Anyone can help Haiku. If you love what Haiku is all about, you can get involved. It's up to you what you want to do and how much time you contribute. If you are interested, keep reading to find out how you can help out!
Donations help Haiku keep going - as an open-source project, our only source of income is donations, and these help us cover operational costs (i.e. web hosting) as well as other expenses like expenditure for open-source events. You can donate to Haiku here.
We really appreciate any and all donations - any amount will make a difference!
There are various ways to donate to Haiku - Haiku Inc. is the non-profit organisation which collects donations, holds trademarks and intellectual property and manages the finances of Haiku.
Anyone can help Haiku. If you love what Haiku is all about, you can get involved. It’s up to you what you want to do and how much time you contribute.
Here's a brief run down of some of the help we could use:
This is the quickest and easiest way to help us out. Simply use Haiku and report any problems or issues you encounter using the Bug Tracker. Make sure you include enough information (i.e. what hardware are you using, what version of Haiku are you running etc.)
The Haiku forums are one of the first stops for people wanting to submit ideas and to ask for help about various Haiku-related problems. This does not necessarily involve lots of time, but people with knowledge of Haiku and a desire to help others are desirable in this line of work.
We also have an International section where users post in languages other than English.
Legal expertise is a great opportunity for someone to be a sizable help for Haiku without having to do much. On occasion, there are legal questions which are best answered by someone in the profession. For example, earlier this year there was discussion about handling the Haiku trademark. While the majority of the need is for U.S. law, having legal counsel for other countries would be quite helpful, particularly in Western Europe.
The reason why most people don’t read software manuals is because they stink. Haiku needs people with good English skills who can write reference material for people who don’t know much about Haiku. This includes both basic usage and tips and tricks. This can involve significant amounts of time or just a few hours here and there.