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164 lines (133 loc) · 4.9 KB


Binary data encoder for JavaScript.

💫 Fast, Small, and Easy to use.
♻️ Schemas automate encoding in high-level interface.
📡 Useful for storing or sending compact data over network.
Benchmark is 50x smaller than JSON and 5x faster to encode.

Node.js ✔️  Web Browsers ✔️

1. Install
2. Schema
3. Example
4. Benchmark
5. API


npm i e3dio/packbytes


  • Define the structure of your data with a Schema
  • Encoder/Decoder will optimize and execute all low-level operations for you
  • Creates a smaller encoding faster and easier than any other schema-based system:
// Example schema with all data types:

import { bool, bits, float, varint, string, blob, objectid, uuid, date, lonlat, array, schemas } from 'packbytes';

const schema = {
   a: bool,
   b: bits(1),
   c: bits(7),
   d: bits(25),
   e: string,
   x: string([ 'str1', 'str2' ]),
   y: array(bits(5)),
   z: array({
      a: float(32),
      b: float(64),
      c: blob,
      d: blob(12),
      e: array(blob),
      f: array(string),
      1: array(string([ 'str1', 'str2' ])),
      2: array(string([ 'str1', 'str2' ])).size(3),
      3: array(array(bits(7))),
      4: schemas({ name1: bool, name2: array(bits(3)).size(2) }),
      5: array(schemas({ s1: string, s2: { field1: bool, field2: array(string([ 'str1', 'str2' ])) } }))


  • This code runs in both Node.js and Web Browser:


import { bool, bits, array, PackBytes } from 'packbytes';

const schema = array({
   a: bool,
   b: bits(2),
   c: bits(5)

const { encode, decode } = PackBytes(schema);


const data = [
   { a: false, b: 0, c: 0 },
   { a: true, b: 1, c: 12 },
   { a: true, b: 3, c: 31 }

const buf = encode(data);

// buf.length == 3, encoded to 3 bytes, 24x smaller than JSON.stringify(data) at 73 bytes



const data = decode(buf);

// [
//    { a: false, b: 0, c: 0 },
//    { a: true, b: 1, c: 12 },
//    { a: true, b: 3, c: 31 }
// ]


  • The benchmark encodes data 50x smaller than JSON and is 5x faster, also compare with other encoding methods:

AssemblyScript logo

Encoding time (ns) bytes
packBytes 55 1
packBytes_schema 155 1
avsc 270 4
protobuf 250 8
msgpack 1170 33
json 800 53
  • Same benchmark with different data set, 25x smaller than JSON and 5x faster:
Encoding time (ns) bytes
packBytes 60 4
packBytes_schema 210 4
avsc 300 9
protobuf 490 17
msgpack 1450 33
json 1150 102


  • Detailed API description and user guide:
// all available exports:
import { bool, bits, string, float, blob, varint, objectid, uuid, date, lonlat, array, schemas, PackBytes } from 'packbytes';

// create a schema using any combination or nesting of schema types:
schema = bool // true or false
schema = bits(x) // x number bits for unsigned integer (max integer = 2**x - 1)
schema = string // string of any length
schema = string([ 'str1', 'str2', .. ]) // any of specific strings, auto-maps to integer
schema = float(x) // 32 or 64 bit floating point number
schema = blob // any length buffer
schema = blob(x) // specific byte size buffer 
schema = varint // variable length integer (max integer = 1_073_741_823) 
schema = objectid // MongoDB ObjectID
schema = uuid // MongoDB BSON UUID object
schema = date // javascript Date
schema = lonlat // coordinates [ longitude, latitude ]
schema = array(schema) // array of any schema type
schema = array(schema).size(x) // specific length array
schema = { field1: schema, field2: schema, .. } // object with multiple fields, field names auto-map to integers
schema = schemas({ schema1: schema, schema2: schema, .. }) // multiple schemas mapped to 1 schema, schema names auto-map to integers

// create encoder by providing schema:
// accepts schema object or JSON.stringify(schema) string for easy transfer from server to client:
const { encode, decode } = PackBytes(schema)

buf = encode(data) // encode data
buf = encode(schema_name, data) // encode data with specific schema from 'schemas' type

data = decode(buf) // decode, returns original data