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largely informed by:

we know what the loss function is, it's: sum(ground truth - nets output) but how do we take the derivative of this across so many different parts of a net. like how do we know what the loss is of a single weight?

l_rate = leaning rate

so for the weights: w1 = w0 - error * vect_in * l_rate and for biases: b1 = b0 - error * l_rate

for weights: weights is [786, 10] error is [10,1] vect in is [786,1] l_rate is scalar

so mult vect in in some weird way by error? n vect * m vect = n x m matrix?? this is called the outer product, np.outer() then all we need to do is mult by a scalar weight1 = weight0 - (np.outer(vect_in, error) * l_rate)

for biases: bases is [10,1] error is [10,1] l_rate is scalar bias1 = bias0 - (error * l_rate)

leibnitz is really confusing. especially for the chain rule. wish i had a math person to talk to.

##Coming back a few months later

now using:

Okay so... how is this all going to go down...

calculating the values:


x xxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxx

weights: you put in the vector len 8 multiply that by a 8x2 matrix get out a vector len 2

xx xx xx

biases: add that vector of len 2 by another vector of len 2 get another vector of len 2

rinse and repeat

so then what's the backprop?

It's multivar calculus, which I know from youtube but I dont feel that confident about. I wish I took a class, or a really wish that i just felt confident from what I knew...

so when you take a multivar derivative you make everything else besides what you're solving for a constant...

so what is the formula for this? 1 layer: out = sigmoid(b1 + w1(in))

2 layer: out = sigmoid(b1 + w1(sigmoid(b2 + w2(in))))

3 layer: out = sigmoid(b1 + w1(sigmoid(b2 + w2(sigmoid(b3 + w3(in))))))

and so forth? so it's pretty repetitious we can probably figure out how to do calculus on this...

but at the end of the day we want to find the slope of the error so we need to get these into their error form:

we're using sum squared error E = 1/2 * sum(label - out)^2

an example from a weight: delta w1 ~ -1 * partial(E)/partial(w1)


calculus intermission:

dy/dx * dx/dt y = f(x) x = g(t)

the way this works is that you just use x like a variable nothing special, and then you do normal derivative stuff.

then after you're done you can substitute t back in through. leibniz isn't so scary after all


we're now going to use the notation from the link above and call (bx + wx*a(x-1)) "net"

1 layer: out = error(sigmoid(b1 + w1(in)))

(s = sigmoid) dE/db1 = dE/dsds/dnetdnet/db1 dE/dw1 = dE/dsds/dnetdnet/dw1

2 layer: out = error(sigmoid(b1 + w1(sigmoid(b2 + w2(in)))))

dE/db1 = dE/dsds/dnetdnet/db1 dE/dw1 = dE/dsds/dnetdnet/dw1 dE/db2 = dE/dsds/dnetdnet/dsds/dnetdnet/db2 dE/dw2 = dE/dsds/dnetdnet/dsds/dnetdnet/db2

out_x = output of layer x out = output of net w_x = weights of layer x in_x = input of layer x label = labeled data, target

so the terms are: dE/ds = -(label - out), -cost ds/dnet = out_x(1 - out_x) dnet/ds = w_x dnet/dwx = in_x dnet/dbx = 1

I feel like there's probably an eaiser way to deal with this with how the ins and outs of things are all over the place

maybe the thing to do is to have an array that stores all the inputs for each layer, and then have an output value to store the total net output

done- what we want is to just read it first and really understand what I did

after that we want to try to implement another 2 layers to get a feeling for what needs to be repeated with each layer.

Then we want to generalize the layers so we can parameterize them.

Then we want to code up the generalization of the layers.

profit? - no :(

dE_dnet = cost * np.multiply(out1, np.subtract(1, out1))

weights1 -= l_rate * np.outer(out2, dE_dnet)
biases1 -= l_rate * dE_dnet

dE_ds2 = np.matmul(weights1, dE_dnet)

ds_dnet2 = np.multiply(out2, np.subtract(1, out2))

dnet1/dnet2 = dnet1/ds2 * ds2/dnet2
dnet1/dnet2 = w1 * out2(1 - out2) 

each layer should:
    # set up current layer
    ds_dnet = np.multiply(layer_output, np.subtract(1, layer_output))
    layer_chain = prev_layer_chain * ds_dnet

    # adjust weights / biases
    weights -= l_rate * np.outer(layer_input, layer_chain)
    biases -= l_rate * layer_chain

    # setup for next layer
    layer_chain = np.matmul(self.weights, layer_chain)
    return layer_chain

weights2 -= l_rate * np.outer(vect_in, dE_ds2 * ds_dnet2)
biases2 -= l_rate * dE_ds2 * ds_dnet2

for each layer I want:
    dsx/dnetx * dnetx/dsx-1

dE/db1 = dE/ds1*ds1/dnet1 * dnet1/db1
dE/dw1 = dE/ds1*ds1/dnet1 * dnet1/dw1

dE/db2 = dE/ds1*ds1/dnet1 * dnet1/ds2*ds2/dnet2 * dnet2/db2
dE/dw2 = dE/ds1*ds1/dnet1 * dnet1/ds2*ds2/dnet2 * dnet2/dw2

dE/db3 = dE/ds1*ds1/dnet1 * dnet1/ds2*ds2/dnet2 * dnet2/ds3*ds3/dnet3 * dnet3/db3
dE/dw3 = dE/ds1*ds1/dnet1 * dnet1/ds2*ds2/dnet2 * dnet2/ds3*ds3/dnet3 * dnet3/dw3

out_x = output of layer x
out = output of net
w_x = weights of layer x
in_x = input of layer x
label = labeled data, target

so the terms are:
dE/ds = -(label - out), - cost
ds/dnet = out_x(1 - out_x)
dnet/ds = w_x
dnet/dwx = in_x
dnet/dbx = 1

so we want to try mini batches?

it seems like the thing to do for batches is to take the error over batch_size and then average that, and then do gradient descent with that average error.

This seems weird, but doable form this standpoint, but what about the layer_in and layer_out that's used in the derivative of the sigmoid function?

could i average these as well? If i do they will basically become noise most likely, which I guess is okay? But then why include them? I guess that they might have an overall flavor that can be adjusted for, that is the point of these mini batches, so yea lets try that out.

what's after mini-batches?

Things to think about: the activation derivative almost never helps, but I think I might keep it around just because relu derivative = 0 =< 0, 1 > 0

I might move the layer in/out over to the net
class becasue it's eating up space and processing
so be storing things so much extra. I'm pretty 
sure that encapsulation would say to stick the 
i/o in the layers (each layer manages their own io)
but this runs pretty slow as is and I'd like 
it to be faster...

implement relu derivative push io sotrage up to net class