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Releases: eclipse-jkube/jkube

1.3.0 (2021-05-18)

18 May 12:34
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  • Fix #497: Assembly descriptor removed but still in documentation
  • Fix #576: Add support to publishing helm chart
  • Fix #634: Replace occurrences of keySet() with entrySet() when value are needed
  • Fix #659: Update Fabric8 Kubernetes Client to v5.3.0
  • Fix #602: Add documentation regarding automatic Route generation
  • Fix #630: Document usage for flag
  • Fix #647: Resource configuration can now add annotations and labels to ServiceAccount
  • Fix #632: Add support for Quarkus Fast Jar Packaging
  • Fix #578: NullPointerException in ContainerEnvJavaOptionsMergeEnricher on k8s:resource
  • Fix #671: ApplyMojo not considering namespace configured from XML configuration
  • Fix #677: KarafGenerator includes Jolokia port (8778)
  • Fix #682: Update CircleCI image to new version
  • Fix #666: Replace deprecated JsonParser
  • Fix #673: Remove unused ports field in ResourceConfig
  • Fix #679: Quarkus package detection improvements
  • Fix #622: Corrected documentation for jkube-healthcheck-karaf
  • Fix #630: DeploymentConfigEnricher and DefaultControllerEnricher refactored and aligned
  • Fix #639: Quotas for OpenShift BuildConfig not working
  • Fix #688: Multiple Custom Resources with same (different apiGroup) name can be added
  • Fix #689: Recreate and update of CustomResource fragments works
  • Fix #690: Helm charts can be generated for custom resources, even those with same name (different apiGroup)
  • Fix #676: Define Helm Chart dependencies
  • Fix #590: Only assembled files are copied to 'Docker' build target directory

1.2.0 (2021-03-31)

31 Mar 16:28
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  • Fix #529: .maven-dockerignore, .maven-dockerexclude, .maven-dockerinclude are no longer supported
  • Fix #558: Update CircleCI sonar jobs to run using JDK 11 environment.
  • Fix #546: Use java.util.function.Function instead of Guava's
  • Fix #545: Replace Boolean.valueOf with Boolean.parseBoolean for string to boolean conversion
  • Fix #515: Properties now get resolved in CustomResource fragments
  • Fix #586: Apply and Undeploy service use configured namespace
  • Fix #584: Improved Vert.x 4 support
  • Fix #592: Upgrade kubernetes client from 5.0.0 to 5.1.1
  • Fix #615: Update Fabric8 Kubernetes Client from v5.1.1 to v5.2.1
  • Fix #594: Debug with suspend mode removes Liveness Probe
  • Fix #591: Helm linter no longer fails with generated charts
  • Fix #587: Helm tar.gz packaged chart can be deployed
  • Fix #571: Replace usages of deprecated org.apache.commons.text.StrSubstitutor
  • Fix #450: Quarkus port is inferred from (considers profile too)
  • Fix #471: Remove the declaration of thrown runtime exceptions across javadoc
  • Fix #620: Added k8s support for NetworkPolicy
  • Fix #624: Unable to override Image Name in Simple Dockerfile Mode with

1.1.1 (2021-02-23)

23 Feb 08:42
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  • Fix #570: Disable namespace creation during k8s:resource with jkube.namespace flag
  • Fix #579: Fixed quarkus health paths

1.1.0 (2021-01-28)

28 Jan 11:53
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  • Fix #455: Use OpenShiftServer with JUnit rule instead of directly instantiating the OpenShiftMockServer
  • Fix #467: Upgrade assertj-core to 3.18.0
  • Fix #460: Added a Quickstart for implementing and using a Custom Enricher based on Eclipse JKube Kit Enricher API
  • Fix #240: No Ports exposed inside Deployment in case of Zero Config Dockerfile Mode
  • Fix #480: wildfly-jar doesn't depend on common-maven module
  • Fix #268: Generator and HealthCheck enrichers for Micronaut framework (JVM)
  • Fix #488: Controller enricher replica count can be set to 0 when ResourceConfig is provided
  • Fix #485: Filter with placeholders in Dockerfile is broken
  • Fix #387: Update Fabric8 Kubernetes Client to v4.13.0 to support Ingress
  • Fix #473: Debug goals work with QuarkusGenerator generated container images
  • Fix #484: cacheFrom configuration parameter is missing
  • Fix #181: Refactor PortForwardService to use Kubernetes Client Port Forwarding instead of kubectl binary
  • Fix #535: Bump JKube base images to 0.0.9
  • Fix #509: Port of ServiceDiscoveryEnricher from FMP
  • Fix #510: Update Compatibility matrix for OpenShift 4.5 and 4.6
  • Fix #511: Namespace as resource fragment results in NullPointerException
  • Fix #521: NPE on Buildconfig#getContextDir if <dockerFile> references a file with no directory
  • Fix #513: openshift-maven-plugin: service.yml fragment with ports creates service with unnamed port mapping
  • Fix #231: IngressEnricher ignores IngressRules defined in XML config
  • Fix #523: period in image username omits registry in Deployment manifest

1.0.2 (2020-10-30)

30 Oct 17:04
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  • Fix #429: Added quickstart for Micronaut framework
  • Fix #370: Replacing anonymous Runnables with lambdas in WatchService
  • Fix #440: Added quickstart for MicroProfile running on OpenLiberty
  • Fix #442: Valid content type for REST docker API requests with body
  • Fix #448: Service.spec.type added from config if existing Service fragment doesn't specify it
  • Fix #451: Docker push works with Podman REST API
  • Fix #447: Removed misleading watch-postGoal warning + fixed rolling update in DockerImageWatcher

1.0.1 (2020-10-05)

05 Oct 12:42
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  • Fix #381: Remove root as default user in AssemblyConfigurationUtils#getAssemblyConfigurationOrCreateDefault
  • Fix #382: Add support for merging fragment Route spec with default generated Route
  • Fix #358: Prometheus is enabled by default, opt-out via AB_PROMETHEUS_OFF required to disable (like in FMP)
  • Fix #365: property/parameter/configuration is ignored
  • Fix #384: Enricher defined Container environment variables get merged with vars defined in Image Build Configuration
  • Fix #386: final fat jar is not updated in docker build directory
  • Fix #385: WildFly Bootable JAR - Add native support for slim Bootable JAR
  • Fix #415: Fixed resource validation for new json-schema-validator version
  • Fix #356: Add further support for tls termination and insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy in pom.xml
  • Fix #327: k8s:resource replaces template variables in provided fragments, k8s:helm doesn't.
  • Fix #364: property/parameter/configuration is ignored

1.0.0 (2020-09-09)

09 Sep 07:22
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  • Fix #351: Fix AutoTLSEnricher - add annotation + volume config to resource
  • Fix #344: Fix documentation for jkube.openshift.imageChangeTriggers
  • Fix #290: Bump Fabric8 Kubernetes Client to v4.10.3
  • Fix #273: Added new parameter to allow for custom app name
  • Fix #329: Vert.x generator and enricher applicable when io.vertx dependencies present
  • Fix #334: Build strategy picked up from XML configuration and properties
  • Fix #342: Maven Quickstart for Spring-Boot with complete Camel integration
  • Fix #336: Fix pull from insecure registries and pull registry authentication for JIB
  • Fix #332: OpenShift build resources are deleted (as long as build config manifest is available)
  • Fix #350: Prevents default docker configuration overwriting XML assembly configuration
  • Fix #340: Exclude the main artifact from Docker build when Fat Jar is detected (JavaExecGenerator)
  • Fix #341: JKube doesn't add ImageChange triggers in DC when merging from a deployment fragment
  • Fix #326: Add default /metrics path for annotation
    (Sort of redundant, this makes it explicit)
  • Fix #339: Https should be considered default while converting tcp urls
  • Fix #362: Quarkus supports S2I builds both for JVM and native mode
  • Fix #297: Added missing documentation for WatchMojo configuration parameters
  • Fix #371: WebAppGenerator path configuration is no longer ignored

1.0.0-rc-1 (2020-07-23)

24 Jul 04:50
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  • Fix #252: Replace Quarkus Native Base image with ubi-minimal (same as in Dockerfile.native)
  • Fix #187: Provided Dockerfile is always skipped in simple Dockerfile mode
  • Fix #237: Remove deprecated fields and method calls
  • Fix #218: Remove build mode from mojos
  • Fix #192: Removed @Deprecated fields from ClusterAccess
  • Fix #190: Removed @Deprecated fields from AssemblyConfiguration
  • Fix #189: Removed @Deprecated fields from BuildConfiguration
  • Fix #73: Jib Support, Port of fabric8io/fabric8-maven-plugin#1766
  • Fix #195: Added MigrateMojo for migrating projects from FMP to JKube
  • Fix #238: Watch uses same logic as build to monitor changed assembly files
  • Fix #245: Debug goals work on webapp (Tomcat & Jetty) > See
  • Fix #261: DockerFileBuilder only supports *nix paths (Dockerfile Linux only), fixed invalid default configs
  • Fix #246: Dockerfile custom interpolation is broken
  • Fix #259: Cleanup unused properties inside Mojos
  • Fix #94: Properly define + document JKubeProjectAssembly behavior
  • Fix #248: Properly name and document (Maven/System) configuration properties
  • Fix #284: warning message in log goal when no pod is found
  • Fix #267: openshift-maven-plugin does not update Routes
  • Fix #286: Refactor ImageConfiguration model
  • Fix #283: Add support for WildFly Bootable JAR
  • Fix #306: Template resolution and helm work in OpenShift-Maven-Plugin

1.0.0-alpha-4 (2020-06-08)

09 Jun 05:10
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  • Fix #173: Use OpenShift compliant git/vcs annotations
  • Fix #182: Assembly is never null
  • Fix #184: IngressEnricher seems to be broken, Port of fabric8io/fabric8-maven-plugin#1730
  • Fix #198: Wildfly works in OpenShift with S2I binary build (Docker)
  • Fix #199: BaseGenerator retrieves runtime mode from context (not from missing properties)
  • Fix #201: Webapp-Wildfly supports S2I source builds too (3 modes Docker, OpenShift-Docker, OpenShift-S2I)
  • Fix #205: JavaExecGenerator uses jkube/jkube-java-binary-s2i for Docker and S2I builds (#183)
  • Fix #206: WebAppGenerator with "/" path renames artifacts to ROOT.war
  • Fix #206: WebAppGenerator>TomcatAppSeverHandler uses as base image
  • Fix #210: WebAppGenerator>JettyAppSeverHandler uses as base image
  • Fix #211: pom.xml configured runtime mode <mode> is considered instead of <configuredRuntimeMode>
  • Fix #209: WildFlySwarmGenerator includes required env variables + java options
  • Fix #214: fix: KarafGenerator update (Created Karaf Quickstart #188, fix FileSet problems, upgraded base images)
  • Update Fabric8 Kubernetes Client to v4.10.2
  • Fix #220: Remove Red Hat specific image support
  • Fix #221: Role Resources Not Supported by Kubernetes Cluster Configurations
  • Fix #226: Refactored FileUtil#getRelativeFilePath to use native Java File capabilities
  • Fix #224: RoleBinding Resources Not Supported by Kubernetes Cluster Configurations
  • Fix #191: Removed @Deprecated fields from RunImageConfiguration
  • Fix #233: Provided Slf4j delegate KitLogger implementation
  • Fix #234: Watch works with complex assemblies using AssemblyFile

1.0.0-alpha-3 (2020-05-06)

06 May 14:29
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  • Fix #167: Add CMD for wildfly based applications
  • Added Webapp Wildfly maven quickstart
  • Fix #171: OpenShift pull secret not picked up without registry auth configuration
  • Fix #171: Customized Quarkus application quick start
  • Fix #101: Removed Openshift specific functionality from Kubernetes Maven Plugin
  • Fix #178: Bump kubernetes-client from 4.9.1 to 4.10.1