- Update themes
- Add constant form labels
- Override default OIDC de-authantication views
- Update themes
- Change image base to the Prometheus one
- Update minimum Django 1.11 version
- Fix string issue in oidc authorise scope text
- Added Tanzanian Swahili locale
- Regenerate base PO files
- Add form to request client application registration
- Added asterisk to all required fields on registration, edit profile and user migration
- Add management command to get a list of users filtered by last login and active status
- Prevent metrics related denial of service
- Generate endpoints for invitation redirect url addition
- Update registration success to display unique template if invitation had a redirect url
- Invitation email now includes expiry date
- Added test language: en-you
- Added CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST environment variable setting.
Bugfix: Correct format of datetime argument passed to the deleted_user_update() call of the User Data Store.
- feature/GE-1100: Prevent users younger than 13 from registering an account or reducing age via edit profile
- Reworked themes, reduce templates, update styles
- feature/GE-1128: Translation tag updates, reduce HTML and CSS elements in blocktrans blocks and trans tags. Reworked some python strings to not include none string characters where possible.
- feature/GE-1086: Registration security questions can be preselected via url query parameter.
- feature/GE-1066: Registration split into multi page wizard.
- Renamed OrginasationalUnit to Organisation
- feature/GEINFRA-62: Edit profile now correctly updates user age.
- feature/GEINFRA-59: Update default admin user creation to sport more fields.
- feature/GEINFRA-58: Updates to security question model unique constraints.
- feature/GEINFRA-95: Revert some template regressions from registration wizard updates.
- feature/GEINFRA-66: Invitation System: send invitation mail API endpoint.
- feature/GEINFRA-78: Setup new S3 storage backend and CloudFront CDN for statics and media.
- feature/GEINFRA-67: Registration updated to make use of incitation urls.
- feature/GEINFRA-137: Refactor registration login code to not prematurely clear session.
- Various tweaks, fixes and updates.
- Various bugfixes from errors picked up on QA
- Themes updated
- feature/GE-1120: Account deletion error message fix
- feature/GE-1115: Keep theme when redirecting
- feature/GE-1116: Changed admin template to make use of auth service base
- feature/GE-1117: 2FA disabled (for now)
- feature/GE-1085: Password reset for unmigrated users
- Fixed bug that made the createsuperuser management command unusable.
- Added management command to load country data.
- Added healthcheck API end-point.
- Initial release