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Tips n Tricks
If you used the pelican-quickstart
command to create a Makefile and want certain files copied to your web root — such as favicon.ico
, robots.txt
, or other files — create a folder called extra
next to your Makefile and edit your Makefile to look like this:
if test -d $(BASEDIR)/extra; then cp $(BASEDIR)/extra/* $(OUTPUTDIR)/; fi
if test -d $(BASEDIR)/extra; then cp $(BASEDIR)/extra/* $(OUTPUTDIR)/; fi
Add favicon.ico
and robots.txt
to the content/extra
folder and add the following to pelicanconf.py
STATIC_PATHS = ['images', 'extra/robots.txt', 'extra/favicon.ico']
'extra/robots.txt': {'path': 'robots.txt'},
'extra/favicon.ico': {'path': 'favicon.ico'}
Make is available on almost any Unix-derived system but is old and can be clunky for building anything other than code. Many people prefer to use Rake (ruby make) or Fabric (a Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment). Please post your examples and tips below for awesome development, testing, and deployment.
You can edit your Makefile to give you a handful of new commands that might make it slightly easier to get writing. Just add the following lines to your Makefile:
DATE := $(shell date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
SLUG := $(shell echo '${NAME}' | sed -e 's/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g' | tr -s '-' | tr A-Z a-z)
EXT ?= md
ifdef NAME
echo "Title: $(NAME)" > $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
echo "Slug: $(SLUG)" >> $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
echo "Date: $(DATE)" >> $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
echo "" >> $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
echo "" >> $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
@echo 'Variable NAME is not defined.'
@echo 'Do make newpost NAME='"'"'Post Name'"'"
ifdef NAME
@echo 'Variable NAME is not defined.'
@echo 'Do make editpost NAME='"'"'Post Name'"'"
ifdef NAME
echo "Title: $(NAME)" > $(PAGESDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
echo "Slug: $(SLUG)" >> $(PAGESDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
echo "" >> $(PAGESDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
echo "" >> $(PAGESDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
@echo 'Variable NAME is not defined.'
@echo 'Do make newpage NAME='"'"'Page Name'"'"
ifdef NAME
@echo 'Variable NAME is not defined.'
@echo 'Do make editpage NAME='"'"'Page Name'"'"
To use this, make sure you've set the EDITOR environment variable to the name of your favourite editor, (or set it again within the Makefile), and then do
$ make newpost NAME='Your Exciting Post Name Here'
Your editor will appear with the beginnings of a new post. You can set 'EXT' to whatever extension you use most often, and then overwrite it by passing "EXT='newext'"
to make. Equally, this change assumes that all your pages are stored in content/pages
, which may not be true for you. This sample should work well enough for you to base any modifications off, though.
This idea has come to me from Django framework. For generating sitemap.xml
we will use a Jinja2 template.
First, you should add sitemap.html
to templates folder of your theme with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
{% for article in articles %}
<loc>{{ SITEURL }}/{{ article.url }}</loc>
{% for translation in article.translations %}
<loc>{{ SITEURL }}/{{ translation.url }}</loc>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for page in pages %}
<loc>{{ SITEURL }}/{{ page.url }}</loc>
{% for translation in page.translations %}
<loc>{{ SITEURL }}/{{ translation.url }}</loc>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Next, you should add this template to the list with direct templates.
So make sure that DIRECT_TEMPLATES
tuple in your settings.py
contains sitemap
# default value is ('index', 'tags', 'categories', 'archives')
# so we just add a 'sitemap'
DIRECT_TEMPLATES = ('index', 'tags', 'categories', 'archives', 'sitemap')
Finally, you should set SITEMAP_SAVE_AS
variable for saving result as 'sitemap.xml'.
SITEMAP_SAVE_AS = 'sitemap.xml'
pelican-mode has commands for generating post files, as well as rebuild and uploading sites from emacs.
As long as #420 isn't resolved, you can get your pages (or articles, or whatever) in an arbitrary order of your choice with two little tricks:
- In the for loop rendering out your menu, add a sort filter to sort by filename:
{% for p in pages|sort(attribute='source_path') %}
<li{% if p == page %} class="active"{% endif %}><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ p.url }}">{{ p.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
- Prepend your page file names with numbers, e.g. 00about.rst, 10projects.rst and so on. This will get the pages in the order of your choice without messing up your slug. (Default page ordering is putting a case-sensitive alphabetical order by slug, in case you wondered.)
The Python-Markdown library (which Pelican uses to parse markdown documents) includes support for a number of built-in and third party extensions and many of those extensions offer support for configuration options to alter their behavior.
As of Pelican 3.7, to choose the available Markdown extensions and configure the extensions that you are using, you can edit the MARKDOWN
setting (cf. settings
). Default options are:
'extension_configs': {
'markdown.extensions.codehilite': {'css_class': 'highlight'},
'markdown.extensions.extra': {},
'markdown.extensions.meta': {},
'output_format': 'html5',
In versions before 3.7, you can edit the MD_EXTENSIONS
setting (cf. settings
). These earlier versions do not offer a setting that would get passed into Markdown's extension_configs keyword, but Markdown does allow instances of extension classes to be passing in rather than the string names of the extensions. Hence, in these earlier versions, as Pelican's setting file is just Python, you can import your extensions, create an instance with the config options you want, and pass that in using Pelican's setting.
You can use html5validator to validate the HTML output. To check if your Pelican website has valid HTML, you just need to generate the website and execute html5validator --root output
(assuming your output directory is output
). You could also add the option validate to your Makefile.
@echo ' make validate validate the web site via html5validator'
validate: publish
html5validator --root $(OUTPUTDIR)
local cur prev opts fileopts diropts
opts="--help --version --cache_path --ignore_cache --relative_paths --delete_outputdir --path --autoreload --output --fatal --theme --verbosity --selected_paths --settings"
if [[ ${prev} =~ ${fileopts} ]]; then
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -f -- ${cur}) )
return 0
elif [[ ${prev} =~ ${diropts} ]]; then
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -d -- ${cur}) )
return 0
if [[ ${cur} == * ]] ; then
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
complete -F __pelican pelican