diff --git a/ERF_8H_source.html b/ERF_8H_source.html index 189195121..c1b6ec8e7 100644 --- a/ERF_8H_source.html +++ b/ERF_8H_source.html @@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@
Definition: ERF.H:124
void MakeHorizontalAverages()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1724
void MakeHorizontalAverages()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1741
amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab > rU_new
Definition: ERF.H:758
int last_check_file_step
Definition: ERF.H:910
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > walldist
Definition: ERF.H:855
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@
amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< amrex::Real > d_havg_qv
Definition: ERF.H:1158
static amrex::Real column_loc_y
Definition: ERF.H:1097
static int mg_verbose
Definition: ERF.H:1043
void ReadParameters()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1377
void ReadParameters()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1394
static amrex::Vector< std::string > PlotFileVarNames(amrex::Vector< std::string > plot_var_names)
Definition: ERF_Plotfile.cpp:174
void InitializeFromFile()
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< ERFPhysBCFunct_cons > > physbcs_cons
Definition: ERF.H:745
@@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@
amrex::Real stop_time
Definition: ERF.H:919
AMREX_FORCE_INLINE int NumSamplePointLogs() noexcept
Definition: ERF.H:1259
amrex::Vector< amrex::Real > h_havg_pressure
Definition: ERF.H:1151
void update_diffusive_arrays(int lev, const amrex::BoxArray &ba, const amrex::DistributionMapping &dm)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:382
void update_diffusive_arrays(int lev, const amrex::BoxArray &ba, const amrex::DistributionMapping &dm)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:380
static int verbose
Definition: ERF.H:1042
amrex::Vector< amrex::Real > h_havg_qc
Definition: ERF.H:1153
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< ERFPhysBCFunct_w > > physbcs_w
Definition: ERF.H:748
@@ -1661,7 +1661,7 @@
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > Qv_prim
Definition: ERF.H:753
static int sum_interval
Definition: ERF.H:1047
static int pert_interval
Definition: ERF.H:1048
void restart()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1234
void restart()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1251
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > Tau13_lev
Definition: ERF.H:810
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > SFS_q1fx2_lev
Definition: ERF.H:822
void ReadCheckpointFileMOST()
Definition: ERF_Checkpoint.cpp:627
@@ -1671,7 +1671,7 @@
amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab > rV_new
Definition: ERF.H:760
std::string PlotFileName(int lev) const
void write_1D_profiles(amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF_Write1DProfiles.cpp:15
void initialize_integrator(int lev, amrex::MultiFab &cons_mf, amrex::MultiFab &vel_mf)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:590
void initialize_integrator(int lev, amrex::MultiFab &cons_mf, amrex::MultiFab &vel_mf)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:588
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > thin_zforce
Definition: ERF.H:905
static InitType init_type
Definition: ERF.H:1055
amrex::Vector< amrex::BCRec > domain_bcs_type
Definition: ERF.H:881
@@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@
amrex::Vector< amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< amrex::Real > > stretched_dz_d
Definition: ERF.H:863
amrex::Vector< amrex::Real > t_avg_cnt
Definition: ERF.H:738
amrex::Vector< std::string > plot_var_names_1
Definition: ERF.H:962
void remake_zphys(int lev, amrex::Real time, std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > &temp_zphys_nd)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:544
void remake_zphys(int lev, amrex::Real time, std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > &temp_zphys_nd)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:542
int m_check_int
Definition: ERF.H:959
amrex::Real estTimeStep(int lev, long &dt_fast_ratio) const
Definition: ERF_ComputeTimestep.cpp:55
static std::string sponge_type
Definition: ERF.H:1059
@@ -1723,11 +1723,11 @@
static int output_bndry_planes
Definition: ERF.H:1101
amrex::Vector< amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< amrex::Real > > d_v_geos
Definition: ERF.H:1126
int last_plot_file_step_1
Definition: ERF.H:907
void update_terrain_arrays(int lev)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:579
void update_terrain_arrays(int lev)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:577
static std::string nc_bdy_file
Definition: ERF.H:1069
bool metgrid_interp_theta
Definition: ERF.H:1083
static amrex::Vector< amrex::Vector< std::string > > nc_init_file
Definition: ERF.H:1066
void init_only(int lev, amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1265
void init_only(int lev, amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1282
static int input_bndry_planes
Definition: ERF.H:1107
static StateInterpType interpolation_type
Definition: ERF.H:1056
amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< amrex::Real > d_havg_qc
Definition: ERF.H:1159
@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@
InputSpongeData input_sponge_data
Definition: ERF.H:687
std::string restart_chkfile
Definition: ERF.H:922
bool metgrid_use_below_sfc
Definition: ERF.H:1085
void init_zphys(int lev, amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:473
void init_zphys(int lev, amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:471
amrex::Vector< std::string > sampleptlogname
Definition: ERF.H:1378
amrex::Vector< amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< amrex::Real > > xvel_bc_data
Definition: ERF.H:690
void InitData_pre()
Definition: ERF.cpp:615
@@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@
static amrex::Real column_loc_x
Definition: ERF.H:1096
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > ax
Definition: ERF.H:833
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > z_phys_nd
Definition: ERF.H:829
void MakeDiagnosticAverage(amrex::Vector< amrex::Real > &h_havg, amrex::MultiFab &S, int n)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1830
void MakeDiagnosticAverage(amrex::Vector< amrex::Real > &h_havg, amrex::MultiFab &S, int n)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1847
amrex::Real metgrid_proximity
Definition: ERF.H:1088
amrex::Vector< amrex::Real > h_havg_temperature
Definition: ERF.H:1150
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< std::fstream > > sampleptlog
Definition: ERF.H:1377
@@ -1823,7 +1823,7 @@
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > ax_src
Definition: ERF.H:839
void input_sponge(int lev)
Definition: ERF_InitSponge.cpp:17
amrex::Vector< amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< amrex::Real > > d_u_geos
Definition: ERF.H:1123
void Define_ERFFillPatchers(int lev)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1902
void Define_ERFFillPatchers(int lev)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1919
AMREX_FORCE_INLINE int NumDataLogs() noexcept
Definition: ERF.H:1245
TurbulentPerturbation turbPert
Definition: ERF.H:1010
amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab > rW_old
Definition: ERF.H:761
@@ -1831,7 +1831,7 @@
void FillCoarsePatch(int lev, amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF_FillCoarsePatch.cpp:21
void ClearLevel(int lev) override
Definition: ERF_MakeNewLevel.cpp:484
static amrex::Vector< amrex::AMRErrorTag > ref_tags
Definition: ERF.H:1171
void make_physbcs(int lev)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:612
void make_physbcs(int lev)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:610
amrex::Vector< amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< amrex::Real > > d_w_subsid
Definition: ERF.H:1120
amrex::Vector< ERFFillPatcher > FPr_w
Definition: ERF.H:805
int real_set_width
Definition: ERF.H:1071
@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@
void advance_microphysics(int lev, amrex::MultiFab &cons_in, const amrex::Real &dt_advance, const int &iteration, const amrex::Real &time)
Definition: ERF_AdvanceMicrophysics.cpp:5
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > Lwave
Definition: ERF.H:870
void project_velocities(int lev, amrex::Real dt, amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab > &vars, amrex::MultiFab &p)
Definition: ERF_PoissonSolve.cpp:10
void ParameterSanityChecks()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1658
void ParameterSanityChecks()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1675
void derive_stress_profiles(amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_tau11, amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_tau12, amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_tau13, amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_tau22, amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_tau23, amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_tau33, amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_hfx3, amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_q1fx3, amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_q2fx3, amrex::Gpu::HostVector< amrex::Real > &h_avg_diss)
Definition: ERF_Write1DProfiles.cpp:482
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > Tau12_lev
Definition: ERF.H:809
int cf_width
Definition: ERF.H:800
@@ -1864,7 +1864,7 @@
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::iMultiFab > > zflux_imask
Definition: ERF.H:899
bool m_expand_plotvars_to_unif_rr
Definition: ERF.H:942
int plot_file_on_restart
Definition: ERF.H:911
void Construct_ERFFillPatchers(int lev)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1876
void Construct_ERFFillPatchers(int lev)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1893
void post_update(amrex::MultiFab &state_mf, amrex::Real time, const amrex::Geometry &geom)
amrex::Vector< int > num_boxes_at_level
Definition: ERF.H:717
amrex::FabFactory< amrex::FArrayBox > const & Factory(int lev) const noexcept
Definition: ERF.H:1398
@@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@
int metgrid_order
Definition: ERF.H:1089
bool finished_wave
Definition: ERF.H:873
void ReadCheckpointFile()
Definition: ERF_Checkpoint.cpp:273
bool writeNow(const amrex::Real cur_time, const amrex::Real dt, const int nstep, const int plot_int, const amrex::Real plot_per)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1953
bool writeNow(const amrex::Real cur_time, const amrex::Real dt, const int nstep, const int plot_int, const amrex::Real plot_per)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1970
amrex::Vector< amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab > > vars_old
Definition: ERF.H:734
amrex::MultiFab & build_fine_mask(int lev)
Definition: ERF_WriteScalarProfiles.cpp:429
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< ERFPhysBCFunct_base > > physbcs_base
Definition: ERF.H:749
@@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > Tau22_lev
Definition: ERF.H:808
void turbPert_amplitude(const int lev)
Definition: ERF_InitTurbPert.cpp:41
void sample_lines(int lev, amrex::Real time, amrex::IntVect cell, amrex::MultiFab &mf)
Definition: ERF_WriteScalarProfiles.cpp:287
void initializeMicrophysics(const int &)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1198
void initializeMicrophysics(const int &)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1215
bool plot_lsm
Definition: ERF.H:949
const amrex::Vector< std::string > cons_names
Definition: ERF.H:964
void FillPatch(int lev, amrex::Real time, const amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab * > &mfs_vel, bool cons_only=false)
diff --git a/ERF__NCWpsFile_8H.html b/ERF__NCWpsFile_8H.html index a845446c9..6e8ea8cea 100644 --- a/ERF__NCWpsFile_8H.html +++ b/ERF__NCWpsFile_8H.html @@ -295,55 +295,55 @@

296 {
297  int ioproc = amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessorNumber(); // I/O rank
299  amrex::Vector<NDArray<float>> nc_arrays(nc_var_names.size());
301  if (amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
302  {
303  ReadNetCDFFile(fname, nc_var_names, nc_arrays);
304  }
306  for (int iv = 0; iv < nc_var_names.size(); iv++)
307  {
308  FAB tmp;
309  if (amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
310  fill_fab_from_arrays<FAB,DType>(iv, nc_arrays, nc_var_names[iv], NC_dim_types[iv], tmp);
311  }
313  int ncomp = tmp.nComp();
314  amrex::Box box = tmp.box();
316  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(&box, 1, ioproc);
317  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(&ncomp, 1, ioproc);
319  if (!amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
320 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
321  tmp.resize(box,ncomp,amrex::The_Pinned_Arena());
322 #else
323  tmp.resize(box,ncomp);
324 #endif
325  }
304 {
305  int ioproc = amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessorNumber(); // I/O rank
307  amrex::Vector<NDArray<float>> nc_arrays(nc_var_names.size());
309  if (amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
310  {
311  ReadNetCDFFile(fname, nc_var_names, nc_arrays);
312  }
314  for (int iv = 0; iv < nc_var_names.size(); iv++)
315  {
316  FAB tmp;
317  if (amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
318  fill_fab_from_arrays<FAB,DType>(iv, nc_arrays, nc_var_names[iv], NC_dim_types[iv], tmp);
319  }
321  int ncomp = tmp.nComp();
322  amrex::Box box = tmp.box();
324  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(&box, 1, ioproc);
325  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(&ncomp, 1, ioproc);
327  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(tmp.dataPtr(), tmp.size(), ioproc);
329  // Shift box by the domain lower corner
330  amrex::Box fab_bx = tmp.box();
331  amrex::Dim3 dom_lb = lbound(domain);
332  fab_bx += amrex::IntVect(dom_lb.x,dom_lb.y,dom_lb.z);
333  // fab_vars points to data on device
334  fab_vars[iv]->resize(fab_bx,1);
335 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
336  amrex::Gpu::copy(amrex::Gpu::hostToDevice,
337  tmp.dataPtr(), tmp.dataPtr() + tmp.size(),
338  fab_vars[iv]->dataPtr());
339 #else
340  // Provided by BaseFab inheritance through FArrayBox
341  fab_vars[iv]->copy(tmp,tmp.box(),0,fab_bx,0,1);
342 #endif
343  }
344 }
327  if (!amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
328 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
329  tmp.resize(box,ncomp,amrex::The_Pinned_Arena());
330 #else
331  tmp.resize(box,ncomp);
332 #endif
333  }
335  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(tmp.dataPtr(), tmp.size(), ioproc);
337  // Shift box by the domain lower corner
338  amrex::Box fab_bx = tmp.box();
339  amrex::Dim3 dom_lb = lbound(domain);
340  fab_bx += amrex::IntVect(dom_lb.x,dom_lb.y,dom_lb.z);
341  // fab_vars points to data on device
342  fab_vars[iv]->resize(fab_bx,1);
343 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
344  amrex::Gpu::copy(amrex::Gpu::hostToDevice,
345  tmp.dataPtr(), tmp.dataPtr() + tmp.size(),
346  fab_vars[iv]->dataPtr());
347 #else
348  // Provided by BaseFab inheritance through FArrayBox
349  fab_vars[iv]->copy(tmp,tmp.box(),0,fab_bx,0,1);
350 #endif
351  }
352 }
void ReadNetCDFFile(const std::string &fname, amrex::Vector< std::string > names, amrex::Vector< NDArray< DType > > &arrays)
Definition: ERF_NCWpsFile.H:157
Here is the call graph for this function:
@@ -486,32 +486,40 @@

251  // TODO: The box will only start at (0,0,0) at level 0 -- we need to generalize this
252  amrex::Box my_box(amrex::IntVect(0,0,0), amrex::IntVect(ns3-1,ns2-1,ns1-1));
254  if (var_name == "U" || var_name == "UU" ||
255  var_name == "MAPFAC_U" || var_name == "MAPFAC_UY") my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(1,0,0)));
256  if (var_name == "V" || var_name == "VV" ||
257  var_name == "MAPFAC_V" || var_name == "MAPFAC_VY") my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,1,0)));
258  if (var_name == "W" || var_name == "WW") my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,0,1)));
260  amrex::Arena* Arena_Used = amrex::The_Arena();
261 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
262  // Make sure temp lives on CPU since nc_arrays lives on CPU only
263  Arena_Used = amrex::The_Pinned_Arena();
264 #endif
265  temp.resize(my_box,1, Arena_Used);
266  amrex::Array4<DType> fab_arr = temp.array();
254  if (var_name == "PH" || var_name == "PHB") {
255  my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,0,1)));
256  } else if (var_name == "U" || var_name == "UU" ||
257  var_name == "MAPFAC_U" || var_name == "MAPFAC_UY")
258  {
259  my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(1,0,0)));
260  } else if (var_name == "V" || var_name == "VV" ||
261  var_name == "MAPFAC_V" || var_name == "MAPFAC_VY")
262  {
263  my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,1,0)));
264  } else if (var_name == "W" || var_name == "WW") {
265  my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,0,1)));
266  }
268  int ioff = temp.box().smallEnd()[0];
269  int joff = temp.box().smallEnd()[1];
271  auto num_pts = my_box.numPts();
273  for (int n(0); n < num_pts; ++n) {
274  int k = n / (ns2*ns3);
275  int j = (n - k*(ns2*ns3)) / ns3 + joff;
276  int i = n - k*(ns2*ns3) - (j-joff) * ns3 + ioff;
277  fab_arr(i,j,k,0) = static_cast<DType>(*(nc_arrays[iv].get_data()+n));
278  }
279 }
268  amrex::Arena* Arena_Used = amrex::The_Arena();
269 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
270  // Make sure temp lives on CPU since nc_arrays lives on CPU only
271  Arena_Used = amrex::The_Pinned_Arena();
272 #endif
273  temp.resize(my_box,1, Arena_Used);
274  amrex::Array4<DType> fab_arr = temp.array();
276  int ioff = temp.box().smallEnd()[0];
277  int joff = temp.box().smallEnd()[1];
279  auto num_pts = my_box.numPts();
281  for (int n(0); n < num_pts; ++n) {
282  int k = n / (ns2*ns3);
283  int j = (n - k*(ns2*ns3)) / ns3 + joff;
284  int i = n - k*(ns2*ns3) - (j-joff) * ns3 + ioff;
285  fab_arr(i,j,k,0) = static_cast<DType>(*(nc_arrays[iv].get_data()+n));
286  }
287 }
diff --git a/ERF__NCWpsFile_8H_source.html b/ERF__NCWpsFile_8H_source.html index 6e1b5f520..65f8dbb6c 100644 --- a/ERF__NCWpsFile_8H_source.html +++ b/ERF__NCWpsFile_8H_source.html @@ -339,99 +339,107 @@
251  // TODO: The box will only start at (0,0,0) at level 0 -- we need to generalize this
252  amrex::Box my_box(amrex::IntVect(0,0,0), amrex::IntVect(ns3-1,ns2-1,ns1-1));
254  if (var_name == "U" || var_name == "UU" ||
255  var_name == "MAPFAC_U" || var_name == "MAPFAC_UY") my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(1,0,0)));
256  if (var_name == "V" || var_name == "VV" ||
257  var_name == "MAPFAC_V" || var_name == "MAPFAC_VY") my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,1,0)));
258  if (var_name == "W" || var_name == "WW") my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,0,1)));
260  amrex::Arena* Arena_Used = amrex::The_Arena();
261 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
262  // Make sure temp lives on CPU since nc_arrays lives on CPU only
263  Arena_Used = amrex::The_Pinned_Arena();
264 #endif
265  temp.resize(my_box,1, Arena_Used);
266  amrex::Array4<DType> fab_arr = temp.array();
254  if (var_name == "PH" || var_name == "PHB") {
255  my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,0,1)));
256  } else if (var_name == "U" || var_name == "UU" ||
257  var_name == "MAPFAC_U" || var_name == "MAPFAC_UY")
258  {
259  my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(1,0,0)));
260  } else if (var_name == "V" || var_name == "VV" ||
261  var_name == "MAPFAC_V" || var_name == "MAPFAC_VY")
262  {
263  my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,1,0)));
264  } else if (var_name == "W" || var_name == "WW") {
265  my_box.setType(amrex::IndexType(amrex::IntVect(0,0,1)));
266  }
268  int ioff = temp.box().smallEnd()[0];
269  int joff = temp.box().smallEnd()[1];
271  auto num_pts = my_box.numPts();
273  for (int n(0); n < num_pts; ++n) {
274  int k = n / (ns2*ns3);
275  int j = (n - k*(ns2*ns3)) / ns3 + joff;
276  int i = n - k*(ns2*ns3) - (j-joff) * ns3 + ioff;
277  fab_arr(i,j,k,0) = static_cast<DType>(*(nc_arrays[iv].get_data()+n));
278  }
279 }
281 /**
282  * Function to read NetCDF variables and fill the corresponding Array4's
283  *
284  * @param fname Name of the NetCDF file to be read
285  * @param nc_var_names Variable names in the NetCDF file
286  * @param NC_dim_types NetCDF data dimension types
287  * @param fab_vars Fab data we are to fill
288  */
289 template<class FAB,typename DType>
290 void
291 BuildFABsFromNetCDFFile (const amrex::Box& domain,
292  const std::string &fname,
293  amrex::Vector<std::string> nc_var_names,
294  amrex::Vector<enum NC_Data_Dims_Type> NC_dim_types,
295  amrex::Vector<FAB*> fab_vars)
296 {
297  int ioproc = amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessorNumber(); // I/O rank
299  amrex::Vector<NDArray<float>> nc_arrays(nc_var_names.size());
301  if (amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
302  {
303  ReadNetCDFFile(fname, nc_var_names, nc_arrays);
304  }
306  for (int iv = 0; iv < nc_var_names.size(); iv++)
307  {
308  FAB tmp;
309  if (amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
310  fill_fab_from_arrays<FAB,DType>(iv, nc_arrays, nc_var_names[iv], NC_dim_types[iv], tmp);
311  }
313  int ncomp = tmp.nComp();
314  amrex::Box box = tmp.box();
316  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(&box, 1, ioproc);
317  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(&ncomp, 1, ioproc);
319  if (!amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
320 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
321  tmp.resize(box,ncomp,amrex::The_Pinned_Arena());
322 #else
323  tmp.resize(box,ncomp);
324 #endif
325  }
268  amrex::Arena* Arena_Used = amrex::The_Arena();
269 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
270  // Make sure temp lives on CPU since nc_arrays lives on CPU only
271  Arena_Used = amrex::The_Pinned_Arena();
272 #endif
273  temp.resize(my_box,1, Arena_Used);
274  amrex::Array4<DType> fab_arr = temp.array();
276  int ioff = temp.box().smallEnd()[0];
277  int joff = temp.box().smallEnd()[1];
279  auto num_pts = my_box.numPts();
281  for (int n(0); n < num_pts; ++n) {
282  int k = n / (ns2*ns3);
283  int j = (n - k*(ns2*ns3)) / ns3 + joff;
284  int i = n - k*(ns2*ns3) - (j-joff) * ns3 + ioff;
285  fab_arr(i,j,k,0) = static_cast<DType>(*(nc_arrays[iv].get_data()+n));
286  }
287 }
289 /**
290  * Function to read NetCDF variables and fill the corresponding Array4's
291  *
292  * @param fname Name of the NetCDF file to be read
293  * @param nc_var_names Variable names in the NetCDF file
294  * @param NC_dim_types NetCDF data dimension types
295  * @param fab_vars Fab data we are to fill
296  */
297 template<class FAB,typename DType>
298 void
299 BuildFABsFromNetCDFFile (const amrex::Box& domain,
300  const std::string &fname,
301  amrex::Vector<std::string> nc_var_names,
302  amrex::Vector<enum NC_Data_Dims_Type> NC_dim_types,
303  amrex::Vector<FAB*> fab_vars)
304 {
305  int ioproc = amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessorNumber(); // I/O rank
307  amrex::Vector<NDArray<float>> nc_arrays(nc_var_names.size());
309  if (amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
310  {
311  ReadNetCDFFile(fname, nc_var_names, nc_arrays);
312  }
314  for (int iv = 0; iv < nc_var_names.size(); iv++)
315  {
316  FAB tmp;
317  if (amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
318  fill_fab_from_arrays<FAB,DType>(iv, nc_arrays, nc_var_names[iv], NC_dim_types[iv], tmp);
319  }
321  int ncomp = tmp.nComp();
322  amrex::Box box = tmp.box();
324  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(&box, 1, ioproc);
325  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(&ncomp, 1, ioproc);
327  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(tmp.dataPtr(), tmp.size(), ioproc);
329  // Shift box by the domain lower corner
330  amrex::Box fab_bx = tmp.box();
331  amrex::Dim3 dom_lb = lbound(domain);
332  fab_bx += amrex::IntVect(dom_lb.x,dom_lb.y,dom_lb.z);
333  // fab_vars points to data on device
334  fab_vars[iv]->resize(fab_bx,1);
335 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
336  amrex::Gpu::copy(amrex::Gpu::hostToDevice,
337  tmp.dataPtr(), tmp.dataPtr() + tmp.size(),
338  fab_vars[iv]->dataPtr());
339 #else
340  // Provided by BaseFab inheritance through FArrayBox
341  fab_vars[iv]->copy(tmp,tmp.box(),0,fab_bx,0,1);
342 #endif
343  }
344 }
346 #endif
327  if (!amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
328 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
329  tmp.resize(box,ncomp,amrex::The_Pinned_Arena());
330 #else
331  tmp.resize(box,ncomp);
332 #endif
333  }
335  amrex::ParallelDescriptor::Bcast(tmp.dataPtr(), tmp.size(), ioproc);
337  // Shift box by the domain lower corner
338  amrex::Box fab_bx = tmp.box();
339  amrex::Dim3 dom_lb = lbound(domain);
340  fab_bx += amrex::IntVect(dom_lb.x,dom_lb.y,dom_lb.z);
341  // fab_vars points to data on device
342  fab_vars[iv]->resize(fab_bx,1);
343 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
344  amrex::Gpu::copy(amrex::Gpu::hostToDevice,
345  tmp.dataPtr(), tmp.dataPtr() + tmp.size(),
346  fab_vars[iv]->dataPtr());
347 #else
348  // Provided by BaseFab inheritance through FArrayBox
349  fab_vars[iv]->copy(tmp,tmp.box(),0,fab_bx,0,1);
350 #endif
351  }
352 }
354 #endif
Definition: ERF_NCWpsFile.H:30
@@ -447,7 +455,7 @@
amrex::Vector< amrex::FArrayBox > PlaneVector
Definition: ERF_NCWpsFile.H:13
void ReadNetCDFFile(const std::string &fname, amrex::Vector< std::string > names, amrex::Vector< NDArray< DType > > &arrays)
Definition: ERF_NCWpsFile.H:157
int BuildFABsFromWRFBdyFile(const std::string &fname, amrex::Vector< amrex::Vector< amrex::FArrayBox >> &bdy_data_xlo, amrex::Vector< amrex::Vector< amrex::FArrayBox >> &bdy_data_xhi, amrex::Vector< amrex::Vector< amrex::FArrayBox >> &bdy_data_ylo, amrex::Vector< amrex::Vector< amrex::FArrayBox >> &bdy_data_yhi)
void BuildFABsFromNetCDFFile(const amrex::Box &domain, const std::string &fname, amrex::Vector< std::string > nc_var_names, amrex::Vector< enum NC_Data_Dims_Type > NC_dim_types, amrex::Vector< FAB * > fab_vars)
Definition: ERF_NCWpsFile.H:291
void BuildFABsFromNetCDFFile(const amrex::Box &domain, const std::string &fname, amrex::Vector< std::string > nc_var_names, amrex::Vector< enum NC_Data_Dims_Type > NC_dim_types, amrex::Vector< FAB * > fab_vars)
Definition: ERF_NCWpsFile.H:299
static NCFile open(const std::string &name, const int cmode=NC_NOWRITE)
Definition: ERF_NCInterface.cpp:674
Definition: ERF_NCWpsFile.H:51
bool owned
Definition: ERF_NCWpsFile.H:121
diff --git a/classERF.html b/classERF.html index cb3bb6490..59af4b5a5 100644 --- a/classERF.html +++ b/classERF.html @@ -2919,29 +2919,29 @@

1877 {
1878  auto& fine_new = vars_new[lev];
1879  auto& crse_new = vars_new[lev-1];
1880  auto& ba_fine = fine_new[Vars::cons].boxArray();
1881  auto& ba_crse = crse_new[Vars::cons].boxArray();
1882  auto& dm_fine = fine_new[Vars::cons].DistributionMap();
1883  auto& dm_crse = crse_new[Vars::cons].DistributionMap();
1885  int ncomp = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].nComp();
1887  FPr_c.emplace_back(ba_fine, dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1888  ba_crse, dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1889  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, ncomp, &cell_cons_interp);
1890  FPr_u.emplace_back(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1891  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1892  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1893  FPr_v.emplace_back(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1894  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1895  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1896  FPr_w.emplace_back(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1897  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1898  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1899 }
1894 {
1895  auto& fine_new = vars_new[lev];
1896  auto& crse_new = vars_new[lev-1];
1897  auto& ba_fine = fine_new[Vars::cons].boxArray();
1898  auto& ba_crse = crse_new[Vars::cons].boxArray();
1899  auto& dm_fine = fine_new[Vars::cons].DistributionMap();
1900  auto& dm_crse = crse_new[Vars::cons].DistributionMap();
1902  int ncomp = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].nComp();
1904  FPr_c.emplace_back(ba_fine, dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1905  ba_crse, dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1906  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, ncomp, &cell_cons_interp);
1907  FPr_u.emplace_back(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1908  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1909  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1910  FPr_v.emplace_back(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1911  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1912  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1913  FPr_w.emplace_back(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1914  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1915  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1916 }
int cf_set_width
Definition: ERF.H:801
@@ -3029,29 +3029,29 @@

1903 {
1904  auto& fine_new = vars_new[lev];
1905  auto& crse_new = vars_new[lev-1];
1906  auto& ba_fine = fine_new[Vars::cons].boxArray();
1907  auto& ba_crse = crse_new[Vars::cons].boxArray();
1908  auto& dm_fine = fine_new[Vars::cons].DistributionMap();
1909  auto& dm_crse = crse_new[Vars::cons].DistributionMap();
1911  int ncomp = fine_new[Vars::cons].nComp();
1913  FPr_c[lev-1].Define(ba_fine, dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1914  ba_crse, dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1915  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, ncomp, &cell_cons_interp);
1916  FPr_u[lev-1].Define(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1917  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1918  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1919  FPr_v[lev-1].Define(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1920  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1921  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1922  FPr_w[lev-1].Define(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1923  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1924  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1925 }
1920 {
1921  auto& fine_new = vars_new[lev];
1922  auto& crse_new = vars_new[lev-1];
1923  auto& ba_fine = fine_new[Vars::cons].boxArray();
1924  auto& ba_crse = crse_new[Vars::cons].boxArray();
1925  auto& dm_fine = fine_new[Vars::cons].DistributionMap();
1926  auto& dm_crse = crse_new[Vars::cons].DistributionMap();
1928  int ncomp = fine_new[Vars::cons].nComp();
1930  FPr_c[lev-1].Define(ba_fine, dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1931  ba_crse, dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1932  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, ncomp, &cell_cons_interp);
1933  FPr_u[lev-1].Define(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1934  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1935  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1936  FPr_v[lev-1].Define(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1937  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1938  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1939  FPr_w[lev-1].Define(convert(ba_fine, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm_fine, geom[lev] ,
1940  convert(ba_crse, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm_crse, geom[lev-1],
1941  -cf_width, -cf_set_width, 1, &face_cons_linear_interp);
1942 }
@@ -5039,7 +5039,7 @@

amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > Hwave_onegrid
Definition: ERF.H:871
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > thin_yforce
Definition: ERF.H:904
void setPlotVariables(const std::string &pp_plot_var_names, amrex::Vector< std::string > &plot_var_names)
Definition: ERF_Plotfile.cpp:17
void ReadParameters()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1377
void ReadParameters()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1394
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > ay_new
Definition: ERF.H:846
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > z_phys_nd_src
Definition: ERF.H:837
amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab > base_state_new
Definition: ERF.H:866
@@ -5077,7 +5077,7 @@

amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > > Hwave
Definition: ERF.H:869
amrex::Vector< int > istep
Definition: ERF.H:721
amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< amrex::iMultiFab > > xflux_imask
Definition: ERF.H:897
void initializeMicrophysics(const int &)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1198
void initializeMicrophysics(const int &)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1215
void ReSize(const int &nlev)
Definition: ERF_LandSurface.H:23
const char * buildInfoGetGitHash(int i)
amrex::Real dz0
Definition: ERF_DataStruct.H:637
@@ -5660,7 +5660,7 @@

void WriteCheckpointFile() const
Definition: ERF_Checkpoint.cpp:25
int m_plot_int_2
Definition: ERF.H:944
std::unique_ptr< ReadBndryPlanes > m_r2d
Definition: ERF.H:1164
bool writeNow(const amrex::Real cur_time, const amrex::Real dt, const int nstep, const int plot_int, const amrex::Real plot_per)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1953
bool writeNow(const amrex::Real cur_time, const amrex::Real dt, const int nstep, const int plot_int, const amrex::Real plot_per)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1970
void timeStep(int lev, amrex::Real time, int iteration)
Definition: ERF_TimeStep.cpp:16
amrex::Real m_plot_per_2
Definition: ERF.H:946
@@ -8145,114 +8145,114 @@

1266 {
1267  // Map the words in the inputs file to BC types, then translate
1268  // those types into what they mean for each variable
1269  // This must be called before initHSE (where the base state is initialized)
1270  if (lev == 0 && init_type != InitType::Ideal) {
1271  init_bcs();
1272  }
1274  t_new[lev] = time;
1275  t_old[lev] = time - 1.e200;
1277  auto& lev_new = vars_new[lev];
1278  auto& lev_old = vars_old[lev];
1280  // Loop over grids at this level to initialize our grid data
1281  lev_new[Vars::cons].setVal(0.0); lev_old[Vars::cons].setVal(0.0);
1282  lev_new[Vars::xvel].setVal(0.0); lev_old[Vars::xvel].setVal(0.0);
1283  lev_new[Vars::yvel].setVal(0.0); lev_old[Vars::yvel].setVal(0.0);
1284  lev_new[Vars::zvel].setVal(0.0); lev_old[Vars::zvel].setVal(0.0);
1286  // Initialize background flow (optional)
1287  if (init_type == InitType::Input_Sounding) {
1288  // The base state is initialized by integrating vertically through the
1289  // input sounding, if the init_sounding_ideal flag is set; otherwise
1290  // it is set by initHSE()
1292  // The physbc's need the terrain but are needed for initHSE
1293  // We have already made the terrain in the call to init_zphys
1294  // in MakeNewLevelFromScratch
1295  make_physbcs(lev);
1283 {
1284  // Map the words in the inputs file to BC types, then translate
1285  // those types into what they mean for each variable
1286  // This must be called before initHSE (where the base state is initialized)
1287  if (lev == 0 && init_type != InitType::Ideal) {
1288  init_bcs();
1289  }
1291  t_new[lev] = time;
1292  t_old[lev] = time - 1.e200;
1294  auto& lev_new = vars_new[lev];
1295  auto& lev_old = vars_old[lev];
1297  // Now init the base state and the data itself
- -
1300  if (init_sounding_ideal) {
1301  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(solverChoice.use_gravity,
1302  "Gravity should be on to be consistent with sounding initialization.");
1303  } else {
1304  initHSE();
1305  }
1307 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1308  } else if (init_type == InitType::Ideal || init_type == InitType::Real) {
1309  // The base state is initialized from WRF wrfinput data, output by
1310  // ideal.exe or real.exe
1311  init_from_wrfinput(lev);
1313  // The physbc's need the terrain but are needed for initHSE
1314  if (init_type == InitType::Ideal) {
1315  make_physbcs(lev);
1316  initHSE(lev);
1317  }
1319  } else if (init_type == InitType::Metgrid) {
1320  // The base state is initialized from data output by WPS metgrid;
1321  // we will rebalance after interpolation
1322  init_from_metgrid(lev);
1323 #endif
1324  } else if (init_type == InitType::Uniform) {
1325  // Initialize a uniform background field and base state based on the
1326  // problem-specified reference density and temperature
1328  // The physbc's need the terrain but are needed for initHSE
1329  make_physbcs(lev);
1331  init_uniform(lev);
1332  initHSE(lev);
1333  } else {
1334  // No background flow initialization specified, initialize the
1335  // background field to be equal to the base state, calculated from the
1336  // problem-specific erf_init_dens_hse
1338  // The bc's need the terrain but are needed for initHSE
1339  make_physbcs(lev);
1341  // We will initialize the state from the background state so must set that first
1342  initHSE(lev);
1343  init_from_hse(lev);
1344  }
1346  // Add problem-specific flow features
1347  //
1348  // Notes:
1349  // - This calls init_custom_pert that is defined for each problem
1350  // - This may modify the base state
1351  // - The fields set by init_custom_pert are **perturbations** to the
1352  // background flow set based on init_type
1353  init_custom(lev);
1297  // Loop over grids at this level to initialize our grid data
1298  lev_new[Vars::cons].setVal(0.0); lev_old[Vars::cons].setVal(0.0);
1299  lev_new[Vars::xvel].setVal(0.0); lev_old[Vars::xvel].setVal(0.0);
1300  lev_new[Vars::yvel].setVal(0.0); lev_old[Vars::yvel].setVal(0.0);
1301  lev_new[Vars::zvel].setVal(0.0); lev_old[Vars::zvel].setVal(0.0);
1303  // Initialize background flow (optional)
1304  if (init_type == InitType::Input_Sounding) {
1305  // The base state is initialized by integrating vertically through the
1306  // input sounding, if the init_sounding_ideal flag is set; otherwise
1307  // it is set by initHSE()
1309  // The physbc's need the terrain but are needed for initHSE
1310  // We have already made the terrain in the call to init_zphys
1311  // in MakeNewLevelFromScratch
1312  make_physbcs(lev);
1314  // Now init the base state and the data itself
+ +
1317  if (init_sounding_ideal) {
1318  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(solverChoice.use_gravity,
1319  "Gravity should be on to be consistent with sounding initialization.");
1320  } else {
1321  initHSE();
1322  }
1324 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1325  } else if (init_type == InitType::Ideal || init_type == InitType::Real) {
1326  // The base state is initialized from WRF wrfinput data, output by
1327  // ideal.exe or real.exe
1328  init_from_wrfinput(lev);
1330  // The physbc's need the terrain but are needed for initHSE
1331  if (init_type == InitType::Ideal) {
1332  make_physbcs(lev);
1333  initHSE(lev);
1334  }
1336  } else if (init_type == InitType::Metgrid) {
1337  // The base state is initialized from data output by WPS metgrid;
1338  // we will rebalance after interpolation
1339  init_from_metgrid(lev);
1340 #endif
1341  } else if (init_type == InitType::Uniform) {
1342  // Initialize a uniform background field and base state based on the
1343  // problem-specified reference density and temperature
1345  // The physbc's need the terrain but are needed for initHSE
1346  make_physbcs(lev);
1348  init_uniform(lev);
1349  initHSE(lev);
1350  } else {
1351  // No background flow initialization specified, initialize the
1352  // background field to be equal to the base state, calculated from the
1353  // problem-specific erf_init_dens_hse
1355  // Ensure that the face-based data are the same on both sides of a periodic domain.
1356  // The data associated with the lower grid ID is considered the correct value.
1357  lev_new[Vars::xvel].OverrideSync(geom[lev].periodicity());
1358  lev_new[Vars::yvel].OverrideSync(geom[lev].periodicity());
1359  lev_new[Vars::zvel].OverrideSync(geom[lev].periodicity());
1361  if(solverChoice.spongeChoice.sponge_type == "input_sponge"){
1362  input_sponge(lev);
1363  }
1365  // Initialize turbulent perturbation
1366  if (solverChoice.pert_type == PerturbationType::Source ||
1367  solverChoice.pert_type == PerturbationType::Direct) {
1368  if (lev == 0) {
1369  turbPert_update(lev, 0.);
1370  turbPert_amplitude(lev);
1371  }
1372  }
1373 }
1355  // The bc's need the terrain but are needed for initHSE
1356  make_physbcs(lev);
1358  // We will initialize the state from the background state so must set that first
1359  initHSE(lev);
1360  init_from_hse(lev);
1361  }
1363  // Add problem-specific flow features
1364  //
1365  // Notes:
1366  // - This calls init_custom_pert that is defined for each problem
1367  // - This may modify the base state
1368  // - The fields set by init_custom_pert are **perturbations** to the
1369  // background flow set based on init_type
1370  init_custom(lev);
1372  // Ensure that the face-based data are the same on both sides of a periodic domain.
1373  // The data associated with the lower grid ID is considered the correct value.
1374  lev_new[Vars::xvel].OverrideSync(geom[lev].periodicity());
1375  lev_new[Vars::yvel].OverrideSync(geom[lev].periodicity());
1376  lev_new[Vars::zvel].OverrideSync(geom[lev].periodicity());
1378  if(solverChoice.spongeChoice.sponge_type == "input_sponge"){
1379  input_sponge(lev);
1380  }
1382  // Initialize turbulent perturbation
1383  if (solverChoice.pert_type == PerturbationType::Source ||
1384  solverChoice.pert_type == PerturbationType::Direct) {
1385  if (lev == 0) {
1386  turbPert_update(lev, 0.);
1387  turbPert_amplitude(lev);
1388  }
1389  }
1390 }
void init_from_input_sounding(int lev)
Definition: ERF_InitFromInputSounding.cpp:50
static InitType init_type
Definition: ERF.H:1055
void init_custom(int lev)
Definition: ERF_InitCustom.cpp:26
@@ -8261,7 +8261,7 @@

void initHSE()
Initialize HSE.
Definition: ERF_Init1D.cpp:130

void turbPert_update(const int lev, const amrex::Real dt)
Definition: ERF_InitTurbPert.cpp:12
void input_sponge(int lev)
Definition: ERF_InitSponge.cpp:17
void make_physbcs(int lev)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:612
void make_physbcs(int lev)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:610
void init_uniform(int lev)
Definition: ERF_InitUniform.cpp:17
void turbPert_amplitude(const int lev)
Definition: ERF_InitTurbPert.cpp:41
bool use_gravity
Definition: ERF_DataStruct.H:614
@@ -8353,337 +8353,335 @@

46  SolverChoice::mesh_type == MeshType::VariableDz) {

47  z_phys_cc[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
49  amrex::Print() << "WE ARE LIVE WITH ZPHYS! " << std::endl;
51  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh)
52  {
53  detJ_cc_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
54  detJ_cc_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
56  ax_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)),dm,1,1);
57  ay_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)),dm,1,1);
58  az_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)),dm,1,1);
60  ax_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)),dm,1,1);
61  ay_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)),dm,1,1);
62  az_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)),dm,1,1);
64  z_t_rk[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, 1 );
65  }
67  BoxArray ba_nd(ba);
68  ba_nd.surroundingNodes();
70  // We need this to be one greater than the ghost cells to handle levels > 0
- -
72  tmp_zphys_nd = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba_nd,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow,ngrow,ngrow));
74  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh) {
75  z_phys_nd_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba_nd,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow,ngrow,ngrow));
76  z_phys_nd_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba_nd,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow,ngrow,ngrow));
77  }
79  } else {
80  z_phys_nd[lev] = nullptr;
81  z_phys_cc[lev] = nullptr;
83  z_phys_nd_new[lev] = nullptr;
84  detJ_cc_new[lev] = nullptr;
86  z_phys_nd_src[lev] = nullptr;
87  detJ_cc_src[lev] = nullptr;
89  z_t_rk[lev] = nullptr;
90  }
92  if (SolverChoice::terrain_type == TerrainType::ImmersedForcing)
93  {
94  terrain_blanking[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
95  terrain_blanking[lev]->setVal(1.0);
96  }
98  // We use these area arrays regardless of terrain, EB or none of the above
99  detJ_cc[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
100  ax[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)),dm,1,1);
101  ay[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)),dm,1,1);
102  az[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)),dm,1,1);
104  detJ_cc[lev]->setVal(1.0);
105  ax[lev]->setVal(1.0);
106  ay[lev]->setVal(1.0);
107  az[lev]->setVal(1.0);
49  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh)
50  {
51  detJ_cc_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
52  detJ_cc_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
54  ax_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)),dm,1,1);
55  ay_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)),dm,1,1);
56  az_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)),dm,1,1);
58  ax_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)),dm,1,1);
59  ay_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)),dm,1,1);
60  az_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)),dm,1,1);
62  z_t_rk[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, 1 );
63  }
65  BoxArray ba_nd(ba);
66  ba_nd.surroundingNodes();
68  // We need this to be one greater than the ghost cells to handle levels > 0
+ +
70  tmp_zphys_nd = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba_nd,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow,ngrow,ngrow));
72  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh) {
73  z_phys_nd_new[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba_nd,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow,ngrow,ngrow));
74  z_phys_nd_src[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba_nd,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow,ngrow,ngrow));
75  }
77  } else {
78  z_phys_nd[lev] = nullptr;
79  z_phys_cc[lev] = nullptr;
81  z_phys_nd_new[lev] = nullptr;
82  detJ_cc_new[lev] = nullptr;
84  z_phys_nd_src[lev] = nullptr;
85  detJ_cc_src[lev] = nullptr;
87  z_t_rk[lev] = nullptr;
88  }
90  if (SolverChoice::terrain_type == TerrainType::ImmersedForcing)
91  {
92  terrain_blanking[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
93  terrain_blanking[lev]->setVal(1.0);
94  }
96  // We use these area arrays regardless of terrain, EB or none of the above
97  detJ_cc[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
98  ax[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)),dm,1,1);
99  ay[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)),dm,1,1);
100  az[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)),dm,1,1);
102  detJ_cc[lev]->setVal(1.0);
103  ax[lev]->setVal(1.0);
104  ay[lev]->setVal(1.0);
105  az[lev]->setVal(1.0);
107  // ********************************************************************************************
108  // Create wall distance array for RANS modeling
109  // ********************************************************************************************
110  // Create wall distance array for RANS modeling
111  // ********************************************************************************************
112  if (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].rans_type != RANSType::None) {
113  walldist[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
114  walldist[lev]->setVal(1e23);
115  } else {
116  walldist[lev] = nullptr;
117  }
110  if (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].rans_type != RANSType::None) {
111  walldist[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,1);
112  walldist[lev]->setVal(1e23);
113  } else {
114  walldist[lev] = nullptr;
115  }
117  // ********************************************************************************************
118  // These are the persistent containers for the old and new data
119  // ********************************************************************************************
120  // These are the persistent containers for the old and new data
121  // ********************************************************************************************
122  int ncomp;
123  if (lev > 0) {
124  ncomp = vars_new[lev-1][Vars::cons].nComp();
125  } else {
126  int n_qstate = micro->Get_Qstate_Size();
127  ncomp = NDRY + NSCALARS + n_qstate;
128  }
130  // ********************************************************************************************
131  // The number of ghost cells for density must be 1 greater than that for velocity
132  // so that we can go back in forth between velocity and momentum on all faces
133  // ********************************************************************************************
- - -
120  int ncomp;
121  if (lev > 0) {
122  ncomp = vars_new[lev-1][Vars::cons].nComp();
123  } else {
124  int n_qstate = micro->Get_Qstate_Size();
125  ncomp = NDRY + NSCALARS + n_qstate;
126  }
128  // ********************************************************************************************
129  // The number of ghost cells for density must be 1 greater than that for velocity
130  // so that we can go back in forth between velocity and momentum on all faces
131  // ********************************************************************************************
+ + +
135  // ********************************************************************************************
136  // New solution data containers
137  // ********************************************************************************************
138  // New solution data containers
139  // ********************************************************************************************
140  lev_new[Vars::cons].define(ba, dm, ncomp, ngrow_state);
141  lev_old[Vars::cons].define(ba, dm, ncomp, ngrow_state);
143  lev_new[Vars::xvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
144  lev_old[Vars::xvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
146  lev_new[Vars::yvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
147  lev_old[Vars::yvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
149  // Note that we need the ghost cells in the z-direction if we are doing any
150  // kind of domain decomposition in the vertical (at level 0 or above)
151  lev_new[Vars::zvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
152  lev_old[Vars::zvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
154  if (solverChoice.anelastic[lev] == 1) {
155  pp_inc[lev].define(ba, dm, 1, 1);
156  pp_inc[lev].setVal(0.0);
157  }
138  lev_new[Vars::cons].define(ba, dm, ncomp, ngrow_state);
139  lev_old[Vars::cons].define(ba, dm, ncomp, ngrow_state);
141  lev_new[Vars::xvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
142  lev_old[Vars::xvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
144  lev_new[Vars::yvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
145  lev_old[Vars::yvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
147  // Note that we need the ghost cells in the z-direction if we are doing any
148  // kind of domain decomposition in the vertical (at level 0 or above)
149  lev_new[Vars::zvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
150  lev_old[Vars::zvel].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
152  if (solverChoice.anelastic[lev] == 1) {
153  pp_inc[lev].define(ba, dm, 1, 1);
154  pp_inc[lev].setVal(0.0);
155  }
157  // ********************************************************************************************
158  // These are just used for scratch in the time integrator but we might as well define them here
159  // ********************************************************************************************
160  // These are just used for scratch in the time integrator but we might as well define them here
161  // ********************************************************************************************
162  rU_old[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
163  rU_new[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
165  rV_old[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
166  rV_new[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
168  rW_old[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
169  rW_new[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
171  if (lev > 0) {
172  //xmom_crse_rhs[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, IntVect{0});
173  //ymom_crse_rhs[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, IntVect{0});
174  zmom_crse_rhs[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, IntVect{0});
175  }
177  // We do this here just so they won't be undefined in the initial FillPatch
178  rU_old[lev].setVal(1.2e21);
179  rV_old[lev].setVal(3.4e22);
180  rW_old[lev].setVal(5.6e23);
181  rU_new[lev].setVal(1.2e21);
182  rV_new[lev].setVal(3.4e22);
183  rW_new[lev].setVal(5.6e23);
160  rU_old[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
161  rU_new[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
163  rV_old[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
164  rV_new[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
166  rW_old[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
167  rW_new[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, ngrow_vels);
169  if (lev > 0) {
170  //xmom_crse_rhs[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, IntVect{0});
171  //ymom_crse_rhs[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, IntVect{0});
172  zmom_crse_rhs[lev].define(convert(ba, IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, IntVect{0});
173  }
175  // We do this here just so they won't be undefined in the initial FillPatch
176  rU_old[lev].setVal(1.2e21);
177  rV_old[lev].setVal(3.4e22);
178  rW_old[lev].setVal(5.6e23);
179  rU_new[lev].setVal(1.2e21);
180  rV_new[lev].setVal(3.4e22);
181  rW_new[lev].setVal(5.6e23);
183  // ********************************************************************************************
184  // These are just time averaged fields for diagnostics
185  // ********************************************************************************************
186  // These are just time averaged fields for diagnostics
187  // ********************************************************************************************
189  // NOTE: We are not completing a fillpach call on the time averaged data;
190  // which would copy on intersection and interpolate from coarse.
191  // Therefore, we are restarting the averaging when the ba changes,
192  // this may give poor statistics for dynamic mesh refinement.
193  vel_t_avg[lev] = nullptr;
- -
195  vel_t_avg[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba, dm, 4, 0); // Each vel comp and the mag
196  vel_t_avg[lev]->setVal(0.0);
197  t_avg_cnt[lev] = 0.0;
198  }
187  // NOTE: We are not completing a fillpach call on the time averaged data;
188  // which would copy on intersection and interpolate from coarse.
189  // Therefore, we are restarting the averaging when the ba changes,
190  // this may give poor statistics for dynamic mesh refinement.
191  vel_t_avg[lev] = nullptr;
+ +
193  vel_t_avg[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba, dm, 4, 0); // Each vel comp and the mag
194  vel_t_avg[lev]->setVal(0.0);
195  t_avg_cnt[lev] = 0.0;
196  }
198  // ********************************************************************************************
199  // Initialize flux registers whenever we create/re-create a level
200  // ********************************************************************************************
201  // Initialize flux registers whenever we create/re-create a level
202  // ********************************************************************************************
203  if (solverChoice.coupling_type == CouplingType::TwoWay) {
204  if (lev == 0) {
205  advflux_reg[0] = nullptr;
206  } else {
207  int ncomp_reflux = vars_new[0][Vars::cons].nComp();
208  advflux_reg[lev] = new YAFluxRegister(ba , grids[lev-1],
209  dm , dmap[lev-1],
210  geom[lev], geom[lev-1],
211  ref_ratio[lev-1], lev, ncomp_reflux);
212  }
213  }
201  if (solverChoice.coupling_type == CouplingType::TwoWay) {
202  if (lev == 0) {
203  advflux_reg[0] = nullptr;
204  } else {
205  int ncomp_reflux = vars_new[0][Vars::cons].nComp();
206  advflux_reg[lev] = new YAFluxRegister(ba , grids[lev-1],
207  dm , dmap[lev-1],
208  geom[lev], geom[lev-1],
209  ref_ratio[lev-1], lev, ncomp_reflux);
210  }
211  }
213  // ********************************************************************************************
214  // Define Theta_prim storage if using MOST BC
215  // ********************************************************************************************
216  // Define Theta_prim storage if using MOST BC
217  // ********************************************************************************************
218  if (phys_bc_type[Orientation(Direction::z,Orientation::low)] == ERF_BC::MOST) {
219  Theta_prim[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow_state,ngrow_state,0));
220  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None) {
221  Qv_prim[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow_state,ngrow_state,0));
222  Qr_prim[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow_state,ngrow_state,0));
223  } else {
224  Qv_prim[lev] = nullptr;
225  Qr_prim[lev] = nullptr;
226  }
227  } else {
228  Theta_prim[lev] = nullptr;
229  Qv_prim[lev] = nullptr;
230  Qr_prim[lev] = nullptr;
231  }
216  if (phys_bc_type[Orientation(Direction::z,Orientation::low)] == ERF_BC::MOST) {
217  Theta_prim[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow_state,ngrow_state,0));
218  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None) {
219  Qv_prim[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow_state,ngrow_state,0));
220  Qr_prim[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba,dm,1,IntVect(ngrow_state,ngrow_state,0));
221  } else {
222  Qv_prim[lev] = nullptr;
223  Qr_prim[lev] = nullptr;
224  }
225  } else {
226  Theta_prim[lev] = nullptr;
227  Qv_prim[lev] = nullptr;
228  Qr_prim[lev] = nullptr;
229  }
231  // ********************************************************************************************
232  // Map factors
233  // ********************************************************************************************
234  // Map factors
235  // ********************************************************************************************
236  BoxList bl2d_mf = ba.boxList();
237  for (auto& b : bl2d_mf) {
238  b.setRange(2,0);
239  }
240  BoxArray ba2d_mf(std::move(bl2d_mf));
242  mapfac_m[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_mf,dm,1,3);
243  mapfac_u[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba2d_mf,IntVect(1,0,0)),dm,1,3);
244  mapfac_v[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba2d_mf,IntVect(0,1,0)),dm,1,3);
- -
246  mapfac_m[lev]->setVal(0.5);
247  mapfac_u[lev]->setVal(0.5);
248  mapfac_v[lev]->setVal(0.5);
249  }
250  else {
251  mapfac_m[lev]->setVal(1.);
252  mapfac_u[lev]->setVal(1.);
253  mapfac_v[lev]->setVal(1.);
254  }
256 #if defined(ERF_USE_WINDFARM)
234  BoxList bl2d_mf = ba.boxList();
235  for (auto& b : bl2d_mf) {
236  b.setRange(2,0);
237  }
238  BoxArray ba2d_mf(std::move(bl2d_mf));
240  mapfac_m[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_mf,dm,1,3);
241  mapfac_u[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba2d_mf,IntVect(1,0,0)),dm,1,3);
242  mapfac_v[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(convert(ba2d_mf,IntVect(0,1,0)),dm,1,3);
+ +
244  mapfac_m[lev]->setVal(0.5);
245  mapfac_u[lev]->setVal(0.5);
246  mapfac_v[lev]->setVal(0.5);
247  }
248  else {
249  mapfac_m[lev]->setVal(1.);
250  mapfac_u[lev]->setVal(1.);
251  mapfac_v[lev]->setVal(1.);
252  }
254 #if defined(ERF_USE_WINDFARM)
255  //*********************************************************
256  // Variables for Fitch model for windfarm parametrization
257  //*********************************************************
258  // Variables for Fitch model for windfarm parametrization
259  //*********************************************************
260  if (solverChoice.windfarm_type == WindFarmType::Fitch){
261  vars_windfarm[lev].define(ba, dm, 5, ngrow_state); // V, dVabsdt, dudt, dvdt, dTKEdt
262  }
263  if (solverChoice.windfarm_type == WindFarmType::EWP){
264  vars_windfarm[lev].define(ba, dm, 3, ngrow_state); // dudt, dvdt, dTKEdt
265  }
266  if (solverChoice.windfarm_type == WindFarmType::SimpleAD) {
267  vars_windfarm[lev].define(ba, dm, 2, ngrow_state);// dudt, dvdt
268  }
269  if (solverChoice.windfarm_type == WindFarmType::GeneralAD) {
270  vars_windfarm[lev].define(ba, dm, 3, ngrow_state);// dudt, dvdt, dwdt
271  }
272  Nturb[lev].define(ba, dm, 1, ngrow_state); // Number of turbines in a cell
273  SMark[lev].define(ba, dm, 2, 1); // Free stream velocity/source term
274  // sampling marker in a cell - 2 components
275 #endif
279  // create a new BoxArray and DistributionMapping for a MultiFab with 1 box
280  BoxArray ba_onegrid(geom[lev].Domain());
281  BoxList bl2d_onegrid = ba_onegrid.boxList();
282  for (auto& b : bl2d_onegrid) {
283  b.setRange(2,0);
284  }
285  BoxArray ba2d_onegrid(std::move(bl2d_onegrid));
286  Vector<int> pmap;
287  pmap.resize(1);
288  pmap[0]=0;
289  DistributionMapping dm_onegrid(ba2d_onegrid);
290  dm_onegrid.define(pmap);
292  Hwave_onegrid[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_onegrid,dm_onegrid,1,IntVect(1,1,0));
293  Lwave_onegrid[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_onegrid,dm_onegrid,1,IntVect(1,1,0));
295  BoxList bl2d_wave = ba.boxList();
296  for (auto& b : bl2d_wave) {
297  b.setRange(2,0);
298  }
299  BoxArray ba2d_wave(std::move(bl2d_wave));
301  Hwave[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_wave,dm,1,IntVect(3,3,0));
302  Lwave[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_wave,dm,1,IntVect(3,3,0));
304  std::cout<<ba_onegrid<<std::endl;
305  std::cout<<ba2d_onegrid<<std::endl;
306  std::cout<<dm_onegrid<<std::endl;
307 #endif
310 #if defined(ERF_USE_RRTMGP)
258  if (solverChoice.windfarm_type == WindFarmType::Fitch){
259  vars_windfarm[lev].define(ba, dm, 5, ngrow_state); // V, dVabsdt, dudt, dvdt, dTKEdt
260  }
261  if (solverChoice.windfarm_type == WindFarmType::EWP){
262  vars_windfarm[lev].define(ba, dm, 3, ngrow_state); // dudt, dvdt, dTKEdt
263  }
264  if (solverChoice.windfarm_type == WindFarmType::SimpleAD) {
265  vars_windfarm[lev].define(ba, dm, 2, ngrow_state);// dudt, dvdt
266  }
267  if (solverChoice.windfarm_type == WindFarmType::GeneralAD) {
268  vars_windfarm[lev].define(ba, dm, 3, ngrow_state);// dudt, dvdt, dwdt
269  }
270  Nturb[lev].define(ba, dm, 1, ngrow_state); // Number of turbines in a cell
271  SMark[lev].define(ba, dm, 2, 1); // Free stream velocity/source term
272  // sampling marker in a cell - 2 components
273 #endif
277  // create a new BoxArray and DistributionMapping for a MultiFab with 1 box
278  BoxArray ba_onegrid(geom[lev].Domain());
279  BoxList bl2d_onegrid = ba_onegrid.boxList();
280  for (auto& b : bl2d_onegrid) {
281  b.setRange(2,0);
282  }
283  BoxArray ba2d_onegrid(std::move(bl2d_onegrid));
284  Vector<int> pmap;
285  pmap.resize(1);
286  pmap[0]=0;
287  DistributionMapping dm_onegrid(ba2d_onegrid);
288  dm_onegrid.define(pmap);
290  Hwave_onegrid[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_onegrid,dm_onegrid,1,IntVect(1,1,0));
291  Lwave_onegrid[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_onegrid,dm_onegrid,1,IntVect(1,1,0));
293  BoxList bl2d_wave = ba.boxList();
294  for (auto& b : bl2d_wave) {
295  b.setRange(2,0);
296  }
297  BoxArray ba2d_wave(std::move(bl2d_wave));
299  Hwave[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_wave,dm,1,IntVect(3,3,0));
300  Lwave[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba2d_wave,dm,1,IntVect(3,3,0));
302  std::cout<<ba_onegrid<<std::endl;
303  std::cout<<ba2d_onegrid<<std::endl;
304  std::cout<<dm_onegrid<<std::endl;
305 #endif
308 #if defined(ERF_USE_RRTMGP)
309  //*********************************************************
310  // Radiation heating source terms
311  //*********************************************************
312  // Radiation heating source terms
313  //*********************************************************
314  qheating_rates[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba, dm, 2, ngrow_state);
315  qheating_rates[lev]->setVal(0.);
312  qheating_rates[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba, dm, 2, ngrow_state);
313  qheating_rates[lev]->setVal(0.);
315  //*********************************************************
316  // Radiation fluxes for coupling to LSM
317  //*********************************************************
318  // Radiation fluxes for coupling to LSM
319  //*********************************************************
321  // NOTE: Finer levels do not need to coincide with the bottom domain boundary
322  // at k=0. We make slabs here with the kmin for a given box. Therefore,
323  // care must be taken before applying these fluxes to an LSM model. For
325  // Radiative fluxes for LSM
326  if (solverChoice.lsm_type != LandSurfaceType::None)
327  {
328  BoxList m_bl = ba.boxList();
329  for (auto& b : m_bl) {
330  int kmin = b.smallEnd(2);
331  b.setRange(2,kmin);
332  }
333  BoxArray m_ba(std::move(m_bl));
335  sw_lw_fluxes[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(m_ba, dm, 5, ngrow_state); // SW direct (2), SW diffuse (2), LW
336  solar_zenith[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(m_ba, dm, 2, ngrow_state);
338  sw_lw_fluxes[lev]->setVal(0.);
339  solar_zenith[lev]->setVal(0.);
340  }
341 #endif
319  // NOTE: Finer levels do not need to coincide with the bottom domain boundary
320  // at k=0. We make slabs here with the kmin for a given box. Therefore,
321  // care must be taken before applying these fluxes to an LSM model. For
323  // Radiative fluxes for LSM
324  if (solverChoice.lsm_type != LandSurfaceType::None)
325  {
326  BoxList m_bl = ba.boxList();
327  for (auto& b : m_bl) {
328  int kmin = b.smallEnd(2);
329  b.setRange(2,kmin);
330  }
331  BoxArray m_ba(std::move(m_bl));
333  sw_lw_fluxes[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(m_ba, dm, 5, ngrow_state); // SW direct (2), SW diffuse (2), LW
334  solar_zenith[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(m_ba, dm, 2, ngrow_state);
336  sw_lw_fluxes[lev]->setVal(0.);
337  solar_zenith[lev]->setVal(0.);
338  }
339 #endif
341  //*********************************************************
342  // Turbulent perturbation region initialization
343  //*********************************************************
344  // Turbulent perturbation region initialization
345  //*********************************************************
346  // TODO: Test perturbation on multiple levels
347  if (solverChoice.pert_type == PerturbationType::Source ||
348  solverChoice.pert_type == PerturbationType::Direct)
349  {
350  if (lev == 0) {
351  turbPert.init_tpi(lev, geom[lev].Domain().bigEnd(), geom[lev].CellSizeArray(), ba, dm, ngrow_state);
352  }
353  }
355  //
356  // Define the land mask here and set it to all land by default
357  // NOTE: the logic below will BREAK if we have any grids not touching the bottom boundary
358  //
359  {
360  lmask_lev[lev].resize(1);
361  auto ngv = lev_new[Vars::cons].nGrowVect(); ngv[2] = 0;
362  BoxList bl2d_mask = ba.boxList();
363  for (auto& b : bl2d_mask) {
364  b.setRange(2,0);
365  }
366  BoxArray ba2d_mask(std::move(bl2d_mask));
367  lmask_lev[lev][0] = std::make_unique<iMultiFab>(ba2d_mask,dm,1,ngv);
368  lmask_lev[lev][0]->setVal(1);
369  lmask_lev[lev][0]->FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
370  }
372  // Read in tables needed for windfarm simulations
373  // fill in Nturb multifab - number of turbines in each mesh cell
374  // write out the vtk files for wind turbine location and/or
375  // actuator disks
376  #ifdef ERF_USE_WINDFARM
377  //init_windfarm(lev);
378  #endif
379 }
344  // TODO: Test perturbation on multiple levels
345  if (solverChoice.pert_type == PerturbationType::Source ||
346  solverChoice.pert_type == PerturbationType::Direct)
347  {
348  if (lev == 0) {
349  turbPert.init_tpi(lev, geom[lev].Domain().bigEnd(), geom[lev].CellSizeArray(), ba, dm, ngrow_state);
350  }
351  }
353  //
354  // Define the land mask here and set it to all land by default
355  // NOTE: the logic below will BREAK if we have any grids not touching the bottom boundary
356  //
357  {
358  lmask_lev[lev].resize(1);
359  auto ngv = lev_new[Vars::cons].nGrowVect(); ngv[2] = 0;
360  BoxList bl2d_mask = ba.boxList();
361  for (auto& b : bl2d_mask) {
362  b.setRange(2,0);
363  }
364  BoxArray ba2d_mask(std::move(bl2d_mask));
365  lmask_lev[lev][0] = std::make_unique<iMultiFab>(ba2d_mask,dm,1,ngv);
366  lmask_lev[lev][0]->setVal(1);
367  lmask_lev[lev][0]->FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
368  }
370  // Read in tables needed for windfarm simulations
371  // fill in Nturb multifab - number of turbines in each mesh cell
372  // write out the vtk files for wind turbine location and/or
373  // actuator disks
374  #ifdef ERF_USE_WINDFARM
375  //init_windfarm(lev);
376  #endif
377 }
#define NDRY
Definition: ERF_IndexDefines.H:13
static AMREX_FORCE_INLINE int ComputeGhostCells(const AdvChoice &advChoice, bool use_num_diff)
Definition: ERF.H:1183
@ num_comps
Definition: ERF_IndexDefines.H:67
@@ -8906,74 +8904,74 @@

474 {
475  if (init_type != InitType::Real && init_type != InitType::Metgrid)
476  {
477  if (lev > 0 && z_phys_nd[lev]) {
478  //
479  // First interpolate from coarser level if there is one
480  // NOTE: this interpolater assumes that ALL ghost cells of the coarse MultiFab
481  // have been pre-filled - this includes ghost cells both inside and outside
482  // the domain
483  //
484  InterpFromCoarseLevel(*z_phys_nd[lev], z_phys_nd[lev]->nGrowVect(),
485  IntVect(0,0,0), // do not fill ghost cells outside the domain
486  *z_phys_nd[lev-1], 0, 0, 1,
487  geom[lev-1], geom[lev],
488  refRatio(lev-1), &node_bilinear_interp,
- -
490  }
- -
493  Box bx(surroundingNodes(Geom(0).Domain())); bx.grow(ngrow);
494  FArrayBox terrain_fab(makeSlab(bx,2,0),1);
496  //
497  // If we are using fitted mesh then we use the surface as defined above
498  // If we are not using fitted mesh but are using z_levels, we still need z_phys (for now)
499  // but we need to use a flat terrain for the mesh itself (the EB data has already been made
500  // from the correct terrain)
501  //
502  if (solverChoice.terrain_type != TerrainType::StaticFittedMesh &&
503  solverChoice.terrain_type != TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh) {
504  terrain_fab.template setVal<RunOn::Device>(0.0);
505  } else {
472 {
473  if (init_type != InitType::Real && init_type != InitType::Metgrid)
474  {
475  if (lev > 0 && z_phys_nd[lev]) {
476  //
477  // First interpolate from coarser level if there is one
478  // NOTE: this interpolater assumes that ALL ghost cells of the coarse MultiFab
479  // have been pre-filled - this includes ghost cells both inside and outside
480  // the domain
481  //
482  InterpFromCoarseLevel(*z_phys_nd[lev], z_phys_nd[lev]->nGrowVect(),
483  IntVect(0,0,0), // do not fill ghost cells outside the domain
484  *z_phys_nd[lev-1], 0, 0, 1,
485  geom[lev-1], geom[lev],
486  refRatio(lev-1), &node_bilinear_interp,
+ +
488  }
+ +
491  Box bx(surroundingNodes(Geom(0).Domain())); bx.grow(ngrow);
492  FArrayBox terrain_fab(makeSlab(bx,2,0),1);
494  //
495  // If we are using fitted mesh then we use the surface as defined above
496  // If we are not using fitted mesh but are using z_levels, we still need z_phys (for now)
497  // but we need to use a flat terrain for the mesh itself (the EB data has already been made
498  // from the correct terrain)
499  //
500  if (solverChoice.terrain_type != TerrainType::StaticFittedMesh &&
501  solverChoice.terrain_type != TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh) {
502  terrain_fab.template setVal<RunOn::Device>(0.0);
503  } else {
504  //
505  // Fill the values of the terrain height at k=0 only
506  //
507  // Fill the values of the terrain height at k=0 only
508  //
509  prob->init_terrain_surface(geom[lev],terrain_fab,time);
510  }
512  if (z_phys_nd[lev]) { // Has this been allocated?
513  for (MFIter mfi(*z_phys_nd[lev],TilingIfNotGPU()); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
514  {
515  Box isect = terrain_fab.box() & (*z_phys_nd[lev])[mfi].box();
516  (*z_phys_nd[lev])[mfi].template copy<RunOn::Device>(terrain_fab,isect,0,isect,0,1);
517  }
- -
519  }
521  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::ImmersedForcing) {
522  terrain_blanking[lev]->setVal(1.0);
523  MultiFab::Subtract(*terrain_blanking[lev], EBFactory(lev).getVolFrac(), 0, 0, 1, 0);
524  }
526  if (lev == 0 && z_phys_nd[0]) {
527  Real zmax = z_phys_nd[0]->max(0,0,false);
528  Real rel_diff = (zmax - zlevels_stag[0][zlevels_stag[0].size()-1]) / zmax;
529  if (rel_diff < 1.e-8) {
530  amrex::Print() << "max of zphys_nd " << zmax << std::endl;
531  amrex::Print() << "max of zlevels " << zlevels_stag[0][zlevels_stag[0].size()-1] << std::endl;
532  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(rel_diff < 1.e-8, "Terrain is taller than domain top!");
533  }
534  } // lev == 0
536  if (z_phys_nd[lev]) {
537  z_phys_nd[lev]->FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
538  }
540  } // init_type
541 }
507  prob->init_terrain_surface(geom[lev],terrain_fab,time);
508  }
510  if (z_phys_nd[lev]) { // Has this been allocated?
511  for (MFIter mfi(*z_phys_nd[lev],TilingIfNotGPU()); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
512  {
513  Box isect = terrain_fab.box() & (*z_phys_nd[lev])[mfi].box();
514  (*z_phys_nd[lev])[mfi].template copy<RunOn::Device>(terrain_fab,isect,0,isect,0,1);
515  }
+ +
517  }
519  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::ImmersedForcing) {
520  terrain_blanking[lev]->setVal(1.0);
521  MultiFab::Subtract(*terrain_blanking[lev], EBFactory(lev).getVolFrac(), 0, 0, 1, 0);
522  }
524  if (lev == 0 && z_phys_nd[0]) {
525  Real zmax = z_phys_nd[0]->max(0,0,false);
526  Real rel_diff = (zmax - zlevels_stag[0][zlevels_stag[0].size()-1]) / zmax;
527  if (rel_diff < 1.e-8) {
528  amrex::Print() << "max of zphys_nd " << zmax << std::endl;
529  amrex::Print() << "max of zlevels " << zlevels_stag[0][zlevels_stag[0].size()-1] << std::endl;
530  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(rel_diff < 1.e-8, "Terrain is taller than domain top!");
531  }
532  } // lev == 0
534  if (z_phys_nd[lev]) {
535  z_phys_nd[lev]->FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
536  }
538  } // init_type
539 }
void make_terrain_fitted_coords(int lev, const Geometry &geom, MultiFab &z_phys_nd, Vector< Real > const &z_levels_h, GpuArray< ERF_BC, AMREX_SPACEDIM *2 > &phys_bc_type)
Definition: ERF_TerrainMetrics.cpp:118
Here is the call graph for this function:
@@ -9255,326 +9253,343 @@

872  auto& lev_new = vars_new[lev];

873  auto& lev_old = vars_old[lev];
875  int ncomp = lev_new[Vars::cons].nComp();
875  // ***************************************************************************
876  // Physical bc's at domain boundary
877  // ***************************************************************************
878  // Physical bc's at domain boundary
879  // ***************************************************************************
880  IntVect ngvect_cons = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].nGrowVect();
881  IntVect ngvect_vels = vars_new[lev][Vars::xvel].nGrowVect();
883  (*physbcs_cons[lev])(lev_new[Vars::cons],0,ncomp,ngvect_cons,t_new[lev],BCVars::cons_bc,true);
884  ( *physbcs_u[lev])(lev_new[Vars::xvel],0,1 ,ngvect_vels,t_new[lev],BCVars::xvel_bc,true);
885  ( *physbcs_v[lev])(lev_new[Vars::yvel],0,1 ,ngvect_vels,t_new[lev],BCVars::yvel_bc,true);
886  ( *physbcs_w[lev])(lev_new[Vars::zvel],lev_new[Vars::xvel],lev_new[Vars::yvel],
887  ngvect_vels,t_new[lev],BCVars::zvel_bc,true);
889  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::cons],lev_new[Vars::cons],0,0,ncomp,lev_new[Vars::cons].nGrowVect());
890  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::xvel],lev_new[Vars::xvel],0,0, 1,lev_new[Vars::xvel].nGrowVect());
891  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::yvel],lev_new[Vars::yvel],0,0, 1,lev_new[Vars::yvel].nGrowVect());
892  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::zvel],lev_new[Vars::zvel],0,0, 1,lev_new[Vars::zvel].nGrowVect());
893  }
895  // Compute the minimum dz in the domain at each level (to be used for setting the timestep)
896  dz_min.resize(max_level+1);
897  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
898  {
899  dz_min[lev] = geom[lev].CellSize(2);
900  if ( SolverChoice::mesh_type != MeshType::ConstantDz ) {
901  dz_min[lev] *= (*detJ_cc[lev]).min(0);
902  }
903  }
905  ComputeDt();
907  // Fill ghost cells/faces
908  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
909  {
910  if (lev > 0 && cf_width >= 0) {
- -
912  }
914  auto& lev_new = vars_new[lev];
916  //
917  // Fill boundary conditions -- not sure why we need this here
918  //
919  bool fillset = false;
920  if (lev == 0) {
921  FillPatch(lev, t_new[lev],
922  {&lev_new[Vars::cons],&lev_new[Vars::xvel],&lev_new[Vars::yvel],&lev_new[Vars::zvel]});
923  } else {
924  FillPatch(lev, t_new[lev],
925  {&lev_new[Vars::cons],&lev_new[Vars::xvel],&lev_new[Vars::yvel],&lev_new[Vars::zvel]},
926  {&lev_new[Vars::cons],&rU_new[lev],&rV_new[lev],&rW_new[lev]},
927  base_state[lev], base_state[lev],
928  fillset);
878  IntVect ngvect_cons = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].nGrowVect();
879  IntVect ngvect_vels = vars_new[lev][Vars::xvel].nGrowVect();
881  int ncomp_cons = lev_new[Vars::cons].nComp();
882  bool do_fb = true;
884 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
885  // We call this here because it is an ERF routine
886  if (use_real_bcs && (lev==0)) {
887  int icomp_cons = 0;
888  bool cons_only = false;
889  Vector<MultiFab*> mfs_vec = {&lev_new[Vars::cons],&lev_new[Vars::xvel],
890  &lev_new[Vars::yvel],&lev_new[Vars::zvel]};
891  fill_from_realbdy(mfs_vec,t_new[lev],cons_only,icomp_cons,
892  ncomp_cons,ngvect_cons,ngvect_vels);
893  do_fb = false;
894  }
895 #endif
897  (*physbcs_cons[lev])(lev_new[Vars::cons],0,ncomp_cons,
898  ngvect_cons,t_new[lev],BCVars::cons_bc,do_fb);
899  ( *physbcs_u[lev])(lev_new[Vars::xvel],0,1 ,
900  ngvect_vels,t_new[lev],BCVars::xvel_bc,do_fb);
901  ( *physbcs_v[lev])(lev_new[Vars::yvel],0,1 ,
902  ngvect_vels,t_new[lev],BCVars::yvel_bc,do_fb);
903  ( *physbcs_w[lev])(lev_new[Vars::zvel],lev_new[Vars::xvel],lev_new[Vars::yvel],
904  ngvect_vels,t_new[lev],BCVars::zvel_bc,do_fb);
906  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::cons],lev_new[Vars::cons],0,0,ncomp_cons,lev_new[Vars::cons].nGrowVect());
907  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::xvel],lev_new[Vars::xvel],0,0, 1,lev_new[Vars::xvel].nGrowVect());
908  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::yvel],lev_new[Vars::yvel],0,0, 1,lev_new[Vars::yvel].nGrowVect());
909  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::zvel],lev_new[Vars::zvel],0,0, 1,lev_new[Vars::zvel].nGrowVect());
910  }
912  // Compute the minimum dz in the domain at each level (to be used for setting the timestep)
913  dz_min.resize(max_level+1);
914  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
915  {
916  dz_min[lev] = geom[lev].CellSize(2);
917  if ( SolverChoice::mesh_type != MeshType::ConstantDz ) {
918  dz_min[lev] *= (*detJ_cc[lev]).min(0);
919  }
920  }
922  ComputeDt();
924  // Fill ghost cells/faces
925  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
926  {
927  if (lev > 0 && cf_width >= 0) {
929  }
931  //
932  // We do this here to make sure level (lev-1) boundary conditions are filled
933  // before we interpolate to level (lev) ghost cells
934  //
935  if (lev < finest_level) {
936  auto& lev_old = vars_old[lev];
937  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::cons],lev_new[Vars::cons],0,0,lev_old[Vars::cons].nComp(),lev_old[Vars::cons].nGrowVect());
938  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::xvel],lev_new[Vars::xvel],0,0,lev_old[Vars::xvel].nComp(),lev_old[Vars::xvel].nGrowVect());
939  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::yvel],lev_new[Vars::yvel],0,0,lev_old[Vars::yvel].nComp(),lev_old[Vars::yvel].nGrowVect());
940  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::zvel],lev_new[Vars::zvel],0,0,lev_old[Vars::zvel].nComp(),lev_old[Vars::zvel].nGrowVect());
941  }
943  //
944  // We fill the ghost cell values of the base state in case it wasn't done in the initialization
945  //
946  base_state[lev].FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
931  auto& lev_new = vars_new[lev];
933  //
934  // Fill boundary conditions -- not sure why we need this here
935  //
936  bool fillset = false;
937  if (lev == 0) {
938  FillPatch(lev, t_new[lev],
939  {&lev_new[Vars::cons],&lev_new[Vars::xvel],&lev_new[Vars::yvel],&lev_new[Vars::zvel]});
940  } else {
941  FillPatch(lev, t_new[lev],
942  {&lev_new[Vars::cons],&lev_new[Vars::xvel],&lev_new[Vars::yvel],&lev_new[Vars::zvel]},
943  {&lev_new[Vars::cons],&rU_new[lev],&rV_new[lev],&rW_new[lev]},
944  base_state[lev], base_state[lev],
945  fillset);
946  }
948  // For moving terrain only
949  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh) {
950  MultiFab::Copy(base_state_new[lev],base_state[lev],0,0,BaseState::num_comps,base_state[lev].nGrowVect());
951  base_state_new[lev].FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
952  }
954  }
956  // Allow idealized cases over water, used to set lmask
957  ParmParse pp("erf");
958  int is_land;
959  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
960  {
961  if (pp.query("is_land", is_land, lev)) {
962  if (is_land == 1) {
963  amrex::Print() << "Level " << lev << " is land" << std::endl;
964  } else if (is_land == 0) {
965  amrex::Print() << "Level " << lev << " is water" << std::endl;
966  } else {
967  Error("is_land should be 0 or 1");
968  }
969  lmask_lev[lev][0]->setVal(is_land);
970  lmask_lev[lev][0]->FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
971  }
972  }
975  int lev = 0;
976  amrex::Print() << " About to call send_to_ww3 from ERF.cpp" << std::endl;
977  send_to_ww3(lev);
978  amrex::Print() << " About to call read_waves from ERF.cpp" << std::endl;
979  read_waves(lev);
980  // send_to_ww3(lev);
981 #endif
983  // Configure ABLMost params if used MostWall boundary condition
984  // NOTE: we must set up the MOST routine after calling FillPatch
985  // in order to have lateral ghost cells filled (MOST + terrain interp).
986  // FillPatch does not call MOST, FillIntermediatePatch does.
987  if (phys_bc_type[Orientation(Direction::z,Orientation::low)] == ERF_BC::MOST)
988  {
989  bool use_exp_most = solverChoice.use_explicit_most;
990  bool use_rot_most = solverChoice.use_rotate_most;
991  if (use_exp_most) {
992  Print() << "Using MOST with explicitly included surface stresses" << std::endl;
993  if (use_rot_most) {
994  Print() << "Using MOST with surface stress rotations" << std::endl;
995  }
996  }
998  m_most = std::make_unique<ABLMost>(geom, use_exp_most, use_rot_most,
- - - -
1002 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1003  ,start_bdy_time, bdy_time_interval
1004 #endif
1005  );
1008  if (restart_chkfile != "") {
1009  // Update surface fields if needed
- -
1011  }
1013  // We now configure ABLMost params here so that we can print the averages at t=0
1014  // Note we don't fill ghost cells here because this is just for diagnostics
1015  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
1016  {
1017  Real time = t_new[lev];
1018  IntVect ng = Theta_prim[lev]->nGrowVect();
1020  MultiFab::Copy( *Theta_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], RhoTheta_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1021  MultiFab::Divide(*Theta_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], Rho_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1023  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None) {
1024  ng = Qv_prim[lev]->nGrowVect();
1026  MultiFab::Copy( *Qv_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], RhoQ1_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1027  MultiFab::Divide(*Qv_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], Rho_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1029  int rhoqr_comp = solverChoice.RhoQr_comp;
1030  if (rhoqr_comp > -1) {
1031  MultiFab::Copy( *Qr_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], rhoqr_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1032  MultiFab::Divide(*Qr_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], Rho_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1033  } else {
1034  Qr_prim[lev]->setVal(0.0);
1035  }
1036  }
1037  m_most->update_mac_ptrs(lev, vars_new, Theta_prim, Qv_prim, Qr_prim);
1039  if (restart_chkfile == "") {
1040  // Only do this if starting from scratch; if restarting, then
1041  // we don't want to call update_fluxes multiple times because
1042  // it will change u* and theta* from their previous values
1043  m_most->update_pblh(lev, vars_new, z_phys_cc[lev].get(),
- - - -
1047  m_most->update_fluxes(lev, time);
1048  }
1049  }
1050  }
1052  // Update micro vars before first plot file
1053  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None) {
1054  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev) micro->Update_Micro_Vars_Lev(lev, vars_new[lev][Vars::cons]);
1055  }
1057  // Fill time averaged velocities before first plot file
1058  if (solverChoice.time_avg_vel) {
1059  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev) {
1060  Time_Avg_Vel_atCC(dt[lev], t_avg_cnt[lev], vel_t_avg[lev].get(),
1061  vars_new[lev][Vars::xvel],
1062  vars_new[lev][Vars::yvel],
1063  vars_new[lev][Vars::zvel]);
1064  }
1065  }
1067  // check for additional plotting variables that are available after particle containers
1068  // are setup.
1069  const std::string& pv1 = "plot_vars_1"; appendPlotVariables(pv1,plot_var_names_1);
1070  const std::string& pv2 = "plot_vars_2"; appendPlotVariables(pv2,plot_var_names_2);
1072  if ( restart_chkfile.empty() && (m_check_int > 0 || m_check_per > 0.) )
1073  {
1074 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1075  if (check_type == "netcdf") {
1076  WriteNCCheckpointFile();
1077  }
1078 #endif
1079  if (check_type == "native") {
- +
948  //
949  // We do this here to make sure level (lev-1) boundary conditions are filled
950  // before we interpolate to level (lev) ghost cells
951  //
952  if (lev < finest_level) {
953  auto& lev_old = vars_old[lev];
954  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::cons],lev_new[Vars::cons],0,0,lev_old[Vars::cons].nComp(),lev_old[Vars::cons].nGrowVect());
955  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::xvel],lev_new[Vars::xvel],0,0,lev_old[Vars::xvel].nComp(),lev_old[Vars::xvel].nGrowVect());
956  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::yvel],lev_new[Vars::yvel],0,0,lev_old[Vars::yvel].nComp(),lev_old[Vars::yvel].nGrowVect());
957  MultiFab::Copy(lev_old[Vars::zvel],lev_new[Vars::zvel],0,0,lev_old[Vars::zvel].nComp(),lev_old[Vars::zvel].nGrowVect());
958  }
960  //
961  // We fill the ghost cell values of the base state in case it wasn't done in the initialization
962  //
963  base_state[lev].FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
965  // For moving terrain only
966  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh) {
967  MultiFab::Copy(base_state_new[lev],base_state[lev],0,0,BaseState::num_comps,base_state[lev].nGrowVect());
968  base_state_new[lev].FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
969  }
971  }
973  // Allow idealized cases over water, used to set lmask
974  ParmParse pp("erf");
975  int is_land;
976  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
977  {
978  if (pp.query("is_land", is_land, lev)) {
979  if (is_land == 1) {
980  amrex::Print() << "Level " << lev << " is land" << std::endl;
981  } else if (is_land == 0) {
982  amrex::Print() << "Level " << lev << " is water" << std::endl;
983  } else {
984  Error("is_land should be 0 or 1");
985  }
986  lmask_lev[lev][0]->setVal(is_land);
987  lmask_lev[lev][0]->FillBoundary(geom[lev].periodicity());
988  }
989  }
992  int lev = 0;
993  amrex::Print() << " About to call send_to_ww3 from ERF.cpp" << std::endl;
994  send_to_ww3(lev);
995  amrex::Print() << " About to call read_waves from ERF.cpp" << std::endl;
996  read_waves(lev);
997  // send_to_ww3(lev);
998 #endif
1000  // Configure ABLMost params if used MostWall boundary condition
1001  // NOTE: we must set up the MOST routine after calling FillPatch
1002  // in order to have lateral ghost cells filled (MOST + terrain interp).
1003  // FillPatch does not call MOST, FillIntermediatePatch does.
1004  if (phys_bc_type[Orientation(Direction::z,Orientation::low)] == ERF_BC::MOST)
1005  {
1006  bool use_exp_most = solverChoice.use_explicit_most;
1007  bool use_rot_most = solverChoice.use_rotate_most;
1008  if (use_exp_most) {
1009  Print() << "Using MOST with explicitly included surface stresses" << std::endl;
1010  if (use_rot_most) {
1011  Print() << "Using MOST with surface stress rotations" << std::endl;
1012  }
1013  }
1015  m_most = std::make_unique<ABLMost>(geom, use_exp_most, use_rot_most,
+ + + +
1019 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1020  ,start_bdy_time, bdy_time_interval
1021 #endif
1022  );
1025  if (restart_chkfile != "") {
1026  // Update surface fields if needed
+ +
1028  }
1030  // We now configure ABLMost params here so that we can print the averages at t=0
1031  // Note we don't fill ghost cells here because this is just for diagnostics
1032  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
1033  {
1034  Real time = t_new[lev];
1035  IntVect ng = Theta_prim[lev]->nGrowVect();
1037  MultiFab::Copy( *Theta_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], RhoTheta_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1038  MultiFab::Divide(*Theta_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], Rho_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1040  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None) {
1041  ng = Qv_prim[lev]->nGrowVect();
1043  MultiFab::Copy( *Qv_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], RhoQ1_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1044  MultiFab::Divide(*Qv_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], Rho_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1046  int rhoqr_comp = solverChoice.RhoQr_comp;
1047  if (rhoqr_comp > -1) {
1048  MultiFab::Copy( *Qr_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], rhoqr_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1049  MultiFab::Divide(*Qr_prim[lev], vars_new[lev][Vars::cons], Rho_comp, 0, 1, ng);
1050  } else {
1051  Qr_prim[lev]->setVal(0.0);
1052  }
1053  }
1054  m_most->update_mac_ptrs(lev, vars_new, Theta_prim, Qv_prim, Qr_prim);
1056  if (restart_chkfile == "") {
1057  // Only do this if starting from scratch; if restarting, then
1058  // we don't want to call update_fluxes multiple times because
1059  // it will change u* and theta* from their previous values
1060  m_most->update_pblh(lev, vars_new, z_phys_cc[lev].get(),
+ + + +
1064  m_most->update_fluxes(lev, time);
1065  }
1066  }
1067  }
1069  // Update micro vars before first plot file
1070  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None) {
1071  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev) micro->Update_Micro_Vars_Lev(lev, vars_new[lev][Vars::cons]);
1072  }
1074  // Fill time averaged velocities before first plot file
1075  if (solverChoice.time_avg_vel) {
1076  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev) {
1077  Time_Avg_Vel_atCC(dt[lev], t_avg_cnt[lev], vel_t_avg[lev].get(),
1078  vars_new[lev][Vars::xvel],
1079  vars_new[lev][Vars::yvel],
1080  vars_new[lev][Vars::zvel]);
1081  }
- -
1083  }
1085  if ( (restart_chkfile.empty()) ||
1086  (!restart_chkfile.empty() && plot_file_on_restart) )
1087  {
1088  if (m_plot_int_1 > 0 || m_plot_per_1 > 0.)
1089  {
- - -
1092  }
1093  if (m_plot_int_2 > 0 || m_plot_per_2 > 0.)
1094  {
- - -
1097  }
1098  }
1100  // Set these up here because we need to know which MPI rank "cell" is on...
1101  if (pp.contains("data_log"))
1102  {
1103  int num_datalogs = pp.countval("data_log");
1104  datalog.resize(num_datalogs);
1105  datalogname.resize(num_datalogs);
1106  pp.queryarr("data_log",datalogname,0,num_datalogs);
1107  for (int i = 0; i < num_datalogs; i++)
- -
1109  }
1111  if (restart_chkfile.empty() && profile_int > 0) {
1112  if (destag_profiles) {
1113  // all variables cell-centered
- -
1115  } else {
1116  // some variables staggered
- -
1118  }
1119  }
1121  if (pp.contains("sample_point_log") && pp.contains("sample_point"))
1122  {
1123  int lev = 0;
1125  int num_samplepts = pp.countval("sample_point") / AMREX_SPACEDIM;
1126  if (num_samplepts > 0) {
1127  Vector<int> index; index.resize(num_samplepts*AMREX_SPACEDIM);
1128  samplepoint.resize(num_samplepts);
1130  pp.queryarr("sample_point",index,0,num_samplepts*AMREX_SPACEDIM);
1131  for (int i = 0; i < num_samplepts; i++) {
1132  IntVect iv(index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+0],index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+1],index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+2]);
1133  samplepoint[i] = iv;
1134  }
1082  }
1084  // check for additional plotting variables that are available after particle containers
1085  // are setup.
1086  const std::string& pv1 = "plot_vars_1"; appendPlotVariables(pv1,plot_var_names_1);
1087  const std::string& pv2 = "plot_vars_2"; appendPlotVariables(pv2,plot_var_names_2);
1089  if ( restart_chkfile.empty() && (m_check_int > 0 || m_check_per > 0.) )
1090  {
1091 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1092  if (check_type == "netcdf") {
1093  WriteNCCheckpointFile();
1094  }
1095 #endif
1096  if (check_type == "native") {
+ +
1098  }
+ +
1100  }
1102  if ( (restart_chkfile.empty()) ||
1103  (!restart_chkfile.empty() && plot_file_on_restart) )
1104  {
1105  if (m_plot_int_1 > 0 || m_plot_per_1 > 0.)
1106  {
+ + +
1109  }
1110  if (m_plot_int_2 > 0 || m_plot_per_2 > 0.)
1111  {
+ + +
1114  }
1115  }
1117  // Set these up here because we need to know which MPI rank "cell" is on...
1118  if (pp.contains("data_log"))
1119  {
1120  int num_datalogs = pp.countval("data_log");
1121  datalog.resize(num_datalogs);
1122  datalogname.resize(num_datalogs);
1123  pp.queryarr("data_log",datalogname,0,num_datalogs);
1124  for (int i = 0; i < num_datalogs; i++)
+ +
1126  }
1128  if (restart_chkfile.empty() && profile_int > 0) {
1129  if (destag_profiles) {
1130  // all variables cell-centered
+ +
1132  } else {
1133  // some variables staggered
1135  }
1137  int num_sampleptlogs = pp.countval("sample_point_log");
1138  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(num_sampleptlogs == num_samplepts);
1139  if (num_sampleptlogs > 0) {
1140  sampleptlog.resize(num_sampleptlogs);
1141  sampleptlogname.resize(num_sampleptlogs);
1142  pp.queryarr("sample_point_log",sampleptlogname,0,num_sampleptlogs);
1144  for (int i = 0; i < num_sampleptlogs; i++) {
- -
1146  }
1147  }
1149  }
1151  if (pp.contains("sample_line_log") && pp.contains("sample_line"))
1152  {
1153  int lev = 0;
1155  int num_samplelines = pp.countval("sample_line") / AMREX_SPACEDIM;
1156  if (num_samplelines > 0) {
1157  Vector<int> index; index.resize(num_samplelines*AMREX_SPACEDIM);
1158  sampleline.resize(num_samplelines);
1160  pp.queryarr("sample_line",index,0,num_samplelines*AMREX_SPACEDIM);
1161  for (int i = 0; i < num_samplelines; i++) {
1162  IntVect iv(index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+0],index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+1],index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+2]);
1163  sampleline[i] = iv;
1164  }
1165  }
1167  int num_samplelinelogs = pp.countval("sample_line_log");
1168  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(num_samplelinelogs == num_samplelines);
1169  if (num_samplelinelogs > 0) {
1170  samplelinelog.resize(num_samplelinelogs);
1171  samplelinelogname.resize(num_samplelinelogs);
1172  pp.queryarr("sample_line_log",samplelinelogname,0,num_samplelinelogs);
1174  for (int i = 0; i < num_samplelinelogs; i++) {
- -
1176  }
1177  }
1179  }
1181  // Create object to do line and plane sampling if needed
1182  bool do_line = false; bool do_plane = false;
1183  pp.query("do_line_sampling",do_line); pp.query("do_plane_sampling",do_plane);
1184  if (do_line || do_plane) { data_sampler = std::make_unique<SampleData>(do_line, do_plane); }
1186  if ( solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::EB ||
1187  solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::ImmersedForcing)
1188  {
1189  bool write_eb_surface = false;
1190  pp.query("write_eb_surface", write_eb_surface);
1191  if (write_eb_surface) WriteMyEBSurface();
1192  }
1194 }
1136  }
1138  if (pp.contains("sample_point_log") && pp.contains("sample_point"))
1139  {
1140  int lev = 0;
1142  int num_samplepts = pp.countval("sample_point") / AMREX_SPACEDIM;
1143  if (num_samplepts > 0) {
1144  Vector<int> index; index.resize(num_samplepts*AMREX_SPACEDIM);
1145  samplepoint.resize(num_samplepts);
1147  pp.queryarr("sample_point",index,0,num_samplepts*AMREX_SPACEDIM);
1148  for (int i = 0; i < num_samplepts; i++) {
1149  IntVect iv(index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+0],index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+1],index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+2]);
1150  samplepoint[i] = iv;
1151  }
1152  }
1154  int num_sampleptlogs = pp.countval("sample_point_log");
1155  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(num_sampleptlogs == num_samplepts);
1156  if (num_sampleptlogs > 0) {
1157  sampleptlog.resize(num_sampleptlogs);
1158  sampleptlogname.resize(num_sampleptlogs);
1159  pp.queryarr("sample_point_log",sampleptlogname,0,num_sampleptlogs);
1161  for (int i = 0; i < num_sampleptlogs; i++) {
+ +
1163  }
1164  }
1166  }
1168  if (pp.contains("sample_line_log") && pp.contains("sample_line"))
1169  {
1170  int lev = 0;
1172  int num_samplelines = pp.countval("sample_line") / AMREX_SPACEDIM;
1173  if (num_samplelines > 0) {
1174  Vector<int> index; index.resize(num_samplelines*AMREX_SPACEDIM);
1175  sampleline.resize(num_samplelines);
1177  pp.queryarr("sample_line",index,0,num_samplelines*AMREX_SPACEDIM);
1178  for (int i = 0; i < num_samplelines; i++) {
1179  IntVect iv(index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+0],index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+1],index[AMREX_SPACEDIM*i+2]);
1180  sampleline[i] = iv;
1181  }
1182  }
1184  int num_samplelinelogs = pp.countval("sample_line_log");
1185  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(num_samplelinelogs == num_samplelines);
1186  if (num_samplelinelogs > 0) {
1187  samplelinelog.resize(num_samplelinelogs);
1188  samplelinelogname.resize(num_samplelinelogs);
1189  pp.queryarr("sample_line_log",samplelinelogname,0,num_samplelinelogs);
1191  for (int i = 0; i < num_samplelinelogs; i++) {
+ +
1193  }
1194  }
1196  }
1198  // Create object to do line and plane sampling if needed
1199  bool do_line = false; bool do_plane = false;
1200  pp.query("do_line_sampling",do_line); pp.query("do_plane_sampling",do_plane);
1201  if (do_line || do_plane) { data_sampler = std::make_unique<SampleData>(do_line, do_plane); }
1203  if ( solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::EB ||
1204  solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::ImmersedForcing)
1205  {
1206  bool write_eb_surface = false;
1207  pp.query("write_eb_surface", write_eb_surface);
1208  if (write_eb_surface) WriteMyEBSurface();
1209  }
1211 }
void initRayleigh()
Initialize Rayleigh damping profiles.
Definition: ERF_InitRayleigh.cpp:14
amrex::Vector< std::string > samplelinelogname
Definition: ERF.H:1382
void setRayleighRefFromSounding(bool restarting)
Set Rayleigh mean profiles from input sounding.
Definition: ERF_InitRayleigh.cpp:55
@@ -9587,7 +9602,7 @@

amrex::Vector< std::unique_ptr< std::fstream > > samplelinelog
Definition: ERF.H:1381
static int sum_interval
Definition: ERF.H:1047
static int pert_interval
Definition: ERF.H:1048
void restart()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1234
void restart()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1251
void ReadCheckpointFileMOST()
Definition: ERF_Checkpoint.cpp:627
void write_1D_profiles(amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF_Write1DProfiles.cpp:15
int profile_int
Definition: ERF.H:952
@@ -9607,7 +9622,7 @@

static bool is_it_time_for_action(int nstep, amrex::Real time, amrex::Real dt, int action_interval, amrex::Real action_per)
Definition: ERF_WriteScalarProfiles.cpp:466
void project_velocities(int lev, amrex::Real dt, amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab > &vars, amrex::MultiFab &p)
Definition: ERF_PoissonSolve.cpp:10
int plot_file_on_restart
Definition: ERF.H:911
void Construct_ERFFillPatchers(int lev)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1876
void Construct_ERFFillPatchers(int lev)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1893
void setRecordSampleLineInfo(int i, int lev, amrex::IntVect &cell, const std::string &filename)
Definition: ERF.H:1352
void setSpongeRefFromSounding(bool restarting)
Set sponge mean profiles from input sounding.
Definition: ERF_InitSponge.cpp:65
amrex::Vector< amrex::IntVect > samplepoint
Definition: ERF.H:1379
@@ -9913,25 +9928,25 @@

591 {
592  const BoxArray& ba(cons_mf.boxArray());
593  const DistributionMapping& dm(cons_mf.DistributionMap());
589 {
590  const BoxArray& ba(cons_mf.boxArray());
591  const DistributionMapping& dm(cons_mf.DistributionMap());
593  int ncomp_cons = cons_mf.nComp();
595  int ncomp_cons = cons_mf.nComp();
597  // Initialize the integrator memory
598  Vector<MultiFab> int_state; // integration state data structure example
599  int_state.push_back(MultiFab(cons_mf, make_alias, 0, ncomp_cons)); // cons
600  int_state.push_back(MultiFab(convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, vel_mf.nGrow())); // xmom
601  int_state.push_back(MultiFab(convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, vel_mf.nGrow())); // ymom
602  int_state.push_back(MultiFab(convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, vel_mf.nGrow())); // zmom
604  mri_integrator_mem[lev] = std::make_unique<MRISplitIntegrator<Vector<MultiFab> > >(int_state);
605  mri_integrator_mem[lev]->setNoSubstepping((solverChoice.substepping_type[lev] == SubsteppingType::None));
606  mri_integrator_mem[lev]->setAnelastic(solverChoice.anelastic[lev]);
607  mri_integrator_mem[lev]->setNcompCons(ncomp_cons);
608  mri_integrator_mem[lev]->setForceFirstStageSingleSubstep(solverChoice.force_stage1_single_substep);
609 }
595  // Initialize the integrator memory
596  Vector<MultiFab> int_state; // integration state data structure example
597  int_state.push_back(MultiFab(cons_mf, make_alias, 0, ncomp_cons)); // cons
598  int_state.push_back(MultiFab(convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, vel_mf.nGrow())); // xmom
599  int_state.push_back(MultiFab(convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, vel_mf.nGrow())); // ymom
600  int_state.push_back(MultiFab(convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, vel_mf.nGrow())); // zmom
602  mri_integrator_mem[lev] = std::make_unique<MRISplitIntegrator<Vector<MultiFab> > >(int_state);
603  mri_integrator_mem[lev]->setNoSubstepping((solverChoice.substepping_type[lev] == SubsteppingType::None));
604  mri_integrator_mem[lev]->setAnelastic(solverChoice.anelastic[lev]);
605  mri_integrator_mem[lev]->setNcompCons(ncomp_cons);
606  mri_integrator_mem[lev]->setForceFirstStageSingleSubstep(solverChoice.force_stage1_single_substep);
607 }
@@ -10025,30 +10040,30 @@

1199 {
1200  if (Microphysics::modelType(solverChoice.moisture_type) == MoistureModelType::Eulerian) {
1202  micro = std::make_unique<EulerianMicrophysics>(a_nlevsmax, solverChoice.moisture_type);
1204  } else if (Microphysics::modelType(solverChoice.moisture_type) == MoistureModelType::Lagrangian) {
1207  micro = std::make_unique<LagrangianMicrophysics>(a_nlevsmax, solverChoice.moisture_type);
1208  /* Lagrangian microphysics models will have a particle container; it needs to be added
1209  to ERF::particleData */
1210  const auto& pc_name( dynamic_cast<LagrangianMicrophysics&>(*micro).getName() );
1211  /* The particle container has not yet been constructed and initialized, so just add
1212  its name here for now (so that functions to set plotting variables can see it). */
1213  particleData.addName( pc_name );
1215 #else
1216  Abort("Lagrangian microphysics can be used when compiled with ERF_USE_PARTICLES");
1217 #endif
1218  }
1220  qmoist.resize(a_nlevsmax);
1221  return;
1222 }
1216 {
1217  if (Microphysics::modelType(solverChoice.moisture_type) == MoistureModelType::Eulerian) {
1219  micro = std::make_unique<EulerianMicrophysics>(a_nlevsmax, solverChoice.moisture_type);
1221  } else if (Microphysics::modelType(solverChoice.moisture_type) == MoistureModelType::Lagrangian) {
1224  micro = std::make_unique<LagrangianMicrophysics>(a_nlevsmax, solverChoice.moisture_type);
1225  /* Lagrangian microphysics models will have a particle container; it needs to be added
1226  to ERF::particleData */
1227  const auto& pc_name( dynamic_cast<LagrangianMicrophysics&>(*micro).getName() );
1228  /* The particle container has not yet been constructed and initialized, so just add
1229  its name here for now (so that functions to set plotting variables can see it). */
1230  particleData.addName( pc_name );
1232 #else
1233  Abort("Lagrangian microphysics can be used when compiled with ERF_USE_PARTICLES");
1234 #endif
1235  }
1237  qmoist.resize(a_nlevsmax);
1238  return;
1239 }
amrex::Vector< amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab * > > qmoist
Definition: ERF.H:769
Here is the call graph for this function:
@@ -10489,27 +10504,27 @@

613 {
614  if (SolverChoice::mesh_type == MeshType::VariableDz) {
615  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(z_phys_nd[lev] != nullptr);
616  }
618  physbcs_cons[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_cons> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
- -
620  z_phys_nd[lev], use_real_bcs);
621  physbcs_u[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_u> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
- -
623  z_phys_nd[lev], use_real_bcs, xvel_bc_data[lev].data());
624  physbcs_v[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_v> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
- -
626  z_phys_nd[lev], use_real_bcs, yvel_bc_data[lev].data());
627  physbcs_w[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_w> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
- - -
630  use_real_bcs, zvel_bc_data[lev].data());
631  physbcs_base[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_base> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
632  (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh));
633 }
611 {
612  if (SolverChoice::mesh_type == MeshType::VariableDz) {
613  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(z_phys_nd[lev] != nullptr);
614  }
616  physbcs_cons[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_cons> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
+ +
618  z_phys_nd[lev], use_real_bcs);
619  physbcs_u[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_u> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
+ +
621  z_phys_nd[lev], use_real_bcs, xvel_bc_data[lev].data());
622  physbcs_v[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_v> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
+ +
624  z_phys_nd[lev], use_real_bcs, yvel_bc_data[lev].data());
625  physbcs_w[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_w> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
+ + +
628  use_real_bcs, zvel_bc_data[lev].data());
629  physbcs_base[lev] = std::make_unique<ERFPhysBCFunct_base> (lev, geom[lev], domain_bcs_type, domain_bcs_type_d,
630  (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh));
631 }
@@ -10544,49 +10559,49 @@

1831 {
1832  // Get the number of cells in z at level 0
1833  int dir_z = AMREX_SPACEDIM-1;
1834  auto domain = geom[0].Domain();
1835  int size_z = domain.length(dir_z);
1836  int start_z = domain.smallEnd()[dir_z];
1837  Real area_z = static_cast<Real>(domain.length(0)*domain.length(1));
1839  // resize the level 0 horizontal average vectors
1840  h_havg.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1842  // Get the cell centered data and construct sums
1843 #ifdef _OPENMP
1844 #pragma omp parallel if (Gpu::notInLaunchRegion())
1845 #endif
1846  for (MFIter mfi(S); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1847  const Box& box = mfi.validbox();
1848  const IntVect& se = box.smallEnd();
1849  const IntVect& be = box.bigEnd();
1851  auto fab_arr = S[mfi].array();
1853  FArrayBox fab_reduce(box, 1, The_Async_Arena());
1854  auto arr_reduce = fab_reduce.array();
1848 {
1849  // Get the number of cells in z at level 0
1850  int dir_z = AMREX_SPACEDIM-1;
1851  auto domain = geom[0].Domain();
1852  int size_z = domain.length(dir_z);
1853  int start_z = domain.smallEnd()[dir_z];
1854  Real area_z = static_cast<Real>(domain.length(0)*domain.length(1));
1856  ParallelFor(box, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int i, int j, int k) {
1857  arr_reduce(i, j, k, 0) = fab_arr(i,j,k,n);
1858  });
1860  for (int k=se[dir_z]; k <= be[dir_z]; ++k) {
1861  Box kbox(box); kbox.setSmall(dir_z,k); kbox.setBig(dir_z,k);
1862  h_havg[k-start_z] += fab_reduce.sum<RunOn::Device>(kbox,0);
1863  }
1864  }
1866  // combine sums from different MPI ranks
1867  ParallelDescriptor::ReduceRealSum(h_havg.dataPtr(), h_havg.size());
1869  // divide by the total number of cells we are averaging over
1870  for (int k = 0; k < size_z; ++k) {
1871  h_havg[k] /= area_z;
1872  }
1873 }
1856  // resize the level 0 horizontal average vectors
1857  h_havg.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1859  // Get the cell centered data and construct sums
1860 #ifdef _OPENMP
1861 #pragma omp parallel if (Gpu::notInLaunchRegion())
1862 #endif
1863  for (MFIter mfi(S); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1864  const Box& box = mfi.validbox();
1865  const IntVect& se = box.smallEnd();
1866  const IntVect& be = box.bigEnd();
1868  auto fab_arr = S[mfi].array();
1870  FArrayBox fab_reduce(box, 1, The_Async_Arena());
1871  auto arr_reduce = fab_reduce.array();
1873  ParallelFor(box, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int i, int j, int k) {
1874  arr_reduce(i, j, k, 0) = fab_arr(i,j,k,n);
1875  });
1877  for (int k=se[dir_z]; k <= be[dir_z]; ++k) {
1878  Box kbox(box); kbox.setSmall(dir_z,k); kbox.setBig(dir_z,k);
1879  h_havg[k-start_z] += fab_reduce.sum<RunOn::Device>(kbox,0);
1880  }
1881  }
1883  // combine sums from different MPI ranks
1884  ParallelDescriptor::ReduceRealSum(h_havg.dataPtr(), h_havg.size());
1886  // divide by the total number of cells we are averaging over
1887  for (int k = 0; k < size_z; ++k) {
1888  h_havg[k] /= area_z;
1889  }
1890 }
@@ -10684,106 +10699,106 @@

1725 {
1726  int lev = 0;
1728  // First, average down all levels (if doing two-way coupling)
1729  if (solverChoice.coupling_type == CouplingType::TwoWay) {
1730  AverageDown();
1731  }
1733  MultiFab mf(grids[lev], dmap[lev], 5, 0);
1735  int zdir = 2;
1736  auto domain = geom[0].Domain();
1738  bool use_moisture = (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None);
1739  bool is_anelastic = (solverChoice.anelastic[lev] == 1);
1741  for (MFIter mfi(mf); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1742  const Box& bx = mfi.validbox();
1743  auto fab_arr = mf.array(mfi);
1744  auto const hse_arr = base_state[lev].const_array(mfi);
1745  auto const cons_arr = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].const_array(mfi);
1746  ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int i, int j, int k) {
1747  Real dens = cons_arr(i, j, k, Rho_comp);
1748  fab_arr(i, j, k, 0) = dens;
1749  fab_arr(i, j, k, 1) = cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoTheta_comp) / dens;
1750  if (!use_moisture) {
1751  if (is_anelastic) {
1752  fab_arr(i,j,k,2) = hse_arr(i,j,k,BaseState::p0_comp);
1753  } else {
1754  fab_arr(i,j,k,2) = getPgivenRTh(cons_arr(i,j,k,RhoTheta_comp));
1755  }
1756  }
1757  });
1758  }
1760  if (use_moisture)
1761  {
1762  for (MFIter mfi(mf); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1763  const Box& bx = mfi.validbox();
1764  auto fab_arr = mf.array(mfi);
1765  auto const hse_arr = base_state[lev].const_array(mfi);
1766  auto const cons_arr = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].const_array(mfi);
1767  int ncomp = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].nComp();
1769  ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int i, int j, int k) {
1770  Real dens = cons_arr(i, j, k, Rho_comp);
1771  if (is_anelastic) {
1772  fab_arr(i,j,k,2) = hse_arr(i,j,k,BaseState::p0_comp);
1773  } else {
1774  Real qv = cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoQ1_comp) / dens;
1775  fab_arr(i, j, k, 2) = getPgivenRTh(cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoTheta_comp), qv);
1776  }
1777  fab_arr(i, j, k, 3) = (ncomp > RhoQ1_comp ? cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoQ1_comp) / dens : 0.0);
1778  fab_arr(i, j, k, 4) = (ncomp > RhoQ2_comp ? cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoQ2_comp) / dens : 0.0);
1779  });
1780  }
1782  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_qv = sumToLine(mf,3,1,domain,zdir);
1783  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_qc = sumToLine(mf,4,1,domain,zdir);
1784  }
1742 {
1743  int lev = 0;
1745  // First, average down all levels (if doing two-way coupling)
1746  if (solverChoice.coupling_type == CouplingType::TwoWay) {
1747  AverageDown();
1748  }
1750  MultiFab mf(grids[lev], dmap[lev], 5, 0);
1752  int zdir = 2;
1753  auto domain = geom[0].Domain();
1755  bool use_moisture = (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None);
1756  bool is_anelastic = (solverChoice.anelastic[lev] == 1);
1758  for (MFIter mfi(mf); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1759  const Box& bx = mfi.validbox();
1760  auto fab_arr = mf.array(mfi);
1761  auto const hse_arr = base_state[lev].const_array(mfi);
1762  auto const cons_arr = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].const_array(mfi);
1763  ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int i, int j, int k) {
1764  Real dens = cons_arr(i, j, k, Rho_comp);
1765  fab_arr(i, j, k, 0) = dens;
1766  fab_arr(i, j, k, 1) = cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoTheta_comp) / dens;
1767  if (!use_moisture) {
1768  if (is_anelastic) {
1769  fab_arr(i,j,k,2) = hse_arr(i,j,k,BaseState::p0_comp);
1770  } else {
1771  fab_arr(i,j,k,2) = getPgivenRTh(cons_arr(i,j,k,RhoTheta_comp));
1772  }
1773  }
1774  });
1775  }
1777  if (use_moisture)
1778  {
1779  for (MFIter mfi(mf); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1780  const Box& bx = mfi.validbox();
1781  auto fab_arr = mf.array(mfi);
1782  auto const hse_arr = base_state[lev].const_array(mfi);
1783  auto const cons_arr = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].const_array(mfi);
1784  int ncomp = vars_new[lev][Vars::cons].nComp();
1786  // Sum in the horizontal plane
1787  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_density = sumToLine(mf,0,1,domain,zdir);
1788  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_temperature = sumToLine(mf,1,1,domain,zdir);
1789  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_pressure = sumToLine(mf,2,1,domain,zdir);
1791  // Divide by the total number of cells we are averaging over
1792  int size_z = domain.length(zdir);
1793  Real area_z = static_cast<Real>(domain.length(0)*domain.length(1));
1794  int klen = static_cast<int>(h_avg_density.size());
1796  for (int k = 0; k < klen; ++k) {
1797  h_havg_density[k] /= area_z;
1798  h_havg_temperature[k] /= area_z;
1799  h_havg_pressure[k] /= area_z;
1800  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None)
1801  {
1802  h_havg_qc[k] /= area_z;
1803  h_havg_qv[k] /= area_z;
1804  }
1805  } // k
1807  // resize device vectors
1808  d_havg_density.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1809  d_havg_temperature.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1810  d_havg_pressure.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1812  // copy host vectors to device vectors
1813  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_density.begin(), h_havg_density.end(), d_havg_density.begin());
1814  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_temperature.begin(), h_havg_temperature.end(), d_havg_temperature.begin());
1815  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_pressure.begin(), h_havg_pressure.end(), d_havg_pressure.begin());
1817  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None)
1818  {
1819  d_havg_qv.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1820  d_havg_qc.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1821  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_qv.begin(), h_havg_qv.end(), d_havg_qv.begin());
1822  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_qc.begin(), h_havg_qc.end(), d_havg_qc.begin());
1823  }
1824 }
1786  ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int i, int j, int k) {
1787  Real dens = cons_arr(i, j, k, Rho_comp);
1788  if (is_anelastic) {
1789  fab_arr(i,j,k,2) = hse_arr(i,j,k,BaseState::p0_comp);
1790  } else {
1791  Real qv = cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoQ1_comp) / dens;
1792  fab_arr(i, j, k, 2) = getPgivenRTh(cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoTheta_comp), qv);
1793  }
1794  fab_arr(i, j, k, 3) = (ncomp > RhoQ1_comp ? cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoQ1_comp) / dens : 0.0);
1795  fab_arr(i, j, k, 4) = (ncomp > RhoQ2_comp ? cons_arr(i, j, k, RhoQ2_comp) / dens : 0.0);
1796  });
1797  }
1799  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_qv = sumToLine(mf,3,1,domain,zdir);
1800  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_qc = sumToLine(mf,4,1,domain,zdir);
1801  }
1803  // Sum in the horizontal plane
1804  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_density = sumToLine(mf,0,1,domain,zdir);
1805  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_temperature = sumToLine(mf,1,1,domain,zdir);
1806  Gpu::HostVector<Real> h_avg_pressure = sumToLine(mf,2,1,domain,zdir);
1808  // Divide by the total number of cells we are averaging over
1809  int size_z = domain.length(zdir);
1810  Real area_z = static_cast<Real>(domain.length(0)*domain.length(1));
1811  int klen = static_cast<int>(h_avg_density.size());
1813  for (int k = 0; k < klen; ++k) {
1814  h_havg_density[k] /= area_z;
1815  h_havg_temperature[k] /= area_z;
1816  h_havg_pressure[k] /= area_z;
1817  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None)
1818  {
1819  h_havg_qc[k] /= area_z;
1820  h_havg_qv[k] /= area_z;
1821  }
1822  } // k
1824  // resize device vectors
1825  d_havg_density.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1826  d_havg_temperature.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1827  d_havg_pressure.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1829  // copy host vectors to device vectors
1830  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_density.begin(), h_havg_density.end(), d_havg_density.begin());
1831  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_temperature.begin(), h_havg_temperature.end(), d_havg_temperature.begin());
1832  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_pressure.begin(), h_havg_pressure.end(), d_havg_pressure.begin());
1834  if (solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None)
1835  {
1836  d_havg_qv.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1837  d_havg_qc.resize(size_z, 0.0_rt);
1838  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_qv.begin(), h_havg_qv.end(), d_havg_qv.begin());
1839  Gpu::copy(Gpu::hostToDevice, h_havg_qc.begin(), h_havg_qc.end(), d_havg_qc.begin());
1840  }
1841 }
amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< amrex::Real > d_havg_temperature
Definition: ERF.H:1156
amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< amrex::Real > d_havg_qv
Definition: ERF.H:1158
amrex::Vector< amrex::Real > h_havg_pressure
Definition: ERF.H:1151
@@ -10959,12 +10974,12 @@

316  // particleData.Redistribute();

317 #endif
318 }
void update_diffusive_arrays(int lev, const amrex::BoxArray &ba, const amrex::DistributionMapping &dm)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:382
void initialize_integrator(int lev, amrex::MultiFab &cons_mf, amrex::MultiFab &vel_mf)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:590
void update_terrain_arrays(int lev)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:579
void init_zphys(int lev, amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:473
void update_diffusive_arrays(int lev, const amrex::BoxArray &ba, const amrex::DistributionMapping &dm)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:380
void initialize_integrator(int lev, amrex::MultiFab &cons_mf, amrex::MultiFab &vel_mf)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:588
void update_terrain_arrays(int lev)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:577
void init_zphys(int lev, amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:471
void init_stuff(int lev, const amrex::BoxArray &ba, const amrex::DistributionMapping &dm, amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab > &lev_new, amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab > &lev_old, amrex::MultiFab &tmp_base_state, std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > &tmp_zphys_nd)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:23
void Define_ERFFillPatchers(int lev)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1902
void Define_ERFFillPatchers(int lev)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1919
bool do_forest_drag
Definition: ERF_DataStruct.H:710
@@ -11195,7 +11210,7 @@

BoxArray ERFPostProcessBaseGrids(const Box &domain, bool decompose_in_z)
Definition: ERF_ChopGrids.cpp:6
void thinbody_wall_dist(std::unique_ptr< MultiFab > &wdist, Vector< IntVect > &xfaces, Vector< IntVect > &yfaces, Vector< IntVect > &zfaces, const Geometry &geomdata, std::unique_ptr< MultiFab > &z_phys_cc)
Definition: ERF_ThinBodyWallDist.cpp:12
static int nghost_eb_basic()
Definition: ERF.H:1404
void init_only(int lev, amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1265
void init_only(int lev, amrex::Real time)
Definition: ERF.cpp:1282
void poisson_wall_dist(int lev)
Definition: ERF_PoissonWallDist.cpp:20
static int nghost_eb_volume()
Definition: ERF.H:1408
static int nghost_eb_full()
Definition: ERF.H:1411
@@ -11510,67 +11525,67 @@

1659 {
1660  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(cfl > 0. || fixed_dt[0] > 0.);
1662  // We don't allow use_real_bcs to be true if init_type is not either InitType::Real or InitType::Metgrid
1663  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(!use_real_bcs || ((init_type == InitType::Real) || (init_type == InitType::Metgrid)) );
1665  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(real_width >= 0);
1666  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(real_set_width >= 0);
1667  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(real_width >= real_set_width);
1669  if (cf_width < 0 || cf_set_width < 0 || cf_width < cf_set_width) {
1670  Abort("You must set cf_width >= cf_set_width >= 0");
1671  }
1672  if (max_level > 0 && cf_set_width > 0) {
1673  for (int lev = 1; lev <= max_level; lev++) {
1674  if (cf_set_width%ref_ratio[lev-1][0] != 0 ||
1675  cf_set_width%ref_ratio[lev-1][1] != 0 ||
1676  cf_set_width%ref_ratio[lev-1][2] != 0 ) {
1677  Abort("You must set cf_width to be a multiple of ref_ratio");
1678  }
1679  }
1680  }
1676 {
1677  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(cfl > 0. || fixed_dt[0] > 0.);
1679  // We don't allow use_real_bcs to be true if init_type is not either InitType::Real or InitType::Metgrid
1680  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(!use_real_bcs || ((init_type == InitType::Real) || (init_type == InitType::Metgrid)) );
1682  // If fixed_mri_dt_ratio is set, it must be even
1683  if (fixed_mri_dt_ratio > 0 && (fixed_mri_dt_ratio%2 != 0) )
1684  {
1685  Abort("If you specify fixed_mri_dt_ratio, it must be even");
1686  }
1688  for (int lev = 0; lev <= max_level; lev++)
1689  {
1690  // We ignore fixed_fast_dt if not substepping
1691  if (solverChoice.substepping_type[lev] == SubsteppingType::None) {
1692  fixed_fast_dt[lev] = -1.0;
1693  }
1695  // If both fixed_dt and fast_dt are specified, their ratio must be an even integer
1696  if (fixed_dt[lev] > 0. && fixed_fast_dt[lev] > 0. && fixed_mri_dt_ratio <= 0)
1697  {
1698  Real eps = 1.e-12;
1699  int ratio = static_cast<int>( ( (1.0+eps) * fixed_dt[lev] ) / fixed_fast_dt[lev] );
1700  if (fixed_dt[lev] / fixed_fast_dt[lev] != ratio)
1701  {
1702  Abort("Ratio of fixed_dt to fixed_fast_dt must be an even integer");
1703  }
1704  }
1706  // If all three are specified, they must be consistent
1707  if (fixed_dt[lev] > 0. && fixed_fast_dt[lev] > 0. && fixed_mri_dt_ratio > 0)
1708  {
1709  if (fixed_dt[lev] / fixed_fast_dt[lev] != fixed_mri_dt_ratio)
1710  {
1711  Abort("Dt is over-specfied");
1712  }
1713  }
1714  } // lev
1716  if (solverChoice.coupling_type == CouplingType::TwoWay && cf_width > 0) {
1717  Abort("For two-way coupling you must set cf_width = 0");
1718  }
1719 }
1682  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(real_width >= 0);
1683  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(real_set_width >= 0);
1684  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(real_width >= real_set_width);
1686  if (cf_width < 0 || cf_set_width < 0 || cf_width < cf_set_width) {
1687  Abort("You must set cf_width >= cf_set_width >= 0");
1688  }
1689  if (max_level > 0 && cf_set_width > 0) {
1690  for (int lev = 1; lev <= max_level; lev++) {
1691  if (cf_set_width%ref_ratio[lev-1][0] != 0 ||
1692  cf_set_width%ref_ratio[lev-1][1] != 0 ||
1693  cf_set_width%ref_ratio[lev-1][2] != 0 ) {
1694  Abort("You must set cf_width to be a multiple of ref_ratio");
1695  }
1696  }
1697  }
1699  // If fixed_mri_dt_ratio is set, it must be even
1700  if (fixed_mri_dt_ratio > 0 && (fixed_mri_dt_ratio%2 != 0) )
1701  {
1702  Abort("If you specify fixed_mri_dt_ratio, it must be even");
1703  }
1705  for (int lev = 0; lev <= max_level; lev++)
1706  {
1707  // We ignore fixed_fast_dt if not substepping
1708  if (solverChoice.substepping_type[lev] == SubsteppingType::None) {
1709  fixed_fast_dt[lev] = -1.0;
1710  }
1712  // If both fixed_dt and fast_dt are specified, their ratio must be an even integer
1713  if (fixed_dt[lev] > 0. && fixed_fast_dt[lev] > 0. && fixed_mri_dt_ratio <= 0)
1714  {
1715  Real eps = 1.e-12;
1716  int ratio = static_cast<int>( ( (1.0+eps) * fixed_dt[lev] ) / fixed_fast_dt[lev] );
1717  if (fixed_dt[lev] / fixed_fast_dt[lev] != ratio)
1718  {
1719  Abort("Ratio of fixed_dt to fixed_fast_dt must be an even integer");
1720  }
1721  }
1723  // If all three are specified, they must be consistent
1724  if (fixed_dt[lev] > 0. && fixed_fast_dt[lev] > 0. && fixed_mri_dt_ratio > 0)
1725  {
1726  if (fixed_dt[lev] / fixed_fast_dt[lev] != fixed_mri_dt_ratio)
1727  {
1728  Abort("Dt is over-specfied");
1729  }
1730  }
1731  } // lev
1733  if (solverChoice.coupling_type == CouplingType::TwoWay && cf_width > 0) {
1734  Abort("For two-way coupling you must set cf_width = 0");
1735  }
1736 }
int real_width
Definition: ERF.H:1070
int real_set_width
Definition: ERF.H:1071
@@ -13559,283 +13574,283 @@

1378 {
1379  {
1380  ParmParse pp; // Traditionally, max_step and stop_time do not have prefix.
1381  pp.query("max_step", max_step);
1382  pp.query("stop_time", stop_time);
1384  pp.query("start_time", start_time); // This is optional, it defaults to 0
1385  }
1387  ParmParse pp(pp_prefix);
1388  ParmParse pp_amr("amr");
1389  {
1390  // The type of the file we restart from
1391  pp.query("restart_type", restart_type);
1393  pp.query("regrid_int", regrid_int);
1394  pp.query("check_file", check_file);
1395  pp.query("check_type", check_type);
1397  // The regression tests use "amr.restart" and "amr.m_check_int" so we allow
1398  // for those or "erf.restart" / "erf.m_check_int" with the former taking
1399  // precedence if both are specified
1400  pp.query("check_int", m_check_int);
1401  pp.query("check_per", m_check_per);
1402  pp_amr.query("check_int", m_check_int);
1403  pp_amr.query("check_per", m_check_per);
1405  pp.query("restart", restart_chkfile);
1406  pp_amr.query("restart", restart_chkfile);
1408  // Verbosity
1409  pp.query("v", verbose);
1410  pp.query("mg_v", mg_verbose);
1411  pp.query("use_fft", use_fft);
1412 #ifndef ERF_USE_FFT
1413  if (use_fft) {
1414  amrex::Abort("You must build with USE_FFT in order to set use_fft = true in your inputs file");
1415  }
1416 #endif
1418  // Frequency of diagnostic output
1419  pp.query("sum_interval", sum_interval);
1420  pp.query("sum_period" , sum_per);
1395 {
1396  {
1397  ParmParse pp; // Traditionally, max_step and stop_time do not have prefix.
1398  pp.query("max_step", max_step);
1399  pp.query("stop_time", stop_time);
1401  pp.query("start_time", start_time); // This is optional, it defaults to 0
1402  }
1404  ParmParse pp(pp_prefix);
1405  ParmParse pp_amr("amr");
1406  {
1407  // The type of the file we restart from
1408  pp.query("restart_type", restart_type);
1410  pp.query("regrid_int", regrid_int);
1411  pp.query("check_file", check_file);
1412  pp.query("check_type", check_type);
1414  // The regression tests use "amr.restart" and "amr.m_check_int" so we allow
1415  // for those or "erf.restart" / "erf.m_check_int" with the former taking
1416  // precedence if both are specified
1417  pp.query("check_int", m_check_int);
1418  pp.query("check_per", m_check_per);
1419  pp_amr.query("check_int", m_check_int);
1420  pp_amr.query("check_per", m_check_per);
1422  pp.query("pert_interval", pert_interval);
1424  // Time step controls
1425  pp.query("cfl", cfl);
1426  pp.query("substepping_cfl", sub_cfl);
1427  pp.query("init_shrink", init_shrink);
1428  pp.query("change_max", change_max);
1430  fixed_dt.resize(max_level+1,-1.);
1431  fixed_fast_dt.resize(max_level+1,-1.);
1433  pp.query("fixed_dt", fixed_dt[0]);
1434  pp.query("fixed_fast_dt", fixed_fast_dt[0]);
1436  for (int lev = 1; lev <= max_level; lev++)
1437  {
1438  fixed_dt[lev] = fixed_dt[lev-1] / static_cast<Real>(MaxRefRatio(lev-1));
1439  fixed_fast_dt[lev] = fixed_fast_dt[lev-1] / static_cast<Real>(MaxRefRatio(lev-1));
1440  }
1442  pp.query("fixed_mri_dt_ratio", fixed_mri_dt_ratio);
1444  // How to initialize
1445  init_type = InitType::None;
1446  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("init_type",init_type);
1448  // Should we use the bcs we've read in from wrfbdy or metgrid files?
1449  // We default to yes if we have them, but the user can override that option
1450  use_real_bcs = ( (init_type == InitType::Real) || (init_type == InitType::Metgrid) );
1451  pp.query("use_real_bcs",use_real_bcs);
1422  pp.query("restart", restart_chkfile);
1423  pp_amr.query("restart", restart_chkfile);
1425  // Verbosity
1426  pp.query("v", verbose);
1427  pp.query("mg_v", mg_verbose);
1428  pp.query("use_fft", use_fft);
1429 #ifndef ERF_USE_FFT
1430  if (use_fft) {
1431  amrex::Abort("You must build with USE_FFT in order to set use_fft = true in your inputs file");
1432  }
1433 #endif
1435  // Frequency of diagnostic output
1436  pp.query("sum_interval", sum_interval);
1437  pp.query("sum_period" , sum_per);
1439  pp.query("pert_interval", pert_interval);
1441  // Time step controls
1442  pp.query("cfl", cfl);
1443  pp.query("substepping_cfl", sub_cfl);
1444  pp.query("init_shrink", init_shrink);
1445  pp.query("change_max", change_max);
1447  fixed_dt.resize(max_level+1,-1.);
1448  fixed_fast_dt.resize(max_level+1,-1.);
1450  pp.query("fixed_dt", fixed_dt[0]);
1451  pp.query("fixed_fast_dt", fixed_fast_dt[0]);
1453  // We use this to keep track of how many boxes we read in from WRF initialization
1454  num_files_at_level.resize(max_level+1,0);
1456  // We use this to keep track of how many boxes are specified thru the refinement indicators
1457  num_boxes_at_level.resize(max_level+1,0);
1458  boxes_at_level.resize(max_level+1);
1460  // We always have exactly one file at level 0
1461  num_boxes_at_level[0] = 1;
1462  boxes_at_level[0].resize(1);
1463  boxes_at_level[0][0] = geom[0].Domain();
1453  for (int lev = 1; lev <= max_level; lev++)
1454  {
1455  fixed_dt[lev] = fixed_dt[lev-1] / static_cast<Real>(MaxRefRatio(lev-1));
1456  fixed_fast_dt[lev] = fixed_fast_dt[lev-1] / static_cast<Real>(MaxRefRatio(lev-1));
1457  }
1459  pp.query("fixed_mri_dt_ratio", fixed_mri_dt_ratio);
1461  // How to initialize
1462  init_type = InitType::None;
1463  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("init_type",init_type);
1465 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1466  nc_init_file.resize(max_level+1);
1468  // NetCDF wrfinput initialization files -- possibly multiple files at each of multiple levels
1469  // but we always have exactly one file at level 0
1470  for (int lev = 0; lev <= max_level; lev++)
1471  {
1472  const std::string nc_file_names = Concatenate("nc_init_file_",lev,1);
1473  if (pp.contains(nc_file_names.c_str()))
1474  {
1475  int num_files = pp.countval(nc_file_names.c_str());
1476  num_files_at_level[lev] = num_files;
1477  nc_init_file[lev].resize(num_files);
1478  pp.queryarr(nc_file_names.c_str(), nc_init_file[lev],0,num_files);
1479  for (int j = 0; j < num_files; j++)
1480  Print() << "Reading NC init file names at level " << lev << " and index " << j << " : " << nc_init_file[lev][j] << std::endl;
1481  }
1482  }
1484  // NetCDF wrfbdy lateral boundary file
1485  pp.query("nc_bdy_file", nc_bdy_file);
1486 #endif
1488  // Flag to trigger initialization from input_sounding like WRF's ideal.exe
1489  pp.query("init_sounding_ideal", init_sounding_ideal);
1491  // Options for vertical interpolation of met_em*.nc data.
1492  pp.query("metgrid_debug_quiescent", metgrid_debug_quiescent);
1493  pp.query("metgrid_debug_isothermal", metgrid_debug_isothermal);
1494  pp.query("metgrid_debug_dry", metgrid_debug_dry);
1495  pp.query("metgrid_debug_psfc", metgrid_debug_psfc);
1496  pp.query("metgrid_debug_msf", metgrid_debug_msf);
1497  pp.query("metgrid_interp_theta", metgrid_interp_theta);
1498  pp.query("metgrid_basic_linear", metgrid_basic_linear);
1499  pp.query("metgrid_use_below_sfc", metgrid_use_below_sfc);
1500  pp.query("metgrid_use_sfc", metgrid_use_sfc);
1501  pp.query("metgrid_retain_sfc", metgrid_retain_sfc);
1502  pp.query("metgrid_proximity", metgrid_proximity);
1503  pp.query("metgrid_order", metgrid_order);
1504  pp.query("metgrid_force_sfc_k", metgrid_force_sfc_k);
1506  // Set default to FullState for now ... later we will try Perturbation
1507  interpolation_type = StateInterpType::FullState;
1508  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("interpolation_type" ,interpolation_type);
1510  PlotFileType plotfile_type_temp = PlotFileType::None;
1511  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("plotfile_type" ,plotfile_type_temp);
1512  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("plotfile_type_1",plotfile_type_1);
1513  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("plotfile_type_2",plotfile_type_2);
1514  //
1515  // This option is for backward consistency -- if only plotfile_type is set,
1516  // then it will be used for both 1 and 2 if and only if they are not set
1517  //
1518  // Default is native amrex if no type is specified
1519  //
1520  if (plotfile_type_temp == PlotFileType::None) {
1521  if (plotfile_type_1 == PlotFileType::None) {
1522  plotfile_type_1 = PlotFileType::Amrex;
1523  }
1524  if (plotfile_type_2 == PlotFileType::None) {
1525  plotfile_type_2 = PlotFileType::Amrex;
1526  }
1527  } else {
1528  if (plotfile_type_1 == PlotFileType::None) {
1529  plotfile_type_1 = plotfile_type_temp;
1530  } else {
1531  amrex::Abort("You must set either plotfile_type or plotfile_type_1, not both");
1532  }
1533  if (plotfile_type_2 == PlotFileType::None) {
1534  plotfile_type_2 = plotfile_type_temp;
1535  } else {
1536  amrex::Abort("You must set either plotfile_type or plotfile_type_2, not both");
1537  }
1538  }
1539 #ifndef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1540  if (plotfile_type_1 == PlotFileType::Netcdf ||
1541  plotfile_type_2 == PlotFileType::Netcdf) {
1542  amrex::Abort("Plotfile type = Netcdf is not allowed without USE_NETCDF = TRUE");
1543  }
1544 #endif
1546  pp.query("plot_file_1", plot_file_1);
1547  pp.query("plot_file_2", plot_file_2);
1548  pp.query("plot_int_1" , m_plot_int_1);
1549  pp.query("plot_int_2" , m_plot_int_2);
1550  pp.query("plot_per_1", m_plot_per_1);
1551  pp.query("plot_per_2", m_plot_per_2);
1553  pp.query("expand_plotvars_to_unif_rr",m_expand_plotvars_to_unif_rr);
1555  pp.query("plot_face_vels",m_plot_face_vels);
1557  if ( (m_plot_int_1 > 0 && m_plot_per_1 > 0) ||
1558  (m_plot_int_2 > 0 && m_plot_per_2 > 0.) ) {
1559  Abort("Must choose only one of plot_int or plot_per");
1465  // Should we use the bcs we've read in from wrfbdy or metgrid files?
1466  // We default to yes if we have them, but the user can override that option
1467  use_real_bcs = ( (init_type == InitType::Real) || (init_type == InitType::Metgrid) );
1468  pp.query("use_real_bcs",use_real_bcs);
1470  // We use this to keep track of how many boxes we read in from WRF initialization
1471  num_files_at_level.resize(max_level+1,0);
1473  // We use this to keep track of how many boxes are specified thru the refinement indicators
1474  num_boxes_at_level.resize(max_level+1,0);
1475  boxes_at_level.resize(max_level+1);
1477  // We always have exactly one file at level 0
1478  num_boxes_at_level[0] = 1;
1479  boxes_at_level[0].resize(1);
1480  boxes_at_level[0][0] = geom[0].Domain();
1482 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1483  nc_init_file.resize(max_level+1);
1485  // NetCDF wrfinput initialization files -- possibly multiple files at each of multiple levels
1486  // but we always have exactly one file at level 0
1487  for (int lev = 0; lev <= max_level; lev++)
1488  {
1489  const std::string nc_file_names = Concatenate("nc_init_file_",lev,1);
1490  if (pp.contains(nc_file_names.c_str()))
1491  {
1492  int num_files = pp.countval(nc_file_names.c_str());
1493  num_files_at_level[lev] = num_files;
1494  nc_init_file[lev].resize(num_files);
1495  pp.queryarr(nc_file_names.c_str(), nc_init_file[lev],0,num_files);
1496  for (int j = 0; j < num_files; j++)
1497  Print() << "Reading NC init file names at level " << lev << " and index " << j << " : " << nc_init_file[lev][j] << std::endl;
1498  }
1499  }
1501  // NetCDF wrfbdy lateral boundary file
1502  pp.query("nc_bdy_file", nc_bdy_file);
1503 #endif
1505  // Flag to trigger initialization from input_sounding like WRF's ideal.exe
1506  pp.query("init_sounding_ideal", init_sounding_ideal);
1508  // Options for vertical interpolation of met_em*.nc data.
1509  pp.query("metgrid_debug_quiescent", metgrid_debug_quiescent);
1510  pp.query("metgrid_debug_isothermal", metgrid_debug_isothermal);
1511  pp.query("metgrid_debug_dry", metgrid_debug_dry);
1512  pp.query("metgrid_debug_psfc", metgrid_debug_psfc);
1513  pp.query("metgrid_debug_msf", metgrid_debug_msf);
1514  pp.query("metgrid_interp_theta", metgrid_interp_theta);
1515  pp.query("metgrid_basic_linear", metgrid_basic_linear);
1516  pp.query("metgrid_use_below_sfc", metgrid_use_below_sfc);
1517  pp.query("metgrid_use_sfc", metgrid_use_sfc);
1518  pp.query("metgrid_retain_sfc", metgrid_retain_sfc);
1519  pp.query("metgrid_proximity", metgrid_proximity);
1520  pp.query("metgrid_order", metgrid_order);
1521  pp.query("metgrid_force_sfc_k", metgrid_force_sfc_k);
1523  // Set default to FullState for now ... later we will try Perturbation
1524  interpolation_type = StateInterpType::FullState;
1525  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("interpolation_type" ,interpolation_type);
1527  PlotFileType plotfile_type_temp = PlotFileType::None;
1528  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("plotfile_type" ,plotfile_type_temp);
1529  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("plotfile_type_1",plotfile_type_1);
1530  pp.query_enum_case_insensitive("plotfile_type_2",plotfile_type_2);
1531  //
1532  // This option is for backward consistency -- if only plotfile_type is set,
1533  // then it will be used for both 1 and 2 if and only if they are not set
1534  //
1535  // Default is native amrex if no type is specified
1536  //
1537  if (plotfile_type_temp == PlotFileType::None) {
1538  if (plotfile_type_1 == PlotFileType::None) {
1539  plotfile_type_1 = PlotFileType::Amrex;
1540  }
1541  if (plotfile_type_2 == PlotFileType::None) {
1542  plotfile_type_2 = PlotFileType::Amrex;
1543  }
1544  } else {
1545  if (plotfile_type_1 == PlotFileType::None) {
1546  plotfile_type_1 = plotfile_type_temp;
1547  } else {
1548  amrex::Abort("You must set either plotfile_type or plotfile_type_1, not both");
1549  }
1550  if (plotfile_type_2 == PlotFileType::None) {
1551  plotfile_type_2 = plotfile_type_temp;
1552  } else {
1553  amrex::Abort("You must set either plotfile_type or plotfile_type_2, not both");
1554  }
1555  }
1556 #ifndef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1557  if (plotfile_type_1 == PlotFileType::Netcdf ||
1558  plotfile_type_2 == PlotFileType::Netcdf) {
1559  amrex::Abort("Plotfile type = Netcdf is not allowed without USE_NETCDF = TRUE");
1560  }
1562  pp.query("profile_int", profile_int);
1563  pp.query("destag_profiles", destag_profiles);
1565  pp.query("plot_lsm", plot_lsm);
1566 #ifdef ERF_USE_RRTMGP
1567  pp.query("plot_rad", plot_rad);
1568 #endif
1561 #endif
1563  pp.query("plot_file_1", plot_file_1);
1564  pp.query("plot_file_2", plot_file_2);
1565  pp.query("plot_int_1" , m_plot_int_1);
1566  pp.query("plot_int_2" , m_plot_int_2);
1567  pp.query("plot_per_1", m_plot_per_1);
1568  pp.query("plot_per_2", m_plot_per_2);
1570  pp.query("output_1d_column", output_1d_column);
1571  pp.query("column_per", column_per);
1572  pp.query("column_interval", column_interval);
1573  pp.query("column_loc_x", column_loc_x);
1574  pp.query("column_loc_y", column_loc_y);
1575  pp.query("column_file_name", column_file_name);
1577  // Sampler output frequency
1578  pp.query("sampler_per", sampler_per);
1579  pp.query("sampler_interval", sampler_interval);
1581  // Specify information about outputting planes of data
1582  pp.query("output_bndry_planes", output_bndry_planes);
1583  pp.query("bndry_output_planes_interval", bndry_output_planes_interval);
1584  pp.query("bndry_output_planes_per", bndry_output_planes_per);
1585  pp.query("bndry_output_start_time", bndry_output_planes_start_time);
1570  pp.query("expand_plotvars_to_unif_rr",m_expand_plotvars_to_unif_rr);
1572  pp.query("plot_face_vels",m_plot_face_vels);
1574  if ( (m_plot_int_1 > 0 && m_plot_per_1 > 0) ||
1575  (m_plot_int_2 > 0 && m_plot_per_2 > 0.) ) {
1576  Abort("Must choose only one of plot_int or plot_per");
1577  }
1579  pp.query("profile_int", profile_int);
1580  pp.query("destag_profiles", destag_profiles);
1582  pp.query("plot_lsm", plot_lsm);
1583 #ifdef ERF_USE_RRTMGP
1584  pp.query("plot_rad", plot_rad);
1585 #endif
1587  // Specify whether ingest boundary planes of data
1588  pp.query("input_bndry_planes", input_bndry_planes);
1590  // Query the set and total widths for wrfbdy interior ghost cells
1591  pp.query("real_width", real_width);
1592  pp.query("real_set_width", real_set_width);
1587  pp.query("output_1d_column", output_1d_column);
1588  pp.query("column_per", column_per);
1589  pp.query("column_interval", column_interval);
1590  pp.query("column_loc_x", column_loc_x);
1591  pp.query("column_loc_y", column_loc_y);
1592  pp.query("column_file_name", column_file_name);
1594  // Query the set and total widths for crse-fine interior ghost cells
1595  pp.query("cf_width", cf_width);
1596  pp.query("cf_set_width", cf_set_width);
1594  // Sampler output frequency
1595  pp.query("sampler_per", sampler_per);
1596  pp.query("sampler_interval", sampler_interval);
1598  // AmrMesh iterate on grids?
1599  bool iterate(true);
1600  pp_amr.query("iterate_grids",iterate);
1601  if (!iterate) SetIterateToFalse();
1602  }
1598  // Specify information about outputting planes of data
1599  pp.query("output_bndry_planes", output_bndry_planes);
1600  pp.query("bndry_output_planes_interval", bndry_output_planes_interval);
1601  pp.query("bndry_output_planes_per", bndry_output_planes_per);
1602  pp.query("bndry_output_start_time", bndry_output_planes_start_time);
1605  readTracersParams();
1606 #endif
- -
1610 #endif
1612  solverChoice.init_params(max_level);
1614  // Query the canopy model file name
1615  std::string forestfile;
1616  solverChoice.do_forest_drag = pp.query("forest_file", forestfile);
- -
1618  for (int lev = 0; lev <= max_level; ++lev) {
1619  m_forest_drag[lev] = std::make_unique<ForestDrag>(forestfile);
1620  }
1621  }
1623  // No moving terrain with init real (we must do this after init_params
1624  // because that is where we set terrain_type
1625  if (init_type == InitType::Real && solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh) {
1626  Abort("Moving terrain is not supported with init real");
1627  }
1604  // Specify whether ingest boundary planes of data
1605  pp.query("input_bndry_planes", input_bndry_planes);
1607  // Query the set and total widths for wrfbdy interior ghost cells
1608  pp.query("real_width", real_width);
1609  pp.query("real_set_width", real_set_width);
1611  // Query the set and total widths for crse-fine interior ghost cells
1612  pp.query("cf_width", cf_width);
1613  pp.query("cf_set_width", cf_set_width);
1615  // AmrMesh iterate on grids?
1616  bool iterate(true);
1617  pp_amr.query("iterate_grids",iterate);
1618  if (!iterate) SetIterateToFalse();
1619  }
1622  readTracersParams();
1623 #endif
+ +
1627 #endif
1629  // What type of land surface model to use
1630  // NOTE: Must be checked after init_params
1631  if (solverChoice.lsm_type == LandSurfaceType::SLM) {
1632  lsm.SetModel<SLM>();
1633  Print() << "SLM land surface model!\n";
1634  } else if (solverChoice.lsm_type == LandSurfaceType::MM5) {
1635  lsm.SetModel<MM5>();
1636  Print() << "MM5 land surface model!\n";
1637 #ifdef ERF_USE_NOAH
1638  } else if (solverChoice.lsm_type == LandSurfaceType::NOAH) {
1639  lsm.SetModel<NOAH>();
1640  Print() << "NOAH land surface model!\n";
1641 #endif
1642  } else if (solverChoice.lsm_type == LandSurfaceType::None) {
1643  lsm.SetModel<NullSurf>();
1644  Print() << "Null land surface model!\n";
1645  } else {
1646  Abort("Dont know this LandSurfaceType!") ;
1647  }
1649  if (verbose > 0) {
1650  solverChoice.display(max_level);
1651  }
- -
1654 }
1629  solverChoice.init_params(max_level);
1631  // Query the canopy model file name
1632  std::string forestfile;
1633  solverChoice.do_forest_drag = pp.query("forest_file", forestfile);
+ +
1635  for (int lev = 0; lev <= max_level; ++lev) {
1636  m_forest_drag[lev] = std::make_unique<ForestDrag>(forestfile);
1637  }
1638  }
1640  // No moving terrain with init real (we must do this after init_params
1641  // because that is where we set terrain_type
1642  if (init_type == InitType::Real && solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::MovingFittedMesh) {
1643  Abort("Moving terrain is not supported with init real");
1644  }
1646  // What type of land surface model to use
1647  // NOTE: Must be checked after init_params
1648  if (solverChoice.lsm_type == LandSurfaceType::SLM) {
1649  lsm.SetModel<SLM>();
1650  Print() << "SLM land surface model!\n";
1651  } else if (solverChoice.lsm_type == LandSurfaceType::MM5) {
1652  lsm.SetModel<MM5>();
1653  Print() << "MM5 land surface model!\n";
1654 #ifdef ERF_USE_NOAH
1655  } else if (solverChoice.lsm_type == LandSurfaceType::NOAH) {
1656  lsm.SetModel<NOAH>();
1657  Print() << "NOAH land surface model!\n";
1658 #endif
1659  } else if (solverChoice.lsm_type == LandSurfaceType::None) {
1660  lsm.SetModel<NullSurf>();
1661  Print() << "Null land surface model!\n";
1662  } else {
1663  Abort("Dont know this LandSurfaceType!") ;
1664  }
1666  if (verbose > 0) {
1667  solverChoice.display(max_level);
1668  }
+ +
1671 }
bool metgrid_basic_linear
Definition: ERF.H:1084
amrex::Vector< amrex::Vector< amrex::Box > > boxes_at_level
Definition: ERF.H:719
bool metgrid_debug_msf
Definition: ERF.H:1082
@@ -13857,7 +13872,7 @@

bool metgrid_debug_dry
Definition: ERF.H:1080

bool metgrid_debug_isothermal
Definition: ERF.H:1079
bool metgrid_debug_psfc
Definition: ERF.H:1081
void ParameterSanityChecks()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1658
void ParameterSanityChecks()
Definition: ERF.cpp:1675
bool m_expand_plotvars_to_unif_rr
Definition: ERF.H:942
amrex::Vector< int > num_boxes_at_level
Definition: ERF.H:717
std::string check_file
Definition: ERF.H:956
@@ -14273,38 +14288,38 @@

545 {
546  if (lev > 0 && SolverChoice::mesh_type == MeshType::VariableDz)
547  {
548  //
549  // First interpolate from coarser level
550  // NOTE: this interpolater assumes that ALL ghost cells of the coarse MultiFab
551  // have been pre-filled - this includes ghost cells both inside and outside
552  // the domain
553  //
554  InterpFromCoarseLevel(*temp_zphys_nd, z_phys_nd[lev]->nGrowVect(),
555  IntVect(0,0,0), // do not fill ghost cells outside the domain
556  *z_phys_nd[lev-1], 0, 0, 1,
557  geom[lev-1], geom[lev],
558  refRatio(lev-1), &node_bilinear_interp,
- -
561  // This recomputes the fine values using the bottom terrain at the fine resolution,
562  // and also fills values of z_phys_nd outside the domain
- +
543 {
544  if (lev > 0 && SolverChoice::mesh_type == MeshType::VariableDz)
545  {
546  //
547  // First interpolate from coarser level
548  // NOTE: this interpolater assumes that ALL ghost cells of the coarse MultiFab
549  // have been pre-filled - this includes ghost cells both inside and outside
550  // the domain
551  //
552  InterpFromCoarseLevel(*temp_zphys_nd, z_phys_nd[lev]->nGrowVect(),
553  IntVect(0,0,0), // do not fill ghost cells outside the domain
554  *z_phys_nd[lev-1], 0, 0, 1,
555  geom[lev-1], geom[lev],
556  refRatio(lev-1), &node_bilinear_interp,
+ +
559  // This recomputes the fine values using the bottom terrain at the fine resolution,
560  // and also fills values of z_phys_nd outside the domain
+ +
563  std::swap(temp_zphys_nd, z_phys_nd[lev]);
565  std::swap(temp_zphys_nd, z_phys_nd[lev]);
565  } // use_terrain && lev > 0
567  } // use_terrain && lev > 0
569  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::ImmersedForcing) {
567  if (solverChoice.terrain_type == TerrainType::ImmersedForcing) {
568  //
569  // This assumes we have already remade the EBGeometry
570  //
571  // This assumes we have already remade the EBGeometry
572  //
573  terrain_blanking[lev]->setVal(1.0);
574  MultiFab::Subtract(*terrain_blanking[lev], EBFactory(lev).getVolFrac(), 0, 0, 1, 0);
575  }
576 }
571  terrain_blanking[lev]->setVal(1.0);
572  MultiFab::Subtract(*terrain_blanking[lev], EBFactory(lev).getVolFrac(), 0, 0, 1, 0);
573  }
574 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
@@ -14518,7 +14533,7 @@

476  particleData.Redistribute();

477 #endif
478 }
void remake_zphys(int lev, amrex::Real time, std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > &temp_zphys_nd)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:544
void remake_zphys(int lev, amrex::Real time, std::unique_ptr< amrex::MultiFab > &temp_zphys_nd)
Definition: ERF_MakeNewArrays.cpp:542

@@ -14536,30 +14551,30 @@

1235 {
1236  // TODO: This could be deleted since ba/dm are not created yet?
1237  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
1238  {
1239  auto& lev_new = vars_new[lev];
1240  auto& lev_old = vars_old[lev];
1241  lev_new[Vars::cons].setVal(0.); lev_old[Vars::cons].setVal(0.);
1242  lev_new[Vars::xvel].setVal(0.); lev_old[Vars::xvel].setVal(0.);
1243  lev_new[Vars::yvel].setVal(0.); lev_old[Vars::yvel].setVal(0.);
1244  lev_new[Vars::zvel].setVal(0.); lev_old[Vars::zvel].setVal(0.);
1245  }
1247 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1248  if (restart_type == "netcdf") {
1249  ReadNCCheckpointFile();
1250  }
1251 #endif
1252  if (restart_type == "native") {
- -
1254  }
1256  // We set this here so that we don't over-write the checkpoint file we just started from
- -
1258 }
1252 {
1253  // TODO: This could be deleted since ba/dm are not created yet?
1254  for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
1255  {
1256  auto& lev_new = vars_new[lev];
1257  auto& lev_old = vars_old[lev];
1258  lev_new[Vars::cons].setVal(0.); lev_old[Vars::cons].setVal(0.);
1259  lev_new[Vars::xvel].setVal(0.); lev_old[Vars::xvel].setVal(0.);
1260  lev_new[Vars::yvel].setVal(0.); lev_old[Vars::yvel].setVal(0.);
1261  lev_new[Vars::zvel].setVal(0.); lev_old[Vars::zvel].setVal(0.);
1262  }
1264 #ifdef ERF_USE_NETCDF
1265  if (restart_type == "netcdf") {
1266  ReadNCCheckpointFile();
1267  }
1268 #endif
1269  if (restart_type == "native") {
+ +
1271  }
1273  // We set this here so that we don't over-write the checkpoint file we just started from
+ +
1275 }
void ReadCheckpointFile()
Definition: ERF_Checkpoint.cpp:273
@@ -16426,94 +16441,94 @@

383 {
381 {
382  // ********************************************************************************************
383  // Diffusive terms
384  // ********************************************************************************************
385  // Diffusive terms
386  // ********************************************************************************************
387  bool l_use_terrain = (SolverChoice::terrain_type != TerrainType::None);
388  bool l_use_kturb = ( (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].les_type != LESType::None) ||
389  (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].rans_type != RANSType::None) ||
390  (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].pbl_type != PBLType::None) );
391  bool l_use_diff = ( (solverChoice.diffChoice.molec_diff_type != MolecDiffType::None) ||
392  l_use_kturb );
393  bool l_need_SmnSmn = ( (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].les_type == LESType::Deardorff) ||
394  (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].rans_type == RANSType::kEqn) );
395  bool l_use_moist = ( solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None );
397  BoxArray ba12 = convert(ba, IntVect(1,1,0));
398  BoxArray ba13 = convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,1));
399  BoxArray ba23 = convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,1));
401  if (l_use_diff) {
402  //
403  // NOTE: We require ghost cells in the vertical when allowing grids that don't
404  // cover the entire vertical extent of the domain at this level
405  //
406  Tau11_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba , dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
407  Tau22_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba , dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
408  Tau33_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba , dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
409  Tau12_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba12, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
410  Tau13_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba13, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
411  Tau23_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba23, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
412  if (l_use_terrain) {
413  Tau21_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba12, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
414  Tau31_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba13, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
415  Tau32_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba23, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
416  } else {
417  Tau21_lev[lev] = nullptr;
418  Tau31_lev[lev] = nullptr;
419  Tau32_lev[lev] = nullptr;
420  }
421  SFS_hfx1_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
422  SFS_hfx2_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
423  SFS_hfx3_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
424  SFS_diss_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba , dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
425  SFS_hfx1_lev[lev]->setVal(0.);
426  SFS_hfx2_lev[lev]->setVal(0.);
427  SFS_hfx3_lev[lev]->setVal(0.);
428  SFS_diss_lev[lev]->setVal(0.);
429  if (l_use_moist) {
430  SFS_q1fx3_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
431  SFS_q2fx3_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
432  SFS_q1fx3_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
433  SFS_q2fx3_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
- -
435  SFS_q1fx1_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
436  SFS_q1fx2_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
437  SFS_q1fx1_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
438  SFS_q1fx2_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
439  } else {
440  SFS_q1fx1_lev[lev] = nullptr;
441  SFS_q1fx2_lev[lev] = nullptr;
442  }
443  } else {
444  SFS_q1fx1_lev[lev] = nullptr;
445  SFS_q1fx2_lev[lev] = nullptr;
446  SFS_q1fx3_lev[lev] = nullptr;
447  SFS_q2fx3_lev[lev] = nullptr;
448  }
449  } else {
450  Tau11_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau22_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau33_lev[lev] = nullptr;
451  Tau12_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau21_lev[lev] = nullptr;
452  Tau13_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau31_lev[lev] = nullptr;
453  Tau23_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau32_lev[lev] = nullptr;
454  SFS_hfx1_lev[lev] = nullptr; SFS_hfx2_lev[lev] = nullptr; SFS_hfx3_lev[lev] = nullptr;
455  SFS_diss_lev[lev] = nullptr;
456  }
458  if (l_use_kturb) {
459  eddyDiffs_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba, dm, EddyDiff::NumDiffs, 2);
460  eddyDiffs_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
461  if(l_need_SmnSmn) {
462  SmnSmn_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba, dm, 1, 0 );
463  } else {
464  SmnSmn_lev[lev] = nullptr;
465  }
466  } else {
467  eddyDiffs_lev[lev] = nullptr;
468  SmnSmn_lev[lev] = nullptr;
469  }
470 }
385  bool l_use_terrain = (SolverChoice::terrain_type != TerrainType::None);
386  bool l_use_kturb = ( (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].les_type != LESType::None) ||
387  (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].rans_type != RANSType::None) ||
388  (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].pbl_type != PBLType::None) );
389  bool l_use_diff = ( (solverChoice.diffChoice.molec_diff_type != MolecDiffType::None) ||
390  l_use_kturb );
391  bool l_need_SmnSmn = ( (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].les_type == LESType::Deardorff) ||
392  (solverChoice.turbChoice[lev].rans_type == RANSType::kEqn) );
393  bool l_use_moist = ( solverChoice.moisture_type != MoistureType::None );
395  BoxArray ba12 = convert(ba, IntVect(1,1,0));
396  BoxArray ba13 = convert(ba, IntVect(1,0,1));
397  BoxArray ba23 = convert(ba, IntVect(0,1,1));
399  if (l_use_diff) {
400  //
401  // NOTE: We require ghost cells in the vertical when allowing grids that don't
402  // cover the entire vertical extent of the domain at this level
403  //
404  Tau11_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba , dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
405  Tau22_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba , dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
406  Tau33_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba , dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
407  Tau12_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba12, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
408  Tau13_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba13, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
409  Tau23_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba23, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
410  if (l_use_terrain) {
411  Tau21_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba12, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
412  Tau31_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba13, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
413  Tau32_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba23, dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
414  } else {
415  Tau21_lev[lev] = nullptr;
416  Tau31_lev[lev] = nullptr;
417  Tau32_lev[lev] = nullptr;
418  }
419  SFS_hfx1_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
420  SFS_hfx2_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
421  SFS_hfx3_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
422  SFS_diss_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba , dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
423  SFS_hfx1_lev[lev]->setVal(0.);
424  SFS_hfx2_lev[lev]->setVal(0.);
425  SFS_hfx3_lev[lev]->setVal(0.);
426  SFS_diss_lev[lev]->setVal(0.);
427  if (l_use_moist) {
428  SFS_q1fx3_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
429  SFS_q2fx3_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,0,1)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
430  SFS_q1fx3_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
431  SFS_q2fx3_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
+ +
433  SFS_q1fx1_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(1,0,0)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
434  SFS_q1fx2_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( convert(ba,IntVect(0,1,0)), dm, 1, IntVect(1,1,1) );
435  SFS_q1fx1_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
436  SFS_q1fx2_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
437  } else {
438  SFS_q1fx1_lev[lev] = nullptr;
439  SFS_q1fx2_lev[lev] = nullptr;
440  }
441  } else {
442  SFS_q1fx1_lev[lev] = nullptr;
443  SFS_q1fx2_lev[lev] = nullptr;
444  SFS_q1fx3_lev[lev] = nullptr;
445  SFS_q2fx3_lev[lev] = nullptr;
446  }
447  } else {
448  Tau11_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau22_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau33_lev[lev] = nullptr;
449  Tau12_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau21_lev[lev] = nullptr;
450  Tau13_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau31_lev[lev] = nullptr;
451  Tau23_lev[lev] = nullptr; Tau32_lev[lev] = nullptr;
452  SFS_hfx1_lev[lev] = nullptr; SFS_hfx2_lev[lev] = nullptr; SFS_hfx3_lev[lev] = nullptr;
453  SFS_diss_lev[lev] = nullptr;
454  }
456  if (l_use_kturb) {
457  eddyDiffs_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>(ba, dm, EddyDiff::NumDiffs, 2);
458  eddyDiffs_lev[lev]->setVal(0.0);
459  if(l_need_SmnSmn) {
460  SmnSmn_lev[lev] = std::make_unique<MultiFab>( ba, dm, 1, 0 );
461  } else {
462  SmnSmn_lev[lev] = nullptr;
463  }
464  } else {
465  eddyDiffs_lev[lev] = nullptr;
466  SmnSmn_lev[lev] = nullptr;
467  }
468 }
@ NumDiffs
Definition: ERF_IndexDefines.H:162
@@ -16533,14 +16548,14 @@

580 {
581  if (SolverChoice::mesh_type == MeshType::StretchedDz ||
582  SolverChoice::mesh_type == MeshType::VariableDz) {
583  make_J(geom[lev],*z_phys_nd[lev],*detJ_cc[lev]);
584  make_areas(geom[lev],*z_phys_nd[lev],*ax[lev],*ay[lev],*az[lev]);
585  make_zcc(geom[lev],*z_phys_nd[lev],*z_phys_cc[lev]);
586  }
587 }
578 {
579  if (SolverChoice::mesh_type == MeshType::StretchedDz ||
580  SolverChoice::mesh_type == MeshType::VariableDz) {
581  make_J(geom[lev],*z_phys_nd[lev],*detJ_cc[lev]);
582  make_areas(geom[lev],*z_phys_nd[lev],*ax[lev],*ay[lev],*az[lev]);
583  make_zcc(geom[lev],*z_phys_nd[lev],*z_phys_cc[lev]);
584  }
585 }
void make_areas(const Geometry &geom, MultiFab &z_phys_nd, MultiFab &ax, MultiFab &ay, MultiFab &az)
Definition: ERF_TerrainMetrics.cpp:629
void make_J(const Geometry &geom, MultiFab &z_phys_nd, MultiFab &detJ_cc)
Definition: ERF_TerrainMetrics.cpp:591
@@ -18073,47 +18088,47 @@

1954 {
1955  bool write_now = false;
1957  if ( plot_int > 0 && (nstep % plot_int == 0) ) {
1958  write_now = true;
1960  } else if (plot_per > 0.0) {
1962  // Check to see if we've crossed a plot_per interval by comparing
1963  // the number of intervals that have elapsed for both the current
1964  // time and the time at the beginning of this timestep.
1966  const Real eps = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon() * Real(10.0) * std::abs(cur_time);
1968  int num_per_old = static_cast<int>(std::floor((cur_time-eps-dt_lev) / plot_per));
1969  int num_per_new = static_cast<int>(std::floor((cur_time-eps ) / plot_per));
1971  // Before using these, however, we must test for the case where we're
1972  // within machine epsilon of the next interval. In that case, increment
1973  // the counter, because we have indeed reached the next plot_per interval
1974  // at this point.
1976  const Real next_plot_time = (num_per_old + 1) * plot_per;
1978  if ((num_per_new == num_per_old) && std::abs(cur_time - next_plot_time) <= eps)
1979  {
1980  num_per_new += 1;
1981  }
1971 {
1972  bool write_now = false;
1974  if ( plot_int > 0 && (nstep % plot_int == 0) ) {
1975  write_now = true;
1977  } else if (plot_per > 0.0) {
1979  // Check to see if we've crossed a plot_per interval by comparing
1980  // the number of intervals that have elapsed for both the current
1981  // time and the time at the beginning of this timestep.
1983  // Similarly, we have to account for the case where the old time is within
1984  // machine epsilon of the beginning of this interval, so that we don't double
1985  // count that time threshold -- we already plotted at that time on the last timestep.
1987  if ((num_per_new != num_per_old) && std::abs((cur_time - dt_lev) - next_plot_time) <= eps)
1988  num_per_old += 1;
1990  if (num_per_old != num_per_new)
1991  write_now = true;
1992  }
1993  return write_now;
1994 }
1983  const Real eps = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon() * Real(10.0) * std::abs(cur_time);
1985  int num_per_old = static_cast<int>(std::floor((cur_time-eps-dt_lev) / plot_per));
1986  int num_per_new = static_cast<int>(std::floor((cur_time-eps ) / plot_per));
1988  // Before using these, however, we must test for the case where we're
1989  // within machine epsilon of the next interval. In that case, increment
1990  // the counter, because we have indeed reached the next plot_per interval
1991  // at this point.
1993  const Real next_plot_time = (num_per_old + 1) * plot_per;
1995  if ((num_per_new == num_per_old) && std::abs(cur_time - next_plot_time) <= eps)
1996  {
1997  num_per_new += 1;
1998  }
2000  // Similarly, we have to account for the case where the old time is within
2001  // machine epsilon of the beginning of this interval, so that we don't double
2002  // count that time threshold -- we already plotted at that time on the last timestep.
2004  if ((num_per_new != num_per_old) && std::abs((cur_time - dt_lev) - next_plot_time) <= eps)
2005  num_per_old += 1;
2007  if (num_per_old != num_per_new)
2008  write_now = true;
2009  }
2010  return write_now;
2011 }