diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 571808902f1..86d34c5e295 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -231,6 +231,29 @@ if(ASPECT_WITH_FASTSCAPE)
+# Fastscapelib (C++)
+set(ASPECT_WITH_FASTSCAPELIB OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether the user wants to compile ASPECT with the landscape evolution C++ code Fastscape(lib), or not.")
+ find_package(fastscapelib CONFIG)
+ if(${fastscapelib_FOUND})
+ set(FS_WITH_HEALPIX OFF CACHE BOOL "Turn off Fastscapelib support of Healpix grid" FORCE)
+ message(STATUS " fastscapelib_INCLUDE_DIR: ${fastscapelib_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
+ message(STATUS " fastscapelib_VERSION: ${fastscapelib_VERSION}")
+ # fastscapelib dependencies
+ find_package(xtensor REQUIRED)
+ message(STATUS " xtensor_INCLUDE_DIR: ${xtensor_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
+ message(STATUS " xtensor_VERSION: ${xtensor_VERSION}")
+ else()
+ message(STATUS "Fastscapelib not found. Disabling ASPECT_WITH_FASTSCAPELIB. You can specify a hint to your installation directory with fastscapelib_DIR.")
+ endif()
# NetCDF (c including parallel)
set(ASPECT_WITH_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Check if the user wants to compile ASPECT with the NetCDF libraries.")
@@ -358,6 +381,7 @@ if(ASPECT_WITH_WORLD_BUILDER)
message(STATUS "")
+#include "datatypes.h"
# Other stuff about external tools and how we interact with the system:
@@ -882,6 +906,15 @@ if (FASTSCAPE)
+# Fastscapelib
+if (${fastscapelib_FOUND})
+ message(STATUS "Linking ASPECT against Fastscapelib (header-only)")
+ target_include_directories(${_T} PRIVATE ${fastscapelib_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ target_include_directories(${_T} PRIVATE ${xtensor_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ endforeach()
# NetCDF
message(STATUS "Linking ASPECT against NetCDF")
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d15216f0bf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Using Aspect with Fastscapelib (C++)
+## Install Fastscapelib using conda
+You can use conda to install fastscapelib and all of its dependencies (we assume
+that you are familiar with managing conda environments):
+conda install fastscapelib -c conda-forge
+## Install Fastscapelib from source
+You can follow the steps below to install Fastscapelib and its dependencies from
+### Set the installation prefix path for Fastscapelib and its dependencies
+Choose a common location where you want to download the source files of
+Fastscapelib and its dependencies:
+$ export FS_SOURCE_PATH=/path/to/fastscapelib/source
+Choose a common location where you want to install Fastscapelib and its
+export CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/fastscapelib/install/dir
+### Install xtl and xtensor
+Download the `xtl` git repository and checkout the last stable version:
+$ git clone https://github.com/xtensor-stack/xtl
+$ cd xtl
+$ git checkout 0.7.7
+Build and install `xtl`:
+$ cmake -S. -Bbuild
+$ cmake --install build
+Download the `xtensor` git repository and checkout the last stable version:
+$ git clone https://github.com/xtensor-stack/xtensor
+$ cd xtensor
+$ git checkout 0.25.0
+Build and install `xtensor`:
+$ cmake -S. -Bbuild
+$ cmake --install build
+### Install Fastscapelib
+Download the `fastscapelib` git repository and checkout the last stable version:
+$ git clone https://github.com/fastscape-lem/fastscapelib
+$ cd fastscapelib
+$ git checkout v0.2.2
+IMPORTANT: edit the `cmake/fastscapelibConfig.cmake` file with the editor of
+your choice and add the following line just below `@PACKAGE_INIT@` (this will be
+required every time you checkout another version or branch and re-install
+Fastscapelib, but this won't be required for Fastscapelib version >0.2.2):
+Build and install `fastscapelib`:
+$ cmake -S. -Bbuild
+$ cmake --install build
+## Compile Aspect with Fastscapelib enabled
+If you have installed Fastscapelib using conda, don't forget to activate the
+environment where you have installed Fastscapelib. Once activated, configuring
+`aspect` with CMake should then find Fastscapelib automatically.
+If you have installed Fastscapelib from source like described above, you can
+help CMake find the Fastscapelib installation path using:
+export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/fastscapelib/install/dir
+where the given path corresponds to the path that you set during installation
+via the `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` environment variable (see instructions above).
+Configuring `aspect` should then find Fastscapelib. Check the output of the
+following command run from aspect's source root directory (note: you might need
+to set additional arguments or run extra commands in order to find the other
+dependencies of `aspect`, we skipped it here):
diff --git a/contrib/fastscape/fastscape_rewrite_VTK_with_time.py b/contrib/fastscape/fastscape_rewrite_VTK_with_time.py
index ffde75c5bb6..f39d656de85 100644
--- a/contrib/fastscape/fastscape_rewrite_VTK_with_time.py
+++ b/contrib/fastscape/fastscape_rewrite_VTK_with_time.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def get_times_pvd(filename):
times[i] = float(temp_str)
- return times
+ return times
#%% Get file paths (absolute, not relative paths!)
@@ -54,73 +54,73 @@ def absoluteFilePaths(directory):
# trace generated using paraview version 5.8.0
-# To ensure correct image size when batch processing, please search
+# To ensure correct image size when batch processing, please search
# for and uncomment the line `# renderView*.ViewSize = [*,*]`
for File in FileNames:
#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
topography0000 = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=File)
# get animation scene
animationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()
# get the time-keeper
timeKeeper1 = GetTimeKeeper()
# update animation scene based on data timesteps
# get active view
renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')
# uncomment following to set a specific view size
# renderView1.ViewSize = [882, 554]
# get layout
layout1 = GetLayout()
# show data in view
topography0000Display = Show(topography0000, renderView1, 'StructuredGridRepresentation')
# trace defaults for the display properties.
topography0000Display.Representation = 'Surface'
# reset view to fit data
# get the material library
materialLibrary1 = GetMaterialLibrary()
# show color bar/color legend
topography0000Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)
# update the view to ensure updated data information
# get color transfer function/color map for 'H'
hLUT = GetColorTransferFunction('H')
# get opacity transfer function/opacity map for 'H'
hPWF = GetOpacityTransferFunction('H')
# save data
SaveData(File[:-4] + '.vts', proxy=topography0000, ChooseArraysToWrite=1,
#### saving camera placements for all active views
# current camera placement for renderView1
renderView1.CameraPosition = [225625.0, 25625.0, 878497.0779980461]
renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [225625.0, 25625.0, 1135.7277145385742]
renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 227077.82689023562
#### uncomment the following to render all views
# RenderAllViews()
# alternatively, if you want to write images, you can use SaveScreenshot(...).
del topography0000
@@ -140,17 +140,9 @@ def absoluteFilePaths(directory):
for n, File in enumerate(FileNames):
dataset_attributes = {"timestep": str(times[n]), "group": "", "group": "", "file": os.path.basename(File)[:-4]+'.vts'}
ET.SubElement(doc, "DataSet", attrib=dataset_attributes).text="\n"
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
-tree.write('./VTK/topography.pvd', xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")
+tree.write('./VTK/topography.pvd', xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")
diff --git a/include/aspect/mesh_deformation/fastscapecc.h b/include/aspect/mesh_deformation/fastscapecc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6cbd3d6fbee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aspect/mesh_deformation/fastscapecc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2023 by the authors of the ASPECT code.
+ This file is part of ASPECT.
+ ASPECT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ ASPECT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with ASPECT; see the file LICENSE. If not see
+ .
+#ifndef _aspect_mesh_deformation_fastscapecc_h
+#define _aspect_mesh_deformation_fastscapecc_h
+namespace aspect
+ using namespace dealii;
+ namespace MeshDeformation
+ {
+ /**
+ * A plugin that utilizes the landscape evolution code Fastscapelib (C++)
+ * to deform the ASPECT boundary through erosion.
+ *
+ */
+ template
+ class FastScapecc : public Interface, public SimulatorAccess
+ {
+ public:
+ FastScapecc();
+ /**
+ * Initialize variables for FastScape.
+ */
+ void initialize () override;
+ /**
+ * A function that creates constraints for the velocity of certain mesh
+ * vertices (e.g. the surface vertices) for a specific boundary.
+ * The calling class will respect
+ * these constraints when computing the new vertex positions.
+ */
+ void
+ compute_velocity_constraints_on_boundary(const DoFHandler &mesh_deformation_dof_handler,
+ AffineConstraints &mesh_velocity_constraints,
+ const std::set &boundary_id) const override;
+ /**
+ * Returns whether or not the plugin requires surface stabilization
+ */
+ bool needs_surface_stabilization () const override;
+ /**
+ * Declare parameters for the FastScape plugin.
+ */
+ static
+ void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
+ /**
+ * Parse parameters for the FastScape plugin.
+ */
+ void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) override;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Surface mesh and solution.
+ */
+ using SurfaceMeshType = Triangulation;
+ SurfaceMeshType surface_mesh;
+ DoFHandler surface_mesh_dof_handler;
+ LinearAlgebra::Vector surface_solution;
+ mutable AffineConstraints surface_constraints; // Constraints for hanging nodes
+ dealii::LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector boundary_solution;
+ template
+ void init_surface_mesh(M &geom_model);
+ template >::value>>
+ void init_surface_mesh(M &geom_model);
+ template >::value>>
+ void init_surface_mesh(M &geom_model);
+ /**
+ * Pointers to Fastscapelib objects
+ */
+ using GridAdapterType = typename fastscapelib::dealii_grid;
+ using FlowGraphType = typename fastscapelib::flow_graph;
+ std::unique_ptr grid;
+ std::unique_ptr flow_graph;
+ std::unique_ptr> spl_eroder;
+ void project_surface_solution(const std::set &boundary_ids);
+ /**
+ * Project the Stokes velocity solution onto the
+ * free surface. Called by make_constraints()
+ */
+ // void project_velocity_onto_boundary (const DoFHandler &free_surface_dof_handler,
+ // const IndexSet &mesh_locally_owned,
+ // const IndexSet &mesh_locally_relevant,
+ // LinearAlgebra::Vector &output) const;
+ /**
+ * Fill velocity data table to be interpolated back onto the ASPECT mesh.
+ */
+ Table fill_data_table(std::vector &values,
+ TableIndices &size_idx,
+ const int &array_size) const;
+ /**
+ * Suggestion for the number of FastScape steps to run for every ASPECT timestep,
+ * where the FastScape timestep is determined by ASPECT_timestep_length divided by
+ * this parameter.
+ */
+ unsigned int fastscape_steps_per_aspect_step;
+ /**
+ * Maximum timestep allowed for FastScape, if the suggested timestep exceeds this
+ * limit it is repeatedly divided by 2 until the final timestep is smaller than this parameter.
+ */
+ double maximum_fastscape_timestep;
+ /**
+ * Maximum timestep allowed for FastScape, if the suggested timestep exceeds this
+ * limit it is repeatedly divided by 2 until the final timestep is smaller than this parameter.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Check whether FastScape needs to be restarted.
+ */
+ mutable bool restart;
+ /**
+ * ASPECT end time to check if we should destroy FastScape.
+ */
+ double end_time;
+ /**
+ * Total number of Fastscapelib grid nodes.
+ */
+ unsigned int n_grid_nodes;
+ /**
+ * How many levels FastScape should be refined above the maximum ASPECT surface resolution.
+ */
+ unsigned int additional_refinement_levels;
+ /**
+ * Maximum expected refinement level at ASPECT's surface.
+ * This and resolution_difference are required to properly transfer node data from
+ * ASPECT to FastScape.
+ */
+ int maximum_surface_refinement_level;
+ /**
+ * Difference in refinement levels expected at the ASPECT surface,
+ * where this would be set to 2 if 3 refinement leves are set at the surface.
+ * This and surface_resolution are required to properly transfer node data from
+ * ASPECT to FastScape.
+ *
+ * TODO: Should this be kept this way, or make it so the input is the expected levels
+ * of refinement at the surface, and we can subtract one within the code? Also,
+ * it would be good to find a way to check these are correct, because they are a
+ * common source of errors.
+ */
+ int surface_refinement_difference;
+ /**
+ * Seed number for initial topography noise in FastScape.
+ */
+ int fs_seed;
+ /**
+ * Table for interpolating FastScape surface velocities back to ASPECT.
+ */
+ std::array< unsigned int, dim > table_intervals;
+ /**
+ * Magnitude (m) of the initial noise applied to FastScape.
+ * Applied as either a + or - value to the topography
+ * such that the total difference can be up to 2*noise_h.
+ */
+ double noise_h;
+ // FastScape erosional parameters //
+ /**
+ * Drainage area exponent for the stream power law (m variable in FastScape surface equation).
+ */
+ double m;
+ /**
+ * Slope exponent for the steam power law (n variable in FastScape surface equation).
+ */
+ double n;
+ /**
+ * Slope exponent for multi-direction flow, where 0 is uniform, and 10 is steepest descent. (-1 varies with slope)
+ * (p variable in FastScape surface equation).
+ */
+ double p;
+ /**
+ * Bedrock river incision rate for the stream power law
+ * (meters^(1-2m)/yr, kf variable in FastScape surface equation).
+ */
+ double kff;
+ /**
+ * Sediment river incision rate for the stream power law (meters^(1-2m)/yr).
+ * When set to -1 this is identical to the bedrock value.
+ * (kf variable in FastScape surface equation applied to sediment).
+ */
+ double kfsed;
+ /**
+ * Bedrock transport coefficient for hillslope diffusion (m^2/yr, kd in FastScape surface equation).
+ */
+ double kdd;
+ /**
+ * Bedrock transport coefficient for hillslope diffusion (m^2/yr). When set to -1 this is
+ * identical to the bedrock value.
+ * (kd in FastScape surface equation applied to sediment).
+ */
+ double kdsed;
+ /**
+ * Precision value for how close a ASPECT node must be to the FastScape node
+ * for the value to be transferred. This is only necessary if use_v is set to 0
+ * and the free surface is used to advect the surface with a normal projection.
+ */
+ double node_tolerance;
+ /**
+ * FastScape X extent (ASPECT X extent + 2*dx for ghost nodes).
+ */
+ double precision;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/include/aspect/mesh_deformation/fastscapecc_adapter.h b/include/aspect/mesh_deformation/fastscapecc_adapter.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e2023d9bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aspect/mesh_deformation/fastscapecc_adapter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#include "fastscapelib/grid/base.hpp"
+#include "fastscapelib/utils/xtensor_utils.hpp"
+namespace fastscapelib
+ template
+ class dealii_grid;
+ /**
+ * Dealii grid specialized types
+ */
+ template
+ struct grid_inner_types>
+ {
+ static constexpr bool is_structured = false;
+ static constexpr bool is_uniform = false;
+ using grid_data_type = double;
+ using xt_selector = S;
+ static constexpr std::size_t xt_ndims = 1;
+ static constexpr uint8_t n_neighbors_max = 8;
+ using neighbors_cache_type = neighbors_no_cache;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Grid adapter class for using a DEAL.II surface or boundary mesh with
+ * Fastscapelib
+ *
+ * This adapter should work with various kinds of DEAL.II meshes (e.g., box,
+ * sphere, etc.). The only requirement is that the mesh must be uniform (i.e.,
+ * all cells have an equal area) at a given refinement level.
+ *
+ * Note: a ``dealii_grid`` node cooresponds to a DEAL.II mesh cell.
+ *
+ * @tparam T The DEAL.II mesh type.
+ * @tparam S The container selector for data array members.
+ */
+ template
+ class dealii_grid : public grid>
+ {
+ public:
+ using self_type = dealii_grid;
+ using base_type = grid;
+ using inner_types = grid_inner_types;
+ using grid_data_type = typename base_type::grid_data_type;
+ using xt_selector = typename base_type::xt_selector;
+ using container_type = xt_tensor_t;
+ using neighbors_type = typename base_type::neighbors_type;
+ using neighbors_indices_type = typename base_type::neighbors_indices_type;
+ using neighbors_distances_type = typename base_type::neighbors_distances_type;
+ using nodes_status_type = typename base_type::nodes_status_type;
+ using nodes_status_array_type = xt_tensor_t;
+ using size_type = typename base_type::size_type;
+ using shape_type = typename base_type::shape_type;
+ dealii_grid(T &triangulation, double cell_area);
+ void set_nodes_status(const nodes_status_array_type &nodes_status);
+ protected:
+ T &m_triangulation;
+ shape_type m_shape;
+ size_type m_size;
+ double m_node_area;
+ nodes_status_type m_nodes_status;
+ using neighbors_distances_impl_type = typename base_type::neighbors_distances_impl_type;
+ using neighbors_indices_impl_type = typename base_type::neighbors_indices_impl_type;
+ std::vector m_neighbors_count;
+ std::vector m_neighbors_indices;
+ std::vector m_neighbors_distances;
+ void compute_connectivity();
+ inline container_type nodes_areas_impl() const;
+ inline grid_data_type nodes_areas_impl(const size_type &idx) const noexcept;
+ inline size_type neighbors_count_impl(const size_type &idx) const;
+ void neighbors_indices_impl(neighbors_indices_impl_type &neighbors,
+ const size_type &idx) const;
+ inline const neighbors_distances_impl_type &neighbors_distances_impl(
+ const size_type &idx) const;
+ static constexpr std::size_t dimension_impl() noexcept;
+ friend class grid;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new adapter from an existing DEAL.II surface mesh.
+ *
+ * @param triangulation The DEAL.II triangulation object.
+ * @param cell_area the uniform area of the mesh cells.
+ */
+ template
+ dealii_grid::dealii_grid(T &triangulation, double cell_area)
+ : base_type(0)
+ , m_triangulation(triangulation)
+ , m_node_area(cell_area)
+ {
+ m_size = triangulation.n_global_active_cells();
+ m_shape = { static_cast(m_size) };
+ // pre-compute explicit grid connectivity
+ compute_connectivity();
+ // Set all grid nodes as "active"
+ // - Fastscapelib doesn't support yet labelling grid nodes as ghost nodes
+ // - we assume that all the erosion processes that we apply here depend on flow routing
+ // (i.e., they rely on a `fastscapelib::flow_graph` object built on top of this grid,
+ // such as `fastscapelib::spl_eroder`)
+ // - It is better (more explicit) to set base level nodes via the flow graph
+ // object (i.e., `fastscapelib::flow_graph::set_base_levels`)
+ // - Masks (e.g., oceans) can be defined via the flow graph too
+ // (i.e., `fastscapelib::flow_graph::set_mask`)
+ // - TODO: periodic boundary conditions (if any) should be handled in `compute_connectivity`
+ // (there is no need to label nodes as periodic boundaries since the grid connectivity
+ // is computed explicitly here)
+ m_nodes_status = node_status::core;
+ }
+ template
+ void dealii_grid::set_nodes_status(const nodes_status_array_type &nodes_status)
+ {
+ if (!xt::same_shape(nodes_status.shape(), m_shape))
+ {
+ throw std::invalid_argument(
+ "invalid shape for nodes_status array (expects shape [N] where N is the total number of nodes)");
+ }
+ m_nodes_status = nodes_status;
+ }
+ template
+ void dealii_grid::compute_connectivity()
+ {
+ m_neighbors_count.resize(m_size);
+ m_neighbors_indices.resize(m_size);
+ m_neighbors_distances.resize(m_size);
+ unsigned int counter = 0;
+ std::unordered_map global_to_local_index;
+ for (const auto &cell : m_triangulation->get_dof_handler().active_cell_iterators())
+ {
+ m_neighbors_count[counter] = cell->n_faces();
+ auto center = cell.center();
+ for (auto face_i = 0; face_i < m_neighbors_count[counter]; ++face_i)
+ {
+ unsigned int global_neighbor_index = 0;
+ for (const auto &neighbor_cell : cell.neighbor(face_i))
+ {
+ global_neighbor_index = neighbor_cell.global_active_cell_index();
+ m_neighbors_distances[counter][face_i] = center.distance(neighbor_cell.center());
+ // TODO: I assume we only have one neighbor per face, since we start with a uniform grid, we will only have one, but cwe could generatlize this
+ }
+ // TODO: add assert to check if neighbor_index is correclty set
+ global_to_local_index.emplace(global_neighbor_index, counter);
+ }
+ counter++;
+ }
+ counter = 0;
+ for (const auto &cell : this->get_dof_handler().active_cell_iterators())
+ {
+ for (auto k = 0; k <= m_neighbors_count[counter]; k++)
+ {
+ auto global_nb_index = m_neighbors_indices[counter][k];
+ m_neighbors_indices[counter][k] = global_to_local_index.at(global_nb_index);
+ }
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ template
+ inline auto dealii_grid::nodes_areas_impl() const -> container_type
+ {
+ return xt::broadcast(m_node_area, m_shape);
+ }
+ template
+ inline auto dealii_grid::nodes_areas_impl(const size_type & /*idx*/) const noexcept
+ -> grid_data_type
+ {
+ return m_node_area;
+ }
+ template
+ inline auto dealii_grid::neighbors_count_impl(const size_type &idx) const -> size_type
+ {
+ return m_neighbors_count[idx];
+ }
+ template
+ void dealii_grid::neighbors_indices_impl(neighbors_indices_impl_type &neighbors,
+ const size_type &idx) const
+ {
+ const auto &size = m_neighbors_count[idx];
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ neighbors[i] = m_neighbors_indices[idx][i];
+ }
+ }
+ template
+ auto dealii_grid::neighbors_distances_impl(const size_type &idx) const
+ -> const neighbors_distances_impl_type &
+ {
+ return m_neighbors_distances[idx];
+ }
diff --git a/source/mesh_deformation/fastscapecc.cc b/source/mesh_deformation/fastscapecc.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb94642dc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/mesh_deformation/fastscapecc.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2011 - 2022 by the authors of the ASPECT code.
+ This file is part of ASPECT.
+ ASPECT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ ASPECT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with ASPECT; see the file LICENSE. If not see
+ .
+ */
+namespace aspect
+ namespace MeshDeformation
+ {
+ template
+ FastScapecc::FastScapecc()
+ : surface_mesh_dof_handler(surface_mesh) // Link DoFHandler to surface_mesh
+ {}
+ template
+ void FastScapecc::initialize()
+ {
+ init_surface_mesh(this->get_geometry_model());
+ n_grid_nodes = surface_mesh.n_active_cells();
+ }
+ template
+ template
+ void FastScapecc::init_surface_mesh(M & /*geom_model*/)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcMessage("FastScapecc plugin only supports 3D Box or Spherical Shell geometries."));
+ }
+ template
+ template >::value>>
+ void FastScapecc::init_surface_mesh(M &geom_model)
+ {
+ this->get_pcout() << "Box geometry detected. Initializing FastScape for Box geometry..." << std::endl;
+ // Create the rectangle surface mesh
+ const auto origin = geom_model->get_origin();
+ const auto extent = geom_model->get_extents();
+ const Point<2> p1(origin[0], origin[1]);
+ const Point<2> p2(origin[0] + extent[0], origin[1] + extent[1]);
+ auto rep = geom_model->get_repetitions();
+ std::vector repetitions(rep.begin(), rep.end());
+ GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_rectangle(surface_mesh, repetitions, p1, p2);
+ }
+ template
+ template >::value>>
+ void FastScapecc::init_surface_mesh(M &geom_model)
+ {
+ this->get_pcout() << "Spherical Shell geometry detected. Initializing FastScape for Spherical Shell geometry..." << std::endl;
+ // Create the spherical surface mesh
+ const Point<3> center(0, 0, 0); // Center at the origin
+ GridGenerator::hyper_sphere(surface_mesh, center, geom_model->outer_radius());
+ surface_mesh.refine_global(3);
+ DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(surface_mesh_dof_handler, surface_constraints);
+ surface_constraints.close();
+ }
+ template
+ void FastScapecc::project_surface_solution(const std::set &boundary_ids)
+ {
+ TimerOutput::Scope timer_section(this->get_computing_timer(), "Project surface solution");
+ // Define the quadrature rule for projection
+ QGauss<2> quadrature(surface_mesh_dof_handler.get_fe().degree + 1);
+ // Initialize the surface solution vector
+ IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs_surface;
+ DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(surface_mesh_dof_handler, locally_relevant_dofs_surface);
+ surface_solution.reinit(surface_mesh_dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs(),
+ locally_relevant_dofs_surface,
+ this->get_mpi_communicator());
+ // Initialize the boundary solution vector
+ IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs_main;
+ DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(this->get_dof_handler(), locally_relevant_dofs_main);
+ boundary_solution.reinit(this->get_dof_handler().locally_owned_dofs(),
+ locally_relevant_dofs_main,
+ this->get_mpi_communicator());
+ const types::boundary_id relevant_boundary = this->get_geometry_model().translate_symbolic_boundary_name_to_id("top");
+ for (const auto &cell : this->get_dof_handler().active_cell_iterators())
+ {
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ {
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ {
+ if (cell->face(face)->at_boundary() &&
+ cell->face(face)->boundary_id() == relevant_boundary)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int vertex = 0; vertex < GeometryInfo::vertices_per_face; ++vertex)
+ {
+ const unsigned int dof_index = cell->face(face)->vertex_dof_index(vertex, 0);
+ boundary_solution[dof_index] = this->get_solution()[dof_index];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ boundary_solution.compress(VectorOperation::insert);
+ // dealii::Functions::FEFieldFunction<2, dealii::LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector,3>
+ // fe_function(this->get_dof_handler(), boundary_solution, this->get_mapping());
+ // VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (surface_mesh_dof_handler,
+ // *boundary_ids.begin(),
+ // boundary_solution,
+ // surface_constraints);
+ // VectorTools::interpolate_to_different_mesh(
+ // this->get_dof_handler(), // Source DoFHandler
+ // this->get_solution(), // Source solution vector
+ // surface_mesh_dof_handler, // Target DoFHandler
+ // surface_solution // Target solution vector
+ // );
+ // Project the boundary solution onto the 2D surface mesh
+ // VectorTools::project(
+ // this->template get_mapping<2,3>(),
+ // surface_mesh_dof_handler,
+ // surface_constraints,
+ // quadrature,
+ // fe_function,
+ // surface_solution);
+ }
+ template
+ void FastScapecc::compute_velocity_constraints_on_boundary(const DoFHandler &mesh_deformation_dof_handler,
+ AffineConstraints &mesh_velocity_constraints,
+ const std::set &boundary_ids) const
+ {
+ if (this->get_timestep_number() == 0)
+ return;
+ TimerOutput::Scope timer_section(this->get_computing_timer(), "FastScape plugin");
+ const_cast *>(this)->project_surface_solution(boundary_ids);
+ // VectorTools::interpolate_to_different_mesh(
+ // this->get_dof_handler(), // Source DoFHandler
+ // this->get_solution(), // Source solution vector
+ // surface_mesh_dof_handler, // Target DoFHandler
+ // surface_solution // Target solution vector
+ // );
+ // Apply hanging node constraints to ensure continuity
+ // TODO: this yields a link error
+ // surface_constraints.distribute(surface_solution);
+ // Temporary storage for computation
+ std::vector> temporary_variables(dim + 2, std::vector());
+ // Iterate over active cells of the surface mesh
+ for (const auto &cell : surface_mesh_dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ {
+ for (unsigned int vertex_index = 0; vertex_index < GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell; ++vertex_index)
+ {
+ const Point vertex = cell->vertex(vertex_index); // Access the vertex
+ // Access the DoF index for the current vertex
+ unsigned int vertex_dof_index = cell->vertex_dof_index(vertex_index, 0); // Assume component 0
+ // Retrieve the solution value at the DoF index
+ double interpolated_value = surface_solution[vertex_dof_index];
+ // Compute radial velocity
+ double radial_velocity = (vertex(0) * interpolated_value +
+ vertex(1) * interpolated_value +
+ vertex(2) * interpolated_value) /
+ vertex.norm();
+ // Surface elevation
+ double elevation = vertex(2);
+ auto spherical_model = dynamic_cast*>(&this->get_geometry_model());
+ if (spherical_model != nullptr)
+ {
+ elevation -= spherical_model->outer_radius();
+ }
+ // Store results
+ temporary_variables[0].push_back(elevation);
+ temporary_variables[2].push_back(radial_velocity * year_in_seconds);
+ }
+ }
+ // int array_size = healpix_grid.Npix();
+ std::vector V(n_grid_nodes);
+ if (Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(this->get_mpi_communicator()) == 0)
+ {
+ // Initialize the variables that will be sent to FastScape.
+ std::vector h(n_grid_nodes, std::numeric_limits::max());
+ std::vector vz(n_grid_nodes);
+ std::vector h_old(n_grid_nodes);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temporary_variables[1].size(); ++i)
+ {
+ int index = static_cast(temporary_variables[1][i]);
+ h[index] = temporary_variables[0][i];
+ vz[index] = temporary_variables[2][i];
+ }
+ for (unsigned int p = 1; p < Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(this->get_mpi_communicator()); ++p)
+ {
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Probe(p, 42, this->get_mpi_communicator(), &status);
+ int incoming_size = 0;
+ MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_DOUBLE, &incoming_size);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temporary_variables.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ temporary_variables[i].resize(incoming_size);
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temporary_variables.size(); ++i)
+ MPI_Recv(&temporary_variables[i][0], incoming_size, MPI_DOUBLE, p, 42, this->get_mpi_communicator(), &status);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temporary_variables[1].size(); ++i)
+ {
+ int index = static_cast(temporary_variables[1][i]);
+ h[index] = temporary_variables[0][i];
+ vz[index] = temporary_variables[2][i];
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_grid_nodes; ++i)
+ {
+ h_old[i] = h[i];
+ }
+ const double aspect_timestep_in_years = this->get_timestep() / year_in_seconds;
+ unsigned int fastscape_iterations = fastscape_steps_per_aspect_step;
+ double fastscape_timestep_in_years = aspect_timestep_in_years / fastscape_iterations;
+ while (fastscape_timestep_in_years > maximum_fastscape_timestep)
+ {
+ fastscape_iterations *= 2;
+ fastscape_timestep_in_years *= 0.5;
+ }
+ // xt::xarray node_status_array = xt::zeros({ array_size });
+ // // TODO: replace Healpix grid by dealii grid adapter
+ // auto grid = fastscapelib::healpix_grid<>(nsides, node_status_array, 6.371e6);
+ // auto flow_graph = fastscapelib::flow_graph>(
+ // grid,
+ // {
+ // fastscapelib::single_flow_router()
+ // }
+ // );
+ // auto spl_eroder = fastscapelib::make_spl_eroder(flow_graph, 2e-4, 0.4, 1, 1e-5);
+ // xt::xarray uplifted_elevation = xt::zeros(grid.shape());
+ // xt::xarray drainage_area = xt::zeros(grid.shape());
+ // xt::xarray sediment_flux = xt::zeros(grid.shape());
+ // std::vector shape = { static_cast(array_size) };
+ // auto uplift_rate = xt::adapt(vz, shape);
+ // auto elevation = xt::adapt(h, shape);
+ // auto elevation_old = xt::adapt(h_old, shape);
+ // for (unsigned int fastscape_iteration = 0; fastscape_iteration < fastscape_iterations; ++fastscape_iteration)
+ // {
+ // uplifted_elevation = elevation + fastscape_timestep_in_years * uplift_rate;
+ // flow_graph.update_routes(uplifted_elevation);
+ // flow_graph.accumulate(drainage_area, 1.0);
+ // auto spl_erosion = spl_eroder.erode(uplifted_elevation, drainage_area, fastscape_timestep_in_years);
+ // sediment_flux = flow_graph.accumulate(spl_erosion);
+ // elevation = uplifted_elevation - spl_erosion;
+ // }
+ // std::vector elevation_std(elevation.begin(), elevation.end());
+ // std::vector elevation_old_std(elevation_old.begin(), elevation.end());
+ // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
+ // {
+ // V[i] = (elevation_std[i] - elevation_old_std[i]) / (this->get_timestep() / year_in_seconds);
+ // }
+ // MPI_Bcast(&V[0], array_size, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, this->get_mpi_communicator());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temporary_variables.size(); ++i)
+ MPI_Ssend(&temporary_variables[i][0], temporary_variables[1].size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 42, this->get_mpi_communicator());
+ MPI_Bcast(&V[0], n_grid_nodes, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, this->get_mpi_communicator());
+ }
+ // auto healpix_velocity_function = [&](const Point &p) -> double
+ // {
+ // int index = healpix_grid.vec2pix({p(0), p(1), p(2)});
+ // return V[index];
+ // };
+ // VectorFunctionFromScalarFunctionObject vector_function_object(
+ // healpix_velocity_function,
+ // dim - 1,
+ // dim);
+ // VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (mesh_deformation_dof_handler,
+ // *boundary_ids.begin(),
+ // vector_function_object,
+ // mesh_velocity_constraints);
+ }
+ template
+ Table
+ FastScapecc::fill_data_table(std::vector &values,
+ TableIndices &size_idx,
+ const int &array_size) const
+ {
+ // Create data table based off of the given size.
+ Table data_table;
+ data_table.TableBase::reinit(size_idx);
+ TableIndices idx;
+ // Loop through the data table and fill it with the velocities from FastScape.
+ // Indexes through z, y, and then x.
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k
+ bool
+ FastScapecc::
+ needs_surface_stabilization () const
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ template
+ void FastScapecc::declare_parameters(ParameterHandler &prm)
+ {
+ prm.enter_subsection ("Mesh deformation");
+ {
+ prm.enter_subsection ("Fastscapecc");
+ {
+ prm.declare_entry("Number of steps", "10",
+ Patterns::Integer(),
+ "Number of steps per ASPECT timestep");
+ prm.declare_entry("Maximum timestep", "10e3",
+ Patterns::Double(0),
+ "Maximum timestep for FastScape. Units: $\\{yrs}$");
+ prm.declare_entry("Additional fastscape refinement levels", "0",
+ Patterns::Integer(),
+ "How many levels above ASPECT FastScape should be refined.");
+ prm.declare_entry("Fastscape seed", "1000",
+ Patterns::Integer(),
+ "Seed used for adding an initial noise to FastScape topography based on the initial noise magnitude.");
+ prm.declare_entry("Maximum surface refinement level", "1",
+ Patterns::Integer(),
+ "This should be set to the highest ASPECT refinement level expected at the surface.");
+ prm.declare_entry("Surface refinement difference", "0",
+ Patterns::Integer(),
+ "The difference between the lowest and highest refinement level at the surface. E.g., if three resolution "
+ "levels are expected, this would be set to 2.");
+ prm.declare_entry ("Use velocities", "true",
+ Patterns::Bool (),
+ "Flag to use FastScape advection and uplift.");
+ prm.declare_entry("Precision", "0.001",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "Precision value for how close a ASPECT node must be to the FastScape node for the value to be transferred.");
+ prm.declare_entry("Initial noise magnitude", "5",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "Maximum topography change from the initial noise. Units: $\\{m}$");
+ prm.enter_subsection ("Erosional parameters");
+ {
+ prm.declare_entry("Drainage area exponent", "0.4",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "Exponent for drainage area.");
+ prm.declare_entry("Slope exponent", "1",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "The slope exponent for SPL (n). Generally m/n should equal approximately 0.4");
+ prm.declare_entry("Bedrock river incision rate", "1e-5",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "River incision rate for bedrock in the Stream Power Law. Units: $\\{m^(1-2*drainage_area_exponent)/yr}$");
+ prm.declare_entry("Sediment river incision rate", "-1",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "River incision rate for sediment in the Stream Power Law. -1 sets this to the bedrock river incision rate. Units: $\\{m^(1-2*drainage_area_exponent)/yr}$ ");
+ prm.declare_entry("Bedrock diffusivity", "1e-2",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "Transport coefficient (diffusivity) for bedrock. Units: $\\{m^2/yr}$ ");
+ prm.declare_entry("Sediment diffusivity", "-1",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "Transport coefficient (diffusivity) for sediment. -1 sets this to the bedrock diffusivity. Units: $\\{m^2/yr}$");
+ prm.declare_entry("Elevation factor", "1",
+ Patterns::Double(),
+ "Amount to multiply kf and kd by past given orographic elevation control.");
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection ();
+ }
+ template
+ void FastScapecc::parse_parameters(ParameterHandler &prm)
+ {
+ end_time = prm.get_double ("End time");
+ if (prm.get_bool ("Use years in output instead of seconds") == true)
+ end_time *= year_in_seconds;
+ prm.enter_subsection ("Mesh deformation");
+ {
+ prm.enter_subsection("Fastscapecc");
+ {
+ fastscape_steps_per_aspect_step = prm.get_integer("Number of steps");
+ maximum_fastscape_timestep = prm.get_double("Maximum timestep");
+ additional_refinement_levels = prm.get_integer("Additional fastscape refinement levels");
+ fs_seed = prm.get_integer("Fastscape seed");
+ maximum_surface_refinement_level = prm.get_integer("Maximum surface refinement level");
+ surface_refinement_difference = prm.get_integer("Surface refinement difference");
+ precision = prm.get_double("Precision");
+ noise_h = prm.get_double("Initial noise magnitude");
+ if (!this->convert_output_to_years())
+ {
+ maximum_fastscape_timestep /= year_in_seconds;
+ }
+ prm.enter_subsection("Erosional parameters");
+ {
+ m = prm.get_double("Drainage area exponent");
+ n = prm.get_double("Slope exponent");
+ kfsed = prm.get_double("Sediment river incision rate");
+ kff = prm.get_double("Bedrock river incision rate");
+ kdsed = prm.get_double("Sediment diffusivity");
+ kdd = prm.get_double("Bedrock diffusivity");
+ // if (!this->convert_output_to_years())
+ // {
+ // kff *= year_in_seconds;
+ // kdd *= year_in_seconds;
+ // kfsed *= year_in_seconds;
+ // kdsed *= year_in_seconds;
+ // }
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ }
+ prm.leave_subsection ();
+ }
+ }
+// explicit instantiation of the functions we implement in this file
+namespace aspect
+ namespace MeshDeformation
+ {
+ "fastscapecc",
+ "A plugin, which prescribes the surface mesh to "
+ "deform according to an analytically prescribed "
+ "function. Note that the function prescribes a "
+ "deformation velocity, i.e. the return value of "
+ "this plugin is later multiplied by the time step length "
+ "to compute the displacement increment in this time step. "
+ "The format of the "
+ "functions follows the syntax understood by the "
+ "muparser library, see Section~\\ref{sec:muparser-format}.")
+ }
diff --git a/tests/fastscape_eroding_box_cc.prm b/tests/fastscape_eroding_box_cc.prm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c42661ecf99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fastscape_eroding_box_cc.prm
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# At the top, we define the number of space dimensions we would like to
+# work in:
+set Dimension = 3
+set Use years in output instead of seconds = true
+set End time = 1e6
+set Maximum time step = 1000
+set Output directory = eroding_box
+set Pressure normalization = no
+set Surface pressure = 0
+# A box which has one half raised by 1 km.
+subsection Geometry model
+ set Model name = box
+ subsection Box
+ set X extent = 100e3
+ set Y extent = 100e3
+ set Z extent = 25e3
+ set X repetitions = 5
+ set Y repetitions = 5
+ end
+# subsection Initial topography model
+# set Model name = function
+# subsection Function
+# set Function expression = if(y>20e3 && y<80e3 && x>20e3 && x<80e3, 2500, 0)
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# We do not consider temperature in this setup
+subsection Initial temperature model
+ set Model name = function
+ subsection Function
+ set Function expression = 0
+ end
+subsection Boundary temperature model
+ set Fixed temperature boundary indicators = bottom, top
+ set List of model names = initial temperature
+# X Set all boundaries except the top to freeslip.
+subsection Boundary velocity model
+ set Tangential velocity boundary indicators = bottom, front, back, right, left
+# set Prescribed velocity boundary indicators = left x:function
+# subsection Function
+# set Variable names = x,y,t
+# set Function constants = cm=0.01,year=1
+# set Function expression = if(x<50e3, 1*cm/year,0) ;0
+# end
+# Here we setup the top boundary with fastscape.
+subsection Mesh deformation
+ set Mesh deformation boundary indicators = top : fastscapecc
+ subsection Fastscapecc
+ # As the highest resolution at the surface is 4 in the mesh refinement function, we set this the same.
+ set Maximum surface refinement level = 0
+ # Because we only have the same level across the entire surface we set this to zero.
+ # If we had multiple resolutions, e.g. 3 different cell sizes at the surface,
+ # this would be set to 2 (number of cell sizes at surface - 1).
+ set Surface refinement difference = 0
+ # We set FastScape as 1 level more resolved than ASPECT's initial global surface resolution.
+ set Additional fastscape refinement = 0
+ # Number of FastScape timesteps we want per ASPECT timestep.
+ set Number of steps = 5
+ # Set the maximum allowable FastScape timestep. If the (ASPECT timestep)/(Number of steps)
+ # is greater than this value, then the number of steps is automatically doubled.
+ # This is continued until the FastScape timestep is less than this value.
+ set Maximum timestep = 10000
+ # Seed number for initial topography noise
+ set Fastscape seed = 0
+ # Fix all boundaries in FastScape.
+ subsection Boundary conditions
+ set Front = 1
+ set Right = 1
+ set Back = 1
+ set Left = 1
+ end
+ # We use both the Steam Power Law (SPL) and hillslope diffusion. The bedrock deposition
+ # variable allows deposition of sediment, however, because
+ # the sediment variables are not set, they are equal to
+ # bedrock values.
+ subsection Erosional parameters
+ set Drainage area exponent = 0.4
+ set Bedrock diffusivity = 1e-2
+ set Bedrock river incision rate = 1e-4
+ set Slope exponent = 1
+ end
+ end
+ set Additional tangential mesh velocity boundary indicators = left, right, front, back
+subsection Gravity model
+ set Model name = vertical
+ subsection Vertical
+ set Magnitude = 0
+ end
+# Dimensionless
+subsection Material model
+ set Model name = simple
+ subsection Simple model
+ set Reference density = 1
+ set Reference specific heat = 1
+ set Reference temperature = 0
+ set Thermal conductivity = 1
+ set Thermal expansion coefficient = 1
+ set Viscosity = 1
+ end
+# We also have to specify that we want to use the Boussinesq
+# approximation (assuming the density in the temperature
+# equation to be constant, and incompressibility).
+subsection Formulation
+ set Formulation = Boussinesq approximation
+# We set a maximum surface refinement level of 4 using the max/minimum refinement level.
+# This will make it so that the ASPECT surface refinement is the same as what we set
+# for our maximum surface refinement level for FastScape.
+# subsection Mesh refinement
+# set Initial global refinement = 4
+# set Initial adaptive refinement = 1
+# set Time steps between mesh refinement = 0
+# set Strategy = minimum refinement function, maximum refinement function
+# subsection Maximum refinement function
+# set Coordinate system = cartesian
+# set Variable names = x,y,z
+# set Function expression = if(z>=21000, 4, 2)
+# end
+# subsection Minimum refinement function
+# set Coordinate system = cartesian
+# set Variable names = x,y,z
+# set Function expression = if(z>=21000, 4, 2)
+# end
+# end
+subsection Mesh refinement
+ set Initial global refinement = 0
+ set Initial adaptive refinement = 0
+ set Time steps between mesh refinement = 0
+ # set Strategy = minimum refinement function, maximum refinement function
+ # subsection Maximum refinement function
+ # set Coordinate system = cartesian
+ # set Variable names = x,y,z
+ # set Function expression = if(z>=21000, 4, 2)
+ # end
+ # subsection Minimum refinement function
+ # set Coordinate system = cartesian
+ # set Variable names = x,y,z
+ # set Function expression = if(z>=21000, 4, 2)
+ # end
+subsection Postprocess
+ set List of postprocessors = visualization
+ subsection Visualization
+ set Time between graphical output = 0
+ set List of output variables = strain rate
+ set Interpolate output = false
+ set Write higher order output = false
+ end
diff --git a/tests/fastscape_eroding_box_cc/output_screen b/tests/fastscape_eroding_box_cc/output_screen
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..22d10c18c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fastscape_eroding_box_cc/output_screen
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+-- This is ASPECT, the Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth's ConvecTion.
+-- . version 2.6.0-pre (coupling_fs, 19ad382da)
+-- . using deal.II 9.4.0
+-- . with 32 bit indices and vectorization level 0 (64 bits)
+-- . using Trilinos 13.2.0
+-- . using p4est 2.3.2
+-- . running in DEBUG mode
+-- . running with 1 MPI process
+The output directory provided in the input file appears not to exist.
+ASPECT will create it for you.
+-- For information on how to cite ASPECT, see:
+-- https://aspect.geodynamics.org/citing.html?ver=2.6.0-pre&sha=19ad382da&src=code
+Number of active cells: 25 (on 1 levels)
+Number of degrees of freedom: 1,524 (1,089+72+363)
+Number of mesh deformation degrees of freedom: 216
+ Solving mesh displacement system... 0 iterations.
+*** Timestep 0: t=0 years, dt=0 years
+ Solving mesh displacement system... 0 iterations.
+ Skipping temperature solve because RHS is zero.
+ Rebuilding Stokes preconditioner...
+ Solving Stokes system... 0+0 iterations.
+ Postprocessing:
+ Writing graphical output: eroding_box/solution/solution-00000
+*** Timestep 1: t=1000 years, dt=1000 years
+ Initializing FastScape... 1 levels, cell size: 20000 m.
+here it works 2
+here it works 3
+here it works 4
+here it works 5
+here it works 6
+here it works 7
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 0
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 1
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 2
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 3
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 4
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 10
+here it works 11
+here it works 12
+ Solving mesh displacement system... 0 iterations.
+ Skipping temperature solve because RHS is zero.
+ Rebuilding Stokes preconditioner...
+ Solving Stokes system... 0+0 iterations.
+ Postprocessing:
+ Writing graphical output: eroding_box/solution/solution-00001
+*** Timestep 2: t=2000 years, dt=1000 years
+ Initializing FastScape... 1 levels, cell size: 20000 m.
+here it works 2
+here it works 3
+here it works 4
+here it works 5
+here it works 6
+here it works 7
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 0
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 1
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 2
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 3
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 4
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 10
+here it works 11
+here it works 12
+ Solving mesh displacement system... 0 iterations.
+ Skipping temperature solve because RHS is zero.
+ Rebuilding Stokes preconditioner...
+ Solving Stokes system... 0+0 iterations.
+ Postprocessing:
+ Writing graphical output: eroding_box/solution/solution-00002
+*** Timestep 3: t=3000 years, dt=1000 years
+ Initializing FastScape... 1 levels, cell size: 20000 m.
+here it works 2
+here it works 3
+here it works 4
+here it works 5
+here it works 6
+here it works 7
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 0
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 1
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 2
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 3
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 4
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+here it works 9
+here it works 9b
+here it works 10
+here it works 11
+here it works 12
+ Solving mesh displacement system... 0 iterations.
+ Skipping temperature solve because RHS is zero.
+ Rebuilding Stokes preconditioner...
+ Solving Stokes system... 0+0 iterations.
+ Postprocessing:
+ Writing graphical output: eroding_box/solution/solution-00003
+*** Timestep 4: t=4000 years, dt=1000 years
+ Initializing FastScape... 1 levels, cell size: 20000 m.
+here it works 2
+here it works 3
+here it works 4
+here it works 5
+here it works 6
+here it works 7
+here it works 8
+Fastscape ite 0
+here it works 8b
+here it works 8c
+here it works 8d
+here it works 8e
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] *** Process received signal ***
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] Signal: Abort trap: 6 (6)
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] Signal code: (0)
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 0] 0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x000000019ea52a84 _sigtramp + 56
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 1] 0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000019ea23c28 pthread_kill +
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 2] 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x000000019e931ae8 abort + 180
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 3] 0 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x000000019e852e28 malloc_vreport
++ 908
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 4] 0 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x000000019e8695d4
+malloc_zone_error + 104
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 5] 0 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x000000019e861148
+nanov2_guard_corruption_detected + 44
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 6] 0 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x000000019e860344 _nanov2_free +
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 7] 0 libc++abi.dylib 0x000000019e9de924 _Znwm + 32
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 8] 0 aspect 0x0000000105070738
++ 188
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [ 9] 0 aspect 0x000000010506e1b8
++ 144
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [10] 0 aspect 0x000000010501a780
++ 400
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [11] 0 aspect 0x000000010501f064
++ 6844
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [12] 0 aspect 0x0000000105039b38
+_ZN6aspect15MeshDeformation22MeshDeformationHandlerILi3EE16make_constraintsEv + 1036
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [13] 0 aspect 0x0000000105039618
+_ZN6aspect15MeshDeformation22MeshDeformationHandlerILi3EE7executeEv + 152
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [14] 0 aspect 0x00000001048a16f8
+_ZN6aspect9SimulatorILi3EE14solve_timestepEv + 44
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [15] 0 aspect 0x00000001048a0084
+_ZN6aspect9SimulatorILi3EE3runEv + 892
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [16] 0 aspect 0x00000001051b4f44
+_Z13run_simulatorILi3EEvRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEES8_bbb +
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [17] 0 aspect 0x00000001051b41a8 main + 2580
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] [18] 0 dyld 0x000000019e6cbf28 start + 2236
+[MacBook-Pro:08191] *** End of error message ***
+Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
+a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
+mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node MacBook-Pro exited on signal 6 (Abort trap: