This page guides you through the process of setting up the TikTok Marketing source connector.
- A Tiktok Ads Business account with permission to access data from accounts you want to sync
For the Production environment:
- Access token
- Secret
- App ID
To access the Sandbox environment:
- Access token
- Advertiser ID
- Create a TikTok For Business account: Link
- (Open source only) Create developer application: Link
- (Open source only) For a sandbox environment: create a Sandbox Ad Account Link
For Airbyte Cloud:
- Log into your Airbyte Cloud account.
- In the left navigation bar, click Sources. In the top-right corner, click + new source.
- On the source setup page, select Tiktok Marketing from the Source type dropdown and enter a name for this connector.
- Select
Authorization method, then clickAuthenticate your account
. - Log in and Authorize to the Tiktok account
- Choose required Start date
- click
Set up source
For Airbyte Open Source:
- Go to local Airbyte page.
- In the left navigation bar, click Sources. In the top-right corner, click + new source.
- On the Set up the source page, enter the name for the connector and select Tiktok Marketing from the Source type dropdown.
- Select
Production Access Token
orSandbox Access Token
Authorization method, then copy and paste info from step 1. - Choose required Start date
- Click
Set up source
Stream | Environment | Key | Incremental |
Advertisers | Prod,Sandbox | id | No |
AdGroups | Prod,Sandbox | adgroup_id | Yes |
Ads | Prod,Sandbox | ad_id | Yes |
Campaigns | Prod,Sandbox | campaign_id | Yes |
AdsReportsHourly | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
AdsReportsDaily | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
AdsReportsLifetime | Prod,Sandbox | None | No |
AdvertisersReportsHourly | Prod | None | Yes |
AdvertisersReportsDaily | Prod | None | Yes |
AdvertisersReportsLifetime | Prod | None | No |
AdGroupsReportsHourly | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
AdGroupsReportsDaily | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
AdGroupsReportsLifetime | Prod,Sandbox | None | No |
CampaignsReportsHourly | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
CampaignsReportsDaily | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
CampaignsReportsLifetime | Prod,Sandbox | None | No |
AdvertisersAudienceReportsHourly | Prod | None | Yes |
AdvertisersAudienceReportsDaily | Prod | None | Yes |
AdvertisersAudienceReportsLifetime | Prod | None | No |
AdGroupAudienceReportsHourly | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
AdGroupAudienceReportsDaily | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
AdsAudienceReportsHourly | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
AdsAudienceReportsDaily | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
CampaignsAudienceReportsByCountryHourly | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
CampaignsAudienceReportsByCountryDaily | Prod,Sandbox | None | Yes |
Reports synced by this connector can use either hourly, daily, or lifetime granularities for aggregating performance data. For example, if you select the daily-aggregation flavor of a report, the report will contain a row for each day for the duration of the report. Each row will indicate the number of impressions recorded on that day.
Advertisers Stream
"contacter": "Ai***te",
"phonenumber": "+13*****5753",
"license_no": "",
"promotion_center_city": null,
"balance": 10,
"license_url": null,
"timezone": "Etc/GMT+8",
"reason": "",
"telephone": "+14*****6785",
"id": 7002238017842757633,
"language": "en",
"country": "US",
"license_province": null,
"display_timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"email": "i***************@**********",
"license_city": null,
"industry": "291905",
"create_time": 1630335591,
"promotion_center_province": null,
"address": "350 29th avenue, San Francisco",
"currency": "USD",
"promotion_area": "0",
"status": "STATUS_ENABLE",
"description": "https://",
"brand": null,
"name": "Airbyte0830",
"company": "Airbyte"
AdGroups Stream
"placement_type": "PLACEMENT_TYPE_AUTOMATIC",
"budget": 20,
"budget_mode": "BUDGET_MODE_DAY",
"display_mode": null,
"schedule_infos": null,
"billing_event": "CPC",
"conversion_window": null,
"adgroup_name": "Ad Group20211020010107",
"interest_keywords": [],
"is_comment_disable": 0,
"rf_buy_type": null,
"frequency": null,
"bid_type": "BID_TYPE_NO_BID",
"placement": null,
"bid": 0,
"include_custom_actions": [],
"operation_system": [],
"pixel_id": null,
"dayparting": "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
"app_type": null,
"conversion_id": 0,
"rf_predict_cpr": null,
"deep_bid_type": null,
"scheduled_budget": 0.0,
"adgroup_id": 1714125049901106,
"frequency_schedule": null,
"exclude_custom_actions": [],
"advertiser_id": 7002238017842757633,
"deep_cpabid": 0,
"is_new_structure": true,
"buy_impression": null,
"external_type": "WEBSITE",
"excluded_audience": [],
"deep_external_action": null,
"interest_category_v2": [],
"rf_predict_frequency": null,
"audience": [],
"brand_safety_partner": null,
"daily_retention_ratio": null,
"optimize_goal": "CLICK",
"enable_search_result": false,
"conversion_bid": 0,
"schedule_end_time": "2021-10-31 09:01:07",
"opt_status": "ENABLE",
"app_id": null,
"external_action": null,
"schedule_type": "SCHEDULE_START_END",
"brand_safety": "NO_BRAND_SAFETY",
"campaign_id": 1714125042508817,
"campaign_name": "Website Traffic20211020010104",
"split_test_adgroup_ids": [],
"action_v2": [],
"is_hfss": false,
"keywords": null,
"create_time": "2021-10-20 08:04:05",
"feed_type": null,
"languages": ["en"],
"enable_inventory_filter": false,
"device_price": [],
"location": [6252001],
"schedule_start_time": "2021-10-20 09:01:07",
"skip_learning_phase": 0,
"creative_material_mode": "CUSTOM",
"app_download_url": null,
"device_models": [],
"automated_targeting": "OFF",
"connection_type": [],
"ios14_quota_type": "UNOCCUPIED",
"modify_time": "2022-03-24 12:06:54",
"category": 0,
"statistic_type": null,
"video_download": "ALLOW_DOWNLOAD",
"age": ["AGE_25_34", "AGE_35_44", "AGE_45_54"],
"buy_reach": null,
"is_share_disable": false
Ads Stream
"vast_moat": false,
"is_new_structure": true,
"campaign_name": "CampaignVadimTraffic",
"landing_page_urls": null,
"card_id": null,
"adgroup_id": 1728545385226289,
"campaign_id": 1728545382536225,
"brand_safety_postbid_partner": "UNSET",
"advertiser_id": 7002238017842757633,
"is_aco": false,
"ad_text": "Open-source\ndata integration for modern data teams",
"identity_id": "7080121820963422209",
"display_name": "airbyte",
"open_url": "",
"external_action": null,
"playable_url": "",
"create_time": "2022-03-28 12:09:09",
"product_ids": [],
"adgroup_name": "AdGroupVadim",
"fallback_type": "UNSET",
"creative_type": null,
"ad_name": "AdVadim-Optimized Version 3_202203281449_2022-03-28 05:03:44",
"video_id": "v10033g50000c90q1d3c77ub6e96fvo0",
"ad_format": "SINGLE_VIDEO",
"profile_image": "",
"open_url_type": "NORMAL",
"click_tracking_url": null,
"page_id": null,
"ad_texts": null,
"landing_page_url": "",
"identity_type": "CUSTOMIZED_USER",
"avatar_icon_web_uri": "ad-site-i18n-sg/202203285d0de5c114d0690a462bb6a4",
"app_name": "",
"modify_time": "2022-03-28 21:34:26",
"opt_status": "ENABLE",
"call_to_action_id": "7080120957230238722",
"image_ids": ["v0201/7f371ff6f0764f8b8ef4f37d7b980d50"],
"ad_id": 1728545390695442,
"impression_tracking_url": null,
"is_creative_authorized": false
Campaigns Stream
"create_time": "2021-10-19 18:18:08",
"campaign_id": 1714073078669329,
"roas_bid": 0.0,
"advertiser_id": 7002238017842757633,
"modify_time": "2022-03-28 12:01:56",
"campaign_type": "REGULAR_CAMPAIGN",
"objective_type": "TRAFFIC",
"split_test_variable": null,
"opt_status": "DISABLE",
"budget": 50,
"is_new_structure": true,
"deep_bid_type": null,
"campaign_name": "Website Traffic20211019110444",
"budget_mode": "BUDGET_MODE_DAY",
"objective": "LANDING_PAGE"
AdsReportsDaily Stream - BasicReports
"dimensions": {
"ad_id": 1728545390695442,
"stat_time_day": "2022-03-29 00:00:00"
"metrics": {
"real_time_result_rate": 0.93,
"campaign_id": 1728545382536225,
"placement": "Automatic Placement",
"frequency": 1.17,
"cpc": 0.35,
"ctr": 0.93,
"cost_per_result": 0.3509,
"impressions": 6137,
"cost_per_conversion": 0,
"real_time_result": 57,
"adgroup_id": 1728545385226289,
"result_rate": 0.93,
"cost_per_1000_reached": 3.801,
"ad_text": "Open-source\ndata integration for modern data teams",
"spend": 20,
"conversion_rate": 0,
"real_time_cost_per_conversion": 0,
"promotion_type": "Website",
"tt_app_id": 0,
"real_time_cost_per_result": 0.3509,
"conversion": 0,
"secondary_goal_result": null,
"campaign_name": "CampaignVadimTraffic",
"cpm": 3.26,
"result": 57,
"ad_name": "AdVadim-Optimized Version 3_202203281449_2022-03-28 05:03:44",
"secondary_goal_result_rate": null,
"clicks": 57,
"reach": 5262,
"cost_per_secondary_goal_result": null,
"real_time_conversion": 0,
"real_time_conversion_rate": 0,
"mobile_app_id": "0",
"tt_app_name": "0",
"adgroup_name": "AdGroupVadim",
"dpa_target_audience_type": null
AdvertisersReportsDaily Stream - BasicReports
"metrics": {
"cpm": 5.43,
"impressions": 3682,
"frequency": 1.17,
"reach": 3156,
"cash_spend": 20,
"ctr": 1.14,
"spend": 20,
"cpc": 0.48,
"cost_per_1000_reached": 6.337,
"clicks": 42,
"voucher_spend": 0
"dimensions": {
"stat_time_day": "2022-03-30 00:00:00",
"advertiser_id": 7002238017842757633
AdGroupsReportsDaily Stream - BasicReports
"metrics": {
"real_time_conversion": 0,
"real_time_cost_per_conversion": 0,
"cost_per_1000_reached": 3.801,
"mobile_app_id": "0",
"reach": 5262,
"cpm": 3.26,
"conversion": 0,
"promotion_type": "Website",
"clicks": 57,
"real_time_result_rate": 0.93,
"real_time_conversion_rate": 0,
"cost_per_conversion": 0,
"dpa_target_audience_type": null,
"result": 57,
"cpc": 0.35,
"impressions": 6137,
"cost_per_result": 0.3509,
"tt_app_id": 0,
"cost_per_secondary_goal_result": null,
"frequency": 1.17,
"spend": 20,
"secondary_goal_result_rate": null,
"real_time_cost_per_result": 0.3509,
"real_time_result": 57,
"placement": "Automatic Placement",
"result_rate": 0.93,
"tt_app_name": "0",
"campaign_name": "CampaignVadimTraffic",
"secondary_goal_result": null,
"campaign_id": 1728545382536225,
"conversion_rate": 0,
"ctr": 0.93,
"adgroup_name": "AdGroupVadim"
"dimensions": {
"adgroup_id": 1728545385226289,
"stat_time_day": "2022-03-29 00:00:00"
CampaignsReportsDaily Stream - BasicReports
"metrics": {
"cpc": 0.43,
"spend": 20,
"clicks": 46,
"cost_per_1000_reached": 4.002,
"impressions": 5870,
"ctr": 0.78,
"frequency": 1.17,
"cpm": 3.41,
"campaign_name": "CampaignVadimTraffic",
"reach": 4997
"dimensions": {
"campaign_id": 1728545382536225,
"stat_time_day": "2022-03-28 00:00:00"
AdsAudienceReportsDaily Stream - AudienceReports
"result": 17,
"clicks": 17,
"real_time_conversion_rate": 0,
"adgroup_id": 1728545385226289,
"cpm": 3.01,
"cost_per_result": 0.4165,
"real_time_cost_per_result": 0.4165,
"mobile_app_id": 0,
"spend": 7.08,
"cpc": 0.42,
"placement": "Automatic Placement",
"real_time_conversion": 0,
"dpa_target_audience_type": null,
"real_time_result_rate": 0.72,
"adgroup_name": "AdGroupVadim",
"tt_app_id": 0,
"ctr": 0.72,
"ad_text": "Open-source\ndata integration for modern data teams",
"result_rate": 0.72,
"ad_name": "AdVadim-Optimized Version 3_202203281449_2022-03-28 05:03:44",
"conversion_rate": 0,
"real_time_result": 17,
"tt_app_name": "0",
"cost_per_conversion": 0,
"real_time_cost_per_conversion": 0,
"conversion": 0,
"impressions": 2350,
"promotion_type": "Website",
"campaign_id": 1728545382536225,
"campaign_name": "CampaignVadimTraffic"
"dimensions": {
"gender": "MALE",
"age": "AGE_25_34",
"ad_id": 1728545390695442,
"stat_time_day": "2022-03-28 00:00:00"
AdvertisersAudienceReportsDaily Stream - AudienceReports
"dimensions": {
"stat_time_day": "2022-03-28 00:00:00",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"advertiser_id": 7002238017842757633,
"age": "AGE_35_44"
"metrics": {
"spend": 3.09,
"ctr": 0.93,
"cpc": 0.44,
"clicks": 7,
"cpm": 4.11,
"impressions": 752
AdGroupAudienceReportsDaily Stream - AudienceReports
"dimensions": {
"gender": "MALE",
"age": "AGE_25_34",
"stat_time_day": "2022-03-29 00:00:00",
"adgroup_id": 1728545385226289
"metrics": {
"cost_per_conversion": 0,
"campaign_id": 1728545382536225,
"campaign_name": "CampaignVadimTraffic",
"clicks": 20,
"dpa_target_audience_type": null,
"mobile_app_id": 0,
"promotion_type": "Website",
"conversion_rate": 0,
"cpm": 3.9,
"cost_per_result": 0.3525,
"cpc": 0.35,
"real_time_cost_per_conversion": 0,
"ctr": 1.11,
"spend": 7.05,
"result": 20,
"real_time_result": 20,
"impressions": 1806,
"conversion": 0,
"real_time_result_rate": 1.11,
"real_time_conversion_rate": 0,
"real_time_conversion": 0,
"adgroup_name": "AdGroupVadim",
"tt_app_name": "0",
"placement": "Automatic Placement",
"real_time_cost_per_result": 0.3525,
"result_rate": 1.11,
"tt_app_id": 0
CampaignsAudienceReportsByCountryDaily Stream - AudienceReports
"metrics": {
"impressions": 5870,
"campaign_name": "CampaignVadimTraffic",
"cpm": 3.41,
"clicks": 46,
"spend": 20,
"ctr": 0.78,
"cpc": 0.43
"dimensions": {
"stat_time_day": "2022-03-28 00:00:00",
"campaign_id": 1728545382536225,
"country_code": "US"
The connector is restricted by requests limitation. This connector should not run into TikTok Marketing API limitations under normal usage. Please create an issue if you see any rate limit issues that are not automatically retried successfully.
Version | Date | Pull Request | Subject |
0.1.16 | 2022-09-28 | 17326 | Migrate to per-stream state |
0.1.15 | 2022-08-30 | 16137 | Fixed bug with normalization caused by unsupported nested cursor field |
0.1.14 | 2022-06-29 | 13890 | Removed granularity config option |
0.1.13 | 2022-06-28 | 13650 | Added video metrics to report streams |
0.1.12 | 2022-05-24 | 13127 | Fixed integration test |
0.1.11 | 2022-04-27 | 12838 | Added end date configuration for tiktok |
0.1.10 | 2022-05-07 | 12545 | Removed odd production authenication method |
0.1.9 | 2022-04-30 | 12500 | Improve input configuration copy |
0.1.8 | 2022-04-28 | 12435 | updated spec descriptions |
0.1.7 | 2022-04-27 | 12380 | fixed spec descriptions and documentation |
0.1.6 | 2022-04-19 | 11378 | updated logic for stream initializations, fixed errors in schemas, updated SAT and unit tests |
0.1.5 | 2022-02-17 | 10398 | Add Audience reports |
0.1.4 | 2021-12-30 | 7636 | Add OAuth support |
0.1.3 | 2021-12-10 | 8425 | Update title, description fields in spec |
0.1.2 | 2021-12-02 | 8292 | Support reports |
0.1.1 | 2021-11-08 | 7499 | Remove base-python dependencies |
0.1.0 | 2021-09-18 | 5887 | Release TikTok Marketing CDK Connector |