- update stringex dependency to 2.0 or higher
- Fix for when using localized slug with custom slug building strategy on virtual attrbitues (asjohn)
- fixes for i8n slug generation (astjohn)
- don't use unique indexes with polymorphics (pdf)
- refactoring of test cases (lucasrenan)
- do not generate empty slug. Resolves: #121, #122 (digitalplaywright)
- optionally slugs are created and found per model type (joe1chen)
- fix issue with default scope and slug uniqueness (loopj)
- Avoid using reserved words as slugs (deepakkumarnd)
- Fix localized slug creation when using history and when the locale changes after document is created (byscripts)
- Improved specs for reserved words (astjohn)
- Mongoid Paranoia specs aded (simi)
- Fix Mongoid Slug for Ruby 2.0.0 (digitalplaywright)
- Make slugs localizable by option (xslim)
- fix wrong homepage link in gemspec (digitalplaywright)
- Separate out unique finding logic into own class (guyboertje)
- Enable custom specification of looks_like_slug? method (guyboertje)
- calling
on a document without a slug no longer builds a slug and persists the document (gerad) - remove transfer from history (guyboertje)
- do not create indexes for embedded documents (digitalplaywright)
- only look for a new unique slug if the existing slugs contains the current slug (digitalplaywright)
- e.g if the slug 'foo-2' is taken, but 'foo' is available, the user can use 'foo'.
- #76 Cleanup of callback handling (empact)
- Custom slug block now passes in the object (digitalplaywright)
- Fixed broken #find al (Alan Larkin)
- Only Mongoid 3.0 syntax is supported (digitalplaywright)
- Store all slugs in a single field of array type (digitalplaywright)
- Removed the ':as' feature (digitalplaywright)
- Renamed slug field to _slugs (digitalplaywright)
- Slugs are indexes by default and removed the :index option (digitalplaywright)
- Reserved words should default to :new and :edit (digitalplaywright)
- Removed find_by_slug (digitalplaywright)
- Add
al (Alan Larkin)
- Correct index creation on scoped slugs ( Douwe Maan )
- Bugfix: Slug history should only apply if history is set to true. (tomaswitek)
- Bugfix: Model.slug should alias to to_param (tomaswitek) `
- Add .find_unique_slug_for and #find_unique_slug_for methods DouweM (Douwe Maan)
- Ensure uniqueness of slug set manually DouweM (Douwe Maan)
- Add support for reserved slugs siong1987 (Teng Siong Ong) DouweM (Douwe Maan)
- Add support for keeping a history of slugs DouweM (Douwe Maan)
- Add by_slug(slug) scope DouweM (Douwe Maan)
- Allow set slug on aliased field eagleas (Alexander Oryol)
- Allow overriding of slug at model creation time. (Brian McManus)
- Bump version of Stringex dependency.
- Generate a slug when an existing document does not have one. Should come in handy when adding slug module to models with existing data.
- No longer necessary to require library in Gemfile (Konstantin Shabanov)
- Fix bug concerning slugs with double-digit counters. (Jean Bredeche)
- Remove #slug!. The method is of limited value.
- Add
. (Alex Sharp)
- Library no longers hit database multiple times to find unique slug when duplicates exist. (tiendung - Alex N.)
- Slug now can be given an optional block to build a custom slug out of the specified fields.
- Add :any option to use first present field when multiple fields are slugged (Nader Akhnoukh)
- Mongoid no longer requires that emmbedded_in pass :inverse_of option sporkd (Peter Gumeson)
- Add #slug! to generate slug for an existing document.
- Add support for STI models. dmathieu (Damien Mathieu)
- Fix internals to work with Mongoid RC.
- Finder is now dynamic.
- Add support for scoping by reference association. ches (Ches Martin)
- Bring indexing back in as an option.
- Add support for non-Latin languages. etehtsea (Konstantin Shabanov)
- Remove :scoped. Embedded objects are now scoped by parent by default.
- Add finder method.
- To be found in the dustbin of git log.