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File metadata and controls

288 lines (245 loc) · 8.96 KB


Welcome to jekyll-multi-paginate plugins. you may have found Jekyll pagination plugins before, but this plugins allows you to add pagination function to multiple Jekyll page. this also allow you to show only for same attribute

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There has Two ways to install this plugins to your jekyll pages

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Copy .rb file into your _plugins folder
  3. ready to initial


To initial your page as pagination page add attribute paginate: to your specified page Front Matter attribute and set the value to maximum number of post for each pages

Here is the three attribute and its function that you can/need to add to your page Front Matter to make it works as you want

Attributes Accepted Value/Type Function/Description
paginate Maximum post(Number) Max post per page. this attribute will initial that page as pagination page and will give the page an attribute called pagination. Required to generate pagination page
page_path Url Patern(Path) will take the value as url format where :num is the pagination number. Default value: /filname/page:num/
paginate_onlykey String/Array/Hash If set value to any post attribute, the page.pagination.posts will return all post that has same page attribute and value only. If set to array, plugin will check if all array has the same value with the page. If set to hash, plugin will check if all hash has the same value with the post.
paginate_atleastkey String/Array/Hash If set value to any post attribute, the page.pagination.posts will return all post that has same page same attribute and value only. If set to array, plugin will check if atleast one array has the same value with the page. If set to hash, plugin will check if atleast one hash has the same value with the post.

After you run add paginate to your page, this plugins will generate .html file for each page.

This attributes will stored under page.pagination:

Attributes Description
posts list of post on that have in current page
nums list of pagination number available. sorted by pagenumber
paths list of pagination path that has been generated. sorted by pagenumber
paginate_num total pagination pages
paginate_path pagination link patern that has been set or generated(if not set)
total_post total post available in post list depending to your rule that you add in paginate_onlykey or paginate_atleastkey (if set)
current_num current post number index for each page
prev_path previous page path
next_path next page path
prev_num previous page number
next_num next page number

Examples - Basic


lets say that you have 10 posts and you add paginate: 3 without paginate_path in blog.html Front Matter

├── _config.yml
├── _posts
|   ├──
|   ├──
|   ├──
|   !.. # 7 more post
├── index.html
└── blog.html


here is the example code that you can add to your page

paginate: 3
<!-- post loop -->
{% for post in page.pagination.posts%}
      <h4><a href="{{site.baseurl}}{{post.url}}">{{post.title}}</a></h4>
      <h5>{{ | date_to_string }} —</h5>
      <p class="postdesc">{{post.meta}}</p>
{% endfor %}

<!-- post pagination -->
   {%if page.pagination.prev_path%}
      <a href="{{site.baseurl}}{{page.pagination.prev_path}}">Prev</a>
   {%if page.pagination.paginate_num>1%}
      {%for i in page.pagination.nums%}
         {%assign index = i | minus: 1%}
         {%if i==page.pagination.current_num%}
            <a href="{{site.baseurl}}{{page.pagination.paths[index]}}">{{i}}</a>
   {%if page.pagination.next_path%}
      <a href="{{site.baseurl}}{{page.pagination.next_path}}">Next</a>


Code above will generate this structure for 10 posts with config permalink: pretty:

├── blog/
|   ├── index.html
|   ├── page1/
|   |   └── index.html  # have 3 posts
|   ├── page2/
|   |   └── index.html  # have 3 posts
|   ├── page3/
|   |   └── index.html  # have 3 posts
|   └── page4/
|       └── index.html  # have 1 posts
└── index.html

This structure for not set permalink:

├── blog/
|   ├── page1/
|   |   └── index.html  # have 3 posts
|   ├── page2/
|   |   └── index.html  # have 3 posts
|   ├── page3/
|   |   └── index.html  # have 3 posts
|   └── page4/
|       └── index.html  # have 1 posts
├── blog.html
└── index.html

Examples - paginate_onlykey and paginate_atleastkey

lets say that you have multiple language. With this plugin you will be able to create different pagination With different page attribute rule


├── _config.yml
├── _includes
|   └── blog.html
├── _posts
|   └──     # contain 5 post with attribute `lang: fr`, and 5 with `lang: en`
├── en
|   └── blog.html
├── fr
|   └── blog.html
├── index.html
├── en.html
└── fr.html


here is multiple language code example

code in _includes/blog.html same as in Examples - Basic's code without any attribute

Here is example for paginate_onlykey in String:

in fr/blog.html

lang: fr
paginate: 3
paginate_onlykey: lang
{%include blog.html%}

in fr/blog.html

lang: en
paginate: 3
paginate_onlykey: lang
{%include blog.html%}

OR, you can set paginate_onlykey in dictionary

in fr/blog.html

paginate: 3
  lang: fr
{%include blog.html%}

in fr/blog.html

paginate: 3
  lang: en
{%include blog.html%}
Here is example for paginate_atleastkey in dictionary:

this attribute also can be in string or array: in fr/blog.html

paginate: 3
  lang: fr
  type: post
{%include blog.html%}

in fr/blog.html

paginate: 3
  lang: en
  category: general
{%include blog.html%}


Code above will generate this structure for 10 posts with config permalink: pretty:

├── en/
|   ├── index.html
|   └── blog/
|       ├── index.html
|       ├── page1/
|       |   └── index.html	# have 3 posts with post.lang = en
|       ├── page2/
|           └── index.html	# have 2 posts with post.lang = en
├── fr/
|   ├── index.html
|   └── blog/
|       ├── index.html
|       ├── page1/
|       |   └── index.html	# have 3 posts with post.lang = fr
|       └── page2/
|           └── index.html	# have 2 posts with post.lang = fr
└── index.html

Plugins on GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is powered by Jekyll. However, all Pages sites are generated using the --safe option to disable custom plugins for security reasons. Unfortunately, this means your plugins won’t work if you’re deploying to GitHub Pages.

You can still use GitHub Pages to publish your site, but you’ll need to convert the site locally and push the generated static files to your GitHub repository instead of the Jekyll source files.

Move .git folder to the generated _site folder, then add, commit and push to your Github.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


This plugin is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.