Releases: gocd/gocd-analytics-plugin
Experimental: 3.1.0-27
Changelog v3.1.0-23-exp..d83979c
d83979c - [Security] Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8
e250882 - Bump postgresql from 42.2.9 to 42.2.19
fa9322b - [Security] Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4
e051c7a - Bump gson from 2.8.0 to 2.8.6
SHA256 Checksums
39b1b418553ea4896895fe31003b81591228e6c504a5e7291c4e5c0788b3e0ee *gocd-analytics-plugin-3.1.0-27.jar
Experimental: 3.1.0-26
Experimental: 3.1.0-25
Experimental: 3.1.0-24
Experimental: 3.1.0-23
Experimental: 3.1.0-22
Changelog v3.1.0-19-exp..c47be9d
c47be9d - Bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.9.0 to 1.3.4
c2152be - Bump @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons from 5.14.0 to 5.15.2
0ec8ca8 - Bump mockito-core from 2.18.3 to 3.7.7
SHA256 Checksums
202a28c1862c25db8b06f43d1f48b0e63db608e7bbc0aee165ecb6cac23e8501 *gocd-analytics-plugin-3.1.0-22.jar
Experimental: 3.1.0-21
Experimental: 3.1.0-20
Experimental: 3.1.0-19
Changelog v3.1.0-13-exp..5b4012a
5b4012a - another fix
63817af - another go at fixing the test
f0fa354 - fix the failing tests
b9f8062 - allow manual builds as well
0594343 - Bump css-loader from 3.6.0 to 5.0.1
d518eba - Bump eslint from 5.16.0 to 7.17.0
SHA256 Checksums
600a5b19c85e2fc68f174b6bee49dbd86007cfc8ba5d8f1a98b76e4701e6f2bb *gocd-analytics-plugin-3.1.0-19.jar
Experimental: 3.1.0-13
Changelog v3.0.0-9-exp..e6dec48
e6dec48 - Set up postgres service
4d1bd94 - Use main branch
2098525 - Update to GitHub actions (#157)
9783ba3 - Bump go-plugin-api from 20.3.0 to 20.9.0
SHA256 Checksums
1f28110aff89af76876088e9c1c2341b18ab9a6b70031b633d222be9a9c86175 *gocd-analytics-plugin-3.1.0-13.jar