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PHP Client Examples

zuk edited this page Jan 14, 2011 · 7 revisions

Introduction and Requirements

This guide uses the Pest library to talk to Rollcall. Pest is a PHP client for RESTful resources.

Installing the Pest

Pest is available from Github at

To install it on your machine:

git clone git://

Then make sure it's in your PHP include_path.


We'll be using PestXML rather than just plain Pest, since Rollcall can return XML-encoded data.


require 'PestXML.php';
$rollcall_site_url = "http://localhost:3000";
$rest = new PestXML($rollcall_site_url);



You use the Pest client to send GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests to the Rollcall server. These four HTTP request methods correspond to the four CRUD verbs (Create = POST, Retrieve = GET, Update = PUT, Delete = DELETE). The requests are made to Rollcall's resource collection URLs.

Have a look at the Wikipedia article on REST (Representational State Transfer) if you're not familiar with this style of web services.

For example, to retrieve a User with ID 5, you would place a GET call to /users/5.xml:

$user = $rest->get('/users/5.xml');

You can also retrieve a User by their username, like this:

$user = $rest->get('/users/jdoe.xml');

To create a new User, send a POST request along with the User's data:

$user = $rest->get('/users/5.xml', array(
  'user' => array(
    'username' => "jdoe",
    'display_name' => "John Doe",
    'kind' => "Instructor",
    'metadata' => array(
      'hair colour' => 'Brown'

For detailed information on all of the available resource URLs and their parameters, have a look at the API Docs.

Complete Usage Examples

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