##v 2.1
- All species support for both dricARF and dripARF.
- New functions for PDB parsing and lift-overing; ARF_parse_PDB_ribosome(), ARF_convert_Ribo3D_pos(), dripARF_get_RP_proximity_sets(), and dricARF_liftover_collision_sets().
- dricARF output figure updated.
##v 2.0
- Integrating 3D ribosome structure analysis to ARF
- All relevant functions now require the rRNA fasta file that is used for mapping.
- First release of dricARF - Differential Ribosome Collision Prediction pipeline
- Bug fixes (closing issues until now)
##v 1.0
- Publication release
- A few bug fixes
##v 0.9.1 - 2022-04-14
- Paper revision release
- rRNA-RP contact point distance threshold changed
- New experimental function that allows altering the Contact Point threshold and possible directionality in predictions
- A few technical updates
- RP-rRNA distance matrices are added to the repo
##v 0.9 - 2021-11-26
- First release
- Paper submission version