This is an extremely flexible forms builder for the Django admin interface. It allows using django-content-editor for your form which enables:
- Build your own form in the CMS and not have to ask programmers to change anything.
- Reorder, add and remove pre-existing fields.
- Add content (text, images, anything) between form fields.
- Use regions to add additional structure to a form, e.g. to build configurable multi-step forms (wizards).
- Add your own form field plugins with all the flexibility and configurability you desire.
If you only want to integrate short and simple forms (e.g. a contact form) you're probably better off using form_designer. The feincms3 documentation contains a guide showing how to integrate it.
The documentation is very sparse, sorry for that.
Form fields have to inherit FormFieldBase
. FormFieldBase
only has a
field. This field can be checked for clashes etc. The base class is
used instead of duck typing in various places where the code may encounter not
only form field plugins but also other django-content-editor plugins. The
latter are useful e.g. to add blocks of text or other content between form
The FormFieldBase
model defines the basic API of form fields:
: Return a dictionary of form fields.get_initial()
: Return initial values of said fields.get_cleaners()
: Return a list of callables which receive the form instance, return the cleaned data and may raiseValidationError
: Return a list of loaders. The purpose of loaders is to load form submissions, e.g. for reporting purposes. Loaders are callables which receive the serialized form data and return a dictionary of the following shape:{"name": ..., "label": ..., "value": ...}
The FormField
offers a basic set of attributes for standard fields such as
a label, a help text and whether the field should be required or not. You do
not have to use this model if you want to define your own. It's purpose is just
to offer a few good defaults.
The SimpleFieldBase
should be instantiated in your project and can be used
to cheaply add support for many basic field types such as text fields, email
fields, checkboxes, choice fields and more with a single backing database table
and model.
The SimpleFieldBase
has a corresponding SimpleFieldInline
in the
module which shows and hides fields depending on the
field type. For example, it makes no sense to define placeholders for
checkboxes (browsers do not support them) therefore the field is omitted in the
The renderer functions are responsible for creating and instantiating the form class. Form class creation and instantiation happens at once.
The validation module offers utilities to validate a form when it it defined in
the CMS. For example, the backend code may require that an email field always
exists and always has a certain predefined name (for example email
These rules are not enforced at the moment but the user is always notified and
can therefore choose to head them. Or bad things may happen depending on the
code you write.
The reporting functions are mostly useful if you want to do something with submitted data.
Create a module containing the models for the form builder (app.forms.models
from content_editor.models import Region, create_plugin_base
from django.db import models
from feincms3 import plugins
from feincms3_forms import models as forms_models
class ConfiguredForm(forms_models.ConfiguredForm):
label="contact form",
regions=[Region(key="form", title="form")],
# Base class for the dynamically created form:
# form_class="...",
# Validation hook for configured form (the bundled ModelAdmin
# class calls this):
# validate="...",
# Processing function which you can call after submission
# (feincms3-forms never calls this function itself, but it
# may be a nice convention):
ConfiguredFormPlugin = create_plugin_base(ConfiguredForm)
class SimpleField(forms_models.SimpleFieldBase, ConfiguredFormPlugin):
Text = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.TEXT)
Email = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.EMAIL)
URL = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.URL)
Date = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.DATE)
Integer = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.INTEGER)
Textarea = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.TEXTAREA)
Checkbox = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.CHECKBOX)
Select = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.SELECT)
Radio = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.RADIO)
SelectMultiple = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.SELECT_MULTIPLE)
CheckboxSelectMultiple = SimpleField.proxy(SimpleField.Type.CHECKBOX_SELECT_MULTIPLE)
class RichText(plugins.richtext.RichText, ConfiguredFormPlugin):
Add the processing function referenced above (app.forms.forms
from django.core.mail import mail_managers
from django.http import HttpResponse
def process_contact_form(request, form, *, configured_form):
mail_managers("Contact form", repr(form.cleaned_data))
return HttpResponseRedirect(".")
Add the renderer and the view (app.forms.views
from content_editor.contents import contents_for_item
from django.shortcuts import render
from feincms3.renderer import RegionRenderer, render_in_context, template_renderer
from feincms3_forms.renderer import create_form, short_prefix
from app.forms import models
renderer = RegionRenderer()
renderer.register(models.RichText, template_renderer("plugins/richtext.html"))
lambda plugin, context: render_in_context(
{"plugin": plugin, "fields": context["form"].get_form_fields(plugin)},
def form(request):
context = {}
cf = models.ConfiguredForm.objects.first()
contents = contents_for_item(cf, plugins=renderer.plugins())
# Add a prefix in case more than one form exists on the same page:
form_kwargs = {"prefix": short_prefix(cf, "form")}
if request.method == "POST":
form_kwargs |= {"data": request.POST, "files": request.FILES}
form = create_form(
if form.is_valid():
return cf.type.process(request, form, configured_form=cf)
context["form"] = form
context["form_other_fields"] = form.get_form_fields(None)
context["form_regions"] = renderer.regions_from_contents(contents)
return render(request, "forms/form.html", context)
The forms/simple-field.html
template referenced above might look as
{% for field in fields.values %}{{ field }}{% endfor %}
An example forms/form.html
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load feincms3 i18n %}
{% block content %}
<div class="content">
<form class="form" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.errors }}
{% render_region form_regions 'form' %}
{% for field in form_other_fields.values %}{{ field }}{% endfor %}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
{% endblock content %}
Finally, the form would have to be added to the admin site (app.forms.admin
from content_editor.admin import ContentEditorInline
from django.contrib import admin
from feincms3 import plugins
from feincms3_forms.admin import ConfiguredFormAdmin, SimpleFieldInline
from app.forms import models
class ConfiguredFormAdmin(ConfiguredFormAdmin):
inlines = [
button='<i class="material-icons">short_text</i>',
button='<i class="material-icons">alternate_email</i>',
button='<i class="material-icons">link</i>',
button='<i class="material-icons">event</i>',
button='<i class="material-icons">looks_one</i>',
button='<i class="material-icons">notes</i>',
button='<i class="material-icons">check_box</i>',
button='<i class="material-icons">arrow_drop_down_circle</i>',
button='<i class="material-icons">radio_button_checked</i>',
And last but not least, create and apply migrations. That should be basically it. We haven't touched validating the configured form, reporting utilities or creating your own (compound) field types yet, for now you have to check the testsuite.