- Allow parsing new versions of SignalP and add more options
- Log directory check
- Initial check for FASTA file
- Add option to detect if possible contamination from BLAST (inspiration from MEGAN)
- Include no DB mode for scripts - for debugging
- Move all database process as a last step in the end
- Include some testing and CI
- Visualization of results
- Venn Diagrams
- Allow conversion from GenBank https://metacpan.org/pod/bp_genbank2gff3.pl
- Allow reports from KEGG orthologs (number of potential orthologs from KEGG species)
- blast_hit reconsider
- Allow more flexibility for input parameters batch
- Generalize and consider other programs for BLAST process or similar annotation processes: e.g. GHOSTZ and Argot2.5
- Migrate to DSL2
- Add PhylomeDB in analysis
- Add PANNZER in analysis