0.1.0-alpha.6 (2020-06-29)
- windmill: add theme storage and user system preferences getter as default (04c06ef)
0.1.0-alpha.5 (2020-06-29)
- backdrop: reduce backdrop z-index (732c546)
- windmill: expose current selected theme and a theme toggler (73505bf)
0.1.0-alpha.4 (2020-06-28)
- dropdown: export dropdown item (c177442)
0.1.0-alpha.3 (2020-06-27)
- library: export TableFooter (04ac997)
0.1.0-alpha.2 (2020-06-27)
- webpack: fix externals namingfix Module not found: Can't resolve 'reactDOM' (380843b)
0.1.0-alpha.1 (2020-06-27)
- proptypes: fix children proptypes (43cdf46)
- windmill: export windmill (9983010)
- windmill: fix dark theme prop (7155eae)
- avatar: add avatar (ea7827b)
- backdrop: add backdrop (b367072)
- badge: add badge (7638177)
- card: add card and cardbody (3c64e85)
- dropdown: add dropdown (e4eeba9)
- helpertext: add helpertext (12539d2)
- input: add form inputs (8b4f69e)
- label: add form label (a74f8a9)
- modal: add all modal components (fc987d5)
- pagination: add pagination (a410ca4)
- plugin: add pluginexport a plugin that packs multi-theme, custom-forms and the custom shadow outline plugin, alongwith custom modifications to width, height and colors. (15c772a)
- select: add select (da44e48)
- table: add table (6705f3d)
- table: add table footer (19f59a8)
- textarea: add textarea (6a7a333)
- theme: add default theme (b99470c)
- theme: add theme context (d3f13e7)
- themes: add dark mode and toggle (371578e)
- themes: expose themes configs (f388a54)
- transition: add transition (46a7d6b)