- Ruby 3 GH-158
- Upgrade oss ruby sdk to support setting log level GH-152
- reconstruct perform test GH-148
- Reconstruct fog-aliyun by using oss GH-147
- reconstruct cover case test GH-146
- reconstruct case test GH-144
- reconstruct parts two of file GH-143
- implement blobstore for cloud_controller_ng GH-142
- reconstruct parts of file GH-141
- reconstruct the files GH-140
- reconstruct the directory GH-139
- reconstruct the directories GH-138
- improve files.get code GH-137
- add testcase for testing head notexistfile GH-136
- improve head_object using oss sdk GH-135
- fix files all options problem GH-149
- adater oss_sdk_log_path GH-125
- update ruby sdk to 0.7.3 GH-124
- adapter maxkeys conversion problem GH-123
- [Enhance tests][Auth & Connectivity scenarios] Test that API cannot be accessed using incorrect credentials GH-117
- [Enhance tests][Auth & Connectivity scenarios] Test that API can be accessed using valid credentials GH-116
- adapter custom log environment variable GH-114
- [Enhance tests][Buckets scenarios] (NEGATIVE TEST) Test that error is thrown when trying to access non-existing bucket GH-110
- [Enhance tests][Buckets scenarios] (NEGATIVE TEST) Test that error is thrown when trying to create already existing bucket GH-109
- [Enhance tests][Buckets scenarios] Test that it is possible to destroy a bucket GH-108
- [Enhance tests][Buckets scenarios] Test that it is possible to create a new bucket GH-107
- [Enhance tests][Buckets scenarios] Test that it is possible to list all buckets GH-105
- [Enhance tests][Files & Directory scenarios] Test getting bucket when directory exists named with the same name as a bucket GH-101
- [Enhance tests][Files & Directory scenarios] Test file copy operations GH-100
- reset the last PR GH-133
- improve put_object_with_body and head_object using sdk do_request GH-131
- fix max key again GH-128
- fix downloading object when pushing app twice GH-127
- fix max key GH-126
- fix max-keys conversion problem GH-121
- fix @aliyun_oss_sdk_log_path is nil GH-132
- [Enhance tests][Files & Directory scenarios] Test get nested directories and files in nested directory GH-98
- remove get_bucket_location and use ruby sdk to improve performance when uploading object GH-97
- using bucket_exist to checking bucket GH-95
- add change log GH-94
- fix delete all of files bug when specifying a prefix GH-102
- change dependence ruby sdk to gems GH-92
- using ruby sdk to delete object GH-90
- add missing dependence GH-88
- using oss ruby sdk to improve downloading object performance GH-86
- Add performance tests GH-85
- [Enhance tests][Entity operations]Add tests for each type of entity that validates the CURD operations GH-84
- [Enhance tests][Auth & Connectivity scenarios] Test region is selected according to provider configuration GH-83
- [Enhance tests][Files & Directory scenarios] test file listing using parameters such as prefix, marker, delimeter and maxKeys GH-82
- [Enhance tests][Files & Directory scenarios]test directory listing using parameters such as prefix, marker, delimeter and maxKeys GH-81
- [Enhance tests][Files & Directory scenarios]Test that it is possible to upload (write) large file (multi part upload) GH-79
- upgrade deprecated code GH-78
- improve fog/integration_spec GH-77
- [Enhance tests][Files & Directory scenarios]Test that it is possible to upload (write) a file GH-76
- upgrade deprecated code GH-74
- support https scheme GH-71
- [Enhance tests][Files & Directory scenarios]Test that it is possible to destroy a file/directory GH-69
- improve fog/integration_spec GH-68
- Implement basic integration tests GH-66
- Set max limitation to 1000 when get objects GH-64
- diectories.get supports options to filter the specified objects GH-62