{% macro js(folder, filename, runFromBrowser='false', requiresWallet='false', params=[]) %}
--8<-- "./docs/samples/{{folder}}{{filename}}.js"
{% if requiresWallet == 'true' -%}
provided by the connect_wallet.js
{% endif -%}
Source code license. { .source-code-license }
??? info "Run with Node.js"
This tutorial has been tested with **[npm](https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm) v9.5** and **Node.js v18.16**.
1. Create a new folder and move into it.
2. Copy & paste the code above into a new file called `{{filename}}.js`.
3. Initialize project and install dependencies with:
npm init
npm install [email protected] @flarenetwork/[email protected]
4. Run the program with:
node {{filename}}.js
{% if runFromBrowser == 'true' -%}
<script> async function {{filename | replace('-', '_')}}_runner() { console.old_log = console.log; if (!document.getElementById('{{filename}}-run-me-box').hasAttribute('open')) { console.log = console.old_log; return; } console.old_log = console.log; output = document.getElementById('{{filename}}-output').getElementsByTagName('code')[0]; output.textContent = ""; console.log = function(message) { output.textContent += (typeof message == 'object' ? JSON.stringify(message, null, 2) : message) + "\n"; }; try { await run{{filename | replace('-', '_') }}( {%- for param in params %}document.getElementById('{{param.name}}').value,{% endfor -%} ); } catch(error) { console.log (error.message); } console.log = console.old_log; } </script>Run in browser
{%- for param in params -%} {{param.name}}: {%- endfor %} {% if requiresWallet == 'true' -%} <script src="/assets/javascripts/connect_wallet.js"></script>This tutorial requires an account to sign transactions. Get test currency from the faucet and click on Connect Wallet before clicking on Run.
Connect Wallet {%- endif -%} Run ``` { #{{filename}}-output } ``` <script type="importmap"> { "imports": { "ethers": "/assets/javascripts/ethers-6.3.esm.min.js", "@flarenetwork/flare-periphery-contract-artifacts": "https://esm.run/@flarenetwork/[email protected]", "@flarenetwork/flare-periphery-contract-artifacts/dist/coston/StateConnector/libs/ts/utils.js": "/assets/javascripts/utils.js" } } </script> {% endif %}{% macro sol(folder, filename) %}
--8<-- "./docs/samples/{{folder}}{{filename}}.sol"
Source code license { .source-code-license }
=== "Using Hardhat"
??? info "Building with Hardhat"
1. Create a new folder and move into it.
2. Initialize a new npm project and install dependencies:
npm init
npm install [email protected] @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox @flarenetwork/flare-periphery-contracts
We recommend using this version of Hardhat for testing as it is known to work well.
3. Create a new Hardhat project (More information in [the Hardhat setup guide](/dev/getting-started/setup/hardhat/)):
npx hardhat init
4. You will not be using the sample project, therefore:
* Remove `contracts/Lock.sol`
* Remove `test/Lock.js`
5. Edit `hardhat.config.js` to specify the correct EVM version. Make sure you include the highlighted lines:
```js title="hardhat.config.js" hl_lines="5-12"
/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
solidity: {
compilers: [{
version: "0.8.17",
settings: {
evmVersion: "london"
6. Copy the Solidity code above into a new file called `{{filename}}.sol` in the `contracts` folder.
7. Compile with:
npx hardhat compile
??? info "Testing with Hardhat"
Testing smart contracts before deploying them is typically performed by [forking the network](https://hardhat.org/hardhat-network/docs/guides/forking-other-networks) or by [using mock contracts](https://ethereum.org/nl/developers/tutorials/how-to-mock-solidity-contracts-for-testing/).
These instructions quickly show you how to use the former.
1. Build the Hardhat project following the previous instructions.
2. Include network information in the `hardhat.config.js` file. Make sure you include the highlighted lines:
```js title="hardhat.config.js" hl_lines="13-19"
/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
solidity: {
compilers: [{
version: "0.8.17",
settings: {
evmVersion: "london"
networks: {
hardhat: {
forking: {
url: 'https://flare-api.flare.network/ext/bc/C/rpc',
3. Copy the code below into a new file called `Test{{filename}}.js` in the `test` folder.
```js title="Test{{filename}}.js"
--8<-- "./docs/samples/{{folder}}Test{{filename}}.js"
4. Run the test with:
npx hardhat test
=== "Using Foundry"
??? info "Building with Foundry"
1. If you don't have Foundry installed, follow the instructions for your operating system in the [Foundry's Installation guide](https://book.getfoundry.sh/getting-started/installation).
2. Create a new Foundry project:
forge init <PROJECT_NAME>
This command creates a new directory called `<PROJECT_NAME>`. Use a name that suits your needs.
3. Move into the project's directory:
4. Install dependencies with:
forge install flare-foundation/flare-foundry-periphery-package
5. Remove the sample project that Foundry created for you, as you do not need it:
* Remove `src/Counter.sol`
* Remove `test/Counter.t.sol`
6. Copy the Solidity code above into a new file called `{{filename}}.sol` in the `src` folder.
7. Open the `foundry.toml` file, and add the following lines at the end:
evm_version = "london"
remappings = [ "@flarenetwork/flare-periphery-contracts/=lib/flare-foundry-periphery-package/src/"]
8. Compile with:
forge build
??? info "Testing with Foundry"
Testing smart contracts before deploying them is typically performed by [forking the network](https://book.getfoundry.sh/forge/fork-testing) or by [using mock contracts](https://ethereum.org/nl/developers/tutorials/how-to-mock-solidity-contracts-for-testing/).
These instructions quickly show you how to use the former.
1. Build the Foundry project following the previous instructions.
2. Copy the code below into a new file called `{{filename}}.t.sol` in the `test` folder.
```solidity title="{{filename}}.t.sol"
--8<-- "./docs/samples/{{folder}}{{filename}}.t.sol"
3. Run the test with:
forge test -vv
=== "Using Remix"
[Open In Remix](https://remix.ethereum.org/#url={{ config.site_url }}samples/{{folder}}{{filename}}.sol&evmVersion=london){ .md-button }
{% endmacro %}
{% macro multisnippet(pathname, solstart, solend, jsstart, jsend) %}
=== "Solidity"
```solidity linenums="{{solstart}}"
--8<-- "./docs/samples/{{pathname}}.sol:{{solstart}}:{{solend}}"
=== "JavaScript"
```js linenums="{{jsstart}}"
--8<-- "./docs/samples/{{pathname}}.js:{{jsstart}}:{{jsend}}"
{% endmacro %}