Style guide defining wording, spelling, and other details regarding how Frequency terms are referenced.
For more information about Frequency, visit or Frequency on GitHub
Uppercase A, C and T
Uppercase A
Uppercase A and T
Uppercase A, R and R
Uppercase A and T
All lowercase
As a general term, lowercase b
Uppercase B and R
Uppercase C
Uppercase C and A
Uppercase C, E and S (is this a thing?)
Uppercase C and E
Uppercase C and S
Uppercase C, S and M
Uppercase C, S and P
Uppercase C, S and R
Uppercase C, lowercase o, Uppercase C
All lowercase
Uppercase C
Do not use
Uppercase C and N
Uppercase C and R
All lowercase
All lowercase
All lowercase
Uppercase C and K
All lowercase
All lowercase
All lowercase (per AP style and
Uppercase D, T and M
Uppercase D and F single word (per AP style)
Used as a verb ONLY i.e. an MSA delegates to a Provider. Not as a noun.
Lowercase d
Uppercase D and M
All lowercase
All lowercase after acronym
Uppercase E and U
Always Capacity Epoch or Reward Epoch
Should be avoided
All lowercase
Lowercase e
In Frequency use Camel Caps i.e. contentHash
Uppercase F
Uppercase F and A
Uppercase F, C and N
Uppercase F and C
Uppercase F and M
Uppercase F, N and F
Uppercase F and N
NEVER followed with the word token
In Frequency use Snake Case e.g. on_initialize
Lowercase g and uppercase C
Lowercase general, uppercase specific (Frequency Governance)
Remove, no longer relevant
Remove, no longer relevant
All lowercase
All lowercase
Uppercase G, S, D and K
All lowercase
Uppercase H and D
Filler words should be avoided
Uppercase I, T and D
All lowercase (per AP Style)
Uppercase I, P, F and S. In the first instance, spell out followed by the acronym in parentheses. Use the acronym only thereafter.
All lowercase, two words
Uppercase L (space) numeral
Uppercase M
Uppercase M, C and S (is this term in use any more?)
Lowercase m
Uppercase M
Uppercase M and B
Uppercase M and P
Uppercase M, S and A. In the first instance, spell out followed by the acronym in parentheses. Use the acronym only thereafter. Never MSA Account.
Uppercase M,S, A and I
All caps when defining rules in a specification per W3 standard
All lowercase
As an adjective prior to a noun, use a hyphen (e.g. on-chain storage) As a noun, no hyphen (e.g. stored on chain)
All lowercase
Always use
Uppercase P and I
All lowercase
In Frequency use snake case e.g. current_block_number
Uppercase P
Uppercase P and S
All lowercase
Uppercase P and L
Uppercase P
Uppercase P lowercase a
Uppercase P, lowercase p
Polkadot wiki uses uppercase R and C
Making Frequency possessive (e.g. Frequency’s) should be avoided
All lowercase
All lowercase
All lowercase
As general term, all lowercase
Uppercase P
Uppercase P and lowercase a
Uppercase P and B
Uppercase P, C, and A
Uppercase P and lowercase i
Avoid using the word "platform"
Uppercase, P, R and I (acronym lowercase d and s)
Uppercase P and C
All lowercase
All lowercase
All lowercase
Uppercase R and A
Lowercase general, uppercase specific (Staking Reward)
Uppercase R and E
All lowercase
Should be the Frequency Runtime
Uppercase S for specific (Frequency Schema) otherwise lowercase
Uppercase S and M
Uppercase S and R
Uppercase S and I
All lowercase
Uppercase S and R, lowercase s
Uppercase S and G
Uppercase S and W
All lowercase unless preceded by "Capacity"
Uppercase S and S (no dash)
Uppercase S
Forbidden Term in context with Frequency
Uppercase T and C
Uppercase T
Uppercase T and P
Begin with "The". In the first instance, spell out followed by the acronym in parentheses. Use the acronym only thereafter.
Uppercase P, L, C and C
Always lowercase, never used with FRQCY
Uppercase T and A
Uppercase T and S
Uppercase T, lowercase t, Uppercase C and R
All lowercase
In Frequency use Pascal Case (e.g. DoubleStorageMap)
Uppercase U and A
Lowercase unless specific (Frequency User)
Uppercase U and H
Uppercase U, H and B
Uppercase U, H and S
Uppercase U and I
Uppercase U and I
Uppercase W space between b and 2 Not Web2
All lowercase one word (per AP style)
Forbidden Term in context with Frequency
All uppercase. NEVER have the word "token" after it.