History of Earthship buildings in Australia
- 2013-2014 built in Agnes Water QLD, double 'UU' shape, ferocement dome insulated with hempcrete. Not an approved council building.
- 2013 'demo miniship' built in Moe Victoria single 'U' module with ferocement dome. No greehouse or utilities.
- 2009-2016 'Earthship Ironbank' built in Ironbank South Australia with one bed & bath, greenhouse, water recycling cells, bushfire sprinkler tank and ferocement dome.
- 2015-2016 Brooks Bay Tasmania, 'global model' Earthship
- 2015 Jackeys Marsh Tasmania
- 2017 'Trsitan & Shiner's' Twitchen Hill Jurien Bay Western Australia build. Council approved largest Earthship in Australia.
- 2016-2019 'Kinship by Daryl Taylor' in Kinglake Victoria, council approved 'customised global model with colorbond roof.
- 2016 'Well Grounded' built in Marulan New South Wales, first council approved Earthship in NSW. Customised global architectural model wtih pneumatically rammed earth tyre wall.
- 2004 'Brian Gubb' Earthship in New Zealand with split level greenhouses including numerous recycling and earthquake
- 2016 'Rosa Henderson's' Miniships in Christchurch New Zealand
- 2014 Gus's 'Te Timitanga' built at Coromandel New Zealand
- 2016 Candy Disch's 'Narara Eco Village' built in Narara New South Wales with 2 bed and 2x bath, suburban earth berm wall using straw bale and temperature monitorred.
- 2019 Clive Digney's #Earth1 built in East Augusta Western Australia, built in 6 weeks with 50 volonteers.
- 2019-2020 Evie and Tristan's 'Inman Valley Earthship', with straw-bale wall extension and fully off-grid with bushfire protections.
- 2021-2022 Amy Mackenzie's Earthship built in Goolwa South Australia on suburban 30m2 land parcel, straw-bale and cob render.
- Future projects: (a) 2022 Micro Village in South Tasmania using rammed earth walls (without tyres) via contractor, (b) 2022 Jason and Kate's Mollonghip Victoria build, (c) 2022 Christine's Molcuta South Australia using rock and rammed earth for retaining walls for 3 beds and 2 baths.