Releases: enen92/program.plexus
Version 1.1.0
- Fix acestream engine window for skins rather than confluence
Version 1.0.9
-Updated linux x64 Acestreamengine to version 3.0.0-b2
-Updated Openelec x64 Acestreamengine to version 3.0.0-b2
-Updated Android internal Acestreamengine to version 2.3.1
-Updated Android Apks in repository to match latest version of the engine and player
-Added support for android x86 (Acestream only)
Version 1.0.8
-Updated acestreamengine for Windows (version 2.3.0-Next)
-Updated acestreamengine for Linux x64 and Openelec x64 (version 3.0.0 b1)
-Plenty of new options for Android devices:
-The addon now includes its own engine like in other platforms (default option -> All addon). This allows you to change the acestreamengine settings from within the addon plus stop/killing the engine after you watch a stream.
-You can still use xbmc player + external acestream engine as before (xbmc player + external acestreamengine.apk)
-You can now use an external player (aceplayer.apk) (option external player)
-Fixed bug in m3u lists not being properly scrapped
-Added support for private parsers (hosted in dropbox)
-Fixed timezones due to the pytz dependency being missing in addon.xml
-In android rooted devices you can now kill the processes if for some reason xbmc crashed leaving the process running on the background (hence assigned to a different username)
-It's now possibile to define the cache folder from within the addon
-Bump parser disclaimer
Version 1.0.7
-Fix download modules on boot on arm
Version 1.0.6
-Fixed issue with mobile networks
-Updated italian strings (tks axlt2002)
-Fix download modules on boot (acestream) android
-Fix local lists
-Added support for Jynxbox Pure linux custom firmware (added to the list of supported OS's)
Version 1.0.5
-Fix download modules on boot function
-Fixed script error in advancedsettings.xml
-Fixed "An error has occured" notification after sys.exit
-Bug fixes in the configuration function to avoid the download of wrong modules
-Fixed change port function for platforms using the tarasian666 acestreamengine
-Minor fix regarding disk cache determination in tarasian666 acestreamengine
-Updated acestream bundle for openelec i386
-Updated acestream bundle for openelec x86_64
-Fixed acestream bundle for linux i386
-Bump acestreamengine md5 to force transfer the new acestreambundles for linux_i386, linux_armv6, linux_armv7, osx_i386, osx_x86_64,openeleci386,openelecx86_64
Version 1.0.4
-Configuration has been written "from scratch". It's now possible for us to force the user to push module updates between versions.
-It is now possible to change acestreamengine settings from the advanced tools menu for linux
-Fixed non-existing folder if the first thing a user does after instalation is to clear the parser traces or run a remote python script
-Added sleep before sopcast "channel initialization failed" notification
-Minor bug fixes
-Wiki updated
Version 1.0.2
-Updated acestreamengine for linux i386/x64_86
-Simplified configuration for linux i386/x64_86
-Updated engines for openelec i386/x64_86
-Updated sopclient for android
-Improvements in the parser engine (requested by al101)
-Fixed xbmc favourites if parser folder is empty
-Wiki updated
Version 1.0.1
-Fixed handshake
-Updated acestream engine android config
Version 1.0.0
First stable release of the addon.
Contains mainly bug fixes from previous development versions.