A PyTorch implementation of the conjugate gradient method for least-squares regression, with a Slurm-based shell script wrapper for complex use cases.


  • Slurm
  • Python 3 (accessible using python3)
  • R v3.4 or higher (accessible using R and Rscript)
  • Python packages: PyTorch v1.1 or higher, rpy2
  • R packages: rhdf5


Place the shell scripts in the user's path. Place somewhere accessible to the user, and set the variable GPULS_PY_PATH in gpuls accordingly. Set the NODENAME variable to the names of the Slurm compute nodes to send gpuls jobs to.


The following is an example GPULS command using the provided simulated data:

$ gpuls -i \
  -x Simulated_Data/sample_data_single_block.RData \
  -e Simulated_Data/sample_data_environmental_factor.RData \
  -y Simulated_Data/sample_data_phenotype.RData \
  -o Simulated_Data/gpuls_results.RData

This will produce regression results in the RData file Simulated_Data/gpuls_results.RData, equivalent to a call like lm(y ~ X * E) in R.


Data formats

Input files can be formatted as .txt (no column names permitted), .Rdata/.RData where the the matrix is stored as the only element in a named list, or as an .h5 file where the matrix is the only data element.

Missing values are not allowed.

Execution procedure

First, the script computes A = Xhat^T . Xhat, where Xhat is the predictor matrix generated from the inputs X (and optionally E). The script then uses the size of A to estimate the number of GPUs required to complete the regression. The script then calls the conjugate gradient descent routine, splitting A across multiple GPUs if necessary. Once converged, the solution is copied back to the CPU and written to the filesystem.

Intermediate files are stored in .h5 format, and can be preserved by passing the -k flag to GPULS.

Memory considerations

All matrix entries are stored as 64-bit (8 byte) floats.

Matrix size limits depend generally on the total amount of CPU and GPU RAM available on your system. In general, sufficient CPU RAM is required to compute Xhat^T . Xhat and sufficient GPU RAM is required to store Xhat^T . Xhat in block form, possibly split across multiple GPUs. Thus, memory usage scales approximately quadratically with the number of predictors (i.e., P * (E + 1) where P is the number of columns in X and E is the number of environmental factors in the regression or 0 if not estimating any interaction terms).

Full documentation string

$ gpuls
 gpuls v0.2.0
 Usage: gpuls -x X_MATRIX -y Y_VECTOR [-e E_MATRIX] [FLAGS] -o OUTPUT
 Compute the GPU least squares solution for the regression y ~ X, where y is
 a continuous phenotype and X is a (potentially large) matrix.
 -x  X_MATRIX        Path to the X matrix. Valid formats are .txt, where
                     samples are in the rows, .RData/.Rdata where it is
                     stored as a matrix or as the only element in a named
                     list, or in .h5 where it is the only data element.
 -y  Y_MATRIX        Path to the Y matrix. Valid formats are .txt, where
                     samples are in the rows, .RData/.Rdata where it is
                     stored as a vector or as the only element in a named
                     list, or in .h5 where it is the only data element.
[-e  E_MATRIX]       Optional: a path to the matrix containing Q
                     environmental factors coded as a 0/1 or continuous
[-g]                 Optional: if switched, will run SLOWLY but will return
                     the pvalues of significance tests for individual
                     coefficients in the output key "t_p_values"
[-k]                 Optional: if switched, will not delete the temporary
                     files (A and b) generated.
[-n]                 Optional: if switched, will include a G x E interaction
                     term in the model, for a total of (Q + 1) * P terms.
[-t]                 Optional: if switched, will include the E term in the
[-i]                 Optional: if switched, will include an intercept term
                     in the regression model.
[-q]                 Optional: if switched, quantile normalize the genotype
[-r]                 Optional: if switched, quantile normalize the environment
[-s]                 Optional: if switched, quantile normalize the GxE
                     interaction term.
[-p]                 Optional: if switched, precondition the inputs (can be slow).
 -o  OUTPUT          Path to the output file. Valid formats are .h5, which
                     will have the keys: "betas" (the vector of coefficients),
                     "ypred" (the predicted y values), "R2", the computed
                     coefficient of determination, "adj_R2", the computed
                     adjusted coefficient of determination, "f_statistic",
                     the F-statistic (where the null model is just an
                     intercept when one is included in the model, or where
                     the null model is one with no terms in the case when
                     there is no intercept in the model), and "f_p_value" for
                     the corresponding p-value. Alternatively, .Rdata where
                     the result will be a named list with the same keys as in
                     .h5 but as names.
 -h                  Print this help.