In order to build, Go to Go
module root directory location (productinfo/go/server) and execute the following
shell command,
go build -v -o bin/server
In order to run, Go to Go
module root directory location (productinfo/go/server) and execute the following
shell command,
In order to build, Go to Go
module root directory location (productinfo/go/client) and execute the following
shell command,
go build -v -o bin/client
In order to run, Go to Go
module root directory location (productinfo/go/client) and execute the following
shell command,
Pre-generated stub file is included in the go project. If you need to generate the stub files please use the below command from the root directory(inside productinfo directory)
protoc -I proto/ proto/product_info.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:go/server/ecommerce