Allows admins to force the game to pause, only adm can unpause the game.
Video | 影片展示
None -
Image | 圖示
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2pause.cfg
// Only allow the game to be paused by the forcepause command(Admin only). l4d2pause_forceonly "1"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2pause.cfg
Command | 命令
- Adm forces the game to pause/unpause (Adm required: ADMFLAG_ROOT)
- Adm forces the game to pause/unpause (Adm required: ADMFLAG_ROOT)
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- lfd_noTeamSay: Redirecting all 'say_team' messages to 'say'
- lfd_noTeamSay: Redirecting all 'say_team' messages to 'say'
Changelog | 版本日誌
//pvtschlag @ 2009 //HarryPotter @ 2019-2024
v1.5 (2024-8-16)
- Support server console
v1.5 (2023-5-22)
- The game would be unpaused if admin disconnects.
v1.4 (2023-3-14)
- Optimize code
- Remake code
- Only Adm can pause and unpause the gmae
- Chat Color during pause
- Fixed compatibility with plugin "lfd_noTeamSay" v2.2+ by HarryPotter
- 原理
- 管理員輸入 !forcepause 強制暫停遊戲
- 管理員輸入 !forcepause 解除暫停
- 當發動暫停的管理員離開伺服器時,遊戲會自動解除暫停