from codeE.generate_data import ...
Function to use in order to generate data on the crowdsourcing scenario.
The available functions are:
Generate three bidimensional gaussians with n data points, centered on (0,1), (0,-1), *(1,0), all with sigma 0.3.
- n: int, default=250
Ammount of data to generate on each gaussian - std: float, default=0.3
The standard deviation of the gaussians to use in the generation.
- X_data: array-like of shape (n3, 2)*
The input patterns of the three gaussians shuffled. - Z_data: array-like of shape (n3, 1)*
The output/target/labels of the three gaussians.
from codeE.generate_data import do_gaussianEX
X, Z = do_gaussianEX(n=1000, std=0.4)
Visualize the generated data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=Z)
class codeE.generate_data.SyntheticData(state=None)
Generate synthetic multiple annotations for some data using the ground truth of it. The method needs confusion matrices of errors patterns to simulate the annotations.
- state: string, tuple or int, default=None
The random state to set the generation seed. If None it uses the current random state of the machine.
Build generation parameters
Z_data = ... #data
Tmax = 100
T_data = 5
B = np.asarray([ #confusion matrices of groups
[[0.9, 0.1,0.0],
[0.2, 0.6, 0.2],
[0.1, 0.0, 0.9]] , #group 1 -- quite expert
[[0.1, 0.8, 0.1],
[0.3, 0.5, 0.2],
[0.0, 0.9, 0.1]] # biased for class 2
G = np.asarray([0.7, 0.3]) #groups probability: p(g)
Generate based on the previous parameters
from codeE.generate_data import SyntheticData
GenerateData = SyntheticData()
GenerateData.set_probas(B, G)
y_obs, groups_annot = GenerateData.synthetic_annotate_data(Z_data, Tmax, T_data)
Generate based on some fixed groups behavior that we create
from codeE.generate_data import SyntheticData
folder = "./data/synthetic/"
GenerateData = SyntheticData(state=folder+"datasim_state.pickle")
GenerateData.set_probas(folder+'/matrix_datasim_normal.csv', folder+'/groups_datasim_normal.csv', asfile=True)
y_obs, groups_annot = GenerateData.synthetic_annotate_data(Z_train, Tmax, T_data)
Function | Description |
set_probas | function to set the confusion matrix behaviors of annotations errors |
synthetic_annotate_data | generate the annotations |
save_annotations | store the generated annotations into a file |
set_probas(file_matrix, file_groups, asfile = False)
Set the confusion matrix behaviors of annotations errors, based on groups of behaviors.
- file_matrix: string or array-like of shape (n_groups, n_classes, n_classes) The groups confusion matrices, could be a string of the file if asfile is seted True. In a probabilistic format, it should sum one over the last axis.
- file_groups: string or array-like of shape (n_groups, )
The probabilistic presence of each group, could be a string of the file if asfile is seted True. - asfile: boolean, default=False
The probabilistic presence of each group, could be a string of the file if asfile is seted True.
synthetic_annotate_data(self, Z, Tmax, T_data, deterministic=False, hard=True)
Perform the simulation of multiple annotations by multiple annotators, with the groups of behaviors based on confusion matrices.
- Z: array-like of shape (n_samples, 1)
The ground truth labels of the data, could be also in one-hot format. - Tmax: int
The number of annotators to be used in the generation - T_data: int
The number of annotations per every input pattern - deterministic: boolean, default=False
If each input pattern (data) has to have specifically T_data annotations. If set to False, each input pattern has to have on average T_data annotations. - hard: boolean, default=True
If the assignment to the annotators to groups is hard (discrete) or soft (probabilistic).
- Y_ann: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_annotators, n_classes)
The generated annotations, with no label symbol =-1. - G_ann: array-like of shape
If hard=True: (n_annotators, 1)
If hard=False: (n_annotators, n_groups)
The group assigned to every annotator.
save_annotations(self, annotations, file_name='annotations',npy=True)
Store the annotations into a csv file or a npy file.
- annotations: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_annotators, n_classes) The generated annotations to be stored.
- file_name: string, default='annotations' The file name to be stored.
- npy: boolean, default=True
If the annotation file will be numpy format of csv.