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1: User Manual

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Data-driven Scientific Computing research line


In this manual, we describe how to implement a Python application using Hecuba and which are the main features that Hecuba implements to boost the performance of an application using Cassandra. Hecuba developers can improve their productivity as Hecuba implements all the necessary code to access the data. Thus, applications can access data as if it was in memory and Hecuba translates this code at runtime to access the underlying storage system. Also, Hecuba implements some optimizations to favor data locality and to reduce the number of interactions with the backing storage and thus, to speedup the accesses to data.

Hecuba applications at a glance

One of the goals of Hecuba is to provide programmers with an easy and portable interface to access data. This interface is independent of the type of system and storage used to keep data, enhancing the portability of the applications. To sum up, using Hecuba the applications can access data like regular objects stored in memory and Hecuba translates the code at runtime into the proper code, according to the backing storage used in each scenario.

The current implementation of Hecuba handles in-memory objects, or persistent data storage provided by Apache Casssandra databases. This chapter guides how to create a Python application that uses Hecuba object abstractions to handle data persistence.

We will start by defining a set of classes that represent the persistent data. The user must inherit from one of the main abstractions provided by Hecuba, thus, a StorageObj or a StorageDict. Programmers can also use StorageNumpy Hecuba class to instantiate persistent numpy ndarrays.

The StorabeObj allows the user to define persistent attributes, accessed with the python object protocol. On the other hand, the StorageDict behaves like a python dictionary, accepting a key to identify the values. In both cases, the in-memory and persistent data will be handled transparently.

Next, the user must define the data model with the concrete data types that will be stored in a persistent layer. The specification is written as a Python comment, and the structure differs if we inherit from a StorageObj or a StorageDict. For instance, to define a set of attributes we will use the @ClassField with a StorageObj, and to define a dictionary the @TypeSpec with a StorageDict.

from hecuba import StorageObj
import numpy as np

class Dataset(StorageObj):
    @ClassField author str
    @ClassField open_access bool
    @ClassField injected_particles int
    @ClassField geometry numpy.ndarray

The user data model expresses that there will be four attributes which must be stored onto the persistent layer, for each instance of the class. Also, by adding different @ClassField the user can define any number of persistent attributes. Once the class is defined, the application can instantiate as many objects as needed. On the other hand, we can have a StorageDict to store the some persistent results with the following definition:

from hecuba import StorageDict

class Results(StorageDict):
    @TypeSpec dict <<particle_id:int, step:float>, x:double, y:double, z:double>

experiment = Results("breathing.results")

And by mixing both definitions we can write a small application. Note that the Dataset class has an attribute particles referencing the class ParticlesPositions.

from hecuba import StorageObj, StorageDict
import numpy as np

class ParticlesPositions(StorageDict):
    @TypeSpec dict <<particle_id:int>, x:double, y:double, z:double>

class Dataset(StorageObj):
    @ClassField author str
    @ClassField open_access bool
    @ClassField injected_particles int
    @ClassField geometry numpy.ndarray
    @ClassField particles ParticlesPositions

dt1 = Dataset("breathing.case235") = "BSC"
dt1.open_access = True
dt1.injected_particles = 250000
dt1.geometry = np.load("./geom_file.npy")

for part_id in range(dt1.injected_particles):
    dt1.particles[part_id] = list(np.random.random_sample(3,))

By passing a name of type str to the initializer of a Hecuba class instance, the object becomes persistent and sends the data to the persistent storage. Said name will act as an identifier for its data and other objects created with the same name will access the same data. In this way, if we pass a name which was previously used to create an object we will retrieve the previously persisted data.

Initializing an instance of an hecuba class without a name results in a regular in-memory object. However, its data can be persisted at any moment by calling the instance method make_persistent, provided and implemented by all Hecuba classes. This method expects a str name, in the same way the initializer did, and will be used to identify the data in the future. This method will send the data to the data store, mark the object as persistent, and, future accesses will access the data store if deemed necessary.

class ParticlesPositions(StorageDict):
    @TypeSpec dict <<particle_id:int>, x:double, y:double, z:double>



The basics

In this chapter we describe in detail the interface provided by the Hecuba. We also illustrate how the supported data types and operations can be applied.

Supported Data Types and Collections

Immutable types supported:

Data types

  • str, bool, decimal, float, int, blob, tuple, float, buffer.
  • double floating point numbers will be stored as double precision numbers.
  • counter supported in StorageObj only. Guarantees atomicity at a performance penalty.


  • numpy.ndarray.
  • frozenset supported in StorageObj only.

Mutable collections supported:

  • dict.
  • set Subject to restrictions, supported only by StorageDict (development underway).
  • list to group a set of values for a given key in a StorageDict. E.g. dict[0] = [1,2,3].

Hecuba Data Classes

Storage Object

The StorageObj is the simplest abstraction provided by Hecuba. It acts like a namedtuple, or a dataclass, where the user can define attributes and access them. However, in this case, the user can choose which attributes will be persisted to the data store.

To declare instances of the StorageObj, the user first needs to define a class inheriting from the StorageObj as well as define the data model of the persistent attributes. The format of the data model is a Python comment with one line per attribute. Each line must start with the keyword @Classfield and continue with the name of the attributes and its data type specification.

class ClassName(StorageObject):
    @ClassField attribute_name attribute_type

For example, the following code shows the definition of a class containing an attribute of type integer.

class MyClass(StorageObj):
    @ClassField MyAttribute_1 int

When the user needs to use collections as attributes, the syntax needs to be further elaborated. For example, to define a Python dictionary it is necessary to specify the type of the keys and the type of the values. In this case, after the attribute type we can find the rest of the specifications within angular brackets.

class ClassName(StorageObj):
    @ClassField attribute_name attribute_type <attribute_type_specification>

For example, the following code adds a dictionary attribute: the key is of type Integer and the value a str.

class MyClass(StorageObj):
    @ClassField MyAttribute_1 int
    @ClassField MyAttribute_2 dict <<int>, str>

Each additional level required to complete a specification type can be added within angle brackets. For example, the following code adds the specification of a dictionary that has a key of type tuple, which is composed of an Integer and a str, and that has a value of type Integer.

class MyClass(StorageObj):
    @ClassField MyAttribute_1 int
    @ClassField MyAttribute_2 dict <<int>, str>
    @ClassField MyAttribute_3 dict <<int, str>, int>

Attributes of type dict allow the programmer to assign a name to each component of the dictionary (keys and values). These names can help users to give semantic meaning to the data, for instance when accessing the results of a dictionary or when exploring the persistent data with external tools.

class MyClass(StorageObj):
    @ClassField MyAttribute_1 int
    @ClassField MyAttribute_2 dict <<int>, str>
    @ClassField MyAttribute_3 dict <<int, str>, int>
    @ClassField MyAttribute_4 dict <<mykey1:int, mykey2:str>, myvalue:int>

Storage Dictionary

The StorageDict abstracts the underlying data model and exposes the user interface of a python dict. The mechanism to create instances of a StorageDict is the same as the StorageObj. A class that inherits from the StorageDict must be defined, and an annotation describing the data model of the keys and values added.

The data model definition must start with the keyword @TypeSpec and continue with the type of the keys, and the values.

class ClassName(StorageDict):
    @TypeSpec dict <<keys_specification>values_specification>

For example, the following code shows the definition of a dictionary with one key of type Integer and a str value.

class MyClass(StorageDict):
    @TypeSpec dict<<int>, str>

Also, the user can set names to the keys and values to give semantic meaning. It might be desirable to access the results of a dictionary by their name, or when exploring the persistent data with external tools.

class MyClass(StorageDict):
    @TypeSpec dict<<mykey1:int>, myvalue:str>

Additional keys or values can be added to a StorageDict definition.

class MyClass(StorageDict):
    @TypeSpec dict<<mykey1:int, mykey2:str>, myvalue1:int, myvalue2:int, myvalue3:str>

Distributed sets inside a StorageDict

The usage of distributed sets is a bit restricted. When they a set is used in a StorageDict, the persistent object cannot have more attributes than a single set. The set contains all the persistent storage funcionalities for sets, for example:

from hecuba import StorageDict
class DictWithSet(StorageDict):
    @TypeSpec dict<<k1:str, k2:int>, s1:set<int>>
my_data = DictWithSet("my_app.my_data")
my_data["1", 1] = {1}
my_data["2", 2] = {1, 2, 3}
my_data["2", 2].remove(2)
other_data = DictWithSet("my_app.other_data")
other_data["2", 2] = my_data["2", 2].union(my_data["1", 1])
for key, set_value in other_data.items():
    if not 2 in set_value:

Cross-class referencing

A previously defined class can be referenced in the definition of a newer class. For instance, a custom StorageObj can have an attribute of type "MyClass", and the latter, be a custom class that inherits from a StorageObj or StorageDict.

The same is possible the other way around, a StorageDict can have as value(s) other StorageDicts or StorageObjs. In order to do so, the programmer needs to specify the data model of both:

# file is named
from hecuba import StorageDict, StorageObj
class MyObj(StorageObj):
    @ClassField a int
    @ClassField b str

class MyDict(StorageDict):
    @TypeSpec dict<<key:int>, my_obj:classes.MyObj>
my_dict = MyDict("my_app.my_data")
obj1 = MyObj()
obj1.a = 2
obj1.b = "hello"
my_dict[0].my_obj = obj1

Storage Numpy

With the StorageNumpy class programmers can instantiate numpy ndarrays that eventually can be persisted. Using the StorageNumpy class there is no need to define any additional class, the user can use this Hecuba class directly in the code to instantiate numpys ndarrays. The shape of the array in inferred from the data assigned. Programmers can instantiate volatile numpy ndarrays and make them persistent later or can instantiate persistent numpy ndarrays. The initial value for the StorageNumpy must be passed as a parameter of the constructor.The following fragment of code shows the different options to instantiate a StorageNumpy:

from hecuba import StorageNumpy
import numpy as np
n = StorageNumpy(np.arange(10).reshape(2,5))                  # n is a volatile StorageNumpy
n = StorageNumpy(np.arange(10).reshape(2,5), "persistent)     # n is a persistent StorageNumpy

Once instantiated, the programmer can user the functions of the numpy library to manipulate the StorageNumpys. Hecuba retrieves from disk (if needed) the values of the numpy ndarrays:

from hecuba import StorageNumpy
import numpy as np
A=StorageNumpy(np.arange(10).reshape(2,5), "matrixA")
B=StorageNumpy(np.arange(10).reshape(5,2), "matrixB"),B) #res is a voltile StorageNumpy that programmers can persist if needed

Persistent StorageNumpy are store distributed in the database. They are splitted in blocks, transparently to the programmer. Hecuba assigns to each block an identifier that will act as the key of the block and will decide which node holds it.

Hecuba Classes instantiation

Hecuba provides two different constructors to instantiate StorageNumpys and classes that inherit from StorageObjs and StorageDicts. The first one is to instantiate new objects that have no persistent data associated, and data will be kept in-memory until the instance method make_persistent is called.

The second constructor is to instantiate objects that will make use of the persistent storage. In this case, the constructor receives a string as the parameter, which is the identifier of the data inside the data store. Hecuba checks if there already exists some persistent data with that identifier, and if it doesn’t exist Hecuba creates it.

If the identifier is already used in the data store, then Hecuba checks if the schema of that existing object matches with the object that the programmer is trying to instantiate. If this is the case, Hecuba assumes that the programmer wants to get access to that object and completes the instantiation: any access will be performed on the existing object. If the schema does not match, the user code will fail with an exception.

Hecuba allows to deal with hierarchical namespaces and to specify several levels of the hierarchy with just one identifier. For example, directory name and file name, in the case of file systems, or keyspace name and table name, in the case of Apache Cassandra. The format of the identifier specifies that a dot must separate the identifiers of each level in the namespace. If the identifier does not contain a dot then Hecuba interprets that the identifier refers just to the name in the lowest level in the namespace hierarchy (there are default values for the rest of the components to identify the data that the user can configure through environment variables, see section Hecuba configuration parameters)

o1=MyClassName() # o1 is a volatile object

o2=MyClassName("Table") # o2 is a persistent object: the name of the table is "Table" and the keyspace is the default name used in this execution

o3=MyClassName("Keyspace.Table") # o3 is a persistent object: the name of the table is "Table" and the name of the keyspace is "Keyspace"

It is also possible to use the static method get_by_alias to instantiate an already existing persistent object.


Notice that Hecuba registers the schema of the user defined classes and thus, it is not possible to reuse those class names for a different class definition. The access code to an instance of such a redefined class will fail due to schema mismatch.

Access to Hecuba objects

From the point of view of the programmers, both objects with persistent data and objects without persistent data are accessed in the same way: like regular Python objects. However, Hecuba intercepts all accesses to a Hecuba object and executes the suitable code to refer to the involved data. Notice that some accesses to persistent data may be solved without accessing the data store because Hecuba implements a cache to keep recently used persistent data and thus, save accesses to the data store.

o1=MySOClass()               # instantiation of an object without persistent data
o1.dict_attr[0]=1            # access to a regular Python object in memory
value1=o1.dict_attr[0]       # access to the data store to retrieve the data
value2=o1.dict_attr[0]       # access to Hecuba cache in memory
o2=MySOClass("Table")        # instantiation of persistent object
o2.dict_attr[0]=2            # saved to Hecuba cache in memory, to be stored in the database later

Making volatile data persistent

All Hecuba volatile objects can become persistent at any point. The programmer only needs to use the make_persistent method passing as parameter which will be the identifier of the object in the data store. If the volatile object already contains data, all the data is eventually sent to the data store. And from this point on, all the modifications on the object will be considered to be persistent.

o1 = MyObj()
o1.a = 2
o1.b = "hello"

If the identifier is already used in the data store, then Hecuba checks if the schema of that existing object matches with the object that the programmer is trying to persist. If this is the case, then the persisting operation concludes successfully and the data is sent to the data store. If the schema does not match, then the code of the user fails with an exception.

Synchronizing with data store

Hecuba implements some optimizations in the interaction with the database as caching and prefetching. This means that, even an object is defined to be persistent, its contents may be in memory. More over, it implements asynchronous writes to allow overlapping a computing phase of the application with the access to the data store and to reduce the number of interactions with the data store. That is, it is possible that during some time the persistent content of an object may be only in memory. The programmer can force at any moment the actual sending of the data to the data store using the sync() method. Notice that when a persistent object is deallocated (by the garbage collector), the sync method is automatically called, so before the process ends the data is guarantee to be coherently stored in the database.

o1 = MyClass("myname")
o1.myattr = 4
o1.sync()    # this method guarantees that data is stored in the database so if other process instantiates it will access the data up to date

Methods for Iterating

In order to support data partitioning, Hecuba classes implement the method split. This method returns an iterator of partitions, where each partition is a part of the base object.

Partitionig of a dataset was introduced to support the implementation of data-driven distributed applications: developers can define parallel tasks each of them working on one of these chunks of data. Hecuba supports an additional level of iteration that allows iterating over each of these partitions (see Figure 1).

Methods for iterating.

  • Iterating over StorageDicts: The split method implemented by the StorageDict returns an iterator over partitions of it. The current criteria to create the partitions (which are in fact other StorageDicts assigned to subsets of the original StorageDict data) is oriented to favor the load balancing between processors and to enhance data locality. Thus, the partition is considered the unit of work and the split method creates enough partitions to facilitate a balanced work assignment between processors. Currently, the number of partitions is a parameter that the user can configure to tune the load balancing (see section Hecuba configuration parameters). As part of our future work, we plan to automate the calculation of this value. To enhance data locality, Hecuba takes into account the location of all data across the distributed storage system and assigns to each partition only data that resides on the same node. This way the task scheduler has the opportunity to consider data location as a factor when taking task assignment decisions.
for sd_partition in      # Iterator on blocks
    # Here we'll have access to each partition of the StorageDict
for key in sd_partition.keys():         # Iterator on elements of a block
  • Iterating over partitions: To iterate over data in a partition, Hecuba implements the following iterators.
for key in partition:
    #here we'll have access to each of the keys of the block
for key in partition.keys():
    #here we'll have access to each of the keys of the block
for key in partition.values():
    #here we'll have access to each of the values of the block
for key,value in partition.items():
    #here we'll have access to each of the keys and values of the block
Note that these methods are the same that Python provides for
iterating over dictionaries.
  • Iterating over StorageNumpy: Different from the other iterating methods. This time, we use the np_split method. We need to pass a tuple of two ints to determine the block size (just two dimensions supported so far). This will create an iterator over partitions of the original Numpy.
bn, bm = (20, 5)
x = np.arange(100).reshape(10, -1)
data = StorageNumpy(input_array=x, name="test_array")
for chunk in data.np_split(block_size=(bn, bm)):
    print(chunk.shape)    # this will be (bn, bm)

Deleting data from the data store

In order to delete a persistent object from the data store, Hecuba provides the method del_persistent. This method deletes all data and meta-data associated to the specified object.


Hecuba Deployment

The first step is to download the source code from the following repository: To deploy an Hecuba application, the user needs to make sure the folders and directories of the Hecuba application follow the structure presented here:

  • main folder: contains the following files and sub-folders:

    • helpful information for the installation and execution.

    • Hecuba installer.

    • requirements.txt: requirements needed by Hecuba.

    • hecuba_py folder: contains the Hecuba python code. Should not be modified by users.

    • hecuba_core folder: contains the Hecuba C++ code. Should not be modified by users.

    • tests folder: contains the Hecuba tests. Should not be modified by users.

Support to automatic parallelization: PyCOMPSs

COMPS Superscalar is a framework which aims to ease the development and execution of applications for distributed infrastructures, such as Clusters, Grids and Clouds. This framework implements several bindings to support applications written in different languages. COMPSs runtime exports an interface to implement some optimizations regarding the data storage that for example can be used to enhance data locality. Here we only introduce the main features implemented by Hecuba to interact with COMPSs and, in particular, with the Python binding (from now on, PyCOMPSs); more Documentation about this can be found in the COMPSs Manual.

Tasks in PyCOMPSs

PyCOMPSs allow programmers to indicate that a particular function can be executed in parallel using a decorator just before the definition of the function, and this way the function will be treated as a task to be sent to a computing node.

The following code shows an example of an Hecuba task used by PyCOMPSs. As a parameter of the task, the user must specify the type of data returned (if any). In this case, partialResult is a Python dictionary.

@task(returns = dict)
def wordcountTask(partition):
    partialResult = {}
    for word in partition.values():
        if word not in partialResult:
            partialResult[word] = 1
            partialResult[word] = partialResult[word] + 1
    return partialResult

Data Locality using PyCOMPSs

When a function is called in parallel using PyCOMPSs, this function will be called from all the workers (nodes) from the server, using each one a different partition of data. COMPSs will call a function called ’getLocations’, which will obtain the Cassandra node that has the needed partition to run from each worker, and the information will be sent from that Cassandra node to that worker (see Figure 2).

Data locality.

Requirements to use Hecuba with PyCOMPSs

The first thing that a programmer needs to do is to install the COMPSs runtime and the PyCOMPSs binding (PyCOMPSs is available at To make an Hecuba application use PyCOMPSs the programmers have to make sure to add the folders and directories following the next structure:

  • is the script to launch a PyCOMPSs application.
  • The storage folder contains:
  • implements the interface that enables PyCOMPSs to deal with objects managed by Hecuba, it shouldn’t be modified.
  • is empty, but needed to import all other files.
  • StorageItf.jar implements the interface that enables COMPSs exploit the information about the data storage. The command to execute the application has a parameter to specify the name and location of this file.

Then install Hecuba as explained in the file, start a Cassandra cluster and configure the environment variables as described in Wiki Launch Hecuba.

How to execute

Sequential applications

To run a sequential application using Hecuba is really simple after the requierements have been satisfied. We just need to execute the application with python, and it will use the configured data store:


Parallel applications

To run a parallel Hecuba application using PyCOMPSs you should execute a bash script like the following one:


export APPPATH=$HOME/appl_dir

$HOME/COMPSs_directory/launch_compss \
--classpath=$APPPATH/storage/StorageItf.jar \
--lang=python \

Hecuba Configuration Parameters

There are several parameters that can be defined when running our application through environment variables. They allow defining the communication with the data store or tune the Hecuba for performance gains.

General Hecuba variables:

  • CONTACT_NAMES: list of the Storage System nodes separated by a comma (text, default ’localhost’, example ’node1, node2, node3’)

  • NODE_PORT: Storage System listening port (integer, default 9042)

  • EXECUTION_NAME: Default name for the upper level in the app namespace hierarchy (string, default ’my_app’)

Variables to tune Hecuba:

  • NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS: Number of partitions in which the data will be divided for each node (integer, default 1024)

Cassandra configuration variables:

  • REPLICATION_STRATEGY: Strategy to follow in the Cassandra database
    (string, default ’SimpleStrategy’)

  • REPLICA_FACTOR: The amount of replicas of each data available in the Cassandra cluster (integer, default 1)

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