diff --git a/data/ForC_citations.csv b/data/ForC_citations.csv index e798cd11..b8be21f1 100644 --- a/data/ForC_citations.csv +++ b/data/ForC_citations.csv @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Andrews_1999_sorr,10.2136/sssaj1999.6351429x,Andrews,1999,Separation of root res Andrews_2001_scda,10.1029/2000GB001278,Andrews,2001,"Soil CO2 dynamics, acidification, and chemical weathering in a temperate forest with experimental CO2 enrichment","Andrews, J. A., & Schlesinger, W. H. (2001). Soil CO2dynamics, acidification, and chemical weathering in a temperate forest with experimental CO2enrichment. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15(1), 149-162. doi:10.1029/2000gb001278",English,https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2000GB001278,"Soils constitute a major component of the global carbon cycle that will be affected by anthropogenic additions of CO2 to the atmosphere. As part of the Duke Forest Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment, we examined how forest growth at elevated (+200 ppmv) atmospheric CO2 concentration affects CO2 dynamics in the soil. Soil respiration and the concentration of CO2 in the soil pore space to a depth of 200 cm were measured over a 3-year period. Soil CO2 production was linked to soil acidification and mineral weathering by measuring changes in the composition of the soil solution, including alkalinity, Si, and major cations. The total flux of dissolved inorganic carbon to groundwater was then calculated from field measurements. The FACE fumigation gas contained a unique 13C signature that labeled newly fixed carbon, which was monitored in the soil system. As a result of CO2 enrichment, annual soil respiration increased by 27% and was accompanied by higher CO2 concentrations in the soil pore space. These changes to soil CO2 dynamics were most likely the result of increased root and rhizosphere respiration, as suggested by the changes to the d13C of soil CO2. Increased soil CO2 under FACE accelerated the rates of soil acidification and mineral weathering. Thus an increase of 55% in atmospheric CO2 concentration over 2 years resulted in a 271% increase in soil solution cation concentration, a 162% increase in alkalinity, and a 25% increase in Si concentration at 200-cm depth. The flux of dissolved inorganic carbon to groundwater increased by 33%, indicating a negative feedback to changes in atmospheric CO2 that could regulate the global carbon cycle over geological time. ",NAC,1,0 Anthoni_1999_cawv,10.1016/S0168-1923(99)00029-5,Anthoni,1999,Carbon and water vapor exchange of an open-canopied ponderosa pine ecosystem,"Anthoni, P. M., Law, B. E., & Unsworth, M. H. (1999). Carbon and water vapor exchange of an open-canopied ponderosa pine ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 95(3), 151-168. doi:10.1016/s0168-1923(99)00029-5",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0168192399000295,"Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange were made above a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. and C. Laws.) forest located in a semiarid environment in central Oregon. The stand is a mixture of old-growth and young trees. Annual net carbon gain by the ecosystem (NEE) was 320 ± 170 gC m-2 year-1 in 1996 and 270 ± 180 gC m-2 year-1 in 1997. Compared to boreal evergreen forest at higher latitudes, the pine forest has a substantial net carbon gain (150 ± 80 gC m-2 year-1 in 1996 and 180 ± 80 gC m-2 year-1 in 1997) outside the traditionally defined growing season (from bud swell in early May (Day 125) to partial leaf-off in late September (Day 275)). Carbon assimilation continued to occur in the relatively mild winters, though at a slower rate (April, maximum leaf level assimilation (Amax) of 6-9.5 µmol m-2 leaf s-1), and ecosystem respiration was relatively low (~1.6 ± 0.1 gC m-2 day-1). In the growing season, although photosynthetic capacity was large (July, Amax = 16-21 µmol m-2 leaf s-1), carbon assimilation was constrained by partial stomatal closure to maintain a sustainable water flow through the soil-plant system, and ecosystem respiration was large (3.5 ± 0.1 and 4.3 ± 0.1 gC m-2 day-1 in growing season of 1996 and 1997, respectively) because of high air and soil temperatures. Despite large changes in evaporative demand over just a few days (VPD changing from 0.5 to 3.5 kPa), the ecosystem water use was remarkably constant in summer (~1.6-1.7 mm day-1). Such homeostasis is most likely another result of stomatal control. Interannual variations in climate had a large influence on the ecosystem carbon balance. In summer 1997, an El Niño year, precipitation was more frequent (17 days with 33 mm of rain) than in summer 1996 (5 days with 5 mm of rain), and the net ecosystem exchange was substantially lower in July to September 1997 (10 ± 60 gC m-2) than during the equivalent period in 1996 (100 ± 60 gC m-2). Although temperatures between years were similar, the carbon assimilation in 1997 was offset by increased respiration, probably because soils were more frequently wet, encouraging microbial respiration.",NAC,NA,0 Anthoni_2004_faal,10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00863.x,Anthoni,2004,"Forest and agricultural land-use-dependent CO2 exchange in Thuringia, Germany","Anthoni, P. M., Knohl, A., Rebmann, C., Freibauer, A., Mund, M., Ziegler, W., ... Schulze, E.-D. (2004). Forest and agricultural land-use-dependent CO2 exchange in Thuringia, Germany. Global Change Biology, 10(12), 2005-2019. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00863.x",English,https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00863.x,"Eddy covariance was used to measure the net CO2 exchange (NEE) over ecosystems differing in land use (forest and agriculture) in Thuringia, Germany. Measurements were carried out at a managed, even-aged European beech stand (Fagus sylvatica, 70-150 years old), an unmanaged, uneven-aged mixed beech stand in a late stage of development (F. sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplantanus, and other hardwood trees, 0-250 years old), a managed young Norway spruce stand (Picea abies, 50 years old), and an agricultural field growing winter wheat in 2001, and potato in 2002. Large contrasts were found in NEE rates between the land uses of the ecosystems. The managed and unmanaged beech sites had very similar net CO2 uptake rates (~-480 to -500 g C m-2 yr-1). Main differences in seasonal NEE patterns between the beech sites were because of a later leaf emergence and higher maximum leaf area index at the unmanaged beech site, probably as a result of the species mix at the site. In contrast, the spruce stand had a higher CO2 uptake in spring but substantially lower net CO2 uptake in summer than the beech stands. This resulted in a near neutral annual NEE (-4 g C m-2 yr-1), mainly attributable to an ecosystem respiration rate almost twice as high as that of the beech stands, despite slightly lower temperatures, because of the higher elevation. Crops in the agricultural field had high CO2 uptake rates, but growing season length was short compared with the forest ecosystems. Therefore, the agricultural land had low-to-moderate annual net CO2 uptake (-34 to -193 g C m-2), but with annual harvest taken into account it will be a source of CO2 (+97 to +386 g C m-2). The annually changing patchwork of crops will have strong consequences on the regions' seasonal and annual carbon exchange. Thus, not only land use, but also land-use history and site-specific management decisions affect the large-scale carbon balance. ",NAC,NA,0 -Antonov_1990_dosr,10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00863.x,Antonov,1990,DYNAMICS OF SOIL RESPIRATION AT THE UPPER BOUNDARY OF THE FOREST OF THE MIDDLE BALKAN MOUNTAINS,"Anthoni, P. M., Knohl, A., Rebmann, C., Freibauer, A., Mund, M., Ziegler, W., … Schulze, E.-D. (2004). Forest and agricultural land-use-dependent CO2 exchange in Thuringia, Germany. Global Change Biology, 10(12), 2005-2019. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00863.x",English,https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00863.x,"Eddy covariance was used to measure the net CO2 exchange (NEE) over ecosystems differing in land use (forest and agriculture) in Thuringia, Germany. Measurements were carried out at a managed, even-aged European beech stand (Fagus sylvatica, 70-150 years old), an unmanaged, uneven-aged mixed beech stand in a late stage of development (F. sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplantanus, and other hardwood trees, 0-250 years old), a managed young Norway spruce stand (Picea abies, 50 years old), and an agricultural field growing winter wheat in 2001, and potato in 2002. Large contrasts were found in NEE rates between the land uses of the ecosystems. The managed and unmanaged beech sites had very similar net CO2 uptake rates (~-480 to -500 g C m-2 yr-1). Main differences in seasonal NEE patterns between the beech sites were because of a later leaf emergence and higher maximum leaf area index at the unmanaged beech site, probably as a result of the species mix at the site. In contrast, the spruce stand had a higher CO2 uptake in spring but substantially lower net CO2 uptake in summer than the beech stands. This resulted in a near neutral annual NEE (-4 g C m-2 yr-1), mainly attributable to an ecosystem respiration rate almost twice as high as that of the beech stands, despite slightly lower temperatures, because of the higher elevation. Crops in the agricultural field had high CO2 uptake rates, but growing season length was short compared with the forest ecosystems. Therefore, the agricultural land had low-to-moderate annual net CO2 uptake (-34 to -193 g C m-2), but with annual harvest taken into account it will be a source of CO2 (+97 to +386 g C m-2). The annually changing patchwork of crops will have strong consequences on the regions' seasonal and annual carbon exchange. Thus, not only land use, but also land-use history and site-specific management decisions affect the large-scale carbon balance. ",NAC,1,0 +Antonov_1990_dosr,10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00863.x,Antonov,1990,DYNAMICS OF SOIL RESPIRATION AT THE UPPER BOUNDARY OF THE FOREST OF THE MIDDLE BALKAN MOUNTAINS,"Anthoni, P. M., Knohl, A., Rebmann, C., Freibauer, A., Mund, M., Ziegler, W., … Schulze, E.-D. (2004). Forest and agricultural land-use-dependent CO2 exchange in Thuringia, Germany. Global Change Biology, 10(12), 2005-2019. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00863.x",Bulgarian,https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00863.x,"Eddy covariance was used to measure the net CO2 exchange (NEE) over ecosystems differing in land use (forest and agriculture) in Thuringia, Germany. Measurements were carried out at a managed, even-aged European beech stand (Fagus sylvatica, 70-150 years old), an unmanaged, uneven-aged mixed beech stand in a late stage of development (F. sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplantanus, and other hardwood trees, 0-250 years old), a managed young Norway spruce stand (Picea abies, 50 years old), and an agricultural field growing winter wheat in 2001, and potato in 2002. Large contrasts were found in NEE rates between the land uses of the ecosystems. The managed and unmanaged beech sites had very similar net CO2 uptake rates (~-480 to -500 g C m-2 yr-1). Main differences in seasonal NEE patterns between the beech sites were because of a later leaf emergence and higher maximum leaf area index at the unmanaged beech site, probably as a result of the species mix at the site. In contrast, the spruce stand had a higher CO2 uptake in spring but substantially lower net CO2 uptake in summer than the beech stands. This resulted in a near neutral annual NEE (-4 g C m-2 yr-1), mainly attributable to an ecosystem respiration rate almost twice as high as that of the beech stands, despite slightly lower temperatures, because of the higher elevation. Crops in the agricultural field had high CO2 uptake rates, but growing season length was short compared with the forest ecosystems. Therefore, the agricultural land had low-to-moderate annual net CO2 uptake (-34 to -193 g C m-2), but with annual harvest taken into account it will be a source of CO2 (+97 to +386 g C m-2). The annually changing patchwork of crops will have strong consequences on the regions' seasonal and annual carbon exchange. Thus, not only land use, but also land-use history and site-specific management decisions affect the large-scale carbon balance. ",Peer-reviewed journal,1,0 Aosaar_2016_bpan,10.14214/sf.1628.,Aosaar,2016,Biomass production and nitrogen balance of naturally afforested silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) stand in Estonia,NAC,English,https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.1628.,NAC,NAC,1,0 Aragao_2009_aabn,10.5194/bg-6-2759-2009,Aragao,2009,Above- and below-ground net primary productivity across ten Amazonian forests on contrasting soils,"Aragoo, L. E. O. C., Malhi, Y., Metcalfe, D. B., Silva-Espejo, J. E., Jimenez, E., Navarrete, D., ... Vásquez, R. (2009). Above- and below-ground net primary productivity across ten Amazonian forests on contrasting soils. Biogeosciences, 6(12), 2759-2778. doi:10.5194/bg-6-2759-2009",English,https://bg.copernicus.org/articles/6/2759/2009/,"The net primary productivity (NPP) of tropical forests is one of the most important and least quantified components of the global carbon cycle. Most relevant studies have focused particularly on the quantification of the above-ground coarse wood productivity, and little is known about the carbon fluxes involved in other elements of the NPP, the partitioning of total NPP between its above- and below-ground components and the main environmental drivers of these patterns. In this study we quantify the above- and below-ground NPP of ten Amazonian forests to address two questions: (1) How do Amazonian forests allocate productivity among its above- and below-ground components? (2) How do soil and leaf nutrient status and soil texture affect the productivity of Amazonian forests? Using a standardized methodology to measure the major elements of productivity, we show that NPP varies between 9.3±1.3 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 (mean±standard error), at a white sand plot, and 17.0±1.4 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 at a very fertile Terra Preta site, with an overall average of 12.8±0.9 Mg C ha-1 yr-1. The studied forests allocate on average 64±3% and 36±3% of the total NPP to the above- and below-ground components, respectively. The ratio of above-ground and below-ground NPP is almost invariant with total NPP. Litterfall and fine root production both increase with total NPP, while stem production shows no overall trend. Total NPP tends to increase with soil phosphorus and leaf nitrogen status. However, allocation of NPP to below-ground shows no relationship to soil fertility, but appears to decrease with the increase of soil clay content. ",NAC,NA,0 Arai_2014_luca,10.1080/00380768.2014.903576,Arai,2014,Land use change affects microbial biomass and fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide in tropical peatlands,"Arai, H., Hadi, A., Darung, U., Limin, S. H., Takahashi, H., Hatano, R., & Inubushi, K. (2014). Land use change affects microbial biomass and fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide in tropical peatlands. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60(3), 423-434. doi:10.1080/00380768.2014.903576",English,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00380768.2014.903576,"Land use change in tropical peat soil is thought to cause intense greenhouse gas emissions by enhancing organic matter decomposition. Although microbes in peat soil play key roles in the emission of greenhouse gases, their characteristics remain unknown. This study was conducted to clarify the effect of land use change (drainage, forest fire and agricultural land use) on the control of gas emission factors with respect to the characteristics of microbes in tropical peat soils. Field observations were carried out in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, from July 2009 to March 2011. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes in tropical peat soils were measured in an undrained natural forest, a drained forest, two burned forests and four croplands. A fumigation-extraction method was used to measure the soil microbial biomass to evaluate the relationships among the soluble organic carbon (SOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and nitrogen (MBN) and the CO2 and N2O fluxes in peat soils. Regarding the relationships between weekly precipitation and N2O emission, positive relationships were found in both the forest and cropland soils. However, the slope of the regression line was much higher in the croplands than in the forest soils. The CO2 fluxes in the croplands but not in the forest soils were significantly correlated with both precipitation and N2O fluxes. In contrast, the CO2 fluxes in the forest but not in the croplands were significantly correlated with the MBC and the MBC/SOC ratio. The SOC did not show any relationship with the CO2 fluxes but showed a positive relationship with the MBN and a negative linear relationship with the nitrate (NO3-) concentration. In addition, the MBN showed a negative relationship with most of the probable numbers of ammonium oxidizers. These results indicate that the agricultural land use of tropical peat soils varied the factors controlling greenhouse gas emissions through microbial activities. Therefore, the microbial biomass may be a key factor in controlling CO2 fluxes in forest soils but not in agricultural peat soils. However, precipitation may be a key factor in agricultural peat soils but not in forest soils.",NAC,NA,0 @@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ Keith_1997_aoci,10.1023/A:1004286030345,Keith,1997,Allocation of carbon in a mat Keith_1997_eosp,10.1023/A:1004279300622,Keith,1997,"Effects of soil phosphorus availability, temperature and moisture on soil respiration in Eucalyptus pauciflora forest","Keith, H., Jacobsen, K. L., & Raison, R. J. (1997). Plant and Soil, 190(1), 127-141. doi:10.1023/a:1004279300622",English,https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A1004279300622,"Rates of soil respiration (CO2 efflux) were measured for a year in a mature Eucalyptus pauciflora forest in unfertilized and phosphorus-fertilized plots. Soil CO2 efflux showed a distinct seasonal trend, and average daily rates ranged from 124 to 574 mg CO2 m-2 hr-1. Temperature and moisture are the main variables that cause variation in soil CO2 efflux; hence their effects were investigated over a year so as to then differentiate the treatment effect of phosphorus (P) nutrition.Soil temperature had the greatest effect on CO2 efflux and exhibited a highly significant logarithmic relationship (r2 = 0.81). Periods of low soil and litter moisture occurred during summer when temperatures were greater than 10 °C, and this resulted in depression of soil CO2 efflux. During winter, when temperatures were less than 10 °C, soil and litter moisture were consistently high and thus their variation had little effect on soil CO2 efflux. A multiple regression model including soil temperature, and soil and litter moisture accounted for 97% of the variance in rates of CO2 efflux, and thus can be used to predict soil CO2 efflux at this site with high accuracy. Total annual efflux of carbon from soil was estimated to be 7.11 t C ha-1 yr-1. The model was used to predict changes in this annual flux if temperature and moisture conditions were altered. The extent to which coefficients of the model differ among sites and forest types requires testing.Increased soil P availability resulted in a large increase in stem growth of trees but a reduction in the rate of soil CO2 efflux by approximately 8%. This reduction is suggested to be due to lower root activity resulting from reduced allocation of assimilate belowground. Root activity changed when P was added to microsites within plots, and via the whole tree root system at the plot level. These relationships of belowground carbon fluxes with temperature, moisture and nutrient availability provide essential information for understanding and predicting potential changes in forest ecosystems in response to land use management or climate change.",NAC,1,0 Keith_2009_mmce,10.1016/j.agrformet.2004.12.004,Keith,2009,Multiple measurements constrain estimates of net carbon exchange by a Eucalyptus forest,"Leuning, R., Cleugh, H. A., Zegelin, S. J., & Hughes, D. (2005). Carbon and water fluxes over a temperate Eucalyptus forest and a tropical wet/dry savanna in Australia: measurements and comparison with MODIS remote sensing estimates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 129(3-4), 151-173. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2004.12.004",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0168192305000079,"Measurements over a period of 33 months are presented for the fluxes of carbon, sensible heat and water vapour over a tropical wet/dry savanna in northern Queensland (Virginia Park), and for 38 months over a cool temperate Eucalyptus forest in southeast Australia (Tumbarumba), as part of the OzFlux network. Fluxes were measured using micrometeorological methods and neural network analysis was used to fill gaps in the hourly flux time series. Productivity at Virginia Park is controlled by rainfall amount and timing during the wet season since this determines the leaf area index (Lai) of the C4 grass understorey which varies greatly compared to Lai of the trees. The savanna lost 99 g C m-2 over the period July 2001-March 2004 due to the failure of the 2002-2003 wet season when rainfall was in the lowest 20th percentile. Net uptake of carbon at Tumbarumba was 2510 g C m-2 from February 2001 to March 2004, with annual productivity ranging from 1060 g C m-2 year-1 in a normal year to 360 g C m-2 year-1 during the 2002-2003 drought which affected all of eastern Australia. Annual rainfall at the savanna was matched by annual evapotranspiration, indicating there was no surface runoff or deep drainage during our study. Trees at both sites were able to extract water deep within the soil profile to maintain annual transpiration above rainfall during the drought of 2002-2003.Measurements of Lai and gross primary production (PG) at the two sites were compared to estimates from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) remote sensing data products. The MOD15 algorithm overestimated Lai by a factor of two at Tumbarumba but gave reasonable magnitudes and seasonal variation for the savanna. At Tumbarumba, MOD17 gave excellent estimates of the annual amplitude in PG but was less satisfactory in predicting the phase of the variations. MOD17 overestimated PG at Virginia Park during the dry season and the low-rainfall summer of 2002-2003 but gave satisfactory results during the other two wet seasons. Most of the variance in PG at both sites was explained by absorbed photosynthetically active radiation. Significantly improved predictions were obtained for the savanna by modifying the MOD17 algorithm to account for rainfall and potential evaporation in the antecedent 3 months, a surrogate for soil water availability.",NAC,NA,0 Keith_2009_rofb,10.1073/pnas.0901970106,Keith,2009,Re-evaluation of forest biomass carbon stocks and lessons from the world's most carbon-dense forests,"Keith, H., Mackey, B. G., & Lindenmayer, D. B. (2009). Re-evaluation of forest biomass carbon stocks and lessons from the world's most carbon-dense forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(28), 11635-11640. doi:10.1073/pnas.0901970106",English,https://www.pnas.org/content/106/28/11635,NAC,NAC,NA,0 -Keller_1986_eonc,10.1029/JD091iD11p11791,Keller,1986,"EMISSIONS OF N2O, CH4 AND CO2 FROM TROPICAL FOREST SOILS","Keller, M., Kaplan, W. A., & Wofsy, S. C. (1986). Emissions of N2O, CH4and CO2from tropical forest soils. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(D11), 11791. doi:10.1029/jd091id11p11791",English,https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/JD091iD11p11791,"Emissions of nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide were measured at diverse locations in tropical forests of Brazil, Ecuador, and Puerto Rico, using a static open chamber technique. Mean fluxes to the atmosphere were 1.7 × 1010, -0.7 × 1010, and 1.5 × 1014 molecules cm-2s-1 for N2O, CH4, and CO2, respectively. The data indicate that tropical forests contribute a significant fraction of the global source for atmospheric N2O, about 40% of the current source and possibly 75% of the preindustrial source. Methane is consumed by soils on average, but the sink is an insignificant part (<5%) of the atmospheric cycle for the gas. Emissions of CO2 from forest soils are higher at equatorial sites than at middle or high latitudes, as expected from ecological considerations. Soils emit CO2 at rates more than twice as large as the rate of carbon infall in litter; hence much of the emitted CO2 must arise from root metabolism. ",NAC,1,0 +Keller_1986_eonc,10.1029/JD091iD11p11791,Keller,1986,"EMISSIONS OF N2O, CH4 AND CO2 FROM TROPICAL FOREST SOILS","Keller, M., Kaplan, W. A., & Wofsy, S. C. (1986). Emissions of N2O, CH4and CO2from tropical forest soils. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(D11), 11791. doi:10.1029/jd091id11p11791",English,https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/JD091iD11p11791,"Emissions of nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide were measured at diverse locations in tropical forests of Brazil, Ecuador, and Puerto Rico, using a static open chamber technique. Mean fluxes to the atmosphere were 1.7 × 1010, -0.7 × 1010, and 1.5 × 1014 molecules cm-2s-1 for N2O, CH4, and CO2, respectively. The data indicate that tropical forests contribute a significant fraction of the global source for atmospheric N2O, about 40% of the current source and possibly 75% of the preindustrial source. Methane is consumed by soils on average, but the sink is an insignificant part (<5%) of the atmospheric cycle for the gas. Emissions of CO2 from forest soils are higher at equatorial sites than at middle or high latitudes, as expected from ecological considerations. Soils emit CO2 at rates more than twice as large as the rate of carbon infall in litter; hence much of the emitted CO2 must arise from root metabolism. ",Peer-reviewed journal,1,0 Keller_2001_beit,10.1016/S0378-1127(01)00509-6,Keller,2001,"Biomass estimation in the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil: Examination of sampling and allometric uncertainties","Keller, M., Palace, M., & Hurtt, G. (2001). Biomass estimation in the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management, 154(3), 371-382. doi:10.1016/s0378-1127(01)00509-6",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0378112701005096,"Changes in the biomass of Amazon region forests represent an important component of the global carbon cycle but the biomass of these forests remains poorly quantified. Minimizing the error in forest biomass estimates is necessary in order to reduce the uncertainty in future Amazon carbon budgets. We examined forest survey data for trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) greater than 35 cm from four plots with a total area of 392 ha in the Tapajos National Forest near Santarem, Para, Brazil (3°04'S, 54°95'W). The average frequency of trees greater than 35 cm DBH was approximately 55 ha-1. Based on tree diameters, allometric relations, and published relations for biomass in other compartments besides trees of DBH>35cm, we estimated a total biomass density of 372 Mg ha-1. We produced a highly conservative error estimate of about 50% of this value. Trees with diameters greater than 35 cm DBH accounted for about half of the total biomass. This estimate includes all live and dead plant material above- and below-ground with the exception of soil organic matter. We propagated errors in sampling and those associated with allometric relations and other ratios used to estimate biomass of roots, lianas and epiphytes, and necromass. The major sources of uncertainty in our estimate were found in the allometric relations for trees with DBH greater than 35 cm, in the estimates of biomass of trees with DBH less than 35 cm, and in root biomass. Simulated sampling based on our full survey, suggests that we could have estimated mean biomass per hectare for trees (DBH=35cm) to within 20% (sampling error only) with 95% confidence by sampling 21 randomly selected 0.25 ha plots in our study area.",NAC,NA,0 Keller_2004_cwdi,10.1111/j.1529-8817.2003.00770.x,Keller,2004,Coarse woody debris in undisturbed and logged forests in the eastern Brazilian Amazon,"Keller, M., Palace, M., Asner, G. P., Pereira, R., & Silva, J. N. M. (2004). Coarse woody debris in undisturbed and logged forests in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Global Change Biology, 10(5), 784-795. doi:10.1111/j.1529-8817.2003.00770.x",English,https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1529-8817.2003.00770.x,"Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important component of the carbon cycle in tropical forests. We measured the volume and density of fallen CWD at two sites, Cauaxi and Tapajos in the Eastern Amazon. At both sites we studied undisturbed forests (UFs) and logged forests 1 year after harvest. Conventional logging (CL) and reduced impact logging (RIL) were used for management on areas where the geometric volumes of logs harvested was about 25-30 m3 ha-1. Density for five classes of fallen CWD for large material (>10 cm diameter) ranged from 0.71 to 0.28 Mg m-3 depending upon the degree of decomposition. Density of wood within large fallen logs varied with position relative to the ground and with distance from the center of the log. Densities for materials with diameters from 2 to 5 and 5 to 10 cm were 0.36 and 0.45 Mg m-3, respectively. The average mass (±SE) of fallen CWD at Cauaxi was 55.2 (4.7), 74.7 (0.6), and 107.8 (10.5) Mg ha-1 for duplicate UF, RIL, and CL sites, respectively. At Tapajos, the average mass of fallen CWD was 50.7 (1.1) Mg ha-1 for UF and 76.2 (10.2) Mg ha-1 for RIL for duplicate sites compared with 282 Mg ha-1 for live aboveground biomass. Small- and medium-sized material (<10 cm dia.) accounted for 8-18% of the total fallen CWD mass. The large amount of fallen CWD at these UF sites relative to standing aboveground biomass suggests either that the forests have recently been subjected to a pulse of high mortality or that they normally suffer a high mortality rate in the range of 0.03 per year. Accounting for background CWD in UF, CL management produced 2.7 times as much CWD as RIL management. Excess CWD at logging sites would generate a substantial CO2 emission given the high rates of decay in moist tropical forests. ",NAC,NA,0 Kelliher_2004_ltcm,10.1016/j.foreco.2003.12.005,Kelliher,2004,Limitations to carbon mineralization in litter and mineral soil of young and old ponderosa pine forests,"Kelliher, F. ., Ross, D. ., Law, B. ., Baldocchi, D. ., & Rodda, N. . (2004). Limitations to carbon mineralization in litter and mineral soil of young and old ponderosa pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 191(1-3), 201-213. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2003.12.005",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0378112703005668,"Summer drought is a feature of the semi-arid region of central Oregon, USA, where vegetation naturally develops into ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. Laws) forest. Forest management consists of clearcut harvest and natural regeneration. Soil microbial activity is interconnected with forest processes because substrate quality and availability can be important driving variables. Stand development influences the soil water regime, and water availability may also limit microbial activity. We determined factors limiting litter and mineral soil carbon (C) mineralisation rates in undisturbed old growth and regenerating (hereafter, young) ponderosa pine stands under a semi-arid climate. Mass of litter and dead fine roots did not differ significantly between the stands, but litter substrate quality was different. Young stand litter had significantly higher concentrations of total nitrogen (N), extractable organic N, extractable C, and microbial C and N than that from the old stand, probably because of litter fall from the broadleaved shrub understorey, including the N-fixing species Purshia tridentata (Pursch) DC, that comprised 40% of the young stand’s leaf area. The old stand contained no understorey. For litter samples from the two stands, wetted to 60% of water-holding capacity (WHC), net mineral-N and CO2-C mineralisation rates were similar despite the substrate quality differences. Mineral soil properties at 0-0.1 m depth were similar in the two stands, except for lower CO2-C production in samples from the young stand; at 0.1-0.5 m depth, total C and N and microbial N concentrations were higher in the young stand. Net mineral-N production in field-moist soil, sampled during a typical summer drought and incubated at 25 °C for 56 days, was generally 3-6 mg kg-1 soil at both sites, but increased up to 29 mg kg-1 upon wetting to 60% of water-holding capacity. Over 56-day-long incubations, wetting also increased litter and soil microbial respiration rates by factors of about 500 and 3, respectively. The incubations yielded a proportionality between respiration rate and water content that was supported by in situ measurements of soil respiration in the young stand, before and after irrigation. A hypothetically wet year without soil water deficit caused a 2.5-fold increase in a modelled estimate of the young stand’s annual soil respiration rate. Litter and soil C mineralisation rates in these ponderosa pine forests thus appeared to be limited much more by the availability of water than by a lack of available C or N substrates.",NAC,1,0 @@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@ Melling_2005_gwpf,NAC,Melling,2005,"Global warming potential from soils in tropi Melling_2005_scff,10.3402/tellusb.v57i1.16772,Melling,2005,"Soil CO2 flux from three ecosystems in tropical peatland of Sarawak, Malaysia","Melling, L., Hatano, R., & Goh, K. J. (2005). Soil CO2 flux from three ecosystems in tropical peatland of Sarawak, Malaysia. Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 57(1), 1-11. doi:10.3402/tellusb.v57i1.16772",English,https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3402/tellusb.v57i1.16772,"Soil CO2 flux was measured monthly over a year from tropical peatland of Sarawak, Malaysia using a closed-chamber technique. The soil CO2 flux ranged from 100 to 533 mg C m-2 h-1 for the forest ecosystem, 63 to 245 mg C m-2 h-1 for the sago and 46 to 335 mg C m-2 h-1 for the oil palm. Based on principal component analysis (PCA), the environmental variables over all sites could be classified into three components, namely, climate, soil moisture and soil bulk density, which accounted for 86% of the seasonal variability. A regression tree approach showed that CO2 flux in each ecosystem was related to different underlying environmental factors. They were relative humidity for forest, soil temperature at 5 cm for sago and water-filled pore space for oil palm. On an annual basis, the soil CO2 flux was highest in the forest ecosystem with an estimated production of 2.1 kg C m-2 yr-1 followed by oil palm at 1.5 kg C m-2 yr-1 and sago at 1.1 kg C m-2 yr-1. The different dominant controlling factors in CO2 flux among the studied ecosystems suggested that land use affected the exchange of CO2 between tropical peatland and the atmosphere.",NAC,1,0 Melling_2013_smar,NAC,Melling,2013,"SOIL MICROBIAL AND ROOT RESPIRATIONS FROM THREE ECOSYSTEMS IN TROPICAL PEATLAND OF SARAWAK, MALAYSIA",NAC,English,NAC,NAC,NAC,1,0 Mendoza-Ponce_2010_aabb,10.1093/forestry/cpq032,Mendoza-Ponce,2010,Aboveground and belowground biomass and carbon pools in highland temperate forest landscape in Central Mexico,"Mendoza-Ponce, A., & Galicia, L. (2010). Aboveground and belowground biomass and carbon pools in highland temperate forest landscape in Central Mexico. Forestry, 83(5), 497-506. doi:10.1093/forestry/cpq032",English,https://academic.oup.com/forestry/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/forestry/cpq032,"Temperate forests play a significant role in the global carbon cycle. However, deforestation, land use changes and differences in successional and species composition cause a spatial heterogeneity in the potential carbon storage in the landscape. The aims of this study were (1) to quantify aboveground and belowground biomass and respective carbon storage and (2) to project the future carbon storage in temperate forests landscape in Cofre de Perote, Veracruz, Mexico. Aboveground and belowground biomass was estimated in seven forests with different species composition and conservation status and management, in three grasslands and in two shrublands at a range of altitudes. Total biomass in forests ranged from 91.07 to 383.78 Mg ha-1, in grassland from 9.83 to 24.93 Mg ha-1 and in successional (shrublands) from 6.33 to 7.69 Mg ha-1. This suggests that deforestation and changes of land use could reduce aboveground biomass by 90 per cent. Mature forests had the largest aboveground and belowground biomass and the lowest density (number of trees per hectare) but a lower potential for accumulation of C in the future; in contrast, young forests and reforested areas had higher growth and carbon storage potential. Our results suggest that avoiding deforestation and improving forest management could play a major role in global climate change mitigation.",NAC,1,0 -Merino_2004_roso,10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.02.006,Merino,2004,Responses of soil organic matter and greenhouse gas fluxes to soil management and land use changes in a humid temperate region of southern Europe,"Merino, A., Perez-Batallon, P., & Maci´as, F. (2004). Responses of soil organic matter and greenhouse gas fluxes to soil management and land use changes in a humid temperate region of southern Europe. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 36(6), 917-925. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.02.006",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0038071704000562,"We studied the effects of soil management and changes of land use on soils of three adjacent plots of cropland, pasture and oak (Quercus robur) forest. The pasture and the forest were established in part of the cropland, respectively, 20 and 40 yr before the study began. Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, water-filled pore space (WFPS), soil temperature, inorganic N and microbial C, as well as fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O were measured in the plots over 25 months. The transformation of the cropland to mowed pasture slightly increased the soil organic and microbial C contents, whereas afforestation significantly increased these variables. The cropland and pasture soils showed low CH4 uptake rates (<1 kg C ha-1 yr-1) and, coinciding with WFPS values >70%, episodes of CH4 emission, which could be favoured by soil compaction. In the forest site, possibly because of the changes in soil structure and microbial activity, the soil always acted as a sink for CH4 (4.7 kg C ha-1 yr-1). The N2O releases at the cropland and pasture sites (2.7 and 4.8 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1) were, respectively, 3 and 6 times higher than at the forest site (0.8 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1). The highest N2O emissions in the cultivated soils were related to fertilisation and slurry application, and always occurred when the WFPS >60%. These results show that the changes in soil properties as a consequence of the transformation of cropfield to intensive grassland do not imply substantial changes in SOM or in the dynamics of CH4 and N2O. On the contrary, afforestation resulted in increases in SOM content and CH4 uptake, as well as decreases in N2O emissions.",NAC,NA,0 +Merino_2004_roso,10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.02.006,Merino,2004,Responses of soil organic matter and greenhouse gas fluxes to soil management and land use changes in a humid temperate region of southern Europe,"Merino, A., Perez-Batallon, P., & Maci´as, F. (2004). Responses of soil organic matter and greenhouse gas fluxes to soil management and land use changes in a humid temperate region of southern Europe. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 36(6), 917-925. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.02.006",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0038071704000562,"We studied the effects of soil management and changes of land use on soils of three adjacent plots of cropland, pasture and oak (Quercus robur) forest. The pasture and the forest were established in part of the cropland, respectively, 20 and 40 yr before the study began. Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, water-filled pore space (WFPS), soil temperature, inorganic N and microbial C, as well as fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O were measured in the plots over 25 months. The transformation of the cropland to mowed pasture slightly increased the soil organic and microbial C contents, whereas afforestation significantly increased these variables. The cropland and pasture soils showed low CH4 uptake rates (<1 kg C ha-1 yr-1) and, coinciding with WFPS values >70%, episodes of CH4 emission, which could be favoured by soil compaction. In the forest site, possibly because of the changes in soil structure and microbial activity, the soil always acted as a sink for CH4 (4.7 kg C ha-1 yr-1). The N2O releases at the cropland and pasture sites (2.7 and 4.8 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1) were, respectively, 3 and 6 times higher than at the forest site (0.8 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1). The highest N2O emissions in the cultivated soils were related to fertilisation and slurry application, and always occurred when the WFPS >60%. These results show that the changes in soil properties as a consequence of the transformation of cropfield to intensive grassland do not imply substantial changes in SOM or in the dynamics of CH4 and N2O. On the contrary, afforestation resulted in increases in SOM content and CH4 uptake, as well as decreases in N2O emissions.",Peer-reviewed journal,1,0 Metcalfe_2007_fcsv,10.1029/2007JG000443,Metcalfe,2007,"Factors controlling spatio-temporal variation in carbon dioxide efflux from surface litter, roots, and soil organic matter at four rain forest sites in the eastern Amazon","Metcalfe, D. B., Meir, P., Aragoo, L. E. O. C., Malhi, Y., da Costa, A. C. L., Braga, A., ... Williams, M. (2007). Factors controlling spatio-temporal variation in carbon dioxide efflux from surface litter, roots, and soil organic matter at four rain forest sites in the eastern Amazon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 112(G4), n/a-n/a. doi:10.1029/2007jg000443",English,https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2007JG000443,"This study explored biotic and abiotic causes for spatio-temporal variation in soil respiration from surface litter, roots, and soil organic matter over one year at four rain forest sites with different vegetation structures and soil types in the eastern Amazon, Brazil. Estimated mean annual soil respiration varied between 13-17 t C ha-1 yr-1, which was partitioned into 0-2 t C ha-1 yr-1 from litter, 6-9 t C ha-1 yr-1 from roots, and 5-6 t C ha-1 yr-1 from soil organic matter. Litter contribution showed no clear seasonal change, though experimental precipitation exclusion over a one-hectare area was associated with a ten-fold reduction in litter respiration relative to unmodified sites. The estimated mean contribution of soil organic matter respiration fell from 49% during the wet season to 32% in the dry season, while root respiration contribution increased from 42% in the wet season to 61% during the dry season. Spatial variation in respiration from soil, litter, roots, and soil organic matter was not explained by volumetric soil moisture or temperature. Instead, spatial heterogeneity in litter and root mass accounted for 44% of observed spatial variation in soil respiration (p < 0.001). In particular, variation in litter respiration per unit mass and root mass accounted for much of the observed variation in respiration from litter and roots, respectively, and hence total soil respiration. This information about patterns of, and underlying controls on, respiration from different soil components should assist attempts to accurately model soil carbon dioxide fluxes over space and time. ",NAC,NA,0 Metcalfe_2010_ioei,10.1111/j.1365-2435.2009.01683.x,Metcalfe,2010,Impacts of experimentally imposed drought on leaf respiration and morphology in an Amazon rain forest,"Metcalfe, D. B., Lobo-do-Vale, R., Chaves, M. M., Maroco, J. P., C Aragoo, L. E. O., Malhi, Y., ... Meir, P. (2010). Impacts of experimentally imposed drought on leaf respiration and morphology in an Amazon rain forest. Functional Ecology, 24(3), 524-533. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2435.2009.01683.x",English,https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2435.2009.01683.x,"1. The Amazon region may experience increasing moisture limitation over this century. Leaf dark respiration (R) is a key component of the Amazon rain forest carbon (C) cycle, but relatively little is known about its sensitivity to drought. 2. Here, we present measurements of R standardized to 25 °C and leaf morphology from different canopy heights over 5 years at a rain forest subject to a large-scale through-fall reduction (TFR) experiment, and nearby, unmodified Control forest, at the Caxiuano reserve in the eastern Amazon. 3. In all five post-treatment measurement campaigns, mean R at 25 °C was elevated in the TFR forest compared to the Control forest experiencing normal rainfall. After 5 years of the TFR treatment, R per unit leaf area and mass had increased by 65% and 42%, respectively, relative to pre-treatment means. In contrast, leaf area index (L) in the TFR forest was consistently lower than the Control, falling by 23% compared to the pre-treatment mean, largely because of a decline in specific leaf area (S). 4. The consistent and significant effects of the TFR treatment on R, L and S suggest that severe drought events in the Amazon, of the kind that may occur more frequently in future, could cause a substantial increase in canopy carbon dioxide emissions from this ecosystem to the atmosphere. ",NAC,NA,0 Meyer_2013_afpf,10.5194/bg-10-7739-2013,Meyer,2013,A fertile peatland forest does not constitute a major greenhouse gas sink,"Meyer, A., Tarvainen, L., Nousratpour, A., Bjork, R. G., Ernfors, M., Grelle, A., ... Klemedtsson, L. (2013). A fertile peatland forest does not constitute a major greenhouse gas sink. Biogeosciences, 10(11), 7739-7758. doi:10.5194/bg-10-7739-2013",English,https://bg.copernicus.org/articles/10/7739/2013/,"Afforestation has been proposed as a strategy to mitigate the often high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural soils with high organic matter content. However, the carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes after afforestation can be considerable, depending predominantly on site drainage and nutrient availability. Studies on the full GHG budget of afforested organic soils are scarce and hampered by the uncertainties associated with methodology. In this study we determined the GHG budget of a spruce-dominated forest on a drained organic soil with an agricultural history. Two different approaches for determining the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) were applied, for the year 2008, one direct (eddy covariance) and the other indirect (analyzing the different components of the GHG budget), so that uncertainties in each method could be evaluated. The annual tree production in 2008 was 8.3 ± 3.9 t C ha-1 yr-1 due to the high levels of soil nutrients, the favorable climatic conditions and the fact that the forest was probably in its phase of maximum C assimilation or shortly past it. The N2O fluxes were determined by the closed-chamber technique and amounted to 0.9 ± 0.8 t Ceq ha-1 yr-1. According to the direct measurements from the eddy covariance technique, the site acts as a minor GHG sink of -1.2 ± 0.8 t Ceq ha-1 yr-1. This contrasts with the NEE estimate derived from the indirect approach which suggests that the site is a net GHG emitter of 0.6 ± 4.5 t Ceq ha-1 yr-1. Irrespective of the approach applied, the soil CO2 effluxes counter large amounts of the C sequestration by trees. Due to accumulated uncertainties involved in the indirect approach, the direct approach is considered the more reliable tool. As the rate of C sequestration will likely decrease with forest age, the site will probably become a GHG source once again as the trees do not compensate for the soil C and N losses. Also forests in younger age stages have been shown to have lower C assimilation rates; thus, the overall GHG sink potential of this afforested nutrient-rich organic soil is probably limited to the short period of maximum C assimilation. ",NAC,NA,0 @@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ Ohtsuka_2009_olmb,10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01800.x,Ohtsuka,2009,On linking multi Ohtsuka_2010_ccan,10.1007/s10265-009-0274-0,Ohtsuka,2010,Carbon cycling and net ecosystem production at an early stage of secondary succession in an abandoned coppice forest,"Ohtsuka, T., Shizu, Y., Nishiwaki, A., Yashiro, Y., & Koizumi, H. (2009). Carbon cycling and net ecosystem production at an early stage of secondary succession in an abandoned coppice forest. Journal of Plant Research, 123(4), 393-401. doi:10.1007/s10265-009-0274-0",English,https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10265-009-0274-0,"Secondary mixed forests are one of the dominant forest cover types in human-dominated temperate regions. However, our understanding of how secondary succession affects carbon cycling and carbon sequestration in these ecosystems is limited. We studied carbon cycling and net ecosystem production (NEP) over 4 years (2004-2008) in a cool-temperate deciduous forest at an early stage of secondary succession (18 years after clear-cutting). Net primary production of the 18-year-old forest in this study was 5.2 tC ha-1 year-1, including below-ground coarse roots; this was partitioned into 2.5 tC ha-1 year-1 biomass increment, 1.6 tC ha-1 year-1 foliage litter, and 1.0 tC ha-1 year-1 other woody detritus. The total amount of annual soil surface CO2 efflux was 6.8 tC ha-1 year-1, which included root respiration (1.9 tC ha-1 year-1) and heterotrophic respiration (RH) from soils (4.9 tC ha-1 year-1). The 18-year forest at this study site exhibited a great increase in biomass pool as a result of considerable total tree growth and low mortality of tree stems. In contrast, the soil organic matter (SOM) pool decreased markedly (-1.6 tC ha-1 year-1), although further study of below-ground detritus production and RH of SOM decomposition is needed. This young 18-year forest was a weak carbon sink (0.9 tC ha-1 year-1) at this stage of secondary succession. The NEP of this 18-year forest is likely to increase gradually because biomass increases with tree growth and with the improvement of the SOM pool through increasing litter and dead wood production with stand development.",NAC,NA,0 Ohtsuka_2013_ccas,10.1007/s11284-013-1067-4,Ohtsuka,2013,Carbon cycling and sequestration in a Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora) forest on lava flow of Mt. Fuji,"Ohtsuka, T., Negishi, M., Sugita, K., Iimura, Y., & Hirota, M. (2013). Carbon cycling and sequestration in a Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora) forest on lava flow of Mt. Fuji. Ecological Research, 28(5), 855-867. doi:10.1007/s11284-013-1067-4",English,https://esj-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1007/s11284-013-1067-4,NAC,NAC,NA,0 Oishi_2013_satv,10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.12.007,Oishi,2013,Spatial and temporal variability of soil CO2 efflux in three proximate temperate forest ecosystems,"Oishi, A. C., Palmroth, S., Butnor, J. R., Johnsen, K. H., & Oren, R. (2013). Spatial and temporal variability of soil CO2 efflux in three proximate temperate forest ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 171-172, 256-269. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.12.007",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0168192312003759,"The magnitude of CO2 flux from soil (Fsoil) varies with primary productivity and environmental drivers of respiration, soil temperature (Tsoil) and moisture, all of which vary temporally and spatially. To quantify the sources of Fsoil variability, we first compared Fsoil of three proximate forests within 30 km of one another, ranging in age, composition, soil, and environment and, thus, productivity. We collected data with automated soil respiration chambers during a 10-year period in a mid-rotation Pinus taeda plantation (PP), for three-years in a mature P. taeda stand (OP), and for five-years in a mature, mixed-species hardwood (HW) stand; PP and HW were on clay-loam soil and OP on a sandy soil. Among stands, Fsoil sensitivity to Tsoil was lowest in OP and highest in PP, reflected in mean annual Fsoil (±standard deviation) of 1033 ± 226 (OP), 1206 ± 99 (HW), and 1383 ± 152 (PP) g C m-2; both Fsoil sensitivity to Tsoil and annual Fsoil increased with leaf litterfall. For the second portion of our study, we established an additional three plots at PP for a six-year period to examine within-stand variability. Within PP, sensitivity of Fsoil to Tsoil was similar, yet higher leaf area was correlated with a combination of lower soil temperature and belowground carbon flux, resulting in lower Fsoil. Temporally, diurnal to seasonal Fsoil followed Tsoil whereas annual values were driven by soil moisture. Spatially, among the three stands Fsoil increased with leaf production, whereas within a stand (PP) Fsoil decreased with increasing leaf production.",NAC,NA,0 -Ojanen_2010_scca,10.1016/j.foreco.2010.04.036,Ojanen,2010,"Soil-atmosphere CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in boreal forestry-drained peatlands","Ojanen, P., Minkkinen, K., Alm, J., & Penttila, T. (2010). Soil-atmosphere CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in boreal forestry-drained peatlands. Forest Ecology and Management, 260(3), 411-421. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2010.04.036",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0378112710002409,"Greenhouse gas emissions from managed peatlands are annually reported to the UNFCCC. For the estimation of greenhouse gas (GHG) balances on a country-wide basis, it is necessary to know how soil-atmosphere fluxes are associated with variables that are available for spatial upscaling. We measured momentary soil-atmosphere CO2 (heterotrophic and total soil respiration), CH4 and N2O fluxes at 68 forestry-drained peatland sites in Finland over two growing seasons. We estimated annual CO2 effluxes for the sites using site-specific temperature regressions and simulations in half-hourly time steps. Annual CH4 and N2O fluxes were interpolated from the measurements. We then tested how well climate and site variables derived from forest inventory results and weather statistics could be used to explain between-site variation in the annual fluxes. The estimated annual CO2 effluxes ranged from 1165 to 4437 g m-2 year-1 (total soil respiration) and from 534 to 2455 g m-2 year-1 (heterotrophic soil respiration). Means of 95% confidence intervals were ±12% of total and ±22% of heterotrophic soil respiration. Estimated annual CO2 efflux was strongly correlated with soil respiration at the reference temperature (10 °C) and with summer mean air temperature. Temperature sensitivity had little effect on the estimated annual fluxes. Models with tree stand stem volume, site type and summer mean air temperature as independent variables explained 56% of total and 57% of heterotrophic annual CO2 effluxes. Adding summer mean water table depth to the models raised the explanatory power to 66% and 64% respectively. Most of the sites were small CH4 sinks and N2O sources. The interpolated annual CH4 flux (range: -0.97 to 12.50 g m-2 year-1) was best explained by summer mean water table depth (r2 = 64%) and rather weakly by tree stand stem volume (r2 = 22%) and mire vegetation cover (r2 = 15%). N2O flux (range: -0.03 to 0.92 g m-2 year-1) was best explained by peat CN ratio (r2 = 35%). Site type explained 13% of annual N2O flux. We suggest that water table depth should be measured in national land-use inventories for improving the estimation of country-level GHG fluxes for peatlands.",NAC,NA,0 +Ojanen_2010_scca,10.1016/j.foreco.2010.04.036,Ojanen,2010,"Soil-atmosphere CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in boreal forestry-drained peatlands","Ojanen, P., Minkkinen, K., Alm, J., & Penttila, T. (2010). Soil-atmosphere CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in boreal forestry-drained peatlands. Forest Ecology and Management, 260(3), 411-421. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2010.04.036",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0378112710002409,"Greenhouse gas emissions from managed peatlands are annually reported to the UNFCCC. For the estimation of greenhouse gas (GHG) balances on a country-wide basis, it is necessary to know how soil-atmosphere fluxes are associated with variables that are available for spatial upscaling. We measured momentary soil-atmosphere CO2 (heterotrophic and total soil respiration), CH4 and N2O fluxes at 68 forestry-drained peatland sites in Finland over two growing seasons. We estimated annual CO2 effluxes for the sites using site-specific temperature regressions and simulations in half-hourly time steps. Annual CH4 and N2O fluxes were interpolated from the measurements. We then tested how well climate and site variables derived from forest inventory results and weather statistics could be used to explain between-site variation in the annual fluxes. The estimated annual CO2 effluxes ranged from 1165 to 4437 g m-2 year-1 (total soil respiration) and from 534 to 2455 g m-2 year-1 (heterotrophic soil respiration). Means of 95% confidence intervals were ±12% of total and ±22% of heterotrophic soil respiration. Estimated annual CO2 efflux was strongly correlated with soil respiration at the reference temperature (10 °C) and with summer mean air temperature. Temperature sensitivity had little effect on the estimated annual fluxes. Models with tree stand stem volume, site type and summer mean air temperature as independent variables explained 56% of total and 57% of heterotrophic annual CO2 effluxes. Adding summer mean water table depth to the models raised the explanatory power to 66% and 64% respectively. Most of the sites were small CH4 sinks and N2O sources. The interpolated annual CH4 flux (range: -0.97 to 12.50 g m-2 year-1) was best explained by summer mean water table depth (r2 = 64%) and rather weakly by tree stand stem volume (r2 = 22%) and mire vegetation cover (r2 = 15%). N2O flux (range: -0.03 to 0.92 g m-2 year-1) was best explained by peat CN ratio (r2 = 35%). Site type explained 13% of annual N2O flux. We suggest that water table depth should be measured in national land-use inventories for improving the estimation of country-level GHG fluxes for peatlands.",Peer-reviewed journal,1,0 Ojanen_2012_cmsr,10.1016/j.foreco.2012.04.027,Ojanen,2012,Chamber measured soil respiration: A useful tool for estimating the carbon balance of peatland forest soils?,"Ojanen, P., Minkkinen, K., Lohila, A., Badorek, T., & Penttila, T. (2012). Chamber measured soil respiration: A useful tool for estimating the carbon balance of peatland forest soils? Forest Ecology and Management, 277, 132-140. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2012.04.027",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0378112712002459,"Peatlands drained for forestry have a high potential for CO2 emissions due to peat decomposition. Accurate estimates of either these emissions or soil carbon balances (Csoil) on large areas are needed for national greenhouse gas inventories and as input for earth system models. The measurement of forest floor respiration (Rfloor) or heterotrophic soil respiration (Rhet) by portable chambers offers an affordable tool for extensive studies. So far, the reliability of respiration chamber based calculations of Csoil has not been tested and the prerequisites for their use have not been discussed. However, the method is being used in greenhouse gas inventories.In this study, we compared the results of two chamber based methods against a reference estimate based on eddy covariance measurements. In the first method, Csoil was calculated by subtracting Rhet from the litter input into the soil. In the second method, Rfloor was subtracted from the entire allocation of carbon (C) into the soil. A four-year detailed dataset of C dynamics of a drained peatland forest in southern Finland served as the test material.The Rhet method produced results close to those of the reference method, but the results were sensitive to the choice of root turnover rates used in the estimation of litter input. The Rfloor method resulted in a clear underestimation of soil C sink: the accurate estimation of the large photosynthesis and respiration fluxes needed for the calculation turned out to be difficult.In our opinion, the Rhet method could be used to identify hot spots of forest soil CO2 emissions and for balance estimation for large areas. Further development of models for estimating the photosynthesis and respiration fluxes is needed for the application of the Rfloor method. As the estimation of Csoil by subtracting C output from C input is inherently sensitive to bias in the estimation of the input and output, the accuracy of both methods needs further testing with extensive datasets.",NAC,NA,0 Olajuyigbea_2012_ftas,10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.01.016,Olajuyigbea,2012,Forest thinning and soil respiration in a Sitka spruce forest in Ireland,"Olajuyigbe, S., Tobin, B., Saunders, M., & Nieuwenhuis, M. (2012). Forest thinning and soil respiration in a Sitka spruce forest in Ireland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 157, 86-95. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.01.016",English,https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0168192312000470,"Forest thinning influences soil processes by altering key microclimatic conditions, root density, microbial communities, organic matter turnover and nutrient budgets. It introduces a large pulse of harvest residues (brash) to the soil surface and can alter the balance between autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration. This study determined the influence of thinning, microclimatic factors and plant productivity on carbon (C) losses through the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) respired from thinning lines (brash lanes or BL) and the forest floor (FF: without brash) in a first rotation Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) forest in Ireland. Weekly measurements of CO2 efflux were carried out using an Infra-Red Gas Analyser connected to static chambers; while soil moisture content and soil surface temperature were measured, using theta probes and data loggers, respectively. The soil respiration measurements were also correlated with the gross primary productivity (GPP) determined by eddy covariance techniques.The highest CO2 efflux were observed at the peak of summer in July/2010 (FF = 699.20 mg CO2 m-2 h-1 and BL = 374.22 mg CO2 m-2 h-1) and were associated with maximum soil surface temperatures and higher rates of GPP. Soil temperature had a strong positive influence on the variation of CO2 from the forest (FF = 75% and BL = 59%), and the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil respiration from the FF (5.47) was higher than from the BL (2.72). Soil moisture was inversely correlated with soil respiration from both FF (R = -0.73, p < 0.0001) and BL (R = -0.53, p = 0.003). The combined effect of temperature and moisture gave a better description of the variability in CO2 respired from both the FF (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.0001) and BL (R2 = 0.67, p < 0.0001) than temperature and/or moisture alone. GPP was positively correlated with soil respiration with a stronger relationship observed in the FF (R2 = 0.73, p < 0.0001) than the BL (R2 = 0.45, p < 0.0001). The total C loss due to soil respiration from the FF (448.93 g C m-2 year-1) was significantly higher than BL (351.77 g C m-2 year-1). The annual soil respiratory C loss was 435.32 g C m-2 year-1 (calculated based on the contribution of the BL (14%) and FF (86%) to the total forest area).",NAC,NA,0 Oliveras_2014_agaa,10.1088/1748-9326/9/11/115011,Oliveras,2014,Andean grasslands are as productive as tropical cloud forests,"Oliveras, I., Girardin, C., Doughty, C. E., Cahuana, N., Arenas, C. E., Oliver, V., ... Malhi, Y. (2014). Andean grasslands are as productive as tropical cloud forests. Environmental Research Letters, 9(11), 115011. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/11/115011",English,https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/9/11/115011,NAC,NAC,NA,0 @@ -1595,7 +1595,7 @@ Varik_2015_cbif,10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.01.041,Varik,2015,Carbon budgets in ferti Vasconcelos_2004_lpal,10.1890/03-5093,Vasconcelos,2004,Litter production and litter nutrient concentrations in a fragmented Amazonian landscape,"Vasconcelos, H. L., & Luiza~o, F. J. (2004). LITTER PRODUCTION AND LITTER NUTRIENT CONCENTRATIONS IN A FRAGMENTED AMAZONIAN LANDSCAPE. Ecological Applications, 14(3), 884-892. doi:10.1890/03-5093",English,https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1890/03-5093,"We analyzed the effects of distance to forest edge and soil texture on fine-litter production and on nutrient concentrations in the leaf fall in an experimentally fragmented landscape in Brazilian Amazonia. Production of fine litter (leaves, twigs <2 cm in diameter, flowers, and fruits) was measured over a 3-yr period. Litter traps were installed in plots located near (<100 m) and far (>250 m) from forest edges, and in clayey or sandy soils. In total, 28 plots were established, with 10 litter traps per plot. Results reveal a significant effect of distance to forest edge on litter production, but no significant effect of soil type or interaction between soil type and edge distance. On average, annual litter production on edge plots exceeded that on the interior plots by 0.68 Mg/ha (9.50 ± 0.23 vs. 8.82 ± 0.14 Mg·ha-1·yr-1, mean ± 1 se, based on a 3-yr period). With regard to nutrient concentrations in the leaf fall, we detected a significant effect of soil type on three of eight nutrients analyzed. Concentrations of N, Mg, and Mn were greater in leaves on clayey than on sandy soils. Distance to forest edge only significantly affected the concentration of Ca, which was greater near than far from edges, perhaps due to strong Ca mobilization by the roots of pioneer trees. Several factors may account for the observed increase in litterfall near forest edges, including the greater prevalence of winds, increased plant desiccation stress, and higher rates of tree recruitment, especially of pioneer trees, near edges. Elevated rates of litterfall are likely to have cascading effects on the ecology of fragmented forests, affecting the invertebrate fauna, increasing seed and seedling mortality, and causing forest fragments to be more vulnerable to destructive surface fires. ",NAC,NA,0 Vasconcelos_2004_masa,10.1029/2003GB002210,Vasconcelos,2004,Moisture and substrate availability constrain soil trace gas fluxes in an eastern Amazonian regrowth forest,"Vasconcelos, S. S., Zarin, D. J., Capanu, M., Littell, R., Davidson, E. A., Ishida, F. Y., ... de Carvalho, C. J. R. (2004). Moisture and substrate availability constrain soil trace gas fluxes in an eastern Amazonian regrowth forest. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18(2), n/a-n/a. doi:10.1029/2003gb002210",English,https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2003GB002210,"Changes in land-use and climate are likely to alter moisture and substrate availability in tropical forest soils, but quantitative assessment of the role of resource constraints as regulators of soil trace gas fluxes is rather limited. The primary objective of this study was to quantify the effects of moisture and substrate availability on soil trace gas fluxes in an Amazonian regrowth forest. We measured the efflux of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) from soil in response to two experimental manipulations. In the first, we increased soil moisture availability during the dry season by irrigation; in the second, we decreased substrate availability by continuous removal of aboveground litter. In the absence of irrigation, soil CO2 efflux decreased during the dry season while irrigation maintained soil CO2 efflux levels similar to the wet season. Large variations in soil CO2 efflux consistent with a significant moisture constraint on respiration were observed in response to soil wet-up and dry-down events. Annual soil C efflux for irrigated plots was 27 and 13% higher than for control plots in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Litter removal significantly reduced soil CO2 efflux; annual soil C efflux in 2002 was 28% lower for litter removal plots compared to control plots. The annual soil C efflux:litterfall C ratio for the control treatment (4.0-5.2) was consistent with previously reported values for regrowth forests that indicate a relatively large belowground C allocation. In general, fluxes of N2O and CH4 were higher during the wet season and both fluxes increased during dry-season irrigation. There was no seasonal effect on NO fluxes. Litter removal had no significant impact on N oxide or CH4 emissions. Net soil nitrification did not respond to dry-season irrigation, but was somewhat reduced by litter removal. Overall, these results demonstrate significant soil moisture and substrate constraints on soil trace gas emissions, particularly for CO2, and suggest that climate and land-use changes that alter moisture and substrate availability are therefore likely to have an impact on atmosphere chemistry. ",NAC,NA,0 Vasconcelos_2008_eosl,10.1017/S0266467407004580,Vasconcelos,2008,"Effects of seasonality, litter removal and dry-season irrigation on litterfall quantity and quality in eastern Amazonian forest regrowth, Brazil","Vasconcelos, S. S., Zarin, D. J., Araújo, M. M., Rangel-Vasconcelos, L. G. T., de Carvalho, C. J. R., Staudhammer, C. L., & Oliveira, F. de A. (2008). Effects of seasonality, litter removal and dry-season irrigation on litterfall quantity and quality in eastern Amazonian forest regrowth, Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 24(1), 27-38. doi:10.1017/s0266467407004580",English,https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-tropical-ecology/article/abs/effects-of-seasonality-litter-removal-and-dryseason-irrigation-on-litterfall-quantity-and-quality-in-eastern-amazonian-forest-regrowth-brazil/4F10973AE52E6C43A14E321191E6C2AF,"Litterfall quantity and quality may respond to alterations in resource availability expected with ongoing land-use and climate changes. Here, we quantify the effects of altered resource availability on non-woody litterfall quantity and quality (nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations) in eastern Amazonian forest regrowth (Brazil) through two multi-year experimental manipulations: (1) daily irrigation (5 mm d-1) during the dry season; and (2) fortnightly litter removal. Consistent with other tropical forest data litterfall exhibited seasonal patterns, increasing with the onset of the dry season and declining with the onset of the rainy season. Irrigation did not affect litterfall mass and had little impact on nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) concentrations and return, except for decreasing litter P concentration at the end of two irrigation periods. Litter removal did not alter litterfall mass or P concentration, but progressively reduced litterfall N during the course of the experiment. Overall, these results suggest significant resistance to altered resource availability within the bounds of our experimental treatments; our findings may help to constrain carbon and nutrient cycling predictions for tropical forests in response to land-use and climate changes.",NAC,1,0 -Vedrova_1997_omdi,NAC,Vedrova,1997,Organic matter decomposition in forest litters,NAC,English,NAC,NAC,NAC,0,0 +Vedrova_1997_omdi,NAC,Vedrova,1997,Organic matter decomposition in forest litters,NAC,English,NAC,NAC,Peer-reviewed journal,1,0 Veenendal_2004_svie,10.1111/j.1365-2486.2003.00699.x,Veenendal,2004,Seasonal variation in energy fluxes and carbon dioxide exchange for a broad-leaved semi-arid savanna (Mopane woodland) in Southern Africa,"Veenendaal, E. M., Kolle, O., & Lloyd, J. (2003). Seasonal variation in energy fluxes and carbon dioxide exchange for a broad-leaved semi-arid savanna (Mopane woodland) in Southern Africa. Global Change Biology, 10(3), 318-328. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2003.00699.x",English,https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2003.00699.x,"We studied the seasonal variation in carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy fluxes in a broad-leafed semi-arid savanna in Southern Africa using the eddy covariance technique. The open woodland studied consisted of an overstorey dominated by Colophospermum mopane with a sparse understorey of grasses and herbs. Measurements presented here cover a 19-month period from the end of the rainy season in March 1999 to the end of the dry season September 2000. During the wet season, sensible and latent heat fluxes showed a linear dependence on incoming solar radiation (I) with a Bowen ratio (i) typically just below unity. Although i was typically around 1 at low incoming solar radiation (150 W m-2) during the dry season, it increased dramatically with I, typically being as high as 4 or 5 around solar noon. Thus, under these water-limited conditions, almost all available energy was dissipated as sensible, rather than latent heat. Marked spikes of CO2 release occurred at the onset of the rainfall season after isolated rainfall events and respiration dominated the balance well into the rainfall season. During this time, the ecosystem was a constant source of CO2 with an average flux of 3-5 µmol m-2 s-1 to the atmosphere during both day and night. But later in the wet season, for example, in March 2000 under optimal soil moisture conditions, with maximum leaf canopy development (leaf area index 0.9-1.3), the peak ecosystem CO2 influx was as much as 10 µmol m-2 s-1. The net ecosystem maximum photosynthesis at this time was estimated at 14 µmol m-2 s-1, with the woodland ecosystem a significant sink for CO2. During the dry season, just before leaf fall in August, maximum day- and night-time net ecosystem fluxes were typically -3 µmol m-2 s-1 and 1-2 µmol m-2 s-1, respectively, with the ecosystem still being a marginal sink. Over the course of 12 months (March 1999-March 2000), the woodland was more or less carbon neutral, with a net uptake estimated at only about 1 mol C m-2 yr-1. The annual net photosynthesis (gross primary production) was estimated at 32.2 mol m-2 yr-1. ",NAC,NA,0 Veillon_1985_ecda,NAC,Veillon,1985,El crecimiento de algunos bosques naturales de Venezuela en relacion con los parametros del medio ambiente,NAC,Spanish,NAC,NAC,NAC,0,0 Veneklaas_1991_lanf,10.1017/S0266467400005587,Veneklaas,1991,"Litterfall and nutrient fluxes in two montane tropical rain forests, Colombia","Veneklaas, E. J. (1991). Litterfall and nutrient fluxes in two montane tropical rain forests, Colombia. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 7(3), 319-336. doi:10.1017/s0266467400005587",English,https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-tropical-ecology/article/abs/litterfall-and-nutrient-fluxes-in-two-montane-tropical-rain-forests-colombia/500D8A0991334F71F405BCFF13EB43E8,"Litterfall was sampled during one year in two undisturbed Andean forests at altitudes of 2550 and 3370 m in the Colombian Cordillera Central. Total small litterfall at 2550 and 3370 m was 7.03 and 4.31 tha-1 y-1 respectively, of which 4.61 and 2.82 were leaves, 1.06 and 0.76 woody parts, 0.66 and 0.27 reproductive parts, 0.22 and 0.23 epiphytes, 0.47 and 0.23 unclassified.Clear differences were also found in nutrient concentrations, both between different litter fractions from one site and between equivalent litter fractions from different sites. Weighted mean concentrations for total small litterfall were (mgg-1, at 2550 and 3370m respectively): 11.7 and 7.3 for nitrogen; 0.86 and 0.44 for phosphorus; 8.4 and 3.1 for potassium. Comparison of nutrient concentrations in crown leaves and shed leaves indicated important reallocation of nitrogen (39% at both sites) and phosphorus (45% at 2550m, 65% at 3370m) before leaf shedding.The results for litterfall amounts, litter nutrient concentrations and reallocation of nutrients in the two forests are consistent with such data obtained in other montane forests in the wet tropics.",NAC,NA,0 diff --git a/data/ForC_history.csv b/data/ForC_history.csv index 42514871..af420053 100644 --- a/data/ForC_history.csv +++ b/data/ForC_history.csv @@ -8688,7 +8688,9 @@ production about 80 years ago",NA 4835.01,POPFACE,Aggrading Temperate Evergreen Forest with CO2 (554 ppm) treatment. Stand established around 1999,NAC,1,1999,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 4835.02,POPFACE,Aggrading Temperate Evergreen Forest with CO2 (554 ppm) treatment. Stand established around 1999,NAC,2,1999,NAC,Regrowth,Initiation of post-disturbance cohort (planted or natural),1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 4835.03,POPFACE,Aggrading Temperate Evergreen Forest with CO2 (554 ppm) treatment. Stand established around 1999,NAC,3,NAC,NAC,Management,CO2_fumigation,NA,NAC,NA,NA,CO2 554 ppm,NA -4836.01,Merino,Temperate Deciduous Forest. Stand established around 1959,NAC,1,1959,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA +4836.01,Merino_2004_roso study site in Spain,Oak forest. Stand established around 1959,NAC,1,1959,8.5,Disturbance,Cultivation,1,NA,NA,100%,continuous cultivation for at least 200 years,NA +4836.02,Merino_2004_roso study site in Spain,Oak forest. Stand established around 1959,NAC,2,1959,8.5,Regrowth,Planted,1,NA,NA,NA,afforstation,NA +4836.03,Merino_2004_roso study site in Spain,Oak forest. Stand established around 1959,NAC,3,1959,8.5,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,afforstation,NA 4837.01,Bainbridge-IPC,Managed Aggrading Temperate Evergreen Forest with Weed control treatment. Stand established around 1994,NAC,1,1994,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 4837.02,Bainbridge-IPC,Managed Aggrading Temperate Evergreen Forest with Weed control treatment. Stand established around 1994,NAC,2,1994,NAC,Regrowth,Initiation of post-disturbance cohort (planted or natural),1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 4837.03,Bainbridge-IPC,Managed Aggrading Temperate Evergreen Forest with Weed control treatment. Stand established around 1994,NAC,3,NAC,NAC,Management,Other,NA,NAC,NA,NA,Weed control,NA @@ -8726,7 +8728,7 @@ production about 80 years ago",NA 4849.04,Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve,"Tropical Evergreen Forest with Nitrogen, phosphorous (150 kg N/ha; 150 kg P/ha) treatment",NAC,4,NAC,NAC,Management,Fertilization_P,NA,NAC,NA,NA,"Nitrogen, phosphorous 150 kg N/ha; 150 kg P/ha",NA 4856.01,Cedar Creek,Temperate Deciduous Forest,NAC,1,NAC,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 4857.01,Yanting Agro-ecological Station of Purple Soil,Aggrading Subtropical Deciduous Forest. Stand established around 1975,NAC,1,1975,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA -4858.01,INPA/WWF,Tropical Evergreen Forest,NAC,1,NAC,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA +4858.01,Keller_1986_eonc site at BDFFP,Tropical Evergreen Forest,NAC,1,NAC,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 4859.01,Luquillo Experimental Forest,Prestoea montana; Cyrilla racemiflora Forest,NAC,1,NAC,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 4860.01,Luquillo Experimental Forest,Swietenia spp. Forest. Stand established around 1981,NAC,1,1981,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 4861.01,Campana Cocha,Tropical Evergreen Forest,NAC,1,NAC,NAC,Establishment,Establishment of oldest trees,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA diff --git a/data/ForC_measurements.csv b/data/ForC_measurements.csv index 5f60e1c5..d84ad116 100644 --- a/data/ForC_measurements.csv +++ b/data/ForC_measurements.csv @@ -27775,7 +27775,7 @@ measurement.ID,sites.sitename,plot.name,stand.age,dominant.life.form,dominant.ve 28959,Texas Agricultural Experiment Station La Copita Research Area,Subtropical Deciduous Forest. Stand established around 1955.7,40.3,woody,2TDB,NA,Prosopis glandulosa,R_soil_C,1996,8,1995.5,7.5,1996.5,7.5,6.83,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1000,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,McCulley_2004_sran,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1232.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 28960,Texas Agricultural Experiment Station La Copita Research Area,Subtropical Deciduous Forest. Stand established around 1914.4,81.6,woody,2TDB,NA,Prosopis glandulosa,R_soil_C,1996,8,1995.5,7.5,1996.5,7.5,7.8,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1000,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,McCulley_2004_sran,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1233.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 28961,Texas Agricultural Experiment Station La Copita Research Area,Subtropical Deciduous Forest. Stand established around 1934.1,61.9,woody,2TDB,NA,Prosopis glandulosa,R_soil_C,1996,8,1995.5,7.5,1996.5,7.5,7.71,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1000,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,McCulley_2004_sran,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1234.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 -28962,Merino,Temperate Deciduous Forest. Stand established around 1959,40,woody,2TDB,NA,Quercus robur,R_soil_C,1999,8,1998,7.5,2000,7.5,3.4,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1010,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Merino_2004_roso,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1237.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 +28962,Merino_2004_roso study site in Spain,Oak forest. Stand established around 1959,40,woody,2TDB,NA,Quercus robur,R_soil_C,1999,8,1998,7.5,2000,7.5,3.4,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1010,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Merino_2004_roso,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1237.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 28963,Bainbridge-IPC,Managed Aggrading Temperate Evergreen Forest with Weed control treatment. Stand established around 1994,6,woody,2TEN,NA,Pinus taeda,R_soil_C,2000.5,8,2000,7.5,2001,7.5,9.66,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1000,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Samuelson_2004_imms,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1257.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 28964,Bainbridge-IPC,"Managed Aggrading Temperate Evergreen Forest with Weed control, irrigation treatment. Stand established around 1994",6,woody,2TEN,NA,Pinus taeda,R_soil_C,2000.5,8,2000,7.5,2001,7.5,8.93,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1000,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Samuelson_2004_imms,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1258.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 28965,Bainbridge-IPC,"Managed Aggrading Temperate Evergreen Forest with Weed control, irrigation, fertilized treatment. Stand established around 1994",6,woody,2TEN,NA,Pinus taeda,R_soil_C,2000.5,8,2000,7.5,2001,7.5,7.78,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1000,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Samuelson_2004_imms,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1259.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 @@ -27830,7 +27830,7 @@ measurement.ID,sites.sitename,plot.name,stand.age,dominant.life.form,dominant.ve 29014,Sylvania Wilderness,Temperate Deciduous Forest,NAC,woody,2TD,NA,Acer saccharum; Tsuga canadensis,R_soil_C,2003,8,2002.5,7.5,2003.5,7.5,7.07,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1000,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Tang_2008_erai,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1418.stand.age was fixed based on Study_midyear.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 29015,Sylvania Wilderness,Temperate Evergreen Forest,NAC,woody,2TEN,NA,Tsuga canadensis,R_soil_C,2003,8,2002.5,7.5,2003.5,7.5,6,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1000,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Tang_2008_erai,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1419.stand.age was fixed based on Study_midyear.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 29016,Yanting Agro-ecological Station of Purple Soil,Aggrading Subtropical Deciduous Forest. Stand established around 1975,30,woody,2TD,NA,Alder cremastogyne; Cupressus funebris,R_soil_C,2005.5,8,2004.5,7.5,2006.5,7.5,6.02,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1000,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Wang_2008_svis,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1426.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 -29017,INPA/WWF,Tropical Evergreen Forest,NAC,woody,2TEB,NA,Mix,R_soil_C,1983.5,8,1983,7.5,1984,7.5,12.06,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1025,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Keller_1986_eonc,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1430.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 +29017,Keller_1986_eonc site at BDFFP,Tropical Evergreen Forest,NAC,woody,2TEB,NA,Mix,R_soil_C,1983.5,8,1983,7.5,1984,7.5,12.06,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1025,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Keller_1986_eonc,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1430.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 29018,Luquillo Experimental Forest,Dacryodes excelsa Forest,NAC,woody,2TEB,NA,Dacryodes excelsa,R_soil_C,1984,8,1983.5,7.5,1984.5,7.5,5.62,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1025,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,R,1760,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Keller_1986_eonc,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1432.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 29019,Luquillo Experimental Forest,Prestoea montana; Cyrilla racemiflora Forest,NAC,woody,2TEB,NA,Prestoea montana; Cyrilla racemiflora,R_soil_C,1984,8,1983.5,7.5,1984.5,7.5,7.77,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1025,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,I,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Keller_1986_eonc,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1433.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 29020,Luquillo Experimental Forest,Dacryodes excelsa Forest,NAC,woody,2TEB,NA,Dacryodes excelsa,R_soil_C,1984,8,1983.5,7.5,1984.5,7.5,10.75,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,1025,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,R,1760,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Keller_1986_eonc,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,NAC,SRDB Record_number:1434.,NA,Ben Bond-Lamberty; R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,Ben Bond-Lamberty,"Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr, Anderson-Teixeira_2018_fagd",0 diff --git a/data/ForC_sites.csv b/data/ForC_sites.csv index abba7620..9061c9e7 100644 --- a/data/ForC_sites.csv +++ b/data/ForC_sites.csv @@ -2136,7 +2136,7 @@ the abundant winter rainfall and extend its availability through the dry season" 2170,Mauna Loa Old flow 2,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,United States of America,19.45,-155.15,NAC,NAC,NA,13,NAC,NAC,4300,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NA,709,Oceania,Oceania,Af,Tropical mountain system,NA,Raich_1997_ppae,Raich_1997_ppae,NA,NA,Taylor_2017_tari,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,MAT,NA 2171,El Verde,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,United States of America,18.42,-66,NAC,1000,NA,23.1,NAC,NAC,4500,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NA,80,North America,Neotropics,Am,Tropical moist forest,NA,Weaver_1986_eoit; Weaver_1990_fsap,Weaver_1990_fsap,NA,NA,Taylor_2017_tari,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,MAP,NA 2172,Marihan,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,India,25,82.67,(minutes rounded),NAC,NA,27,NAC,NAC,821,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NA,828,Asia,IndoMalay,Cwa,Tropical dry forest,NA,Singh_1991_ssdm,Singh_1991_ssdm,NA,NA,Taylor_2017_tari,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA -2173,Manaus 1,NA,NA,NA,Manaus,NAC,Brazil,-4,-60,degree,90,NA,27.2,NAC,NAC,1771,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Pale yellow latosol,Well drained,NA,829,South America,Neotropics,Am,Tropical rainforest,NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,"DeAngelis et al 1981 IBP_19,",NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA +2173,Manaus 1,NA,NA,NA,Manaus,Amazonas,Brazil,-4,-60,degree,90,NA,27.2,NAC,NAC,1771,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Pale yellow latosol,Well drained,NA,829,South America,Neotropics,Am,Tropical rainforest,NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,"DeAngelis et al 1981 IBP_19,",NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 2174,Kampinos National Park,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,Poland,52.3,20.8,(minutes rounded),105,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,547.6,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Podzol,Well drained,NA,830,Europe,Palearctic,Cfb,Temperate continental forest,NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,"DeAngelis et al 1981 IBP_19,",NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 2175,Babadag,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,Romania,44.9,28.7,(minutes rounded),170,NA,10.6,NAC,NAC,480,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Rendzina,Well drained,NA,831,Europe,Palearctic,Cfa,Temperate steppe,NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,"DeAngelis et al 1981 IBP_19,",NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 2176,Tigrovaya,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,Tajikistan,37.3,68.5,(minutes rounded),NAC,NA,17.3,NAC,NAC,185.6,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Alluvial meadow type,Well drained,NA,832,Asia,Palearctic,BSk,Temperate steppe,NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,"DeAngelis et al 1981 IBP_19,",NA,DeAngelis_1981_pofe,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA @@ -2260,7 +2260,7 @@ the abundant winter rainfall and extend its availability through the dry season" 2295,Yona Experimental Forest,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,Japan,26.7621,128.2333,NAC,NAC,NA,22.3,NAC,NAC,2550,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NA,813,Asia,IndoMalay,Cfa,Subtropical humid forest,NA,Kusumoto_2008_coal,Kusumoto_2008_coal,NA,NA,Taylor_2017_tari,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 2296,Arunachal Pradesh,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,India,27.443,96.454,NAC,NAC,NA,21,NAC,NAC,3150,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NA,875,Asia,IndoMalay,Cwa,Tropical rainforest,NA,Barbhuiya_2008_lldo,Barbhuiya_2008_lldo,NA,NA,Taylor_2017_tari,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 2297,Schefferville,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Quebec,Canada,54.72,-67.7,NAC,500,NA,NI,NAC,NAC,770.3,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Eluviated dystric brunisol,NA,NA,876,North America,Nearctic,Dfc,Boreal tundra woodland,NA,Rencz_2013_nbfs,Rencz_2013_nbfs,NA,NA,Rencz_2013_nbfs,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA -2298,km64,NA,NA,NA,Manaus,NAC,Brazil,-3,-59.7,(minutes rounded),90,NA,NI,NAC,NAC,1771,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Pale yellow latosol,NA,NA,36,South America,Neotropics,Am,Tropical rainforest,NA,Klinge_1975_basi; Olson_2013_nmna,Piedade_2013_ntfm,NA,NA,Piedade_2013_ntfm,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA +2298,km64,NA,NA,NA,Manaus,Amazonas,Brazil,-3,-59.7,(minutes rounded),90,NA,NI,NAC,NAC,1771,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Pale yellow latosol,NA,NA,36,South America,Neotropics,Am,Tropical rainforest,NA,Klinge_1975_basi; Olson_2013_nmna,Piedade_2013_ntfm,NA,NA,Piedade_2013_ntfm,Becky Banbury Morgan,0,0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 2299,Cove Forest Long Branch 1,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Tennessee,United States of America,35.687,-83.417,NAC,920,NA,NI,NAC,NAC,NI,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NA,287,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Temperate mountain system,NA,Busing_1993_bapo; Clebsch_1989_ssgd,Clebsch_1989_ssgd,NA,NA,Busing_2013_ntfg,Becky Banbury Morgan,168,1,NA,160,NA,NA,NA,NA 2300,Cove Forest Long Branch 2,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Tennessee,United States of America,35.686,-83.42,NAC,950,NA,NI,NAC,NAC,NI,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NA,287,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Temperate mountain system,NA,Busing_1993_bapo; Clebsch_1989_ssgd,Clebsch_1989_ssgd,NA,NA,Busing_2013_ntfg,Becky Banbury Morgan,168,2,NA,160,NA,NA,NA,NA 2301,Cove Forest Porters Creek,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Tennessee,United States of America,35.681,-83.399,NAC,720,NA,NI,NAC,NAC,NI,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NA,287,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Temperate mountain system,NA,Busing_1993_bapo; Clebsch_1989_ssgd,Clebsch_1989_ssgd,NA,NA,Busing_2013_ntfg,Becky Banbury Morgan,168,3,NA,160,NA,NA,NA,NA @@ -2931,7 +2931,7 @@ the abundant winter rainfall and extend its availability through the dry season" 3032,Changwu Station,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,Shaanxi,China,35.2,104.67,(minutes rounded),1095,NA,9.4,NAC,NAC,580,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Calcareous loess dominated by loam,Calcareous loess dominated by loam,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1079,Asia,Palearctic,Dwb,Temperate mountain system,NA,Zhang_2014_iosm,Zhang_2014_iosm,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3033,Mt. Ailao Nature Reserve,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,Yunnan,China,24.53,101.02,NAC,2476,NA,11.3,NAC,NAC,1840,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,10,Asia,IndoMalay,Cwb,Subtropical mountain system,NA,Tan_2013_sria,Tan_2013_sria,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,5,1,NAC,5,NA,NA,NA,NA 3034,Herdade da Machoqueira do Grou,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,Portugal,39.13778,-8.334167,NAC,NAC,NA,15.9,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,81,14,5,Cambisol,Cambisol,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1039,Europe,Palearctic,Csa,Subtropical dry forest,NA,Jongen_2013_pvdn,Jongen_2013_pvdn,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA -3035,Shisanling,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,Beijing,China,NA,NA,NAC,900,NA,4.8,NAC,NAC,610,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Alluvial,Alluvial,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Fang_2013_teot,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA +3035,Shisanling,NAC,NAC,NA,Changping District,Beijing,China,40.2726,116.2251,other (see geography.notes),900,coordinates of Shisangling (Shisanlingzhen),4.8,NAC,NAC,610,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Alluvial,Alluvial,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Fang_2013_teot,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 3037,Robinson Forest,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,Kentucky,USA,37.46611,-83.15361,NAC,NAC,NA,13.3,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Udults,Udults,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1080,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Temperate mountain system,NA,Littlefield_2013_fccd,Littlefield_2013_fccd,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3038,Robinson Forest/Daniel Boone National Forest,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,Kentucky,USA,37.46611,-83.15361,NAC,NAC,NA,13.3,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Udults,Udults,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1080,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Temperate mountain system,NA,Littlefield_2013_fccd,Littlefield_2013_fccd,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3039,Lyuri_2013_cisr research site in Russia,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,Russia,58.10906,33.38697,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Very shallow iron illuvial pod zol developed from postagro genic agropodzol,Very shallow iron illuvial pod zol developed from postagro genic agropodzol,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1081,Europe,Palearctic,Dfb,Temperate continental forest,NA,Lyuri_2013_cisr,Lyuri_2013_cisr,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA @@ -3096,13 +3096,13 @@ the abundant winter rainfall and extend its availability through the dry season" 3212,FACTS-I,NAC,NAC,,NAC,North Carolina,USA,35.97,-79.08,NAC,163,NA,15.5,NAC,NAC,1140,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Acidic Hapludalf (clay loam),Acidic Hapludalf (clay loam),Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,217,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Subtropical humid forest,NA,King_2004_amso,King_2004_amso,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,134,1,NAC,125,NA,NA,NA,NA 3213,FACTS-II,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Wisconsin,USA,46.67,-89.62,NAC,490,NA,4.9,NAC,NAC,810,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Alfic Haplorthod (sandy loam),Alfic Haplorthod (sandy loam),Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1133,North America,Nearctic,Dfb,Temperate continental forest,NA,King_2004_amso,King_2004_amso,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3214,POPFACE,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,Italy,42.37,11.8,NAC,150,NA,14.1,NAC,NAC,818,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Heavy clay loam,Heavy clay loam,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,584,Europe,Palearctic,Csa,Subtropical dry forest,NA,King_2004_amso,King_2004_amso,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA -3215,Merino,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,Spain,NA,NA,NAC,500,NA,11.7,NAC,NAC,1022,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Bulk density = 1.1 g cm-3.,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Merino_2004_roso,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA +3215,Merino_2004_roso study site in Spain,NAC,NAC,NA,Fingoi,Lugo,Spain,43,-7.554,other (see geography.notes),500,"coordinates for Fingoi, location of ""nearby meteorological station""",11.7,NAC,NAC,1022,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Bulk density = 1.1 g cm-3.,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Merino_2004_roso,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 3216,Bainbridge-IPC,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Georgia,USA,30.82,-84.76,NAC,NAC,NA,18.9,NAC,NAC,1257,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Grossarenic Paleudults,Grossarenic Paleudults,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1134,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Subtropical humid forest,NA,Samuelson_2004_imms,Samuelson_2004_imms,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3217,Flint Hills,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Kansas,USA,39,-96,degree,200,NA,13,NAC,NAC,835,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Silty clay loam,Silty clay loam,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1135,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Temperate steppe,NA,Smith_2004_vcim,Smith_2004_vcim,NA,0,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3218,Cofre de Perote,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,Mexico,19.53,-96.99,NAC,1490,NA,19.3,NAC,NAC,2081,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Andisols,Andisols,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,870,North America,Neotropics,Cfa,Subtropical mountain system,NA,Campos C._2006_ross,Campos C._2006_ross,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3219,Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,Costa Rica,8.72,-83.62,NAC,NAC,NA,27,NAC,NAC,5000,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Ultisol,Ultisol,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,567,North America,Neotropics,Af,Tropical rainforest,NA,Cleveland_2006_nata; Cleveland_2010_edia,Cleveland_2006_nata,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3220,Cedar Creek,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Minnesota,USA,45.5,-93.17,NAC,NAC,NA,5.8,NAC,NAC,802,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Typic Udipsamments,Typic Udipsamments,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1136,North America,Nearctic,Dfb,Temperate continental forest,NA,Reiners_1968_cdef,Reiners_1968_cdef,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA -3221,INPA/WWF,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,Brazil,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Yellow oxisol,Yellow oxisol,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Keller_1986_eonc,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA +3221,Keller_1986_eonc site at BDFFP,NAC,NAC,Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP),Manaus,Amazonas,Brazil,2.589444,59.88472,other (see geography.notes),NAC,coordinates not given; used ForestGEO plot coordiantes,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Yellow oxisol,Yellow oxisol,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Keller_1986_eonc,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 3222,Campana Cocha,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,Ecuador,-1,-77.08,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,4500,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1137,South America,Neotropics,Af,Tropical rainforest,NA,Keller_1986_eonc,Keller_1986_eonc,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3223,Kumaun Himalaya,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,India,29.12,79.34,NAC,255,NA,22.9,NAC,NAC,1593,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Alluvial loam,Alluvial loam,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,71,Asia,IndoMalay,Cwa,Tropical moist forest,NA,Joshi_1997_cipp,Joshi_1997_cipp,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3224,Reynolds Homestead Forest Resources Research Center,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Virginia,USA,36.62,-80.12,NAC,NAC,NA,14.3,NAC,NAC,1150,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Loam (Typic Hapludult),Loam (Typic Hapludult),Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1138,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Subtropical humid forest,NA,Selig_2008_scac,Selig_2008_scac,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA @@ -3184,7 +3184,7 @@ the abundant winter rainfall and extend its availability through the dry season" 3301,Neches River,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Texas,USA,30.65,-94.08,NAC,18,NA,19.4,NAC,NAC,1320,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Clay loam (various),Clay loam (various),Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1161,North America,Nearctic,Cfa,Subtropical humid forest,NA,Londo_1999_fheo,Londo_1999_fheo,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3303,Hudgens_1997_leos research site in New York USA,NAC,NAC,,NAC,New York,USA,42.52,-76.6,NAC,NAC,NA,7.7,NAC,NAC,899,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Glossoboric hapludalf,"Glossoboric hapludalf, Bulk density = 0.8 g cm-3.",Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1162,North America,Nearctic,Dfb,Temperate continental forest,NA,Hudgens_1997_leos,Hudgens_1997_leos,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3304,Torres del Paine National Park,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,Chile,-51,-73,(degree),NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1163,South America,Neotropics,BSk,Temperate oceanic forest,NA,Covarrubias_1994_notd,Covarrubias_1994_notd,NA,1,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA -3305,Vedrova_1997_omdi research site in Russia,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,Russia,NA,NA,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Sandy loam,Sandy loam,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Vedrova_1997_omdi,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA +3305,Vedrova_1997_omdi research site in Russia,NAC,NAC,NA,Krasnoyarsk,NAC,Russia,56.00888889,92.89064103,other (see geography.notes),NAC,"location not given. Inferred based on city of institution/ funding source, Krasnoyarsk (56deg00min32secN 92deg52min19secE)",NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Sandy loam,Sandy loam,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Vedrova_1997_omdi,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 3306,Du_2007_cffr research site in Hubei China,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Hubei,China,30.03,114.37,NAC,NAC,NA,16.8,NAC,NAC,577,NA,NAC,39.33333333,58.66666667,2,NAC,NA,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1164,Asia,Palearctic,Cfa,Subtropical humid forest,NA,Du_2007_cffr,Du_2007_cffr,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3307,Liupan Mountain,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,China,35.5,106.33,(minutes rounded),1950,NA,5.8,NAC,NAC,538,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1165,Asia,Palearctic,Dwb,Temperate mountain system,NA,Wu_2003_ttvo,Wu_2003_ttvo,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3308,Olympic National Park,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Washington,USA,47.82,-123.9,NAC,320,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,3500,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,738,North America,Nearctic,Cfb,Temperate mountain system,NA,Marra_1996_cwda,Marra_1996_cwda,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,429,1,NAC,377,NA,NA,NA,NA @@ -3201,7 +3201,7 @@ the abundant winter rainfall and extend its availability through the dry season" 3319,Mt. Kumdan,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,South Korea,37.45,127.27,NAC,NAC,NA,10.8,NAC,NAC,790,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Bulk density = 0.69 g cm-3.,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,990,Asia,Palearctic,Dwa,Temperate continental forest,NA,Son_2003_scan,Son_2003_scan,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3320,Linville Gorge,NAC,NAC,,NAC,North Carolina,USA,35.9,-81.9,(minutes rounded),950,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1171,North America,Nearctic,Cfb,Temperate mountain system,NA,Dumas_2007_fiat,Dumas_2007_fiat,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3321,Sangong-FS,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,China,44,88,needs review,NAC,NA,6.9,NAC,NAC,220,"Reported PET, mm: 1817",NAC,29,67,4,Gray desert soil,Gray desert soil,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,710,Asia,Palearctic,Dfc,Temperate mountain system,NA,Zhu_2008_aoif,Zhu_2008_aoif,NA,0,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA -3322,Antonov_1990_dosr research site in Bulgaria,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,Bulgaria,NA,NA,NAC,1810,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Mountainous-forest soil,Mountainous-forest soil,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Antonov_1990_dosr,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA +3322,Antonov_1990_dosr research site in Bulgaria,NAC,NAC,NA,NRA,NRA,Bulgaria,43,23.5,other (see geography.notes),1810,"Article in Bulgarian. Title says ""middle Balkan mountains"" and authors based in Sofia. Guessed at coordinates in Balkan mountains N of Sofia. ",NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Mountainous-forest soil,Mountainous-forest soil,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NAC,Antonov_1990_dosr,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,NA,NA,NAC,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA 3323,Blanke_1998_svis research site in Germany,NAC,NAC,,NAC,NAC,Germany,50.75,7.1,(minutes rounded),NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Sandy loam,Sandy loam,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,1172,Europe,Palearctic,Cfb,Temperate oceanic forest,NA,Blanke_1998_svis,Blanke_1998_svis,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3324,Reserva Biologica de Campina,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Amazonas,Brazil,-2.63,-60.02,NAC,NAC,NA,26.7,NAC,NAC,2101,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,36,South America,Neotropics,Af,Tropical rainforest,NA,Martins_1978_reen,Martins_1978_reen,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,0,0,NAC,0,NA,NA,NA,NA 3325,Huitong Ecosystem Research Station,NAC,NAC,,NAC,Hunan,China,26.83333,109.75,(minutes rounded),335,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,1300,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,Acrisol (clay loam red soil),Acrisol (clay loam red soil),Soil Drainage: Dry,NA,320,Asia,Palearctic,Cfa,Subtropical humid forest,NA,Tian_2009_ioto,Tian_2009_ioto,NA,NA,Bond-Lamberty_2004_corr,R script: Bond-Lamberty,189,1,NAC,181,NA,NA,NA,NA @@ -5241,4 +5241,6 @@ the abundant winter rainfall and extend its availability through the dry season" 5360,El Dorado ELD-04,RAINFOR,"El Dorado, km98",El Dorado,NAC,Bolivar,Venezuela,6.083333333,-61.4,minute,380,NA,25.77,NAC,NAC,1977,Dry season length 3.46 mths,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,younger oxisol,NA,terra firma,NA,229,South America,Neotropics,Am,Tropical rainforest,NA,NA,forestplots.net,,0,Chao_2009_atdq,,,,1,,1,,, 5361,Rio Grande RIO-01,RAINFOR,"RIO-01, Rio Grande, plotDA1, RG",NA,NAC,Delta Amacuro,Venezuela,8.1,60.31666667,minute,270,NA,25.62,NAC,NAC,1239,Dry season length 6.33 mths,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,younger oxisol,NA,terra firma,NA,624,South America,Neotropics,Am,Tropical moist forest,NA,Chao_2009_atdq; Malhi_2004_tacw; Taylor_2017_tari,forestplots.net,NA,0,NA,NA,0,0,1,0,1,NA,NA,NA 5362,Rio Grande RIO-02,RAINFOR,"RIO-02, Rio Grande, plotDA2, RG",NA,NAC,Delta Amacuro,Venezuela,8.1,60.31666667,minute,270,NA,25.62,NAC,NAC,1239,Dry season length 6.33 mths,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,younger oxisol,NA,terra firma,NA,624,South America,Neotropics,Am,Tropical moist forest,NA,Chao_2009_atdq; Malhi_2004_tacw; Taylor_2017_tari,forestplots.net,NA,0,NA,NA,0,0,1,0,1,NA,NA,NA -5363,San Carlos SCR-04,RAINFOR,"SCR-04, San Caarlos de Rio Negro, MAB site, Tall Caatinga, plot A",NA,NAC,Amazonas,Venezuela,1.93,-67.05,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NA,626,South America,Neotropics,Af,Tropical rainforest,1413,Chao_2009_atdq,forestplots.net,"Chao et al., unpublished data",NA,Chao_2009_atdq,NA,370,1,1,319,1,needs review,NA,NA \ No newline at end of file +5363,San Carlos SCR-04,RAINFOR,"SCR-04, San Caarlos de Rio Negro, MAB site, Tall Caatinga, plot A",NA,NAC,Amazonas,Venezuela,1.93,-67.05,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NAC,NA,NAC,NA,626,South America,Neotropics,Af,Tropical rainforest,1413,Chao_2009_atdq,forestplots.net,"Chao et al., unpublished data",NA,Chao_2009_atdq,NA,370,1,1,319,1,needs review,NA,NA +,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/database_management_records/site_and_plot_name_changes.csv b/database_management_records/site_and_plot_name_changes.csv index e86c3b18..a47205c3 100644 --- a/database_management_records/site_and_plot_name_changes.csv +++ b/database_management_records/site_and_plot_name_changes.csv @@ -354,4 +354,5 @@ Finland (composite of 68 sites between 60 and 67 N),Mtkg I,Mtkg I,Managed Aggrad Finland (composite of 68 sites between 60 and 67 N),Mtkg II,Mtkg II,Managed Aggrading Boreal Evergreen Forest with Drained treatment,4/28/22,"clarify site names, merge site" Finland (composite of 68 sites between 60 and 67 N),Ptkg I,Ptkg I,Managed Aggrading Boreal Evergreen Forest with Drained treatment,4/28/22,"clarify site names, merge site" Finland (composite of 68 sites between 60 and 67 N),Ptkg II,Ptkg II,Managed Aggrading Boreal Evergreen Forest with Drained treatment,4/28/22,"clarify site names, merge site" -Finland (composite of 68 sites between 60 and 67 N),Vatkg,Vatkg,Managed Aggrading Boreal Evergreen Forest with Drained treatment,4/28/22,"clarify site names, merge site" \ No newline at end of file +Finland (composite of 68 sites between 60 and 67 N),Vatkg,Vatkg,Managed Aggrading Boreal Evergreen Forest with Drained treatment,4/28/22,"clarify site names, merge site" +Keller_1986_eonc site at BDFFP,Tropical Evergreen Forest,INPA/WWF,Tropical Evergreen Forest,4/28/22,clarify site names \ No newline at end of file