Name | Type | Description | Notes |
siteId | String | Site Identifier | [optional] |
path | String | Path or Name of document | [optional] |
deepLinkPath | String | Path or Name of deep link | [optional] |
insertedDate | String | Inserted Timestamp | [optional] |
lastModifiedDate | String | Last Modified Timestamp | [optional] |
checksum | String | Document checksum, changes when document file changes | [optional] |
checksumType | ChecksumType | [optional] | |
documentId | String | Document Identifier | [optional] |
contentType | String | Document Content-Type | [optional] |
userId | String | User who added document | [optional] |
contentLength | Integer | Document size | [optional] |
version | String | Document version | [optional] |
versionKey | String | Document Version Identifier | [optional] |
s3version | String | Document storage version | [optional] |
belongsToDocumentId | String | Parent Document Identifier | [optional] |
metadata | List<DocumentMetadata> | List of document Metadata | [optional] |