- app : server and client application code, html and css
- bower_componenets : frontend dependencies
- config
- coverage : code coverage reports from tests
- gulp : build and test tasks
- loadtests : config and reports
- locales : server translation files for different languages
- log : rotating server log files
- node_modules : back and front end dependencies
- public : created by gulp build
- reports : reports from code style and tests
- spec : test configuration .bowerrc : bower meta config .editorconfig : cross IDE config .eslintrc : javascript linting config .gitignore app.js : initializes the app bower.json : front end dependencies config gulpfile.js : entry for build and test tasks karma.conf.js : frontend test configuration package.json : general dependencies configuration and project description
Description of the individual folders - if any - can be found in the folder itself.
- assets : fonts, images, favicons
- controllers : defines app routes and their logic
- errors : error handlers
- helpers : shared code and functionality
- middleware : Express middlewares which process the incoming requests before handling them down to the controllers
- models : represents data, implements business logic and handles storage
- nunjucks : template configuration and customization
- views : templates that are rendered and served by our routes. Also holds client side js and style.