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File metadata and controls

222 lines (182 loc) · 22.1 KB


The application relies on 6 resources (not including the users).

Resource Role
Platform The support of a game. For instance: Playstation II.
Game A given game. For instance: Fifa 2000
Version A version of a given game. For instance: Fifa 2000 on PC.
Copy A physical or virtual copy. For instance: the big box version of Fifa 2000 on PC.
Story An instance of what you did with a game. For instance: you watched a playthrough of the Fifa 2000 PC version in april 2020.
Transaction A record of buying, solding, lending a copy of a game.



Resources in details


Field Type Editable Unique Role Notes
id int No Yes The user unique id.
email string Yes Yes The user email.
username string Yes Yes The user pseudo.
password string Yes No The user password.
active bool Yes No Is the user active?
token string No No The user API token. Only visible throught the authenticate endpoint.


Field Type Editable Unique Role Notes
id int No Yes The platform unique id.
name string Yes Yes The platform name.
versionCount int No No How many games are registered on this platform.


Field Type Editable Unique Role Notes
id int No Yes The game unique id.
title string Yes Yes The game title.
notes string Yes No Your notes.
versionCount int No No How many versions are registered for this game.


Field Type Editable Unique Role Notes
id int No Yes The version unique id.
platformId int Yes Yes The game id of the version.
releaseYear int Yes No The release year of the version
todoSoloSometimes bool Yes No You wan to play this version of the game in solo from time to time.
todoMultiplayerSometimes bool Yes No You wan to play this version of the game in multiplayer from time to time.
singleplayerRecurring bool Yes No You wan to play this version of the game in solo regularly.
multiplayerRecurring bool Yes No You wan to play this version of the game in multiplayer regularly.
toDo bool Yes No This version of the game is in your todo list.
toBuy bool Yes No You want to buy this version of the game.
toWatchBackground bool Yes No You want watch a walkthrough of this version of the game, in background.
toWatchSerious bool Yes No You want watch a walkthrough of this version of the game, with attention.
toRewatch bool Yes No You want watch a walkthrough of this version of the game, from time to time.
topGame bool Yes No This version is a top game for you.
hallOfFame bool Yes No This version of the game is in your Hall of Fame.
hallOfFameYear int Yes No Year of presence in your hall of fame.
hallOfFamePosition int Yes No Position, within the given year, in your hall of fame.
playedItOften bool Yes No You played this version of the game, a lot.
ongoing bool Yes No You are currently playing at this version of the game.
comments string Yes No Commments.
todoWithHelp bool Yes No To do with help, cheats, tips, walkthrough...
bestGameForever bool Yes No This version is one of you best game forever, no matter how old it is.
toWatchPosition int Yes No The position in your to watch list.
toDoPosition int Yes No The position in your to todo list.
finished bool Yes No Did you ever finish this version of the game?
platformName string No Yes The name of the platform.
gameTitle string No Yes The title of the game related to this version.
storyCount int No No How many stories do you have for this version.
copyCount int No No How many copes do you have for this version.


Field Type Editable Unique Role Notes
id int No Yes The version unique id.
versionId int Yes No The id of the version the story relates to.
releaseYear int Yes No The year when this story happened.
position int Yes No Position, within the given year, of this story.
watched bool Yes No Did you watch a video of the game?
played bool Yes No Did you played at the game?
platformName string No No The name of the platform.
gameTitle string No No The title of the game related to this story.


Field Type Editable Unique Role Notes
id int No Yes The version unique id.
versionId int Yes No The id of the version the story relates to.
original bool Yes No Is the copy an original (not a copy from an original)?
language string Yes No Any language value. We recommend to use ISO standards, or multi if mutilanguage.
boxType string Yes No Type of the box (See allowed types below).
isBoxRepro bool Yes No Is the box a reproduction?
casingType string Yes No Casing type of the box (See allowed types below).
supportType string Yes No The game support type (See allowed types below).
onCompilation bool Yes No Is the copy of the game on a compilation?
region string Yes No Region lock of the game? (See allowed types below).
reedition bool Yes No Is the copy of the game on a reedition, like a platinum, a classic one?
hasManual bool Yes No Does the copy has a manual?
status string Yes No Do you currently have this copy (See allowed types below)?
type string Yes No Type of the copy (See allowed types below)?
is_rom bool Yes No Is the copy a ROM?
comments string Yes No Commments.
platformName string No No The name of the platform.
gameTitle string No No The title of the game related to this copy.

Allowed types for boxType

Value Meaning
Big box The big cardboard boxes we had for PC games in the 90's.
Medium box The medium cardboard boxes we find sometimes.
Special box The special cardboard boxes we find sometimes.
Cartridge box Cardboard boxes for Nintendo 64 for instance.
Other Other cases with special boxes
None No box at all.

Allowed types for casingType

Value Meaning
DVD-like The DVD-like casing (Genesis/Megadrive, Saturn, PS2, Gamecube, Xbox...).
CD-like CD-like Casing (Playstation, Dreamcast, PC...).
Cardboard sleeve Just a sleeve for the disc.
Paper sleeve Just a sleeve for the disc.
Plastic sleeve Just a sleeve for the disc.
Other Other casing.
None For instance, a loose CD.

Allowed types for supportType

Value Meaning
3.5-inch floppy
5.25-inch floppy
Other disc
Other floppy
External drive

Allowed types for status

Value Meaning
In The copy enter your stock.
Out The copy leaves your stock.

Allowed types for type

Value Meaning
Physical The copy is physical.
Virtual The copy is virtual (ex: bought on Steam).

Allowed types for region

Value Meaning
PAL Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Middle East, India, South Africa
JAP Japan and Asia (NTSC-J)
NTSC North America and South America (NTSC-U)


Field Type Editable Unique Role Notes
id int No Yes The version unique id.
versionId int Yes No The version id of the game the transaction relates to.
copyId int Yes No The id of the copy the transaction relates to (might be null if the copy has been sold, see below).
year int Yes No The year when this transaction happened.
month int Yes No The month when this transaction happened.
day int Yes No The day when this transaction happened.
type string Yes No Type of the transaction (See allowed types below)?
notes string Yes No Commments.
platformName string No No The name of the platform.
gameTitle string No No The title of the game related to this transaction.

Allowed types for type

Value Meaning
Bought You bought the copy.
Sold You sold the copy.
Loan-out You loan the copy to someone.
Loan-out-return Someone returns you the copy after a loan.
Loan-in Someone loans you the copy.
Loan-in-return After a loan, you return the copy.

NOTE: when creating a transaction, the status of the copy will be altered accordingly to the type of the transaction. The drawback of this aspect is that if you edit a transaction by changing its copy_id, the previously targeted copy will be in a bad status, so act accordingly to update it too and set it to the good status.

On top of that, if the transaction is of type "Sold", the copy will be deleted.

Finally, you cannot edit a transaction if the copy no longer exists. If you did something wrong, delete the transaction and start over.


Field Type Editable Unique Role Notes
id int No Yes The note unique id.
title string Yes No The note title.
content string Yes No The text of the note.