Tanks throw Tank/S.I./Witch/Hittable instead of rock
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_tankhelper.cfg
// AI Tank throws helper special infected or car chance [0.0, 100.0] l4d_tank_throw_si_ai "100.0" // Real Tank Player throws helper special infected or car chance [0.0, 100.0] l4d_tank_throw_si_player "70.0" // Weight of helper Hunter[0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_hunter "2.0" // Weight of helper Smoker[0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_smoker "2.0" // Weight of helper Boomer[0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_boomer "2.0" // Weight of helper Charger [0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_charger "2.0" // Weight of helper Spitter [0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_spitter "2.0" // Weight of helper Jockey [0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_jockey "2.0" // Weight of helper Tank[0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_tank "2.0" // Weight of throwing Tank self[0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_self "10.0" // Helper Tank bot health l4d_tank_throw_tank_health "750" // Weight of helper Witch[0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_witch "2.0" // Helper Witch health l4d_tank_throw_witch_health "250" // Amount of seconds before a helper witch is kicked. (only remove witches spawned by this plugin) l4d_tank_throw_witch_lifespan "30" // Hunter Limit on the field[1 ~ 5] (if limit reached, throw Hunter teammate, if all hunters busy, throw Tank self) l4d_tank_throw_hunter_limit "2" // Smoker Limit on the field[1 ~ 5] (if limit reached, throw Smoker teammate, if all smokers busy, throw Tank self) l4d_tank_throw_smoker_limit "2" // Boomer Limit on the field[1 ~ 5] (if limit reached, throw Boomer teammate) l4d_tank_throw_boomer_limit "2" // Charger Limit on the field[1 ~ 5] (if limit reached, throw Charger teammate, if all chargers busy, throw Tank self) l4d_tank_throw_charger_limit "2" // Spitter Limit on the field[1 ~ 5] (if limit reached, throw Spitter teammate) l4d_tank_throw_spitter_limit "1" // Jockey Limit on the field[1 ~ 5] (if limit reached, throw Jockey teammate, if all jockeys busy, throw Tank self) l4d_tank_throw_jockey_limit "2" // Tank Limit on the field[1 ~ 10] (if limit reached, throw Tank teammate or yourself) l4d_tank_throw_tank_limit "3" // Witch Limit on the field[1 ~ 10] (if limit reached, throw Tank self) l4d_tank_throw_witch_limit "3" // Weight of Hittable Car[0.0, 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_car "5.0" // Amount of seconds before a Hittable Car is removed (only remove hittable cars spawned by this plugin) l4d_tank_throw_car_lifespan "30.0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_tankhelper.cfg
Command | 命令
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- l4d_tracerock: Tank's rock will trace survivor until hit something.
- l4d_tracerock: Tank's rock will trace survivor until hit something.
Changelog | 版本日誌
v2.5h (2024-8-27)
- Fixed ghost infected bug
v2.4h (2024-5-1)
- Don't throw SI if over too much special infeced limit
v2.3h (2024-4-22)
- Optimize code and improve performance
v2.2h (2024-1-27)
- Update Gamedata
- Update Cvars
- Require <spawn_infected_nolimit>
- Tank can now throw hittable object
v2.1h (2023-11-16)
- Fixed crash: "no free edicts"
v2.0h (2023-9-5)
- Teleport Rock before removed
v1.9h (2023-5-21)
- Fixed crash and error
- Use left4dhooks to optimize code
- AlliedModders Post
- Remake Code
- Removed rock thrown sound (it's looping)
- Throw Witch (Require Actions extension)
- Separate chance for Real Tank player and AI Tank
- ConVar to set infected limit
- Create special infected without being limit by director
- Tank的石頭變成
- 特感隊友,沒特感隊友會自己生一個特感,特感數量達限制則扔自己
- Witch
- 另一隻Tank
- 自己扔出去
- 車子
- AI Tank也適用
- Tank的石頭變成
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_tankhelper.cfg
// AI Tank的石頭變成特感或車子扔出去的機率 [0.0 ~ 100.0] l4d_tank_throw_si_ai "100.0" // 真人 Tank的石頭變成特感或車子扔出去的機率 [0.0 ~ 100.0] l4d_tank_throw_si_player "70.0" // 石頭變成Hunter的權重值 [0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_hunter "2.0" // 石頭變成Smoker的權重值 [0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_smoker "2.0" // 石頭變成Boomer的權重值[0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_boomer "2.0" // 石頭變成Charger的權重值 [0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_charger "2.0" // 石頭變成Spitter的權重值 [0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_spitter "2.0" // 石頭變成Jockey的權重值 [0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_jockey "2.0" // 石頭變成Tank的權重值 [0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_tank "2.0" // Tank把自己扔出去的權重值 [0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_self "10.0" // 石頭變成Tank時,設置這隻Tank的血量 l4d_tank_throw_tank_health "750" // 石頭變成Witch的權重值 [0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_witch "2.0" // 石頭變成Witch時,設置這隻Witch的血量 l4d_tank_throw_witch_health "250" // 石頭變成Witch時,經過30秒之後自動移除Witch (只會移除由石頭變成的Witch) l4d_tank_throw_witch_lifespan "30" // 設置Hunter的數量限制 [1 ~ 5] (當場上Hunter的數量達限制時,石頭改扔自己) l4d_tank_throw_hunter_limit "2" // 設置Smoker的數量限制[1 ~ 5] (當場上Smoker的數量達限制時,石頭改扔自己) l4d_tank_throw_smoker_limit "2" // 設置Boomer的數量限制[1 ~ 5] (當場上Boomer的數量達限制時,石頭改扔自己) l4d_tank_throw_boomer_limit "2" // 設置Charger的數量限制[1 ~ 5] (當場上Charger的數量達限制時,石頭改扔自己) l4d_tank_throw_charger_limit "2" // 設置Spitter的數量限制[1 ~ 5] (當場上Spitter的數量達限制時,石頭改扔自己) l4d_tank_throw_spitter_limit "1" // 設置Jockey的數量限制[1 ~ 5] (當場上Jockey的數量達限制時,石頭改扔自己) l4d_tank_throw_jockey_limit "2" // 設置Tank的數量限制[1 ~ 10] (當場上Tank的數量達限制時,石頭改扔自己) l4d_tank_throw_tank_limit "3" // 設置Witch的數量限制[1 ~ 10] (當場上Witch的數量達限制時,石頭改扔自己) l4d_tank_throw_witch_limit "3" // 石頭變成車子的權重值 [0.0 ~ 10.0] l4d_tank_throw_car "5.0" // 石頭變成車子之後,經過30秒之後自動移除 (只會移除由石頭變成的車子) l4d_tank_throw_car_lifespan "30.0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_tankhelper.cfg