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🪐 Weasel Project: Span labeling datasets

This project compiles various NER and more general spancat datasets and their converters into the spaCy format. You can use this to try out experiment with ner and spancat or to potentially pre-train them for your application.

📋 project.yml

The project.yml defines the data assets required by the project, as well as the available commands and workflows. For details, see the Weasel documentation.

⏯ Commands

The following commands are defined by the project. They can be executed using weasel run [name]. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Command Description
preprocess-wnut17 Canonicalize the WNUT2017 data set for conversion to .spacy.
convert-wnut17-ents Convert WNUT17 dataset into the spaCy format
convert-wnut17-spans Convert WNUT17 dataset into the spaCy format
inspect-wnut17 Analyze span-characteristics
unpack-conll Decompress ConLL 2002, remove temporary files and change encoding.
preprocess-conll Canonicalize the Dutch ConLL data set for conversion to .spacy.
convert-conll-spans Convert CoNLL dataset (de, en, es, nl) into the spaCy format
convert-conll-ents Convert CoNLL dataset (de, en, es, nl) into the spaCy format
inspect-conll Analyze span-characteristics
convert-archaeo-spans Convert Dutch Archaeology dataset into the spaCy format
convert-archaeo-ents Convert Dutch Archaeology dataset into the spaCy format
inspect-archaeo Analyze span-characteristics
convert-anem-spans Convert AnEM dataset into the spaCy format
convert-anem-ents Convert AnEM dataset into the spaCy format
inspect-anem Analyze span-characteristics
preprocess-restaurant Make MIT Restaurant Review data set format comply with convert.
convert-restaurant-ents Convert MIT Restaurant Review data to .spacy format
convert-restaurant-spans Convert MIT Restaurant Review dataset into the spaCy format
inspect-restaurant Analyze span-characteristics
generate-unseen Create unseen entities splits for all preprocessed datasets.

⏭ Workflows

The following workflows are defined by the project. They can be executed using weasel run [name] and will run the specified commands in order. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Workflow Steps
wnut17 preprocess-wnut17convert-wnut17-entsconvert-wnut17-spansinspect-wnut17
conll unpack-conllpreprocess-conllconvert-conll-entsconvert-conll-spansinspect-conll
archaeo convert-archaeo-entsconvert-archaeo-spansclean-archaeoinspect-archaeo
anem convert-anem-entsconvert-anem-spansinspect-anem
restaurant preprocess-restaurantconvert-restaurant-entsconvert-restaurant-spansinspect-restaurant
all preprocess-wnut17convert-wnut17-entsconvert-wnut17-spansunpack-conllconvert-conll-spansconvert-conll-entsconvert-archaeo-entsconvert-archaeo-spansconvert-anem-entsconvert-anem-spanspreprocess-restaurantconvert-restaurant-entsconvert-restaurant-spansinspect-restaurant

🗂 Assets

The following assets are defined by the project. They can be fetched by running weasel assets in the project directory.

File Source Description
assets/wnut17-train.iob URL WNUT17 training dataset for Emerging and Rare Entities Task from Derczynski et al. (ACL 2017)
assets/wnut17-test.iob URL WNUT17 test dataset for Emerging and Rare Entities Task from Derczynski et al. (ACL 2017)
assets/wnut17-dev.iob URL WNUT17 dev dataset for Emerging and Rare Entities Task from Derczynski et al. (ACL 2017)
assets/conll.tgz URL ConLL 2002 shared task data from Tjong Kim Sang (ACL 2002)
assets/ URL Dutch Archaeological NER dataset by Alex Brandsen (LREC 2020)
assets/anem-train.iob URL Anatomical Entity Mention Detection training dataset from Ohta et al. (ACL 2012)
assets/anem-test.iob URL Anatomical Entity Mention Detection test dataset from Ohta et al. (ACL 2012)
assets/restaurant-train_raw.iob URL Training data from the MIT Restaurants Review dataset
assets/restaurant-test_raw.iob URL Test data from the MIT Restaurants Review dataset