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Setup GO Relayer v2 between Stride and GAIA

In current example we will learn how to set up GO Relayer v2 between two cosmos chains

Preparation before you start

Before setting up relayer you need to make sure you already have:

  1. Fully synchronized RPC nodes for each Cosmos project you want to connect
  2. RPC enpoints should be exposed and available from relayer instance

RPC configuration is located in config.toml file

laddr = "tcp://" in $HOME/.stride/config/config.toml
laddr = "tcp://" in $HOME/.gaia/config/config.toml  
  1. Indexing is set to kv and is enabled on each node
sed -i -e "s/^indexer *=.*/indexer = \"kv\"/" $HOME/.stride/config/config.toml
sed -i -e "s/^indexer *=.*/indexer = \"kv\"/" $HOME/.gaia/config/config.toml  
  1. Dont forget to restart fullnode service after making changes
  2. For each chain you will need to have wallets that are funded with tokens. This wallets will be used to do all relayer stuff

Set up variables

All settings below are just example for IBC Relayer between STRIDE-TESTNET-2 and GAIA testnets. Please fill with your own values.

RELAYER_ID='eaddaa#8291'            # use your Discord username here
STRIDE_RPC_ADDR=''    # use your own Stride RPC enpoint here
GAIA_RPC_ADDR=''      # use your own Gaia RPC enpoint here

Update system

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install GO

  cd $HOME
  wget "$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
  sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
  sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
  rm "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
  echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
  source ~/.bash_profile

Install and initialize GO Relayer v2

git clone
cd relayer && git checkout v2.0.0-rc4
make install
rly config init --memo $RELAYER_ID
sudo mkdir $HOME/.relayer/chains
sudo mkdir $HOME/.relayer/paths

Create relayer configuration files

1. Create stride chain json file

sudo tee $HOME/.relayer/chains/stride.json > /dev/null <<EOF
  "type": "cosmos",
  "value": {
    "key": "wallet",
    "chain-id": "STRIDE-TESTNET-2",
    "rpc-addr": "http://${STRIDE_RPC_ADDR}",
    "account-prefix": "stride",
    "keyring-backend": "test",
    "gas-adjustment": 1.2,
    "gas-prices": "0.000ustrd",
    "gas": 200000,
    "timeout": "20s",
    "trusting-period": "8h",
    "output-format": "json",
    "sign-mode": "direct"

2. Create gaia chain json file

sudo tee $HOME/.relayer/chains/gaia.json > /dev/null <<EOF
  "type": "cosmos",
  "value": {
    "key": "wallet",
    "chain-id": "GAIA",
    "rpc-addr": "http://${GAIA_RPC_ADDR}",
    "account-prefix": "cosmos",
    "keyring-backend": "test",
    "gas-adjustment": 1.2,
    "gas-prices": "0.000uatom",
    "gas": 200000,
    "timeout": "20s",
    "trusting-period": "8h",
    "output-format": "json",
    "sign-mode": "direct"

Load chain configuration into the relayer

rly chains add --file=$HOME/.relayer/chains/stride.json stride
rly chains add --file=$HOME/.relayer/chains/gaia.json gaia

Check chains added to relayer

rly chains list

Successful output:

1: GAIA             -> type(cosmos) key(✘) bal(✘) path(✘)
2: STRIDE-TESTNET-2 -> type(cosmos) key(✘) bal(✘) path(✘)

Load wallets into the relayer

rly keys restore stride wallet "your stride wallet mnemonic goes here"
rly keys restore gaia wallet "your gaia wallet mnemonic goes here"

Check wallet balance

rly q balance stride
rly q balance gaia

Create stride-gaia paths json file

sudo tee $HOME/.relayer/paths/stride-gaia.json > /dev/null <<EOF
  "src": {
    "chain-id": "STRIDE-TESTNET-2",
    "client-id": "07-tendermint-0",
    "connection-id": "connection-0"
  "dst": {
    "chain-id": "GAIA",
    "client-id": "07-tendermint-0",
    "connection-id": "connection-0"
  "src-channel-filter": {
    "rule": "allowlist",
    "channel-list": ["channel-0", "channel-1", "channel-2", "channel-3", "channel-4"]

add paths

rly paths add STRIDE-TESTNET-2 GAIA stride-gaia --file $HOME/.relayer/paths/stride-gaia.json

Check path is correct

rly paths list

Successful output:

0: stride-gaia -> chns(✔) clnts(✔) conn(✔) (STRIDE-TESTNET-2<>GAIA)

If everything is correct, we can proceed with relayer service creation

Create service

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/relayerd.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=GO Relayer v2 Service
ExecStart=$(which rly) start stride-gaia -p events

If you run hermesd as your main relayer, please stop it before running GO v2 Relayer on the next step.

sudo systemctl stop hermesd
sudo systemctl disable hermesd

Start the service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable relayerd
sudo systemctl start relayerd

Check logs

journalctl -u relayerd -f -o cat

Submitting the task

1. Get relayer transaction hash

Navigate chain explorer and check your wallet transaction history to find the UpdateClient and RecvPacket messages. You will need those to submit the form

2.2. Create new files in your forked repository


2.3. Fill up the submission form with links to your relayer transactions and link to your forked repository

Usefull commands

Completely remove relayer

NOTE: This will delete your relayer from the machine!

sudo systemctl stop relayerd
sudo systemctl disable relayerd
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/relayerd* -rf
sudo rm $(which rly) -rf
sudo rm -rf $HOME/.relayer
sudo rm -rf $HOME/relayer