This guide will help you get started using F3D.
As an overview, you'll learn how to run F3D and open files, configure basic scene constructions, interact with them, and play animations.
To use F3D, you'll need to install F3D. See the Installation page for the latest release package supported by your system.
Once F3D has been installed, you should be able to open a file in any of the following ways:
- Open a file directly from your file manager.
- Open the F3D application directly, then drag and drop a file into the application window.
- Run F3D from the terminal with a set of command-line options.
- Configure F3D as a thumbnailer for supported file formats with certain file managers.
If you choose to run F3D from the terminal, you can open your file by running the following:
f3d /path/to/file.ext
Optionally, you can also save the rendering into an image file:
f3d /path/to/file.ext --output=/path/to/img.png
If you need help, specify the --help
f3d --help
man f3d # Linux only
Once you've opened your file in F3D, you're all set to start visualizing! Press H to open a list of shortcuts to help you interact with your scene.
See the supported file formats page for the full list of file types that F3D can open.
Certain formats are listed as full scene formats (.gltf/.glb, .3ds, .wrl, .obj, .fbx, .dae, .off, .x, .3mf, .usd) which means these files contain not only geometry but also some scene information like lights, cameras, actors in the scene, as well as texture properties. By default, all this information will be loaded from the file and displayed. For file formats that are not full scene, a default scene is created.
For default scene formats, certain default values are set automatically:
- texture-*: ""
- line-width: 1.0
- point-size: 10.0
- opacity: 1.0
- color: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
- emissive-factor: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
- normal-scale: 1.0
- metallic: 0.0
- roughness: 0.3
- camera-orthographic: false
They will be overridden when using corresponding options, either from command line or configuration file.
Once you've loaded your scene in F3D, you can interact with it by using your mouse and certain hotkeys.
- Click and drag with the left mouse button to rotate around the focal point of the camera.
- Click and drag vertically with the right mouse button OR move the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
- Click and drag with the middle mouse button to translate the camera.
- Press Enter to reset the camera.
- Press Space to play animation, if any.
- Press G to toggle the horizontal grid.
- Press H to display a cheatsheet of hotkey interactions.
For more information, see the Interactions page.
F3D can play animations for any supported files that contain them.
With your file loaded into F3D, press the W hotkey to cycle through available animations. Then, press Space to play your selected animation.
Alternatively, you can use the command line to play animations. Use the --animation-index
option to specify which animation you want to play. To play all animations at once, use --animation-index=-1
For more information, see the Animations page.