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Counter based regulation

uwiger edited this page Apr 14, 2012 · 2 revisions

Jobs' counter-based regulation limits the number of jobs that can run simultaneously.

Here is an example using a shell dialogue:

  1. First, load the jobs application, so that we can change its environment.
  2. Start jobs. It will read the environment and configure our queue.
  3. Spawn a number of jobs, verify that they execute only one at a time.
Eshell V5.9  (abort with ^G)
1> application:load(jobs).
2> application:set_env(jobs, queues, [{q, [{regulators, [{counter,[{limit,1}]}] }]}]).  
3> application:start(jobs).
4> [spawn_link(fun() -> jobs:run(q, fun() -> io:fwrite("~p running~n", [self()]), timer:sleep(1000), io:fwrite("~p done.~n", [self()]) end) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1,5)].
<0.62.0> running
<0.62.0> done.
<0.58.0> running
<0.58.0> done.
<0.59.0> running
<0.59.0> done.
<0.60.0> running
<0.60.0> done.
<0.61.0> running
<0.61.0> done.

For better readability, the configuration is pretty-printed here:

application:set_env(jobs, queues,
                    [{q, [{regulators,
                           [{counter, [

And the command to spawn jobs:

[spawn_link(fun() ->
                   q, fun() ->
                          io:fwrite("~p running~n", [self()]),
                          io:fwrite("~p done.~n", [self()])
            end) || _ <- lists:seq(1,5)].

It is perfectly possible to combine counter-based and rate-based regulation in the same queue. Jobs will calculate the number of jobs to dispatch using all available regulators, and pick the most conservative number.

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