diff --git a/scanner/6_android.md b/scanner/6_android.md index eefe73a..1046644 100755 --- a/scanner/6_android.md +++ b/scanner/6_android.md @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ fosslight_android 명령어를 실행합니다. Optional -h Print help message -m Analyze the source code for the path where the license could not be found. - -e Path to exclude from source analysis. + -e Path to exclude from source analysis.(Pattern matching is available) -p Check files that should not be included in the Packaging file. -f Print result of Find Command for binary that can not find Source Code Path. -t Collect NOTICE for binaries that are not added to NOTICE.html. @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ fosslight_android 명령어를 실행합니다. -i Disable the function to automatically convert OSS names based on AOSP. -r result.txt file with a list of binaries to remove. ``` + - 📃 [Pattern 매칭 가이드](https://scancode-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cli-reference/scan-options-pre.html?highlight=ignore#glob-pattern-matching) ## 📁 결과 - fosslight_report_[datetime].xlsx : FOSSLight Android 분석 결과 (FOSSLight Report 형태)