Survivor players will drop their secondary weapon (including melee) when they die
Apply to | 適用於
How does it work?
- When you die, drop your secondary weapon
- Pistol and Dual pistol
- Magnum
- Melee weapons
- Chainsaw
- When you die, drop your secondary weapon
Require | 必要安裝
Changelog | 版本日誌
v2.6 (2024-1-16)
- Remake code
- Clear hidden weapon data for player
v2.5 (2022-12-18)
- Delete l4d_info_editor, too frequently call forward function from l4d_info_editor (every 20~30 seconds)
v2.4 (2022-12-7)
- Use other method to get the melee weapon
v2.3 (2022-10-7)
- Convert All codes to new syntax.
- Support Custom Melee
- Create Fake Event "weapon_drop" when drop secondary weapon on death
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- l4d_drop: Allows players to drop the weapon they are holding
- l4d_drop: Allows players to drop the weapon they are holding
- 原理
- 死亡時掉落手上裝備的第二把武器,譬如手槍、近戰武器、麥格農手槍、電鋸
- 可掉雙手槍
- 可掉三方圖自製近戰武器