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Version: 0.2.24 Type: application AppVersion: 0.2.21

RBAC definition for the RStudio Job Launcher

For production

To ensure a stable production deployment:

  • "Pin" the version of the Helm chart that you are using. You can do this using the:

    • helm dependency command and the associated "Chart.lock" files or

    • the --version flag.

      ::: {.callout-important} This protects you from breaking changes. :::

  • Before upgrading check for breaking changes using helm-diff plugin and helm diff upgrade.

  • Read for updates on breaking changes and the documentation below on how to use the chart.

Installing the chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release at version 0.2.24:

helm repo add rstudio
helm upgrade --install my-release rstudio/rstudio-launcher-rbac --version=0.2.24

To explore other chart versions, look at:

helm search repo rstudio/rstudio-launcher-rbac -l

Common Usage

NOTE: this chart is intended primarily for use by individuals who do not want to use our other Helm charts. This chart ONLY deploys RBAC or generates RBAC yaml directly

It is not needed if you are using other RStudio Helm charts

To generate RBAC yaml for use with kubectl apply:

helm template -n rstudio rstudio-launcher-rbac rstudio/rstudio-launcher-rbac


Key Type Default Description
clusterRoleCreate bool false Whether to create the ClusterRole that grants access to the Kubernetes nodes API. This is used by the Launcher to get all of the IP addresses associated with the node that is running a particular job. In most cases, this can be disabled as the node's internal address is sufficient to allow proper functionality.
fullnameOverride string "" The override for the "FullName" which defaults to "ReleaseName-ChartName" or "ReleaseName" (if "ReleaseName" contains "ChartName")
includeReleaseNamespace bool true Whether the helm release namespace should be a possible launcher target
nameOverride string "" The override for "ChartName" in the "FullName" which defaults to "ReleaseName-ChartName" or "ReleaseName" (if "ReleaseName" contains "ChartName")
removeNamespaceReferences bool false remove explicit namespace references (problematic if targetNamespaces is defined)
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.labels object {} Labels to add to the service account string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set, a name is generated using the fullname template
targetNamespaces list [] The targetNamespaces that the launcher will be able to launch sessions into

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.13.1