This example application reads its configuration from the KDB using code-generated functions. It then prints a tree defined inside the KDB.
# execute in the current directory or replace $PWD accordingly
mkdir "$PWD/cmake/build" && cd "$PWD/cmake/build"
cmake ..
cmake --build .
sudo kdb mount -R noresolver codegen_tree_example.conf "spec:/sw/example/tree/#0/current" specload "app=$PWD/application"
sudo kdb spec-mount "/sw/example/tree/#0/current"
# execute in the current directory or replace $PWD accordingly
cd "$PWD/pkgconfig"
sudo kdb mount -R noresolver codegen_tree_example.conf "spec:/sw/example/tree/#0/current" specload "app=$PWD/application"
sudo kdb spec-mount "/sw/example/tree/#0/current"
To run the application, simply execute:
# execute in the current directory or replace $PWD accordingly
# execute in the current directory or replace $PWD accordingly
# "$PWD/pkgconfig/application"
The supported KDB configuration is described in spec.ini
The root of the tree defined by root
must be a reference to one of the node structs defined in
. Each of these structs consists of two parts. First a string key tree/_/text
that describes
the text printed for this node and second an array tree/_/children/#
of references to the other node
structs, which are the children of the current node.