We are to generate a palindrome from a series of words. One idea is to generate all permutations and check if it is a palindrome. However, a more careful and efficient technique is as follows. Pick a pair of words A and B. Check if the words A and B matches up to a length of the shortest word. If so, append them to a string. Remove them from the set and recursively pick new words. If we reach a point where we do not find any solution, we simply backtrack. We can do this in (pretty ugly) Python code:
import socket, copy
def palindrome(words, left, right, sl, sr):
if len(words) > 1:
for i in range(0,len(words)):
for j in range(0,len(words)):
l = words[i]
r = words[j]
if i != j:
right_p = r + right
left_p = left + l
sl_p = sl + ' ' + l
sr_p = r + ' ' + sr
p = min(len(right_p), len(left_p))
if left_p[:p] == right_p[::-1][:p]:
M = copy.copy(words)
y = palindrome(M, left_p, right_p, sl_p, sr_p)
if y != False:
return y
elif len(words) == 1:
y = left + words[0] + right
if y == y[::-1]:
return sl + ' ' + words[0] + ' ' + sr
return False
y = (left + right)
if y == y[::-1]:
return (sl + ' ' + sr)
return False
return False
s = socket.create_connection(('ppc1.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo', 31111))
print s.recv(1024)
data = s.recv(1024)
while True:
for line in data.split('\n'):
ll = line.split(' ')
if ll[0] == 'Input:':
uu = palindrome(ll[2:],'','','','')
s.send(uu + '\n')
data = s.recv(1024)
print data
if data == '': # no more data, quit
This gives us two flags
Decrypt it.
The code can be found here code.
We are given a cipher which encrypts under two different keys. The moduli are N₁ = p × q and N₂ = (p + 2) × (q + 2). This is a problem... do you see why?
Or as Python code
with open("key1", "r") as f:
n1 = int(f.readline())
with open("key2", "r") as f:
n2 = int(f.readline())
with open("encrypted", "r") as f:
c = int(f.readline())
alpha = (n2 - n1)
p1 = ((alpha/2-2) + libnum.common.nroot((alpha/2-2)**2 - 4*( n1), 2))/2
q1 = ((alpha/2-2) - libnum.common.nroot((alpha/2-2)**2 - 4*( n1), 2))/2
p2 = p1 + 2
q2 = q1 + 2
d1 = inverse(65537, (p1-1)*(q1-1))
d2 = inverse(65537, (p1+1)*(q1+1))
c = pow(c, d2, p2*q2)
c = pow(c, d1, p1*q1)
print [long_to_bytes(c)]
The code prints
This is also the reason why φ(N) should be kept secret.
Challenge code.
This is an affine cipher in disguise. Unravelling the encryption, we find that its closed form is (a₀ × a₁ × ...) × cᵢ + β, where β is a constant depending only on the secret key. Since a₀ × a₁ × ... also is constant, we can rewrite the equation as f(cᵢ) = α × cᵢ + β. Note that all operations are taken modulo 251. We first determine α, by computing y = f(cᵢ) - f(cⱼ) = α × (cᵢ - cⱼ). Then, α = y × (cᵢ - cⱼ)⁻¹. Then, we can determine β as f(cᵢ) - α × cᵢ. And we are done.
import libnum
key = '****CENSORED****************'
flag = 'TWCTF{*******CENSORED********}'
f = open('encrypted', 'r')
data = f.read().strip('\n')
encrypted = [int(data[i:i+2],16) for i in range(0, len(data), 2)]
delta = ord(flag[0]) - ord(flag[1])
alpha_delta = encrypted[0] - encrypted[1]
alpha = (libnum.modular.invmod(delta, 251) * alpha_delta) % 251
beta = (251 + encrypted[0] - alpha * ord(flag[0])) % 251
alpha_inv = libnum.modular.invmod(alpha, 251)
print ''.join(chr(((enc - beta) * alpha_inv) % 251) for enc in encrypted)
which prints
This is only a partial solution, but I spent several hours on it (essentially all the time I spent for the CTF) so I figured I wanted to write it down. During the CTF, I developed a method which queries the oracle for ciphertexts c × (2ⁱ)ᵉ for i ∈ {0,1,2,...}. This causes the message to shift. Let N denote the modulus. If the message m has the property m × 2 < N, then it gets shifted properly. But if m × 2 > N, then q = 2¹⁰²⁴ - N gets added to the message. We can detect this with a certain probability.
If we look at (q >> 512) & 3
, it is equal to something like
these are the observed bits
Case 1 : If we observe 0x10 from the oracle for Oracle(c), which corresponds to i = 0, and 0x01 for Oracle(c × 2ᵉ), for which i = 1, then clearly this is not valid shift. Only 0x01 and 0x00 would be valid. This corresonds below to that b does not remain constant.
query observation
q ...|10|100...
i ...|ab|cde... <--- we observed ab (previous)
i+1 ...a|bc|de.... <--- we observed bc (received)
Case 0 : We may also conclude that if b remains constant and the observed c = 1, then m × 2 < N. Here is why: for the bit in q to appear at the most significant observed position is added, then b would flip unless we had a carry from before. q is 0 in its least signficant observed position, so the only way to generate a carry to b is if c = 1 and we got a carry. But then the observed c would be 0. So this is a contradiction, proving our claim.
The two implcations below hold with probability 1:
(received >> 1) != (previous & 1) implies m * 2 > N
(received >> 1) == (previous & 1) and received & 1 != 0 implies m * 2 < N
There are
000 (-) <-- do not know!
001 (0)
010 (1)
011 (1)
100 (1)
101 (1)
110 (-) <-- do not know!
111 (0)
There are some other cases when we do not get any information directly. In the table above, we see that the unknown case occurs with probability 1/4. The output below shows the result of the above rules. The '-' char denotes the case when we do not know. '1' at position i means m × 2ⁱ > N and '0' that m × 2ⁱ < N.
Using this procedure, we can make something that is equivalent to an unreliable parity oracle:
s = socket.create_connection(('cry1.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo', 23464))
query = hex(ciphertext)[2:-1]
s.send(query + '\n')
c = ciphertext
prev = oracle(c)
prev = int(s.recv(1024).strip('\n'))
str, i = '', 0
UB_A = N
LB_A = 0
UB_B = N
LB_B = 0
while i < 1024:
i += 1
query = hex((ciphertext * pow(pow(2, i, N), e, N)) % N)[2:-1]
s.send(query + '\n')
received = int(s.recv(1024).strip('\n'))
if (received >> 1) != (prev & 1): # certainly 2 * c > N
LB_A = (UB_A + LB_A) / 2
LB_B = (UB_B + LB_B) / 2
else: # maybe 2 * c < N
if received & 1 != 0: # certainly 2 * c < N
UB_A = (UB_A + LB_A) / 2
UB_B = (UB_B + LB_B) / 2
else: # dont know, so systematically pick depending on upper or lower bound
UB_A = (UB_A + LB_A) / 2
LB_B = (UB_B + LB_B) / 2
c = c * 2
prev = received
The code above essentially performs a standard LSB-parity oracle approach, but generates an upper and lower bound. So for A, it will always pick m × 2ⁱ < N if it is uncertain and for B, we pick m × 2ⁱ > N. When it has converged, it will give bounds such that A ≤ m ≤ B. Now, these bounds are too large to search over. The idea is that we now multiply the ciphertext with c × (rⁱ)ᵉ, where r ranges over odd values i.e. r ∈ {1,3,5,...}. For each such call, we obtain different bounds. These bounds are saved in a dictionary D, as D[r] = (Aᵣ, Bᵣ).
Now, we pick all values (i, j) in D such that i | j. Then, we compute m = i / j and compute a new bound for i as Aᵢ = max[(Aⱼ + N × (m × Aᵢ / N)) / m, Aᵢ] and Bᵢ = min[(Bⱼ + N × (m × Bᵢ / N)) / m, Bᵢ]. This causes the bounds to shrink, because we essentially get the intersection of the two bounds [Aᵢ, Bᵢ] ∩ [Aⱼ, Bⱼ]. Using this procedure I could quickly derive that the message must lie between
(Unless I made a terrible mistake somewhere!) We can solve it by iterating the below code until it stops updating:
dd[i] = (A, B)
for j in dd:
for k in dd:
if j % k == 0:
m = k / j
dd[j][0] = max((dd[k][0] + N * ((m*dd[j][0]) / N)) / m, dd[j][0])
dd[j][1] = min((dd[k][1] + N * ((m*dd[j][1]) / N)) / m, dd[j][1])
print dd[1][0]
print dd[1][1]
I tried running the code on a local oracle with several known messages, and I could verify that the bounds indeed did converge correctly. However, gathering queries sufficiently many queries for the bounds to converge completely proved to be difficult, even with threading.