The cluster-stats
API provides similar output to the node-stats
. There is
one crucial difference: Node Stats shows you statistics per node, while
shows you the sum total of all nodes in a single metric.
This provides some useful stats to glance at. You can see for example, that your
entire cluster is using 50% of the available heap or that filter cache is not
evicting heavily. Its main use is to provide a quick summary that is more
extensive than the cluster-health
, but less detailed than node-stats
. It is
also useful for clusters that are very large, which makes node-stats
difficult to read.
The API may be invoked as follows:
GET _cluster/stats
So far, we have been looking at node-centric statistics: How much memory does this node have? How much CPU is being used? How many searches is this node servicing?
Sometimes it is useful to look at statistics from an index-centric perspective: How many search requests is this index receiving? How much time is spent fetching docs in that index?
To do this, select the index (or indices) that you are interested in and execute
an Index stats
GET my_index/_stats (1)
GET my_index,another_index/_stats (2)
GET _all/_stats (3)
Stats for
. -
Stats for multiple indices can be requested by separating their names with a comma.
Stats for all indices can be requested using the special
index name.
The stats returned will be familar to the node-stats
output: search
segment counts
and so forth
Index-centric stats can be useful for identifying or verifying hot indices inside your cluster, or trying to determine why some indices are faster/slower than others.
In practice, however, node-centric statistics tend to be more useful. Entire nodes tend to bottleneck, not individual indices. And because indices are usually spread across multiple nodes, index-centric statistics are usually not very helpful because they aggregate data from different physical machines operating in different environments.
Index-centric stats are a useful tool to keep in your repertoire, but are not usually the first tool to reach for.
There are certain tasks that only the master can perform, such as creating a new index or moving shards around the cluster. Since a cluster can have only one master, only one node can ever process cluster-level metadata changes. For 99.9999% of the time, this is never a problem. The queue of metadata changes remains essentially zero.
In some rare clusters, the number of metadata changes occurs faster than the master can process them. This leads to a buildup of pending actions that are queued.
The pending-tasks
API will show you what (if any) cluster-level metadata
changes are pending in the queue:
GET _cluster/pending_tasks
Usually, the response will look like this:
"tasks": []
This means there are no pending tasks. If you have one of the rare clusters that bottlenecks on the master node, your pending task list may look like this:
"tasks": [
"insert_order": 101,
"priority": "URGENT",
"source": "create-index [foo_9], cause [api]",
"time_in_queue_millis": 86,
"time_in_queue": "86ms"
"insert_order": 46,
"priority": "HIGH",
"source": "shard-started ([foo_2][1], node[tMTocMvQQgGCkj7QDHl3OA], [P],
s[INITIALIZING]), reason [after recovery from gateway]",
"time_in_queue_millis": 842,
"time_in_queue": "842ms"
"insert_order": 45,
"priority": "HIGH",
"source": "shard-started ([foo_2][0], node[tMTocMvQQgGCkj7QDHl3OA], [P],
s[INITIALIZING]), reason [after recovery from gateway]",
"time_in_queue_millis": 858,
"time_in_queue": "858ms"
You can see that tasks are assigned a priority (URGENT
is processed before
, for example), the order it was inserted, how long the action has been
queued and what the action is trying to perform. In the preceding list, there is
a create-index
action and two shard-started
actions pending.
As mentioned, the master node is rarely the bottleneck for clusters. The only time it could bottleneck is if the cluster state is both very large and updated frequently.
For example, if you allow customers to create as many dynamic fields as they wish, and have a unique index for each customer every day, your cluster state will grow very large. The cluster state includes (among other things) a list of all indices, their types, and the fields for each index.
So if you have 100,000 customers, and each customer averages 1,000 fields and 90 days of retention—that’s nine billion fields to keep in the cluster state. Whenever this changes, the nodes must be notified.
The master must process these changes, which requires nontrivial CPU overhead, plus the network overhead of pushing the updated cluster state to all nodes.
It is these clusters that may begin to see cluster-state actions queuing up. There is no easy solution to this problem, however. You have three options:
Obtain a beefier master node. Vertical scaling just delays the inevitable, unfortunately.
Restrict the dynamic nature of the documents in some way, so as to limit the cluster-state size.
Spin up another cluster after a certain threshold has been crossed.
If you work from the command line often, the cat
APIs will be helpful to
you. Named after the linux cat
command, these APIs are designed to work like
*nix command-line tools.
They provide statistics that are identical to all the previously discussed APIs
(Health, node-stats
, and so forth), but present the output in tabular form
instead of JSON. This is very convenient for a system administrator, and you
just want to glance over your cluster or find nodes with high memory usage.
Executing a plain GET
against the cat
endpoint will show you all available
GET /_cat
Many of these APIs should look familiar to you (and yes, that’s a cat at the top :) ). Let’s take a look at the Cat Health API:
GET /_cat/health
1408723713 12:08:33 elasticsearch_zach yellow 1 1 114 114 0 0 114
The first thing you’ll notice is that the response is plain text in tabular form, not JSON. The second thing you’ll notice is that there are no column headers enabled by default. This is designed to emulate *nix tools, since it is assumed that once you become familiar with the output, you no longer want to see the headers.
To enable headers, add the ?v
GET /_cat/health?v
epoch time cluster status shards pri relo init
1408[..] 12[..] el[..] 1 1 114 114 0 0 114
Ah, much better. We now see the timestamp, cluster name, status, the number of
nodes in the cluster, and more—all the same information as the cluster-health
Let’s look at node-stats
in the cat
GET /_cat/nodes?v
host ip heap.percent ram.percent load node.role master name
zacharys-air 45 72 1.85 d * Zach
We see some stats about the nodes in our cluster, but the output is basic
compared to the full node-stats
output. You can include many additional
metrics, but rather than consulting the documentation, let’s just ask the cat
API what is available.
You can do this by adding ?help
to any API:
GET /_cat/nodes?help
id | id,nodeId | unique node id
pid | p | process id
host | h | host name
ip | i | ip address
port | po | bound transport port
version | v | es version
build | b | es build hash
jdk | j | jdk version
disk.avail | d,disk,diskAvail | available disk space
heap.percent | hp,heapPercent | used heap ratio
heap.max | hm,heapMax | max configured heap
ram.percent | rp,ramPercent | used machine memory ratio
ram.max | rm,ramMax | total machine memory
load | l | most recent load avg
uptime | u | node uptime
node.role | r,role,dc,nodeRole | d:data node, c:client node
master | m | m:master-eligible, *:current master
(Note that the output has been truncated for brevity).
The first column shows the full name, the second column shows the short name,
and the third column offers a brief description about the parameter. Now that we
know some column names, we can ask for those explicitly by using the ?h
GET /_cat/nodes?v&h=ip,port,heapPercent,heapMax
ip port heapPercent heapMax 9300 53 990.7mb
Because the cat
API tries to behave like *nix utilities, you can pipe the
output to other tools such as sort
or awk
. For example, we can find
the largest index in our cluster by using the following:
% curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?bytes=b' | sort -rnk8
yellow test_names 5 1 3476004 0 376324705 376324705
yellow .marvel-2014.08.19 1 1 263878 0 160777194 160777194
yellow .marvel-2014.08.15 1 1 234482 0 143020770 143020770
yellow .marvel-2014.08.09 1 1 222532 0 138177271 138177271
yellow .marvel-2014.08.18 1 1 225921 0 138116185 138116185
yellow .marvel-2014.07.26 1 1 173423 0 132031505 132031505
yellow .marvel-2014.08.21 1 1 219857 0 128414798 128414798
yellow .marvel-2014.07.27 1 1 75202 0 56320862 56320862
yellow wavelet 5 1 5979 0 54815185 54815185
yellow .marvel-2014.07.28 1 1 57483 0 43006141 43006141
yellow .marvel-2014.07.21 1 1 31134 0 27558507 27558507
yellow .marvel-2014.08.01 1 1 41100 0 27000476 27000476
yellow kibana-int 5 1 2 0 17791 17791
yellow t 5 1 7 0 15280 15280
yellow website 5 1 12 0 12631 12631
yellow agg_analysis 5 1 5 0 5804 5804
yellow v2 5 1 2 0 5410 5410
yellow v1 5 1 2 0 5367 5367
yellow bank 1 1 16 0 4303 4303
yellow v 5 1 1 0 2954 2954
yellow p 5 1 2 0 2939 2939
yellow b0001_072320141238 5 1 1 0 2923 2923
yellow ipaddr 5 1 1 0 2917 2917
yellow v2a 5 1 1 0 2895 2895
yellow movies 5 1 1 0 2738 2738
yellow cars 5 1 0 0 1249 1249
yellow wavelet2 5 1 0 0 615 615
By adding ?bytes=b
, we disable the human-readable formatting on numbers and
force them to be listed as bytes. This output is then piped into sort
so that
our indices are ranked according to size (the eighth column).
Unfortunately, you’ll notice that the Marvel indices are clogging up the
results, and we don’t really care about those indices right now. Let’s pipe the
output through grep
and remove anything mentioning Marvel:
% curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?bytes=b' | sort -rnk8 | grep -v marvel
yellow test_names 5 1 3476004 0 376324705 376324705
yellow wavelet 5 1 5979 0 54815185 54815185
yellow kibana-int 5 1 2 0 17791 17791
yellow t 5 1 7 0 15280 15280
yellow website 5 1 12 0 12631 12631
yellow agg_analysis 5 1 5 0 5804 5804
yellow v2 5 1 2 0 5410 5410
yellow v1 5 1 2 0 5367 5367
yellow bank 1 1 16 0 4303 4303
yellow v 5 1 1 0 2954 2954
yellow p 5 1 2 0 2939 2939
yellow b0001_072320141238 5 1 1 0 2923 2923
yellow ipaddr 5 1 1 0 2917 2917
yellow v2a 5 1 1 0 2895 2895
yellow movies 5 1 1 0 2738 2738
yellow cars 5 1 0 0 1249 1249
yellow wavelet2 5 1 0 0 615 615
Voila! After piping through grep
(with -v
to invert the matches), we get a
sorted list of indices without Marvel cluttering it up.
This is just a simple example of the flexibility of cat
at the command line.
Once you get used to using cat
, you’ll see it like any other *nix tool and
start going crazy with piping, sorting, and grepping. If you are a system admin
and spend any time SSH’d into boxes, definitely spend some time getting familiar
with the cat