Thank you for considering contributing to ttproto!
Table of content
- Git workflow - Merge request guidelines
- Contributing with a new Testing Tool
- Interoperability test suite / TAT
- Matching operation examples
- Testcase Class and subclasses
- How to write the whole test suite
- Conformance test suite
- Styleguides
TODO list: - Put doc about how to dev a lib for a protocol - Document conformance test suite - Put doc about Templates if needed (optional) - Document amqp and http interface of ttproto
If you can, please submit a merge request with the fix or improvements including tests. If you don't know how to fix the issue but can write a test that exposes the issue we will accept that as well. In general bug fixes that include a regression test are merged quickly while new features without proper tests are least likely to receive timely feedback. The workflow to make a merge request is as follows:
[1] | Fork the project into your personal space on gitlab |
[2] | Create a feature branch, branch away from master (if it's a fix) or develop (if it's a new feature or doc) |
[3] | Write tests, code and/or doc |
[4] | If you have multiple commits please combine them into a few logically organized commits by squashing them |
[5] | Push the commit(s) to your fork |
[6] | Submit a merge request (MR) to the master branch / develop branch (depending if it's a fix or new feature) |
Some other comments:
[7] | The MR title should describe the change you want to make |
[8] | The MR description should give a motive for your change and the method you used to achieve it. |
[9] | If you are proposing core/substantial changes to the tools please create an issue first to discuss it beforehand. |
[10] | Mention the issue(s) your merge request solves, using the Solves #XXX or Closes #XXX syntax. |
[11] | Please keep the change in a single MR as small as possible. |
[12] | For examples of feedback on merge requests please look at already closed merge requests. |
[13] | Merging will be done by main maintainer after reviewing the changes. |
When having your code reviewed and when reviewing merge requests please take the code review guidelines into account.
The main objective of this document is to provide guidelines for contributing to ttproto with new suites / analysis tools using ttproto APIs and libraries. This document contains two parts; (1) guidelines on how to provide a conformance test suite (TBD) and (2) guidelines on how to provide an interoperability testsuite / test analyzer tool. A conformance test suite testing a protocol foo in the ttproto environment is named TS_foo, and an interoperability test suite, testing a protocol bar, is named TAT_bar. TAT stands for test analysis tool. Interoperability TAT in ttproto are tools which analyze the exchanged frames in a interop test post mortem, meaning after the test has been executed. ttproto uses pcaps (not pcap-ng) as input for analysing the exchanged frames during an interop test. This makes ttproto an easier tool to integrate into other systems given it's passive, non intrusive approach for running tests.
Here we will see how to implement an interoperability test suite using ttproto's tool. You can find two examples of this type of test suite into tat_coap and tat_6lowpan subdirectories of ttproto.
Firstly, lets provide an example of what a test case implementation looks like:
from ..common import *
class TD_COAP_CORE_01 (CoAPTestCase):
obj: Perform GET transaction(CON mode)
pre: Server offers the resource /test with resource content
is not empty that handles GET with an arbitrary payload
ref: '[COAP] 5.8.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1'
- s:
- 'Client is requested to send a GET request with:'
- - Type = 0(CON)
- Code = 1(GET)
- c:
- 'The request sent by the client contains:'
- - Type=0 and Code=1
- "Client-generated Message ID(\u2794 CMID)"
- "Client-generated Token(\u2794 CTOK)"
- Uri-Path option "test"
- c:
- 'Server sends response containing:'
- - Code = 2.05(Content)
- Message ID = CMID, Token = CTOK
- Content-format option
- Non-empty Payload
- v: Client displays the received information
def get_stimulis(cls) -> list_of(Value):
Get the stimulis of this test case. This has to be be implemented into
each test cases class.
:return: The stimulis of this TC
:rtype: [Value]
return [CoAP(code='get')]
def run(self):
CoAP(type='con', code='get', opt=self.uri('/test'))
CMID = self.coap['mid']
CTOK = self.coap['tok']
if self.match(
CoAP(code=2.05, mid=CMID, tok=CTOK, pl=Not(b''))
Note that the implementation of the test case it's quite simple and short. There are two main "directives" used during a testcase, those are and self.match:
- self points and iterates over the frames of the pcap capture (after the pre-filter phase, but let's leave that discussion for later..).
- iterates over the frames
- self.match() we evaluate the CHECKs described in the test description.
Also, note that self.match() takes as parameter (1) the node which is associated to the current frame to be evaluated (the association can be for example the node that sent the frame) but more importantly (2) the template to match, e.g. CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionContentFormat()).
This is one of the strong points of ttproto, the simplicity to generate templates. We will came later on into this discussion.
Now let's show a couple of examples to undestand match operation behaviour:
in tests/test_dumps/coap_core/TD_COAP_CORE_01_PASS.pcap you can find an example of exchanges expected while performing a GET transaction in CON mode, which corresponds to TD_COAP_CORE_01.
"<Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test>", "<Frame 2: [ ->] CoAP [ACK 43521] 2.05 Content >"
now I'll describe the expexted behaviours of the match operation by using the following snippet and ttproto/tat_coap/ test case.
from os import getcwd, path
analyzer = Analyzer('tat_coap')
params = './tests/test_dumps/coap_core/TD_COAP_CORE_01_pass.pcap', 'TD_COAP_CORE_01'
tc_name, verdict, rev_frames, str_log, lst_log, excepts = analyzer.analyse(params[0], params[1])
print('##### TC name')
print('##### Verdict given')
print('##### Review frames')
print('##### Text')
print('##### Partial verdicts')
for s in lst_log:
print('##### Exceptions')
for e in excepts:
e1, e2, e3 = e
print(repr(traceback.format_exception(e1, e2, e3)))
Let's use as example the testcase TD_COAP_CORE_01,
where we check that client's message matches the following template:
CoAP(type='con', code='get', opt=self.uri('/test')
and under the circumstance where the server response is ok (2.05 code), that it correlates to the request(CTOK), and that it returns a non empty payload: CoAP(code=2.05, mid=CMID, tok=CTOK, pl=Not(b'')) then if server message doesnt provide a CoAPOptionContentFormat the test will fail:
self.match('server', CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionContentFormat())), 'fail')
note that if any of the two first operations dont match the expected, then the test will return an 'inconclusive' verdict.
def run(self):
self.match('client', CoAP(type='con', code='get', opt=self.uri('/test')))
CMID = self.coap['mid']
CTOK = self.coap['tok']
if self.match('server', CoAP(code=2.05, mid=CMID, tok=CTOK, pl=Not(b'')), None):
self.match('server', CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionContentFormat())), 'fail')
##### TC name TD_COAP_CORE_01 ##### ##### Verdict given pass ##### ##### Review frames [] ##### ##### Text <Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> [ pass ] <Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> Match: CoAP(type=0, code=1) <Frame 2: [ ->] CoAP [ACK 43521] 2.05 Content > [ pass ] <Frame 2: [ ->] CoAP [ACK 43521] 2.05 Content > Match: CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionContentFormat())) ##### Partial verdicts ('pass', '<Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> Match: CoAP(type=0, code=1)') ('pass', '<Frame 2: [ ->] CoAP [ACK 43521] 2.05 Content > Match: CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionContentFormat()))') ##### ##### Exceptions #####
the output here says that the testcase has passed, and the essential information is described in the partial verdicts:
('pass', '<Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> Match: CoAP(type=0, code=1)') ('pass', '<Frame 2: [ ->] CoAP [ACK 43521] 2.05 Content > Match: CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionContentFormat()))')
we can add some extra requirements on the 3rd match operation asking that response must include a CoAP Option Block:
if self.match('server', CoAP(code=2.05, mid=CMID, tok=CTOK, pl=Not(b'')), None):
self.match('server', CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionContentFormat(), CoAPOptionBlock())), 'fail')
which returns a fail when run on the previously described PCAP file as the server's response doesnt include this CoAP option:
##### TC name TD_COAP_CORE_01 ##### ##### Verdict given fail ##### ##### Review frames [2] ##### ##### Text <Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> [ pass ] <Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> Match: CoAP(type=0, code=1) <Frame 2: [ ->] CoAP [ACK 43521] 2.05 Content > [ fail ] Mismatch: CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionBlock(), CoAPOptionContentFormat())) CoAP.opt: CoAPOptMismatch got: expected: CoAPOptionBlock() ##### Partial verdicts ('pass', '<Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> Match: CoAP(type=0, code=1)') ('fail', ' Mismatch: CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionBlock(), CoAPOptionContentFormat()))') ##### ##### Exceptions #####
We can also override the default fail messages using:
if self.match('server', CoAP(code=2.05, mid=CMID, tok=CTOK, pl=Not(b'')), None):
self.match('server', CoAP(opt=Opt(CoAPOptionContentFormat(), CoAPOptionBlock())), 'fail', "Missing CoAP options")
##### TC name TD_COAP_CORE_01 ##### ##### Verdict given fail ##### ##### Review frames [2] ##### ##### Text <Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> [ pass ] <Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> Match: CoAP(type=0, code=1) <Frame 2: [ ->] CoAP [ACK 43521] 2.05 Content > [ fail ] Missing CoAP options CoAP.opt: CoAPOptMismatch got: expected: CoAPOptionBlock() ##### Partial verdicts ('pass', '<Frame 1: [ ->] CoAP [CON 43521] GET /test> Match: CoAP(type=0, code=1)') ('fail', 'Missing CoAP options') ##### ##### Exceptions #####
Now, let's describe the different libraries that are provided and the elements that the contributor has to provide,for writing his/her TAT, or test suite.
Here is a scheme to describe the global structure of an interoperability test suite, with the purpose and functions at each level described beside it:
+----------+ | Test case super class, nothing to change | TestCase | | here, the following functions are provided: +----------+ | /\ | - match() - log() || | - next() - set_verdict() || | - run_test_case() || |______________________________________________ +------------------+ | The common TestCase class, its purpose is to | ProtocolTestCase | | define functions that can be used in every +------------------+ | test cases. It can also provide utility /\ | functions to each test case instance || | || | - get_protocol() ||============= \ | - preprocess() || || | - get_test_purpose() || || |______________________________________________ +-----------+ +-----------+ | The test case itself, written from a test | TD_..._01 | | TD_..._02 | | description and providing the actual run +-----------+ +-----------+ | | - get_nodes_identification_templates() | - get_stimulis() | - run()
Into the TAT_foo directory, create a file which will correspond to the common test case module for this test environment. It will define every needed functions and utilities for the TDs implementation.
This module will take care of importing every needed libraries and classes from ttproto, here is a list of the modules that can interest us:
- ttproto.core.analyzer - ttproto.core.dissector - ttproto.core.templates - ttproto.core.lib.all
This module also have to contain a TestCase inherited class named after the test environment used that will be our common TestCase class (CF scheme). The purpose of this module is to provide utility functions that are common to all the test cases that will be launched associated to this test environment.
Into this common TestCase class, here are the functions that have to be defined:
- get_protocol()
Provide the protocol that concerns the test case. This will be used in the verification of frame values.
- classmethod
- No parameter
- Returns a protocol class (which is a subclass of Value)
- preprocess()
Preprocess a Capture object from which it will generate the conversations on which the test case will be run.
- Takes a Capture object as parameter
- Returns a tuple containing the conversations and the ignored frames
- get_test_purpose()
Provide the test purpose of this test case.
- classmethod
- No parameter
- Returns the test purpose as a string
- Can be implemented manually into each test case, giving the raw text
- If the documentation of test cases follows the one explained into Styleguides topic, no need to reimplement this function
The TD's implementation are the actual test case that will be run.
The TD's implementation should only import the elements from common module which is used like an entry point for accessing to ttproto's libraries because most of the time, the elements that we import from ttproto will be used in many test cases and not only one.
Each TD's implementation should be put into a module named following the unique id of the TD in lower case and its class name should be the same in upper case. Each class should inherit the common test case one in order to retrieve from it the utility functions or TestCase's not implemented ones.
By the way, the documentation of the TD's implementation class should follow the syntax described in the Test Case Documentation Styleguide.
Into this TD's implementation class, here are the functions that have to be defined:
- get_nodes_identification_patterns()
Provide the list of Nodes taking part in this test case.
- classmethod
- No parameter
- Returns a list of Node objects
- Can be defined into common class if generic
- get_stimulis()
Provide list of stimulis, in the order in which we should encounter them.
- classmethod
- No parameter
- Returns a list of Value objects.
- run()
The actual execution of the test case as specified in the TD. We will see afterward what can be used to write the run() method.
- No parameter
- Returns nothing
The TestCase class already offers many tools and utilities to run an actual test case. Here what you can use for the run() method of TD's implementations.
You can access to its functions and variables directly from the common test case or the TD's implementation by calling to themselves as they both inherits the TestCase class.
Here are the variables provided by the TestCase class for each instance of classes inheriting it:
- _verdict
- A Verdict object which purpose is to store the current verdict and update it when needed, following a priority rule.
- _capture
- The Capture object that stores all the frames passed to the execution. Frames are accessible from frames variable of this object, but they are raw frames and should be filtered using the preprocess() method.
- _conversations
- The conversations that are a list of Conversation objects generated from preprocessing the capture passed to the test case.
- _ignore_frames
- The frames that were ignored after the preprocessing.
In fact, there more accessible variables than that but they are usedinternally into provided utility functions. Even if they are accessible,normally you will never have to use them and if so, it is not recommendedat all to access them in writing.
There is only a single intern class provided by TestCase which is named Stop and inherits Exception. It's an exception that is thrown to abort the current running test case.
Here are the functions provided by the TestCase class, for each instance of classes inheriting it, which will allow you to execute the actual run() method:
- __init__()
The initialisation function for each test case to initialize itself
- Takes a Capture object which corresponds to the recorded communications to analyze
- Returns nothing
- run_test_case()
The function to actually run the test case after it is initilized. It will call the run() method of the TD's implementation as many times that there are conversations occurences into the recorded communications passed.
- Takes no parameter
- Returns a tuple containing the following information:
- The verdict as a string
- The list of the result concerned frames as list of int
- Extra informations as a string
- The exceptions that occured as a list of tuple formatted like:
- The exception's class as a type
- The exception object itself as an Exception
- The traceback of when the it has occured as a traceback object
- match()
Allow you to check that the current frame's format corresponds to the one provided in the test description.
- Takes 4 parameters that are the following:
- The name of the sending node as a string
- The template to which we will compare the current frame as Value
- The verdict to assign in case of operation mismatch as an optional string
- The message to assign in case of operation mismatch as an optional string
- Returns True if it matches, False if not
- next()
Allow you to parse the list of frames by getting to the next one.
- Takes one parameters which is a boolean named optional to know if the next frame is optional or not. If not and no following frame, error is thrown.
- Returns nothing
- log()
Allow you to log anything. Can be reimplemented in lower levels
- Takes a parameter that can be anything
- Returns nothing
- set_verdict()
Update the verdict of the current execution. A priority is put on the verdicts so it will really update only when the new one has higher priority.
- Takes 2 parameters that are the following: - The new verdict to put as a string - The msg associated to it as a string
- Returns nothing
- get_test_purpose()
Allow you to get the test purpose of a TestCase. This is a default one that will only work if your TestCase class documentation uses the format described into Test Case Documentation Styleguide.
- classmethod
- Takes no parameter
- Returns a string representation of the test purpose
Put the way to define the libraries needed for packet decoding smwhere
The first task to do this is to create the test environment.
You have to create a folder into ttproto with name defined as tat_[test_env] . We took as convention that the test_env is the name of the protocol. Now that we have the test env set, create a testcases directory inside this one, we will put test cases definition into it later.
Into this directory, define the common module from the instructions provided in Common module part and into it, define the common test case class from the instructions provided in the Common module part without forgetting defining what has to be implemented at this level.
If some own utility elements like functions, variables or classes has to be defined, they should be defined into this module or at least imported from it.
In the testcases directory, you can create a test case by following the instructions provided at the Test Description implementation part. Now that this is done, we will see how to write the TD's implementation.
We will start by providing the test configuration, you have two functions for this:
get_stimulis() will allow you to provide the stimulis of the test case, you can get them from the test description and you have to put them into the list in the same order as they should appear. A stimuli here consist into a Template object.
get_nodes_identification_patterns() will allow you to provide the node configuration of the test case. It consists into a list of Node objects which just contains the information about the name of the node and its template.
Now, you can provide the actual run of the test by writting the run() method. You can look at the Functions provided section for every usefull functions but the main ones that you need are match() for checking, log() if you want to log messages and next() for going from one frame to another.
All Python code should respect the PEP8 Styleguide for more readability.
All test case documentation should be written into Yaml, following this format:
""" --- TestCaseUniqueId: cfg: Configuration of this test case not: Some notes (can be multiple) obj: Purpose of the test case, also named objective pre: Prerequisite for this test case ref: RFC's references seq: - s: This describes a stimulis - s: - This is a multiple lines stimuli - - First part of the stimuli - Second and last one - c: This describres a check - c: - 'This is a check on multiple lines:' - - First thing to check - Second one - Third and last one - f: This is a feature - f: - This is a multiline feature without colon - - First part of the feature - Second and last part - v: This is a verify - v: - 'This is a verify on multiple lines:' - - First thing to verify - Second and last one """
There can be some problems with special characters, mostly with ':', '\' or '/' that can occur in some test descriptions, and with non-asciicharacters.
For the first case, use quotes and for the second, use special characters like \u2794 for example.