Answer the following questions considering the learning outcomes for
Make sure to record evidence of your processes. You can use code snippets, screenshots or any other material to support your answers.
Do not fill in the feedback section. The Founders and Coders team will update this with feedback on your progress.
I think this week has been a challenge for me, and as a result I find it hard to quantify how much I have achieved against the learning outcomes. I would say that my understanding of backend has improved, but I am uncertain as to how much I've achieved.
I would say I have achieved the following:
- Understand the benefits of using TypeScript over JavaScript, such as improved code quality, enhanced developer productivity, and better tooling support
- Learn the basic syntax and features of TypeScript
I think going through the process of Typescript on the execute programme has been surprisingly eye-opening. I think its been able to convey that Typescript uses 'types' to ensure clearer code, as I understand what I need to expect at the end of running a function / programme. For example, assigning the type :string to a variable and knowing that I should expect a string answer.
2. Show an example of some of the learning outcomes you have struggled with and/or would like to re-visit.
I would say I could give a vague explanation of the learning outcomes, however I will be re-visiting it all. On a positive, I would say that being proactive in asking for help and seeking help has really helped in my understanding, and has made me more excited to revise backend.
[Course Facilitator name]
[What went well]
It is great that even if backend is not something that you enjoy the most, you still understand the basic concepts.
[Even better if]
For next week you could try to make it more concise. Use specific examples instead of high-level ideas, supported with short snippets (this will also help you to keep it shorter). In any case, your progress log is looking great.