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Functional & Dysfunctional Coding

  • 18:20 20+10 Intro to FP in JS
  • 18:50 20+10 Dysfunctional coding
  • 19:20 20 Examples and experiences from other languages
    • Ruby - Amber Wilkie
    • PHP - Samuel Ytterbrink
  • 19:40 20 Refactoring and discussions
    • Why should we do this (rather than go fully functional in e.g. Haskell)?

A tale about Passports

function MyStrategy(verify) {
  this._verify = verify
util.inherits(MyStrategy, passport.Strategy)

MyStrategy.prototype.authenticate = function(req, options) {
    req.body.username, req.body.password, (err, user) => {
      if (err)     return this.error(err)
      if (profile) return this.success(user)

Note: Ok? Must be from inheritance...


function Strategy() {

Strategy.prototype.authenticate = (req, options) => {
  throw new Error('Strategy#authenticate must be...')

Note: runtime equivalent of abstract method


Note: digging around...

passport.js (main module)
└─ lib
   └─ middleware
      └─ authenticate.js L191
// Augment the new strategy instance with action functions.
strategy.success = function(user, info) {

Note: finally see the function fingerprint

Three arms

Note: Child of nothing, surgically given extra arms.


Fredrik Liljegren @fiddur

auth0logo Auth0

Note: I'm here to ask you NOT alter my instances! Meetup sponsored by Auth0. Please interrupt me with any questions. NOT here to do a JS ad...

FP in JS

Note: FP is declarative, like SQL Like spreadsheets. Excel probably most used FP language. FP as opposed to imperative, not to OOP.

  • First-class and higher-order functions
  • Pure functions
  • Recursion
  • Immutable data.

Lazy evaluation, no strict types.

First-class and higher-order functions

Note: Functions as variables. Pass to other functions. Returned from functions. As tools!

function myFun(arg) {
  // "this" is locally bound...
  return myReturnValue

const myFun2 = arg => myReturnValue

const myFun3 = (arg1, arg2) => returnValue

const myFun4 = arg => {
  more stuff

All JS functions are Closures

function getRandomFunction(number) {
  const myClosureRandomFunction = () => number
  return myClosureRandomFunction

const randomNines  = getRandomFunction(9)
const randomEights = getRandomFunction(8)

console.log(randomNines())  // 9
console.log(randomEights()) // 8

Note: Captures surrounding state.


const add = a => b => a + b
const addTwo = add(2)
console.log(addTwo(3)) // 5

More useful for...

const getUserData = serverUri => async userId => {
  const data = await request({
    uri:  `${serverUri}/users/${userId}`,
    json: true,
  return Immutable.fromJS(data)

Pure functions

  • Given the same input, will always return the same output.
  • Produces no side effects.
  • Relies on no external mutable state.

Note: Event sourcing is functional storage.

Decoupling emit and handle.

Messaging - sending pure data

Actor model and message passing

Factory methods, dependency injection, or just-a-function...

const add = (a, b) => a + b

const greeting = name => `Hello ${name}!`

Note: Meaningless without return value. Fully memoizable / cacheable

...meanwhile, in the real world...

const greetingHeader = name => element(
  'h1', { class: 'greeting' }, greeting(name)

const welcomePage = { name, menuOptions } => element(
  'body', {}, [

// And somewhere out there, some side effectful shit
render(welcomePage(userState), bodyElement)

Note: Preact style frontend


Transform a collection...

const myList = ['foo', 'bar']
const myUpperList =
  value => value.toUpperCase()
console.log(myUpperList) // ['FOO', 'BAR']


const myList = [9, 5, 2, 9, 8]
const pureList = myList.filter(
  value => value === 9
console.log(pureList) // [9, 9]


const myList = ['foo', 'bar']
const listAsText = myList.reduce(
  (text, value) => `${text}\nRow ${index}: ${value}`,
// Row 0: foo
// Row 1: bar
const myList = [9, 5, 2, 9, 8]
const nineThirdsMultiplied = myList
  .filter(value => value === 9)                   // [9, 9]
  .map(value => value / 3)                        // [3, 3]
  .reduce((product, value) => product * value, 1) // 9

tail recursion

const n = 1000000000
const ð = 1.0 / n
const startTime =

const addΔ = (left, Σ) => {
  if (left === 0) return Σ
  const x = (left - 0.5) * ð
  return addΔ(left - 1, Σ + (1.0 / (1.0 + x * x)))
const π = 4 * ð * addΔ(n, 0)
const elapseTime = ( - startTime) / 1e3
console.log('pi_sequential', π, n, elapseTime)

Note: Only in harmony


Perform something (sideeffectful)

const myList = ['foo', 'bar']
  value => launchRocket(value)

Note: Don't use map for side effects.

Dysfunctional coding

Mutating variables

Note: When you don't really need it...

Three arms


MyStrategy.prototype.authenticate = function(
  req, options, { error, fail, success }
) {
    req.body.username, req.body.password, (err, user) => {
      if (err)     return error(err)
      if (profile) return success(user)
      else         fail()

Mutatable properties

const myObj = {
  foo: 'bar',
  baz: 'qux',
} = 'Hello!'

Using mutating core methods

const myList = ['foo', 'bar']
// mylist === ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

Note: If a deep function does this... Hard to test, follow, read.

const myList  = ['foo', 'bar']
const newList = [...myList, 'baz'] // ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

Note: Make new array instead

Or use Immutable.js object oriented functional library...

const myList = Immutable.List(['foo', 'bar'])
const newList = myList.push('baz')

const myMap = Immutable.Map({ 
  foo: 'bar',
  baz: 'qux',
const newMap = myMap.set('foo', 'Hello!')

Note: Optimizations for lots of mutations. Perhaps you think you don't want that for a User model? If we can do it with program libraries, we can do it with users: Any change == new version!

Mutating arguments

const loginUser = async (user, password) => {
  if (await, hash)) {
    user.authenticated = true
  } else {
    throw new Error('Bad password')

With eslint no-param-reassign

    user.authenticated = true

//  --> Assignment to property of function parameter 'user'.
//  --> [no-param-reassign]

Note: eslint almost makes javascript into a real programming language.

Having side effects in unexpected places

User.prototype.setEmail = function(email) {
  const oldEmail =     = email
  sendUpdatedEmailNotification(user, oldEmail)

Note: Logging is ok, imho

function setEmail(user, email) {
  const newUser = Object.assign({}, user, { email: 'new@mail' })
  // ...

setEmail(user, 'new@mail')
sendUpdatedEmailNotification(user, oldEmail)

Mutating state deep down

Users.prototype.setName = function setName(name) { = name
  await db.collection('users').findOneAndUpdate(
    { id: },
    { $set: { name } }

Note: Though, the caller would probably expect it...

Can it be decoupled?

/// In Users module
const getState = events => events.reduce(applyEvent, {})

Users.actions.setName = eventStore => (userId, name, version) {
  const state = getState(
    eventStore.getAllUntil(userId, version)
  if (! {
    throw new Error('User must exist to change name.')

  const event = { event: 'nameChange', name }
  return [event]
/// In some app setups
const setName = Users.actions.setName(eventStore)

/// In some PUT-handler
try {
  const user = Users.getById(
  const events = setName(, 'My New Name', user.version)
  await eventStore.emit(, events, user.version)
} catch (err) {
  if (err.code === 'bad_version') {
    res.set({ETag: err.actualVersion}).sendStatus(preconditionFailed)
  throw err
/// In Some Users projection
  .filter(event => event.type === 'users')
    event => db.collection('users').findOneAndUpdate(
      { id: },
      { $set: { name } }

Fetching app state from deep functions

Mixing queries, commands and side effects

Note: Unnecessary inheritance instead of composition

Mutating state on queries (CQS)

Refactoring examples


Really hard time to find something with a reasonable complexity that isn't huge.

Also hard time to not go into EventSourcing too much.

Transforming an app to functional...

Begin refactoring in the deep end.

Going functional == good practices TDD, like "Don't look for things"

One step at a time.

Mixing OO libs with functional approach... amqplib

The Why

Note: Understandable Readable Testable Modifyable Extendable


  • Förbered videokamera
    • Hållare!
    • Upplösning?
  • Screenrecorder - upplösning filstorlek
  • Namnbrickor?
  • Engångstallrikar