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This section covers CSS as per the CSS Snapshot 2023 as well as CSS working drafts as of June 2024.

I> Identifying and maintaining overviews of CSS selectors, at-rules, and especially properties, including their status and support, is a notoriously difficult task. For CSS properties, the best resource may be the List of CSS Properties, Both Proposed and Standard, maintained by Bert Bos (W3C). Usually, as in this case, collecting this information requires consulting various specifications, and still comes with a chance of error.

I> ### License Information I> I> This chapter includes information about CSS selectors derived from Selectors Level 4, as well as information about CSS properties and their specifications derived from List of CSS Properties, Both Proposed and Standard. I> I> Copyright 2022, 2024 World Wide Web Consortium. This work is distributed under the W3C Software and Document License in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. I> I> The derived information has been reviewed, edited, reordered, and complemented to the best of the author’s knowledge.


Memorize all selectors, to improve your ability to target elements for styling.

Selector Form
Universal selector *
Type (element name) selector E
Descendant combinator ( ) E F
Child combinator (>) E > F
Next-sibling combinator (+) E + F
Subsequent-sibling combinator (~) E ~ F
Column combinator (||) F || E
Class selector E.warning
ID selector E#myid
Attribute presence  and value selector E[foo]
Attribute presence  and value selector E[foo='bar']
Attribute presence  and value selector E[foo~='bar']
Substring matching attribute selector E[foo^='bar']
Substring matching attribute selector E[foo$='bar']
Substring matching attribute selector E[foo*='bar']
Attribute presence  and value selector E[foo|='en']
Nesting selector (&) E { & F {} }
Case-sensitivity E[foo='bar' i]
Case-sensitivity E[foo='bar' s]
:root pseudo-class E:root
:empty pseudo-class E:empty
:nth-child() pseudo-class E:nth-child(n [of S]?)
:nth-last-child() pseudo-class E:nth-last-child(n [of S]?)
:first-child pseudo-class E:first-child
:last-child pseudo-class E:last-child
:only-child pseudo-class E:only-child
:nth-of-type() pseudo-class E:nth-of-type(n)
:nth-last-of-type() pseudo-class E:nth-last-of-type(n)
:first-of-type pseudo-class E:first-of-type
:last-of-type pseudo-class E:last-of-type
:only-of-type pseudo-class E:only-of-type
:nth-col() pseudo-class E:nth-col(n)
:nth-last-col() pseudo-class E:nth-last-col(n)
Negation (matches-none) pseudo-class :not() E:not(s1, s2, …)
Matches-any pseudo-class :is() E:is(s1, s2, …)
Specificity-adjustment pseudo-class :where() E:where(s1, s2, …)
Relational pseudo-class :has() E:has(rs1, rs2, …)
Directionality pseudo-class :dir() E:dir(ltr)
Language pseudo-class :lang() E:lang(zh, '*-hant')
Hyperlink pseudo-class :any-link E:any-link
Link history pseudo-class :link E:link
Link history pseudo-class :visited E:visited
Local link pseudo-class :local-link E:local-link
Target pseudo-class :target E:target
Target container pseudo-class :target-within E:target-within
Reference element pseudo-class :scope E:scope
Current-element pseudo-class :current E:current
Current-element pseudo-class :current E:current(s)
Past-element pseudo-class :past E:past
Future-element pseudo-class :future E:future
Activation pseudo-class :active E:active
Pointer hover pseudo-class :hover E:hover
Input focus pseudo-class :focus E:focus
Focus container pseudo-class :focus-within E:focus-within
Focus-indicated pseudo-class :focus-visible E:focus-visible
:enabled pseudo-class E:enabled
:disabled pseudo-class E:disabled
Mutability pseudo-class :read-write E:read-write
Mutability pseudo-class :read-only E:read-only
Placeholder-shown pseudo-class :placeholder-shown E:placeholder-shown
Default-option pseudo-class :default E:default
Selected-option pseudo-class :checked E:checked
Indeterminate-value pseudo-class :indeterminate E:indeterminate
Validity pseudo-class :valid E:valid
Validity pseudo-class :invalid E:invalid
Range pseudo-class :in-range E:in-range
Range pseudo-class :out-of-range E:out-of-range
Optionality pseudo-classes :required E:required
Optionality pseudo-classes :optional E:optional
Empty-value pseudo-class :blank E:blank
User-interaction pseudo-class :user-valid E:user-valid
User-interaction pseudo-class :user-invalid E:user-invalid
::before pseudo-element E::before
::after pseudo-element E::after
::first-letter pseudo-element E::first-letter
::first-line pseudo-element E::first-line
::selection pseudo-element E::selection
::backdrop pseudo-element E::backdrop
::marker pseudo-element E::marker
::placeholder pseudo-element E::placeholder
::file-selector-button pseudo-element E::file-selector-button
::grammar-error pseudo-element E::grammar-error
::spelling-error pseudo-element E::spelling-error
::target-text pseudo-element E::target-text
::cue pseudo-element E::cue
::slotted() pseudo-element E::slotted()
::part() pseudo-element E::part()


Memorize the CSS properties and their specification context, to gain a better sense of what CSS may allow you to do.

Property Specification (Most Mature, Most Recent)
accent-color CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
align-content CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
align-items CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
align-self CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
alignment-baseline CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
all CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 3
anchor-name CSS Anchor Positioning
anchor-scope CSS Anchor Positioning
animation CSS Animations Level 1
animation-composition CSS Animations Level 2
animation-delay CSS Animations Level 1
animation-direction CSS Animations Level 1
animation-duration CSS Animations Level 1
animation-fill-mode CSS Animations Level 1
animation-iteration-count CSS Animations Level 1
animation-name CSS Animations Level 1
animation-play-state CSS Animations Level 1
animation-range Scroll-Driven Animations
animation-range-end Scroll-Driven Animations
animation-range-start Scroll-Driven Animations
animation-timeline CSS Animations Level 2
animation-timing-function CSS Animations Level 1
appearance CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
aspect-ratio CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
azimuth CSS 2.1
backface-visibility CSS Transforms Module Level 2
background CSS 2.1
background-attachment CSS 2.1
background-blend-mode Compositing and Blending Level 1
background-clip CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
background-color CSS 2.1
background-image CSS 2.1
background-origin CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
background-position CSS 2.1
background-repeat CSS 2.1
background-size CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
baseline-shift CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
baseline-source CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
block-ellipsis CSS Overflow Module Level 4
block-size CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
block-step CSS Rhythmic Sizing
block-step-align CSS Rhythmic Sizing
block-step-insert CSS Rhythmic Sizing
block-step-round CSS Rhythmic Sizing
block-step-size CSS Rhythmic Sizing
bookmark-label CSS Generated Content Module Level 3
bookmark-level CSS Generated Content Module Level 3
bookmark-state CSS Generated Content Module Level 3
border CSS 2.1
border-block CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-color CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-end CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-end-color CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-end-style CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-end-width CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-start CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-start-color CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-start-style CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-start-width CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-style CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-block-width CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-bottom CSS 2.1
border-bottom-color CSS 2.1
border-bottom-left-radius CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-bottom-right-radius CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-bottom-style CSS 2.1
border-bottom-width CSS 2.1
border-boundary CSS Round Display Level 1
border-collapse CSS 2.1
border-color CSS 2.1
border-end-end-radius CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-end-start-radius CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-image CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-image-outset CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-image-repeat CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-image-slice CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-image-source CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-image-width CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-inline CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-color CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-end CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-end-color CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-end-style CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-end-width CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-start CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-start-color CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-start-style CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-start-width CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-style CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-inline-width CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-left CSS 2.1
border-left-color CSS 2.1
border-left-style CSS 2.1
border-left-width CSS 2.1
border-radius CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-right CSS 2.1
border-right-color CSS 2.1
border-right-style CSS 2.1
border-right-width CSS 2.1
border-spacing CSS 2.1
border-start-end-radius CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-start-start-radius CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
border-style CSS 2.1
border-top CSS 2.1
border-top-color CSS 2.1
border-top-left-radius CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-top-right-radius CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
border-top-style CSS 2.1
border-top-width CSS 2.1
border-width CSS 2.1
bottom CSS 2.1
box-decoration-break CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3
box-shadow CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
box-sizing CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
box-snap CSS Line Grid Module Level 1
break-after CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3
break-before CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3
break-inside CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3
caption-side CSS 2.1
caret CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
caret-color CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
caret-shape CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
clear CSS 2.1
clip CSS 2.1
clip-path CSS Masking Module Level 1
clip-rule CSS Masking Module Level 1
color CSS Color Module Level 3
color-adjust CSS Color Adjustment Module Level 1
color-interpolation-filters Filter Effects Module Level 1
color-scheme CSS Color Adjustment Module Level 1
column-count CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 1
column-fill CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 1
column-gap CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
column-rule CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 1
column-rule-color CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 1
column-rule-style CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 1
column-rule-width CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 1
column-span CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 1
column-width CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 1
columns CSS Multi-Column Layout Module Level 1
contain CSS Containment Module Level 1
contain-intrinsic-block-size CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
contain-intrinsic-height CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
contain-intrinsic-inline-size CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
contain-intrinsic-size CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
contain-intrinsic-width CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
container CSS Containment Module Level 3
container-name CSS Containment Module Level 3
container-type CSS Containment Module Level 3
content CSS 2.1
content-visibility CSS Containment Module Level 2
continue CSS Overflow Module Level 4
counter-increment CSS 2.1
counter-reset CSS 2.1
counter-set CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3
cue CSS 2.1
cue-after CSS 2.1
cue-before CSS 2.1
cursor CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
direction CSS Writing Modes Level 3
display CSS 2.1
dominant-baseline CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
elevation CSS 2.1
empty-cells CSS 2.1
fill CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
fill-break CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
fill-color CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
fill-image CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
fill-opacity CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
fill-origin CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
fill-position CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
fill-repeat CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
fill-rule CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
fill-size CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
filter Filter Effects Module Level 1
flex CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
flex-basis CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
flex-direction CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
flex-flow CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
flex-grow CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
flex-shrink CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
flex-wrap CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
float CSS 2.1
float-defer CSS Page Floats
float-offset CSS Page Floats
float-reference CSS Page Floats
flood-color Filter Effects Module Level 1
flood-opacity Filter Effects Module Level 1
flow-from CSS Regions Module Level 1
flow-into CSS Regions Module Level 1
font CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-family CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-feature-settings CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-kerning CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-language-override CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-optical-sizing CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-palette CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-size CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-size-adjust CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-stretch CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-style CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-synthesis CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-synthesis-position CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-synthesis-small-caps CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-synthesis-style CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-synthesis-weight CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-variant CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-variant-alternates CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-variant-caps CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-variant-east-asian CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-variant-emoji CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-variant-ligatures CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-variant-numeric CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-variant-position CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-variation-settings CSS Fonts Module Level 4
font-weight CSS Fonts Module Level 3
font-width CSS Fonts Module Level 4
footnote-display CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module
footnote-policy CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module
forced-color-adjust CSS Color Adjustment Module Level 1
gap CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
glyph-orientation-vertical CSS Writing Modes Level 3
grid CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-area CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-auto-columns CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-auto-flow CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-auto-rows CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-column CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-column-end CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-column-start CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-row CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-row-end CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-row-start CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-template CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-template-areas CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-template-columns CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
grid-template-rows CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
hanging-punctuation CSS Text Module Level 3
height CSS 2.1
hyphenate-character CSS Text Module Level 4
hyphenate-limit-chars CSS Text Module Level 4
hyphenate-limit-last CSS Text Module Level 4
hyphenate-limit-lines CSS Text Module Level 4
hyphenate-limit-zone CSS Text Module Level 4
hyphens CSS Text Module Level 3
image-orientation CSS Images Module Level 3
image-rendering CSS Images Module Level 3
image-resolution CSS Images Module Level 4
initial-letter CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
initial-letter-align CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
initial-letter-wrap CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
inline-size CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
inline-sizing CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
inset CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
inset-area CSS Anchor Positioning
inset-block CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
inset-block-end CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
inset-block-start CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
inset-inline CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
inset-inline-end CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
inset-inline-start CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
isolation Compositing and Blending Level 1
justify-content CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
justify-items CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
justify-self CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
left CSS 2.1
letter-spacing CSS 2.1
lighting-color Filter Effects Module Level 1
line-break CSS Text Module Level 3
line-clamp CSS Overflow Module Level 4
line-grid CSS Line Grid Module Level 1
line-height CSS 2.1
line-height-step CSS Rhythmic Sizing
line-padding CSS Text Module Level 4
line-snap CSS Line Grid Module Level 1
list-style CSS 2.1
list-style-image CSS 2.1
list-style-position CSS 2.1
list-style-type CSS 2.1
margin CSS Box Model Module Level 3
margin-block CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
margin-block-end CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
margin-block-start CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
margin-bottom CSS Box Model Module Level 3
margin-break CSS Fragmentation Module Level 4
margin-inline CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
margin-inline-end CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
margin-inline-start CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
margin-left CSS Box Model Module Level 3
margin-right CSS Box Model Module Level 3
margin-top CSS Box Model Module Level 3
margin-trim CSS Box Model Module Level 4
marker SVG Markers
marker-end SVG Markers
marker-knockout-left SVG Markers
marker-knockout-right SVG Markers
marker-mid SVG Markers
marker-pattern SVG Markers
marker-segment SVG Markers
marker-side CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3
marker-start SVG Markers
mask CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-border CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-border-mode CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-border-outset CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-border-repeat CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-border-slice CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-border-source CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-border-width CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-clip CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-composite CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-image CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-mode CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-origin CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-position CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-repeat CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-size CSS Masking Module Level 1
mask-type CSS Masking Module Level 1
max-block-size CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
max-height CSS 2.1
max-inline-size CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
max-lines CSS Overflow Module Level 4
max-width CSS 2.1
min-block-size CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
min-height CSS 2.1
min-inline-size CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
min-intrinsic-sizing CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
min-width CSS 2.1
mix-blend-mode Compositing and Blending Level 1
nav-down CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
nav-left CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
nav-right CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
nav-up CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
object-fit CSS Images Module Level 3
object-position CSS Images Module Level 3
offset Motion Path Module Level 1
offset-anchor Motion Path Module Level 1
offset-distance Motion Path Module Level 1
offset-path Motion Path Module Level 1
offset-position Motion Path Module Level 1
offset-rotate Motion Path Module Level 1
opacity CSS Color Module Level 3
order CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
orphans CSS 2.1
outline CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
outline-color CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
outline-offset CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
outline-style CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
outline-width CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
overflow CSS 2.1
overflow-anchor CSS Scroll Anchoring Module Level 1
overflow-block CSS Overflow Module Level 3
overflow-clip-margin CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-block CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-block-end CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-block-start CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-bottom CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-inline CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-inline-end CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-inline-start CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-left CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-right CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-clip-margin-top CSS Overflow Module Level 4
overflow-inline CSS Overflow Module Level 3
overflow-wrap CSS Text Module Level 3
overflow-x CSS Overflow Module Level 3
overflow-y CSS Overflow Module Level 3
overscroll-behavior CSS Overscroll Behavior Module Level 1
overscroll-behavior-block CSS Overscroll Behavior Module Level 1
overscroll-behavior-inline CSS Overscroll Behavior Module Level 1
overscroll-behavior-x CSS Overscroll Behavior Module Level 1
overscroll-behavior-y CSS Overscroll Behavior Module Level 1
padding CSS Box Model Module Level 3
padding-block CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
padding-block-end CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
padding-block-start CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
padding-bottom CSS Box Model Module Level 3
padding-inline CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
padding-inline-end CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
padding-inline-start CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
padding-left CSS Box Model Module Level 3
padding-right CSS Box Model Module Level 3
padding-top CSS Box Model Module Level 3
page CSS Paged Media Module Level 3
page-break-after CSS 2.1
page-break-before CSS 2.1
page-break-inside CSS 2.1
pause CSS 2.1
pause-after CSS 2.1
pause-before CSS 2.1
perspective CSS Transforms Module Level 2
perspective-origin CSS Transforms Module Level 2
pitch CSS 2.1
pitch-range CSS 2.1
place-content CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
place-items CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
place-self CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
play-during CSS 2.1
position CSS 2.1
position-anchor CSS Anchor Positioning
position-try CSS Anchor Positioning
position-try-options CSS Anchor Positioning
position-try-order CSS Anchor Positioning
print-color-adjust CSS Color Adjustment Module Level 1
quotes CSS 2.1
region-fragment CSS Regions Module Level 1
resize CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
rest CSS Speech Module Level 1
rest-after CSS Speech Module Level 1
rest-before CSS Speech Module Level 1
richness CSS 2.1
right CSS 2.1
rotate CSS Transforms Module Level 2
row-gap CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
ruby-align CSS Ruby Annotation Layout Module Level 1
ruby-merge CSS Ruby Annotation Layout Module Level 1
ruby-overhang CSS Ruby Annotation Layout Module Level 1
ruby-position CSS Ruby Annotation Layout Module Level 1
running CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module
scale CSS Transforms Module Level 2
scroll-behavior CSS Overflow Module Level 3
scroll-margin CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-block CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-block-end CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-block-start CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-bottom CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-inline CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-inline-end CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-inline-start CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-left CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-right CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-margin-top CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-block CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-block-end CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-block-start CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-bottom CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-inline CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-inline-end CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-inline-start CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-left CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-right CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-padding-top CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-snap-align CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-snap-stop CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-snap-type CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1
scroll-timeline Scroll-Driven Animations
scroll-timeline-axis Scroll-Driven Animations
scroll-timeline-name Scroll-Driven Animations
scrollbar-color CSS Scrollbars Styling Module Level 1
scrollbar-gutter CSS Overflow Module Level 3
scrollbar-width CSS Scrollbars Styling Module Level 1
shape-image-threshold CSS Shapes Module Level 1
shape-inside CSS Round Display Level 1
shape-margin CSS Shapes Module Level 1
shape-outside CSS Shapes Module Level 1
spatial-navigation-action CSS Spatial Navigation Level 1
spatial-navigation-contain CSS Spatial Navigation Level 1
spatial-navigation-function CSS Spatial Navigation Level 1
speak CSS 2.1
speak-as CSS Speech Module Level 1
speak-header CSS 2.1
speak-numeral CSS 2.1
speak-punctuation CSS 2.1
speech-rate CSS 2.1
stress CSS 2.1
string-set CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module
stroke CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-align CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-alignment SVG Strokes
stroke-break CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-color CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-dash-corner CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-dash-justify CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-dashadjust SVG Strokes
stroke-dasharray CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-dashcorner SVG Strokes
stroke-dashoffset CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-image CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-linecap CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-linejoin CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-miterlimit CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-opacity CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-origin CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-position CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-repeat CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-size CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
stroke-width CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3
tab-size CSS Text Module Level 3
table-layout CSS 2.1
text-align CSS 2.1
text-align-all CSS Text Module Level 3
text-align-last CSS Text Module Level 3
text-autospace CSS Text Module Level 4
text-box-edge CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
text-box-trim CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3
text-combine-upright CSS Writing Modes Level 3
text-decoration CSS 2.1
text-decoration-color CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
text-decoration-line CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
text-decoration-skip CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
text-decoration-skip-box CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
text-decoration-skip-ink CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
text-decoration-skip-inset CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
text-decoration-skip-self CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
text-decoration-skip-spaces CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
text-decoration-style CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
text-decoration-thickness CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
text-emphasis CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
text-emphasis-color CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
text-emphasis-position CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
text-emphasis-skip CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
text-emphasis-style CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
text-group-align CSS Text Module Level 4
text-indent CSS 2.1
text-justify CSS Text Module Level 3
text-orientation CSS Writing Modes Level 3
text-overflow CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)
text-shadow CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
text-spacing CSS Text Module Level 4
text-spacing-trim CSS Text Module Level 4
text-transform CSS 2.1
text-underline-offset CSS Text Decoration Module Level 4
text-underline-position CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3
text-wrap CSS Text Module Level 4
text-wrap-mode CSS Text Module Level 4
text-wrap-style CSS Text Module Level 4
timeline-scope Scroll-Driven Animations
top CSS 2.1
transform CSS Transforms Module Level 1
transform-box CSS Transforms Module Level 1
transform-origin CSS Transforms Module Level 1
transform-style CSS Transforms Module Level 2
transition CSS Transitions
transition-behavior CSS Transitions Level 2
transition-delay CSS Transitions
transition-duration CSS Transitions
transition-property CSS Transitions
transition-timing-function CSS Transitions
translate CSS Transforms Module Level 2
unicode-bidi CSS Writing Modes Level 3
user-select CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
vertical-align CSS 2.1
view-timeline Scroll-Driven Animations
view-timeline-axis Scroll-Driven Animations
view-timeline-inset Scroll-Driven Animations
view-timeline-name Scroll-Driven Animations
view-transition-class CSS View Transitions Module Level 2
view-transition-name CSS View Transitions Module Level 1
visibility CSS 2.1
voice-balance CSS Speech Module Level 1
voice-duration CSS Speech Module Level 1
voice-family CSS 2.1
voice-pitch CSS Speech Module Level 1
voice-range CSS Speech Module Level 1
voice-rate CSS Speech Module Level 1
voice-stress CSS Speech Module Level 1
voice-volume CSS Speech Module Level 1
volume CSS 2.1
white-space CSS 2.1
white-space-collapse CSS Text Module Level 4
white-space-trim CSS Text Module Level 4
widows CSS 2.1
width CSS 2.1
will-change CSS Will Change Module Level 1
word-break CSS Text Module Level 3
word-space-transform CSS Text Module Level 4
word-spacing CSS 2.1
word-wrap CSS Text Module Level 3
wrap-after CSS Text Module Level 4
wrap-before CSS Text Module Level 4
wrap-flow CSS Exclusions Module Level 1
wrap-inside CSS Text Module Level 4
wrap-through CSS Exclusions Module Level 1
writing-mode CSS Writing Modes Level 3
z-index CSS 2.1
--* CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Module Level 1

D> Should a future edition of this book contain more details about CSS properties? For a free book like this, this would work best with support. Share ideas and signal if you’d like to get involved!


Memorize the CSS at-rules, to explore additional ways of styling documents and web apps.

  • @annotation
  • @character-variant
  • @charset
  • @counter-style
  • @font-face
  • @font-feature-values
  • @font-palette-values
  • @historical-forms
  • @import
  • @keyframes
  • @layer
  • @media
  • @namespace
  • @ornaments
  • @page
  • @property
  • @scope
  • @starting-style
  • @styleset
  • @stylistic
  • @supports
  • @swash

I> Whenever you have a question related to CSS, remember to always consult the CSS specifications first.