when running selects that return an empty dataset, at least with mysql, nothing is returned in the output json/yml (ie. not even NULL or an empty array)
./bin/dbconsole sql:shell
not working from host - it only works from worker. If we can't fix it, make it display a nice error... -
- can not connect to mariadb 5.5
- sqllite not working in pre-filled list of databases (miss filename for root db)
improve handling of character sets:
- should we always create utf8 databases by default ? what about mssql 2017 ?
- make sure we always get back by default utf8 data from the clients ?
host: allow building/starting partial docker stack for speed and resources (eg. no oracle, no sqlserver, no 'admin' tools such as lazydocker and adminer, etc...) Being able to start a single 'db type' might also make sense in parallelization of tests on travis.
worker+web: add a queued-task implementation, using sf messenger and a queueing daemon (redis?)
web: when listing instances, show the real db version nr, as done by cli
web: allow to insert sql snippet, pick the desired instances, run it (queued) and show results
worker: add a php-based sql executor, so that we can return datasets in a fully structured way instead of relying on stdout of cli tools (wip...)
- investigate: are there good db-access libs written for nodejs that could be used instead/as well?
worker+web?: allow custom init/ddl scripts for temp dbs (to load data and set session vars)
pick up a library which allows to load db-agnostic schema defs and data (see what adminer can do...)
web: store previous snippets in a dedicated db (redis?), list them for reuse (private to each user session)
web: add rest API
web+worker: allow easy loading of 'standard' testing data sets https://www.percona.com/blog/2011/02/01/sample-datasets-for-benchmarking-and-testing/ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-public-data-sets
worker: allow to run tests which consist of executing sql/sh/php payloads in parallel with N threads against each server. This would allow to find out if any code construct has scalability problems on a given db version
web: make GUI multilingual
allow to easily set up either public or private stacks via a parameter in .env (nb: != sf env)
"public server" configuration:
- make sure there is no possibility to achieve 'command injection' when invoking sql cli tools by passing in arguments that eg. start with a dash
- add sql-injection prevention to dbmanagers
- disable access to admin
- add mod_security 3
- prevent usage of custom db schemas, allow only temp ones
- rate-limit http requests
- size-limit http requests
- add caching in nginx of static assets (or add varnish for caching ?)
- add firewall rules to all containers to block access to outside world (at bootstrap ?)
- make app code non-writeable by www-data user (and separate nginx user from php-fpm user)
- harden php configuration
- disallow network connections from db containers to redis
- let user pick up name of root account besides its pwd (no more 'sa', 'root', 'postgres', 'sys')
- check valid chars for root account pwd (across all dbs) to increase randomness
add more oracle containers ? (see https://github.com/oracle/docker-images/tree/master/OracleDatabase/SingleInstance)
db: add more databases: Firebird 2 and 3, cockroachdb, DB2, Hana, ASE, SQL.js, Elasticsearch, SQLite 2, MongoDB, ClickHouse
- https://hub.docker.com/r/cockroachdb/cockroach
- https://hub.docker.com/r/ibmcom/db2
- https://hub.docker.com/_/sap-hana-express-edition (https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/hxe-docstore-04-php-app.html)
- https://github.com/djarosz/sap-ase-developer-docker, https://github.com/dstore-dbap/sap-ase-docker
- https://github.com/kripken/sql.js/
db: add clustered mysql/postgresql containers; mysql-proxy and pgsql-proxy
db: add more sqllite binaries (see list at https://www.sqlite.org/download.html and https://www.sqlite.org/chronology.html)
add to dbstack actions 'status', 'restart' so that it easy to use it as 'service' script
move to usage of docker volumes instead of mounted host dirs for storing data, iff this enables us to skip all the 'chown' calls (to be seen: would we be able to keep config and log files readable on the host with good user id?)
oracle: add support for custom config files (note: spfile is inside oradata and linked back to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs, but binary; init.ora is in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs and textual, but it is only read at db creation time, plus it should probably not be blank => we could f.e. add an extra init.ora and have it appended to the oracle-provided one via bootstrap.sh... also, there are values which could be overridden in /etc/sysconfig/oracle-xe-18c.conf)
add TOC to readme.md (see how it's done at fe. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phpredis/phpredis/develop/README.markdown)
improve handling output of 'select' queries
- test selecting a string with a | character in it =>
- no client quotes it: to reliably parse columns we have to rely on tabular format, ie. measure header width...
- sqllite in default output mode is even worse... (see below)
- try to have mssql use a smaller (but dynamic) col width for varchar results
- investigate the possibility of having the clients emitting directly json results instead of plaintext
- also: sqlite 3 has a 'tabular' mode to display results, but it seems not to be able to calculate col. width automatically...
- test selecting string with length > 200 chars: ok
- test selecting a string with a | character in it =>
improve travis testing:
- add tests:
- make sure after query execution there are no leftover users or dbs (use jq? or sf panther?)
- same but with an invalid query
- ...
- use 'bats' for shell-driven tests?
- check if there is anything that we can cache between test runs on travis to speed up the execution
- add xdebug and enable code coverage while running tests
- move from ubuntu 18 to 20 as base OS ?
- add tests:
improve handling of character sets:
- allow to use utf16, utf16le, utf16ber as encodings for sqlite
- add more support for 'universal' charset/collation naming
- test execution of a sql command which creates a table with a few cols, inserts a couple of lines (ascii chars, utf8 basic plane, utf8 multilingual plane) and then selects data from it
- make it easier to log in: provide transparently root user/pwd in links to it and/or in server list
- add sql log file
- add data dump capabilities
- add schema dump capabilities
- make it possible to run a stack with the adminer container off (this currently poses problem with adminer config in vendors yamls)
- make container build faster (helps Travis):
- save pre-built oracle image in own dockerhub account
- try to reduce disk size by decreasing the number of docker build steps (eg. for oracle, sqlserver)
- add composer HEALTHCHECK to containers, at least our own ones (see https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#healthcheck)
- when there are no db data files at start, dbstack & dbconsole should wait for the db instances to be fully ready... at the moment, only the oracle container waits for the db to be rebuild (see examples at https://docs.docker.com/compose/startup-order/)
- check if we can change ownership of sqlserver data files to plain user instead of root
- while setting up symfony, have the web site show up a courtesy page
- allow dbstack to download and install docker-compose if it is not found (there is a script in tests/environment/setup for that)
- add a composer post-upgrade script (or dbstack command) that downloads automatically the latest version of adminer or at least checks it - see fe. how we install the latest available lazydocker
- run security-checker as part of composer post-install and post-upgrade?
- dbstack: allow usage of a random (or user-provided) pwd for db root account on startup
- dbstack: check for ports conflict (80 and 443) on startup
- try to make the output of post-(update/install) composer scripts more visible by default
- dbstack: add 'upgrade' command ? (note: it has to upgrade the whole stack, not just composer stuff)
- add an opcache control panel (reverse-proxying one from web) ? (that and/or matthimatiker/opcache-bundle)
- add portainer.io ? (note: we already have a stack-admin tool...)
- add redisinsight container
- add labels to all images, to help tools which can filter out containers/images by a given label
- remove more unused stuff from containers, such as fdisk?, etc...
- check out if we could use
docker app
to package the application - check out if adopting naming convention from https://github.blog/2015-06-30-scripts-to-rule-them-all/ makes sense
- adminer build: use nginx conf to hold db pwds instead of a custom php file
- adminer/worker: move db-instances config to be a php file, so that adminer can run without composer install
- web/worker: make web container config closer to worker one: mount .../vendors/*.yml to /var/ rather than /var/www or /home/$user?
- hide the docker-compose warning about orphan containers when setting COMPOSE_ONLY_VENDORS or COMPOSE_EXCEPT_VENDORS
- make container build faster (helps Travis):
host: improve cli scripts:
- make dbstack build & start faster by waiting in parallel for bootstrap.sh
- allow 'cleanup' command to remove all anonymous docker volumes - or at least the ones belonging to this app
docker-compose config --volumes
to list them? see docker/docs#8366 - add removal of docker images and containers (eg. docker-compose down)
- move from bash to sh ? also, reduce the number of cli commands we use (listed in readme)
- check if we can use a linux container to generate the shell commands used by dbstack / dbconsole...
- move to getopt for better arg parsing ? see https://medium.com/@Drew_Stokes/bash-argument-parsing-54f3b81a6a8f, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/192249/how-do-i-parse-command-line-arguments-in-bash
- add shell completion for commands of dbstack
worker: improve cli scripts
- allow to drop many dbs, users in single commands
- add a user:create command which takes as option the list of dbs to grant access to
- either remove ./vendor/bin/doctrine-dbal or make it actually work
- make it possible to have uniform table formatting for SELECT-like queries
- test with rows containing multiple cols, newlines, ...
- sqlite might be problematic
- log by default php errors to /var/log/php and mount that dir on host ?
- add shell completion for commands of dbconsole
worker: sanitize sql execution cmd:
- examine in detail and document the differences between running a command vs a file (eg. transaction usage)
- disallow execution of commands that are part of the db client instead of being sent to the server, such as eg. 'use db'
- ok for mysql? (to be tested)
- missing for psql? (according to slack discussion: this is impossible using psql and can only be done using a different driver... it might be in fact already happening when NOT using input via files...)
- missing for sqlsrv
- definitely missing for oracle
- check: can the temp user drop&creates other databases for postgresql?
- make sure no command-injection / option-injection is possible
app refactor:
- allow to register via sf config execution of a cli tool against all dbs, with mapped username, pwd, etc... (eg: mysqltuner)
- allow to register new db instances (and drivers) via bundles (how to set up custom php db exts in worker ?)
- allow the Command object to specify many sql queries, where 2nd one depends on result of 1st (with callable in between)
- finish & test execution of select/nonselect queries via pdo; doctrine
- allow to plug Schema Managers via tagged services instead of registering class names
- allow to plug NativeClient without rewriting NativeClient.php
web gui:
- keep icons visible when collapsing left menu
- add a logo
worker: improve profile of 'db3v4l' account
- use a colorful shell prompt
web+worker: set up a cronjob to remove SF profiler data
web+worker: move sf logs to a mounted dir
- do not list containers/images/volumes which do not belong to the db-3v4l stack
- test what happens trying to open the config file
- make '/' project be listed as 'db-3v4l'
- test: instead of starting from debian-slim and installing lazydocker in it, could we start from the lazydocker docker image? (it might be hard as it is based on 'scratch' - does it allow to install docker?... maybe a better solution would be to copy the executable found in the lazydocker image into a minimalist image which can run docker, such as: https://github.com/rancher/docker-from-scratch)
worker: bring back oracle-mysql client via dedicated installation (can it be in parallel to mariadb client ?)
- what about the percona-mysql client ?
db: mariadb/mysql: allow to define in docker parameters (env var) the size of the ramdisk used for /tmpfs; also in default configs, do use /tmpfs for temp tables? At least add it commented out
db: postgresql: move stats_temp_directory to /tmpfs
worker: add phpbench as dependency for easing perf/scalability testing
borrow ideas from https://github.com/zzzprojects/sqlfiddle3
add more tools for parsing/validating sql code, such as adding colorization or improving explain plans eg: https://explain.depesz.com/
add mysqlbench