A list of useful resources for helping you do science in the open.
- Open Grants - a list of grants that are openly available on the web. These grants can help with learning grantsmanship, understanding particular funders and their programs, and communicating science.
- Open Science Prize - aims to unleash the power of open content and data to advance biomedical research and its application for health benefit.
- ContentMine Fellowships - liberate scientific facts from academic journals and help to enable anyone to perform research using content mining.
- Panton Fellowships - researchers who actively promote open data in all areas of science and research.
- Knight-Mozilla Open News - for people who love to code and want to influence the future of journalism on the web.
- Open Con - a platform for the next generation to learn about Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data.
- Creative Commons Global Summit - collaborative and fun space for anyone in the world to explore the future of the Commons and sharing for users, creators, and activists.
- WOSP - exploring the potential of text and data mining technologies to improve the process of how research is being done.
- MozWOW - set of trainings to teach open science practice and develop projects.
- CSV,Conf - community conference for data makers everywhere.
- FORCE - future of research communications and e-scholarship.
- JupyterCon - communicating data, management, and collaboration.
- OpenConCam - about open access, open data, and open education.
- ODSC - for anyone who wants to connect to the data science community and contribute to open source applications.
- Liber - about the role libraries have in open science.
- Shaking it up - making the open science mandate work for you.
- MozFest - citizen science, open data, learning and research.
- GOSH! - learning about, and building open science hardware.
- Open Science Workflow - an introduction in Open Science for researchers of all disciplines.
- World Brain - create, search, and share your personal web of knowledge.
- SciHub - the first website in the world to provide mass and public access to research papers.
- Quickscrape - a simple command-line tool for powerful, modern website scraping.
- Getpapers - get metadata, fulltexts or fulltext URLs of papers matching a search query.
- Open Retractions - check for retraction notices of any journal article.
- Authorea - write, cite, collaborate, host data, and publish all in one place.
- Bionumbers - the database of useful biological numbers.
- Retraction Watch - tracking retractions as a window into the scientific process.
- Zotero - a personal research assisstent within your browser.
- Hypothes.is - annoate the web: discuss, collaborate, organise your research.
- Open Knowledge Maps - visualise a research topic.
- Scholar Ninja - an open, distributed search engine for science.
- Open Access Button - avoid paywalls, access data.
- Impact Story - track the online impact of your research.
- Open retractions - check for retraction notices from any journal.
- Authorea - write live documents, collaboratively online.
- Share LaTeX - the easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor.
- Overleaf - online LaTeX and rich text collaborative writing and publishing tool.
- Creative Commons - helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity.
- Unpaywall:browser plugin that let you download legal versions of scientific papers.
- F1000 - an open science publishing platform for life sciences that offers immediate publication and transparent peer review.
- The BMJ - international peer reviewed medical journal with open access.
- PeerJ - efficiently publishing the world's knowledge through internet-scale innovation and open access licensing to save your time, your money, and to maximize recognition of your contributions.
- Wellcome Open Research - a new way for Wellcome-funded researchers to rapidly publish any results they think are worth sharing.
- PLOS - nonprofit publisher, innovator and advocacy organisation.
- Royal Society Open Science - fast, open journal covering all of science, maths, and engineering.
- Mozilla Science Lab - making research open and accessible.
- Berlin Open Science Meetup
- BioJulia - bioinformatics and computational biology in the Julia language.
- Jupyter - interactive data and scientific computing.
- ContentMine - mine facts collaboratively, taking advantage of the Hargreaves Exception.
- Open Knowledge Foundation - international network realising the value of open data.
- ROpenSci - access data repositories from the R statistical programming environment.
- Zooniverse - the world’s largest and most popular platform for people-powered research.
- Paperhive - simplifying research communication and transforming reading into a process of collaboration.
- Altmetric - tracks a range of sources to capture and collate activity, helping you to monitor and report on the attention surrounding the work you care about.
- Coko Foundation - evolve how knowledge is created, produced and reported.
- Internet Archive - library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
- Dat - distributed data sharing tool.
- COAR - open access repository network.
- OpenAIRE - network of open repositories, archives, and journals.
- Bionode - modular and universal bioinformatics.
- EFF - nonprofit organisation defending civil liberties in the digital world.
- PubPeer - online journal club.
- Digital Science - working with researchers, institutions, publishers, and funders to increase efficiency and productivity.
- Open Citations - making citation links easy and free to traverse.
- DryadLab - curated general-purpose repository that makes the data underlying scientific publications discoverable, freely reusable, and citable.
- FigShare - helps academic institutions store, share and manage all of their research outputs.
- Dataverse - open source research data repository.
- DataCite - locate, identify and cite research data.
- Arxiv - open access to pre-prints in physics, maths, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, and statistics.
- BioRxiv - the pre-print server for biology
- Academic Torrents - community maintained distributed repository for datasets and scientific knowledge.
- Open Science Framework - a scholarly commons to connect the entire research cycle.
- Zenodo - open repository for the storage of research material output and doi assignation.
- Data Carpentry - building communities and teaching universal data literacy.
- Software Carpentry - teaching basic lab skills for research computing.
- Open Science: an Introduction - develop the perspective, knowledge, and skills to make research more open.
- Open science training handbook - Open handbook supporting educators of Open Science, including methods, techniques, and practices.
- Foster Open Science - training resources for those who need to know more about Open Science.
To the extent possible under law,
Steph Smith-Unna
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
this work.