An Audio Media Library Manager using the Qt 5 GUI framework
Because the world needs a Media Library Manager which is Awesome.
Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023, 2024, 2025 Gary R. Van Sickle
Really this is just me experimenting with a number of things:
- The Qt application framework
- Creating a complete Qt GUI app, including:
- A portable installer
- Unit testing via GoogleTest and QTest
- Coordinating all build duties with CMake.
- Adding continuations (".then()") to QFuture()s.
- Identifying and playing individual tracks from a full-CD FLAC rip.
- ...and I'm sure a bunch of other stuff I've forgotten since I last touched this.
The Windows installer here worked the last time I tried it and gave you a not-completely-useless media player for your troubles.
I should maybe get back to this project some day....