Releases: epam/UUI
4.5.0 - 23.12.2021
What's New
- [Breaking Change]: Changed VirtualList component api. Introduced new useVirtualList hook.
More information here - - Improved SSR support and introduced uui next.js app template. More information here -
- Added rawProps attribute to ModalHeader, ModalFooter, PickerInput, RangeDatePicker, DatePicker, TimePicker. Removed 'id' prop from PickerInput, DatePicker, TimePicker.
- [FileCard]: Added extension to file card. Bugfixes.
- [ArrayDataSource, LazyDataSource]: Added disableSelectAll attribute
- [RTE]: Added isEditorEmpty helper. Bugfixes.
What’s Fixed
- [DataPickerRow]: Fix tick icon alignment
- [MainMenu]: remove fill style from burger icons source
- [PickerInput]: fix bug when picker value === 0
- [DropdownMenu]: fix reset fonts for DropdownMenuButton
- [DropdownMenu]: Don't focus the first action in dropdown menu on menu opening
- [LockContext]: fix typings for 'release' method
- [BurgerButton]: fix BurgerButton icon color if isActiveLink=true
4.4.0 - 07.12.2021
What's New
- [Drag&Drop]: added mobile devices support
- [ErrorHandler]: added to 'promo' skin
- [PickerInput]: add possibility to pass icon to the toggler
- [DropSpot]: move wordings to the i18n
What’s Fixed
- [Router]: remove history types dependency from UUI, fix types for location.state
- [TextPlaceholder]: fix placeholder visibility for Safari
- [Form]: fix lens batch updates
- [Checkbox]: added default value, fixed alignment for label
- [ApiContext]: fix bug when 'connection lost' modal was shown on canceled fetch request
- [IconButton]: fix the IconButton color on focus when the button is disabled
- [SearchInput]: fix accept and cancel icons visibility when onAccept and onCancel callback are passed and value is empty
- [BurgerButton]: fix styles
4.3.0 - 25.10.2021
What's New
- [Lens][BreakingChange]: now if your get value from non-exist nested object field you will receive 'undefined' instead of 'null'
- [DataPickerFooter][Breaking Change]: changed DataPickerFooterProps interface.
- [Form]: introduced new useForm() hook
- [RouterContext]: extended Link interface by 'key', 'hash', 'state' fields
- [SlateEditor]: added onBlur and onKeyDown props
What’s Fixed
- [SlateRTE]: don't keep source formatting background-color when paste html in editor
- [Tag, Badge]: reworked styles according design
- [MainMenu]: reworked styles according design in Promo skin
- [DataTable]: added work of renderNoResultsBlock props without default behavior
- [Accordion]: remove overflow: hidden; style from body
4.2.7 - 13.10.2021
What's New
- [PickerModal, PickerList]: add disallowClickOutside prop
- [DataTableCell]: removed labelColor prop and reusePadding from Loveship & Promo skins, reworked html structure
What’s Fixed
- [Button]: fix tooltip on disabled button
- [PickerInput]: fix picker closing by clicking on toggler arrow
- [PickerInput]: fix selected item color when searchPosition='none'
- [Modals]: fix mobile view
- [SlateEditor]: add 'null' type for value prop
4.2.6 - 07.10.2021
What’s Fixed
- [ArrayListView, LazyListView]: fix checkbox behavior in parent row of tree-table when child is checked and disabled, and selectAll checkbox behavior if there are some disabled rows in list;
- [Form]: fix form validation after beforeLeave modal save action;
- [TimePicker]: fix incorrect onClear behaviour;
- [SliderRating]: improve performance; fix invalid behavior of reverting back to selected value after mouse leave;
- [PickerInput]: close picker body when user lose focus from input;
- [PickerInput]: fix 'body' scroll in mobile view;
4.2.5 - 28.09.2021
What's New
- rework keyboard and focus/blur functionality in pickers
- [VerticalTabButton]: added new component for vertical tabs
- [DropdownMenu]: added keyboard support in Promo skin
What’s Fixed
- [PickerInput]: improve mobile view
- [Modals]: improve mobile view
- [PickerInput]: fix dropdown icon click handler
- [LabeledInput]: remove children wrapping into label tag. Added htmlFor prop for linking label and control in forms.
4.2.4 - 17.09.2021
What’s Fixed
- [Table]: fix row checkbox selection if row is link
4.2.2 - 17.09.2021
What's New
- [ProgressBar]: implemented a new component to make possibility display a determinate progress bar with different sizes striped animation
- [IndeterminateBar]: implemented a new component to make possibility display indeterminate progress with different sizes.
- [IndicatorBar]: implemented a new component to use as the top indicator of page loading. Has a fixed size and can be determinate or indeterminate.
What’s Fixed
- [PickerInput]: fix size of PickerToggler in size-24 loveship skin
- [MainMenu]: Do not render logo if url is not provided
- [DatePicker]: fix validation date onBlur
- [DatePicker]: fix calling onValueChange 2 times on date selection
- [DropdownMenu]: fix 'style' prop from DropdownMenuContainer
- [MainMenuSearch]: fix 'cx' prop
- [RadioInput]: fix applying border color for invalid RadionInput in promo skin
- [Table]: fix row checkbox selection if row is link
- [CheckBox]: fix invalid style
- [DropdownMenuButton]: remove default value for target prop
- [Dropdown]: fix onClose handler if you manage dropdown state by yourself
- [Modals]: fix modal blocker container adjustment on mobile view
4.2.1 - 31.08.2021
What's New
- [PickerInput]: improve adaptation for mobiles
- [Modals]: lock focus inside modal window
What’s Fixed
- fix styles issues with some components in Safari
4.2.0 - 23.08.2021
What's New
Improved accessibility and keyboard support for a lot of components
Replace Moment by Dayjs
Added mobile view for Pickers
[AnalyticsContext] [Breaking Change]: Removed amplitude client from UUI and implemented IAnalyticsListener to pass any analytics client from client side. If you use Amplitude into your project, now you need to create IAnalyticsListener and add it to the Analytic Context. See the example here;
[DropdownMenu] Implement DropdownMenu component in UUI4[Promo].
DropdownMenu allows you to create vertical menus with a nested structure that pops up on hover or click (default is on hover).
The main possibilities:- render menu item with an icon in the left or right position ('left' as default). - highlight menu item as selected passing 'isSelected' prop. - render you own custom component as DropdownMenu item. - to splite items as a group.
[AvatarStack]: add possibility render custom avatar by the prop renderItem
[FlexRow]: add more sizes for vPadding prop
What’s Fixed
- [Badge]: fix cursor pointer if badge is clickable.
- [PickerInput]: fix paddings for the PickerItem, so that if the value is too long the item looks with indented.
- [MainMenuSearch]: fix passing 'onAccept' prop from MainMenuSearch to TextInput
- [VirtualList]: replace legacy react-custom-scrollbars by react-custom-scrollbars-2
- [PickerInput]: fix pass the mode prop to PickerToggler so that apply correct style according to the mode
- [Button]: fix the text color for the button so that the text and border color are the same color
- [TextArea]: fix scrolling jump after typing when received autosize prop
- [VirtualList]: fix the width for container